Author Topic: 9:45 on a Tuesday..  (Read 1649541 times)

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13440 on: Sep 26, 2018, 06:47 AM »
66 and cloudy this morning.
Yesterday at 10am NYC called and wanted to see the wife, so off to the big city. Chest x-ray didn't show anything but the Dr thought there had to be something going on in her lungs so had a CAT scan done. Turns out she has a touch of pneumonia in her right lung. (The one they didn't replace) Nothing a RX and some rest won't cure. Got home at 11 last night. It rained the whole trip down. Lots of rain in NJ.
Eddie, I am done with the boat. Got too much to get done around here before the snow flies. Plus deer season is coming up real fast.
Off to the drug store when it opens and later I have to go take "Rocky" out for a walk as the daughter has Open House tonight and won't be home until late.
Have a good day....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13441 on: Sep 26, 2018, 09:48 AM »
Good morning everyone, looks like it’s going to be a hot and humid day today. I hope everyone has a great day and a safe one. Tight lines to those on the water.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13442 on: Sep 26, 2018, 07:12 PM »
Another cold front moved through, got my first request to sharpen their auger blades.  The lead customer service ladies last day is the 2nd, and see I am being slotted to mornings starting the 3rd.  Hope they do some hiring, or they are going to be left in the cold  :woot:

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13443 on: Sep 26, 2018, 08:45 PM »
Good evening felt like a Summer day here high temperature around eighty after two days with highs in the sixties. Currently lite rain falling.
Eddie hope all materials needed to complete the "Great Wall were on site and project finished today. Guess there is a push to complete outside work before temperatures  get to low to work comfortably and play havoc with any concrete jobs. Good move keeping the Mrs.'s happy especially since you have a fishing trip planed this weekend . Best to Mike and you may you both land good sized salmon.
Ice Wanderer your body maybe feeling all the wood splitting and stacking hope the nap recharged you for rest of fire wood work. Yahtzee is a fun game good way to teach your grand children math.
Whopper Stopper may you get chance at a shot before the season ends for this year. Guess you had better take care of the lawn since your "Honey Do" list is probably building up due to all the time you have spent hunting.
Hunts2long sorry you and the wife had to make trip to NYC. Happy doctors caught the pneumonia early before your wife had a serious problem . Looks like you and Rocky are off to a good relationship hope he enjoys the time you spend with him good practice for any future grand children.
Wallyworld sounds like you having a fun but busy time in DC. Enjoy all the sights and a safe trip home.
Icefisher-45 hope all is well and no recent head aches.
IFF may your employer find more workers before things get to crazy with hunting season. Guess someone wants to be ready for a trip to high elevation lakes once they freeze over this year.

A safe and good night to everyone.


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13444 on: Sep 27, 2018, 03:37 AM »

                   Good Morning ER's,
                               It's 48* and the moon is out making shadows A high of 65* is in the forecast. ::)
                               H2L........It's to bad that you had to drive all the way to NYC to get that diagnosis but if that's where the Dr. is I guess you have to go! :whistle:
                   I'm glad to hear that it is treatable. :clap:
                               Marv.......I hope you can find a shooter soon before time runs out. Is it that the whole bear season is over or can you take a bear but not bait one? ???
                   In Maine they can bait in September but then you can shoot one during the regular hunting season. :flex:
                               Steve.....The weather sure does some turning around, it was warm up here yesterday as well, not 80* but warm.
                               Wally......I had to work in D.C. on occasion and it was tough getting around, one road going in and out changed directions during the rush hour,
                   how confusing. :blink: I hope you are enjoying yourselves!
                                Eddie.....It's a good thing you had the day off to clean the garage so you can get back up to the river with your son, Mike! :flex:
                               Yesterday my wife and I went to the movies, I haven't been to a movie in years. We saw "The house with a clock in it's walls" a Disney movie, it was
                   real good, it's sort of a Halloween comedy, a good movie to take kids to. :clap:
                                I hope everyone has a good Thursday either at work or at play.


Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13445 on: Sep 27, 2018, 09:50 AM »
 :'(Good morning everyone!
Woke up to another down pour this morning so I gathered up some clothes and beat it for home. 20 minutes the dryer will be done and I will be heading back to the shack. The swamps are full of water the rain can stop.

Yesterday I sat 10 hours and though no bears the deer herd looks good. The bears have been eating but mostly after dark. Pretty frustrated but I can handle that.

IW the season ends for me on October 2. The hound hunters get an extra week being baiters started first.

I can't begin to tell you all the bears I am seeing in my sleep. I just need one for real during some light lol.

The phone reception has been very poor so giving updates has been tough. I am guessing most are getting tired of my bear adventure anyway.

Hope you all have a good day! Stay safe.
Off to the woods


Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13446 on: Sep 27, 2018, 10:43 PM »
Good evening from lack of posts by regulars everyone is busy or those darn gremlins are working over time. Nice day here high around seventy ,rain falling as I type have to see what weather guessers are saying about tomorrow.
Ice Wanderer there is a movie coming out about a society of Yeti/Bigfoot who encounter humans or "Smalls as they call them might be a Disney film since it is animated characters. Maybe something to consider taking your grand children to watch , how much do they charge now a days to view the movie. Like you do not go to see a movie that often .
Whopper Stopper I enjoy your posts and hope you harvest a bear before the season ends. Stay positive things will change .
Eddie is the "Great Wall of Albany" completed . Hope you were short on time this morning and no gremlin problems with your computer.
Tom Turkey how is your lab's recovery progressing hope she is back to her normal self.
Hunts2long May your wife be on the way to beating the pneumonia .
Wallyworld have fun with whatever time you have left in DC. May your trip home be smooth driving.

A safe and good night to all.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13447 on: Sep 28, 2018, 03:31 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Steady rain falling on the Hill this am, 52* with a high of 62 today. Weather guessers say it should clear out by late morning, weekend looks to be dry.

  Steve...not sure what happened yesterday, did make a post in the am...another one floating around someplace!  "The Great Wall" unfortunately remains " The unfinished Great Wall " at this time.   Still waiting on a few pieces of stone for the columns... ;D a feeling there's a bigger audience than you think keeping up with your bear hunting....keep those adventures coming mister! :thumbsup:  Best of luck with today's hunt and a strong finish!   :bow:
  Jeff...haven't been to a movie in quite some time, glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the review...maybe something we could take the grandchildren to see.   :thumbsup:  Did you finish up your wood pile?
  H2...glad they took the CAT scan and found the problem for your wife, hope all is well now and best wishes to her on a full recovery!   :thumbsup:
  Wally...sounds like you and Mr.WW have been having a great time in DC! Hope you have safe travels back, looking forward to hearing more about your adventure as well.   :thumbsup:
  Bud..glad you finally got a break in that weather out there, hope you get one with work as well soon!   :thumbsup:
  I-45...hope you're feeling better with those head aches, any luck in your job search?   :thumbsup:

  We've been helping out the concrete crew off and on as we are kind of at a stand still without the materials to finish up " The Great Wall " When we first started this project, I jokingly commented to my foreman we might finish up by the first frost based on the way every other project has gone there. If the temp dropped 20* today, I'd be right... :roflmao:
  Not sure what will be on the agenda today with the rain falling as all our work is currently outside. An early quit wouldn't hurt my feelings today...looking forward to the weekend and flossing a few salmon!  ;D
  Cawfee's cider doughnuts under the dome, help yourself! 
Have a great day all, be safe,best of luck to those fishing/hunting!


