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Author Topic: 13 mule deer shot and left near petrolia  (Read 3338 times)

Offline rezeye

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13 mule deer shot and left near petrolia
« on: Jan 15, 2009, 07:46 AM »
approximately 13 mule deer shot illeagly and left for dead east of petrolia!!!! just read the story in the billings gazette  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
what is wrong with some people

Offline BojiHawk

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Re: 13 mule deer shot and left near petrolia
« Reply #1 on: Jan 15, 2009, 08:16 AM »
Sounds like a nice group of people there.  Here's an idea: You have them work weekends at a meat packing plant for 6 months.  They like butchering it seems.   Then, you have them turn in their paychecks to the Montana Game department (not sure what you guys call that).  After that, they gather up all their firearms and we have a national online auction with all procedes going to habitat development and youth mentor programs.  Finally, a $1500 per deer liquidated damages fine and lifetime suspension of all hunting privleges. 

You do this to a few groups and I'm guessing you see a drop in poaching.  I'm sick of small fines and jail time that costs taxpayers.  They like the outdoors so I'll spring for a half dozen snow shovels and they can dig out municipalities and schools for a winter or two. 

Offline zimmer2

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Re: 13 mule deer shot and left near petrolia
« Reply #2 on: Jan 15, 2009, 08:21 AM »
I read that in Butte paper this morning also. Have to wait and see what happens to them. I just hope they get caught and "JUSTICE" served. :%$#!: :%$#!:

I also read about a guy from New York that had shot a Llama in Paradise valley. Ended up not breaking any laws so did not get fined. There were pictures floating around of a llama in the back of a red truck, it was field dressed and also a picture of his elk tag cut out with the correct date. :cookoo: :cookoo:

I did see those pics but don't have them anymore. I thought it was BS when I seen them but I guess not.

Offline C P

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Re: 13 mule deer shot and left near petrolia
« Reply #3 on: Jan 15, 2009, 08:25 AM »
There must be something in the water...

Since yesterday ive read a story from Wisconsin where 5 deer were run down on snowmobiles and killed and then a story where 57 ducks were hit and killed on a snowmobile and now 13 mule deer

This is the kind of stuff that gives those activists groups reason to want to shut us outdoorsman down.
I caught a fish once! 



Offline Madpuppy

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Re: 13 mule deer shot and left near petrolia
« Reply #4 on: Jan 15, 2009, 08:28 AM »
Sounds like a nice group of people there.  Here's an idea: You have them work weekends at a meat packing plant for 6 months.  They like butchering it seems.   Then, you have them turn in their paychecks to the Montana Game department (not sure what you guys call that).  After that, they gather up all their firearms and we have a national online auction with all procedes going to habitat development and youth mentor programs.  Finally, a $1500 per deer liquidated damages fine and lifetime suspension of all hunting privleges. 

You do this to a few groups and I'm guessing you see a drop in poaching.  I'm sick of small fines and jail time that costs taxpayers.  They like the outdoors so I'll spring for a half dozen snow shovels and they can dig out municipalities and schools for a winter or two. 
I'll second you on that Bojihawk, let the punishment fit the crime and then tack on a little more!

Offline vermonner

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Re: 13 mule deer shot and left near petrolia
« Reply #5 on: Jan 15, 2009, 08:34 AM »

This is the kind of stuff that gives those activists groups reason to want to shut us outdoorsman down.

People who do this aren't outdoorsmen, they are criminals, but it is hard to get activist groups to see that

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Offline NONYA

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Offline perchhogslayer

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Re: 13 mule deer shot and left near petrolia
« Reply #7 on: Jan 15, 2009, 11:03 AM »
I also read about a guy from New York that had shot a Llama in Paradise valley. Ended up not breaking any laws so did not get fined. There were pictures floating around of a llama in the back of a red truck, it was field dressed and also a picture of his elk tag cut out with the correct date. :cookoo: :cookoo:

I did see those pics but don't have them anymore. I thought it was BS when I seen them but I guess not.

check out the above link for the rest of the story....

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Offline zimmer2

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Re: 13 mule deer shot and left near petrolia
« Reply #8 on: Jan 15, 2009, 01:19 PM »
Thanks PERCHHOGSLAYER for the pics. :)

Offline fishinwithbrittanies

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Re: 13 mule deer shot and left near petrolia
« Reply #9 on: Jan 15, 2009, 02:57 PM »
In that guys defense Llama look an awful lot like elk ???

I read a post on here when I first signed up about the kids who shot all the antelope.  There were a ton of responses to that post and I gotta guess this one will attract the same amount.  The way I look at it hunting is a privilege not a right and stuff like this pisses me off.  For one it gives the hunting community a bad wrap.  Then I hate they way they always seem to get off with a relative slap on the wrist.  I love to hunt and I feel Archery season, rifle season, duck and bird season as well as turkey season give me all the time I need to get my fix in, legally. 
Some people will say at least its just some stupid deer and not a grocery store, a mall, or even a school.  I get that but there is something wrong with the system.  Nothing really bad ever happens to these people and no example is ever made of them, with that these things continue to happen.  Now everyone makes mistakes and we have all done stupid things but 13 deer.  Whoever did this knew what they were doing which is what gets me.  Perhaps prison makes criminals such as this better criminals, but I see nothing wrong with gripping hard by the short and curlies, and making an example of them.  Take guns away, pay heavy fines for each animal and serious serious serious community and public service. 
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Offline gonephishin19

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Re: 13 mule deer shot and left near petrolia
« Reply #10 on: Jan 15, 2009, 03:04 PM »
Its Scary to think theres people like this in the woods with us :o


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Re: 13 mule deer shot and left near petrolia
« Reply #11 on: Jan 15, 2009, 03:11 PM »
This is too funny. The guy doesn't live far from me, I figured it would be a flatlander from Southern NY.

Offline pickledpike

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Re: 13 mule deer shot and left near petrolia
« Reply #12 on: Jan 15, 2009, 04:03 PM »
Well the FWP does describe elk as having a brown body with darker neck, head, and legs. 

Offline roundup

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Re: 13 mule deer shot and left near petrolia
« Reply #13 on: Jan 15, 2009, 04:28 PM »
The deer were shot last Saturday evening and were in the field east of where the Petrolia lake road "T's "and turns west to the landing. There were 32 rounds of casings from two calibers laying on the county road. In addition to those killed, several others had their limbs shot off. More were killed about one mile east. The Petrolia Lake area has become a mecca for serious violators and is currently being watched closely by enforcement officials and presumably cameras. Hopefully things improve. Warden Lee Burroughs of Roundup is doing his best. Any information, please notify Fish and Game.

Offline MSU Jay

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Re: 13 mule deer shot and left near petrolia
« Reply #14 on: Jan 15, 2009, 05:58 PM »
Some guy from out of state shot a llama just north of Choteau on a hutterite colony a few years back.

Offline Seedtree

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Re: 13 mule deer shot and left near petrolia
« Reply #15 on: Jan 15, 2009, 07:12 PM »
That Llama guy made a stupid, but apparently, an honest mistake that he 'fessed up to.  Kind of funny in a way, especially that close up picture of the Llama which looks kind of forlorn or something.

The deer poachers are criminals who must be stopped.  Hopefully someone saw something or will hear something and these idiots will be removed from the gene pool.

My .02s.

Offline zimmer2

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Re: 13 mule deer shot and left near petrolia
« Reply #16 on: Jan 15, 2009, 07:31 PM »
That Llama guy made a stupid, but apparently, an honest mistake that he 'fessed up to.  Kind of funny in a way, especially that close up picture of the Llama which looks kind of forlorn or something.

The deer poachers are criminals who must be stopped.  Hopefully someone saw something or will hear something and these idiots will be removed from the gene pool.

My .02s.

Very true on both counts!

Offline Webbicefisher

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Re: 13 mule deer shot and left near petrolia
« Reply #17 on: Jan 16, 2009, 12:49 AM »
People are disgusting.  Sorry maybe it is just me, but how dumb can you be to shoot a llama thinking it was an elk.  Disgrace to hunting.  The mule deer story is horrific.  We had some here in Maine shooting moose and leaving them, just do not understand people sometimes. 

Offline gonephishin19

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Re: 13 mule deer shot and left near petrolia
« Reply #18 on: Jan 16, 2009, 12:10 PM »
I say decoys with a remote controlled gun built the poachers start shooting so does the deer :o ;D

Offline cutbow_07

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Re: 13 mule deer shot and left near petrolia
« Reply #19 on: Jan 17, 2009, 06:15 PM »
Those remotes have caught a lot of people and a couple of friends of mine said people were poaching on their place and their neighbors as well and reported it but didnt hear anything more.  1 week later they were out shooting rabbits and saw a "monster" buck but couldnt understand why it was just standing there when it was just before the end of the season.  Ends up that was the remote decoy they had set up and they were lucky to not get busted but another guy that was doin it did get busted.  Going on a rampant slaying of 16 animals illustrates that some people are seriously lacking in the ethics department and entertainment arena.  Sounds like a lot of pubescent teenager type attitudes.

Offline rooster740

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Re: 13 mule deer shot and left near petrolia
« Reply #20 on: Jan 21, 2009, 11:59 PM »
This poaching deal is nuts, and I do know that there are some darn good wardens out there. The problem is the good ones go on to better paying jobs. My dad spent 30 years as a warden in Paradise valley, and after retiring spoke out against the state and their wolf handling policy publicly in Helena. Low and be hold a new game warden comes along, and while hunting with my father, I get a ticket for shooting 1 minute early on Deckard flat. The friggen warden writes the wrong shooting time on the ticket! Turns out The local Johnson outfitter clan turned me in. The game warden was not in the area and all the stories were conflicting. Yet old Jr. gets the slam. The crazy thing is this lazy new warden lets poaching run rampant. Just this fall he catches one of the Johnsons past guides with an illegal elk and a bunch of deer that this hooligan has hangin in a building but does not know where they come from. As of yesterday no ticket......I hear of so many stories of people just killing shi...tuf like crazy but ol' warden never has a clue. I do know that he has not been to Eagle Creek at shooting time on Friday of the the late hunt for the last two hunts. Once he did not even have bino's. He might as well stay home! Ha ha go get um boys. About a half hour after shooting time here he comes. The Friday of the second hunt a go-getum was trying to tell me shooting time was at 7:30 and I could hear the wardens horse still neighing in the corral. What a joke. I told him I thought it was 7:42 but have at er boys. I consider myself a law abiding person but FW&P burned their bridge with me.
Ya gotta be tuff when yer dumb


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