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13448 on: Sep 28, 2018, 04:11 AM »

               Good morning Eddie, ER's,
                            It's 53* and raining pretty hard at the moment a good day to stay indoors. ::)
                            Marv..........I guess the clock is winding down, remember the famous quote from Yogi "It ain't over till it's over" Good luck sir. :flex:
                            Steve.........$20 got us in and my wife wanted popcorn and a drink, $21. :cookoo:
                            Eddie.........We've already had frost in some of the valleys around town here, I hope you get your materials so you guys can finish. :thumbsup:
               I got the finished yesterday, MW said he will bring 3 more cords next week, they will have to be stacked out side for the wood shed is full. :clap:
                            Today I have an appointment at the "VA" the orthopedic Dr. wants an X-ray of my shoulder, I don't know what he will find but the weakness
              and pain is still present.
                            If you that live near my area Warrensburg is having their annual "Worlds Largest Garage Sale" this weekend 75,000 people are expected to be
              visiting the area over the weekend. :o
                            I hope everyone has a good Friday either at work or at play!


Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13449 on: Sep 28, 2018, 06:06 AM »
Good morning everyone!

Cold in the cranberry bog today 36. They are forecasting a chance of snow in northern MN today, though it much, the time is closing in.

I got up early and snuck into my pine tree stand. It's still dark so I can't tell if the bait was disturbed or not. If my back holds out I am planning to stay the day, sure hope it pays off lol

Hope you all have a great day! Stay safe.


Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13450 on: Sep 28, 2018, 06:12 AM »
53 and light rain this morning.
Wife doing somewhat better. Wed. morning I picked up her new meds and she started it right away. Wed. afternoon they called and wanted to change it to a stronger dose every other day. Of course I had to go get another RX filled. She is spending a lot of time sleeping so that is good.

Took the boat in to be serviced for the winter, I am done.

Seeing lots of turkeys around. The leaves are real slow in starting to change color this year. Have a good day....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13451 on: Sep 28, 2018, 06:39 AM »
Morning all,

Eddie.....a little trivia for you from DC,  the Washington Monument has 36,491 blocks  :o     good luck on the river this weekend  :flex:

H2L....get well wishes to MrsH2L, glad the docs found the problem before it got out of control  :)

IW.....hope your appointment today produces some answers to your shoulder issues  ;)

WS.....a little early for snow yet  :pinch:  hope your back holds out today and Yogi makes a daylight visit for some trail mix, he must be trying to pack on the pounds now with the cold creeping in  ;)2

Made it home around 8 last night, sure felt good to get out of the car  :thumbsup:  we had a great time in DC, think we saw about everything we had on the list   :clap:  except the National zoo and the inside of Ford Theater   :-\  just not enough hours in the day to get everywhere  :-\  I still can't get over the amount of traffic and people  :o  haven't figured out WHY anyone would choose to live in or near a place like that and have to deal with all the traffic jams everyday  :wacko:  must be a real treat when they get hit with a couple inches of snow  :woot:

Have a good day at work or play. Stay safe.


Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13452 on: Sep 28, 2018, 09:12 AM »
Been busy the last few days trying to get things caught up before winter. The dog is doing great, healing up good. A few of the stitches have been coming out on their own. We are going to check her out today and put some stri-strips on her if we feel they are needed.  Trying to keep her from over doing it is the hardest.

We only got a sprinkle or two out of the guessed rain the last few days. I need to go to the park where our boat is and clean up some acorns to feed the deer at the property as there are none over there. If WS was not so far away he could have some to add to his bait pile for the bears.

ww. The first time I was in DC in 1966 we went to see the Washington Cathedral. They had brought stone carvers from Italy to do the carving. It was interesting to watch them work. The Cathedral was being built as money came in to do it. They ended up borrowing the money to get it finished as they realized that the carvers might die before it was completed. The next time I was in DC I went to see the finished Cathedral. It is fantastic.

WS I hope your body hold up for your long sit.

Eddie I hope they get the needed stuff to the site so your crew can get the Great wall finished and move on. You must be off your diet as I see there are some doughnuts under the dome. To bad my arms are to short to reach one, they sound good.

H2l It is good to here your wife is doing better. Hopefully the original meds can be doubled up so the original Rx does not go to waste.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13453 on: Sep 28, 2018, 12:46 PM »
Good afternoon everyone!

Half the day is in the books not much to talk about. Lunch in the big pine was a bologna sandwich slathered in mustard.

1.5 hours before I got to my stand this morning a decent bear tore up my brush pile. It ate most of the trail mix. I just left the chumming alone in hopes it decides to have the rest later.

It's not by any means warm out with gusts of 30mph. The pine has about a 6' sway when the wind kicks up. I guess the good thing is it's not raining.

Hope you all have a good afternoon-evening. There will be a wood fire tonight.

Stay safe!



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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13454 on: Sep 29, 2018, 04:00 AM »

               Good morning ER's,
                       It's 50* and foggy out, it's suppose to be a mostly clear today. ::)
                       Wally.......I bet your glad to be home in your own bed, also away from the traffic. :whistle: My visit didn't produce anything new, the Dr's believe
               it's frozen shoulder and should work it's self out in time. Easy for them to say they're not the one with the weakness and pain. :o
                      Marv........I hope you have better luck this weekend, maybe with the cooler temps the bears will start their bulking up for the winters nap. :thumbsup:
                      H2L.........It's a good thing that your wife is sleeping so much, I don't understand why the Dr. prescribed one med one day and a day later changed it. ???
                      Eddie.......I was down town Albany around some of the capital buildings checking out the State Court House, my wife has jury duty there on Monday.
              I saw a friend working near the building doing some sewer work on Broadway. I stopped and talked to him for awhile, I thought of looking for you but I'm
              sure if you were at the mansion I wouldn't be able to get on to the grounds. :blink:
                      Tom........It;s good to read that your dog is doing well. :clap: Get ready winter is coming! :flex:
                      Not much going on today, my wife is at her sons for grand daughter duty, I'm going to putter around the house and stay away from all the crazies in
'             that are in town.
                      I hope everyone has a good Saturday either at work or play.


Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13455 on: Sep 29, 2018, 04:01 AM »
Good morning everyone!

25 and crispy heading to 45 today, ice season is closing in

Yesterday afternoon netted me 5 deer sightings, however zip on Yogi or Boo Boo. The wind was relentless and lasted until after dark.

 I was going to sleep in and hunt this afternoon but decided to head out to the pine stand earlier and put the day in there again. I just have to think it's a matter of time before I can catch one sneaking some groceries.

Hope you all have an excellent day. Stay safe.


Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13456 on: Sep 29, 2018, 06:04 AM »
Good Morning Jeff, Marv, Morning Everyone,
  51* here this am, high of 63 today with partly cloudy skies.

  Marv...maybe that cold weather will be the ticket this morning and bring that one back, so close again! You've sure seen some drastic changes in temps since your hunt began...90's to 20's!!  Hope today is the day!!   :thumbsup: wishes with your shoulder, hope it works itself out soon. Did they prescribe any type of therapy excersises for you to try to help it along? Good luck to your wife with the jury duty, parking can be a real PITA in that location..mostly metered. There are a  few lots and parking garages around, might be a better alternative than feeding the meters.  :thumbsup:
  Tom..glad to hear your dog is doing good, excellent!   :clap:  Fortunate enough not to be on a special diet at this point in time, my sweet tooth gets the better of me occasionally.   ;D
  Wally...thanks for sharing the trivia on the Washington Monument! Got me thinking...maybe I'll start a " question of the day " at the old shop on Monday!   ;D.  Glad you had safe travels back home and a great time in DC!  I'll beep the horn going through Rome tomorrow morning.... they call that the Westerlo wave  around here!  :roflmao:
  H2...glad the boat is all serviced and ready for winter. The trees are pretty slowly turning here as well. I've been seeing some turkeys around in the afternoon, and a few small bucks but nothing too big yet.

  Had a check engine light pop on yesterday on my drive home. Stopped at an auto parts store and borrowed a scanner to see what the heck this one was. Could be as simple as a gas cap, or some vent solenoid located near the gas tank. One thing after another...looking into that this am.
  Have a buddy fishing up to the Salmon River, called last night and no major activity where he was, although they did get a few. Hoping they get a push of fresh fish today... :thumbsup:
  Cawfee's on...
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing/hunting!

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13457 on: Sep 29, 2018, 06:19 AM »
Good Morning. 51 degrees and a nice sunrise.
WW, glad you had a great time in DC. Wife would like to go again, but with so many people, we are not sure it would be a good idea. I bet it is nice to be home.
Change in wife's med wasn't that great. Instead of 500mg everyday, it was changed to 750mg every other day. We just do what they say. She is feeling better but won't be bowling on Sunday.
Just have to move some things around in the garage to get the boat put away.
WS, good luck if hunting this weekend.
Have a good day...h2l
Northville, NY

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13458 on: Sep 29, 2018, 07:20 AM »
Morning all,

WS......sure hope the early start pays off today  :flex:  seems the colder weather should get all the forest critters moving around looking for food  ;)

TT.....glad to hear your pup is doing well  :thumbsup: tough to see your best buddy sick or hurt  :'(

IW.....frozen shoulder is NO fun, but does eventually pass  :-\  hope all the town's visitors leave the area clean and damage free  ;)

Eddie.....the check engine light, all the different causes for the same code, a real PITA  :%$#!: turns into nothing more than a guessing game with repairs starting with the cheapest/easiest  :wacko:  I'll be waving when I hear the horn  :woot:  good luck

MrC.....hope the house sale is moving along problem free  :)

H2L....glad to hear the meds are working  :clap:  can't even begin to imagine the number of cold/flu germs being passed around daily in a place like DC  ::)  a mask might help filter the air for MrsH2L  ;)

Lawn work on the agenda today once the grass dries out some  :flex: 

Have a good day whatever your plans. Stay safe.

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13459 on: Sep 29, 2018, 09:48 AM »
She wears a mask "most" of the time when she is out and about. Walmart, shopping, etc. She says people look at her funny. I tell her to get a t-shirt with "it's not what I have, it's what YOU have" on it....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13460 on: Sep 29, 2018, 09:59 AM »
 :clap: :thumbsup: :woot:

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13461 on: Sep 29, 2018, 03:39 PM »
Good afternoon everyone!
The temps finally warmed into the 40's. It's been a long day but very worth it.

About 7:30 I heard shuffling in the leaves behind me. I really thought it had to be a bear and I was right. Unfortunately it was a sow and 3 Cubs. They gave my crib a good working over, and stayed for 15 min.

The sow didn't miss a thing and it seemed she was staring at me a couple of times. The young ones were just eating like there was no tomorrow. I have been putting marshmallows out like TT said to do. The little guys were smacking and sucking like gum in a denture  :roflmao:

They finally left after first sniffing my tree a few times. As excited as I got I could only wish it would have been a boar.

I saw a few more deer, though nothing big. 4 hours to go and another shift in the books. I sure hope tonight is the night, not sure if I can take many more long sits.

I got a call a few minutes ago. My wife drove up and is going to grill me a steak tonight. I asked if I should come in now? She said after I get Yogi.

Hope everyone had a good and safe day.


Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13462 on: Sep 29, 2018, 10:55 PM »
Good evening nice day here high in the sixties weather guessers calling for a warm up next week.
Eddie may you receive materials needed to complete the "Great Wall" . May problem with your truck be minor. May Mike and you have a good trip to Pulaski.
Ice Wanderer food and drink prices at movies have always been crazy. Hope your shoulder gets better be careful stacking next weeks firewood delivery. I can't image that many people in the Warrensburg/Lake George area . Outlets in Lake George should see increased weekend activity closer it get to Christmas. Tell your wife to ask how to handle any parking tickets she may receive while on Jury duty. First time I ever was summoned had to report to City of Newburgh court Judge there told us to bring in any parking tickets and he would fix them for us.
Whopper Stopper give you credit for sticking it out being outside in lower temps. and high winds is not a fun day. May you see a boar at bait station tomorrow . Sure you enjoyed the steak dinner after long day in the woods.
Hunts2long all the best to your wife may there be no more medication changes.
Wallyworld glad you had a great time in DC. I wonder the same thing about all the folks who commute daily by car to NYC from my area.
Tom Turkey happy to read your lab is back to her old self.

A safe and good night to everyone. Best to all fishing and hunting tomorrow.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13463 on: Sep 30, 2018, 01:19 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Clear and 44* this am, high of 63 here today...about the same forecast in the Pulaski area as well.   :thumbsup:
  Steve..thank you, hope the salmon are kind to us today!   :thumbsup:
  Marv...might not have been the one you wanted, but so glad you had a few come in,I bet that got the spirits up!  :clap:   Best of luck with today's hunt was that steak?   :thumbsup:
  H2...that shirt would be worth printing up!   :clap:  Good luck with the bowling tonight!   :thumbsup:
  Wally...I'll be passing through in about 2hrs...two short beeps and a long blast of the horn!   ;D
  Jeff...hope the traffic in your area isn't too bad today!

  Not sure if they still call it flossing, or lining, or perhaps a new name now for taking the salmon....but we're on our way!  Hope theres plenty waiting....cawfee's on!
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing/hunting!
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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13464 on: Sep 30, 2018, 04:36 AM »

                        Good morning Eddie, ER's,
                                 It's 45* and clear here on my hill, the moon is casting shadows in my yard. ::)
                                 Eddie.......Have a successful trip to Pulaski today. :flex:
                                 Marv.......I bet the ole adrenaline was pumping while sitting in your stand. Better luck today. :thumbsup:
                                 Steve..... The garage sale brings people from all over. One of my daughter in laws coordinates the whole event, she is the only paid person
                        working in the Warrensburg Chamber Of Commerce. Since she took the position the sale has increased in size and attendance.  :flex: :clap: :thumbsup:
                                 Today I'll be here at home all day staying out of town, i can't handle all the people, I'll be mowing my lawn it should be dray today and other chores
                        to get ready for winter.
                                 I hope everyone has a great Sunday either at work or on the water or river bank catching fish.


Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13465 on: Sep 30, 2018, 07:28 AM »
Morning all,

WS......I thought I heard what sounded like a pounding heart beat yesterday......that must have been you when the bears arrived  :woot:  hope the next shuffling sound you hear is a shooter making a snack run  ;)2

IW....staying home to putter around sounds like a good idea, much better than battling the crowds   :thumbsup:

Eddie....hope the fish are in a playful mood today, good luck  :flex: 

H2L.....hope MrsH2L's meds are kicking in and she's feeling better  :)  good luck bowling tonight  ;)

IFF....any new hiring being done yet  ??? 

Have a good day whatever your plans. Stay safe.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13466 on: Sep 30, 2018, 04:11 PM »
Good afternoon everyone.

Pretty somber day. I had one of the longest nights I can remember. I had a chance and couldn't get it done.

About 40 minutes before dark a doe came to investigate the crib at the pine. The wind as it often does was switching and swirling throughout the day. Twice the doe put it's head in the air and evidently caught a slight hint of my scent. It must have been very slight as both times she went back to eating acorns and picking trail mix. Eventually she walked off into a swamp a short distance from me.

About 15 minutes before dark I heard her bust out of the swamp, I figured something scared her. 10 minutes before dark I spotted a medium bear moving in. It wasn't huge by any means but a legal shooter.

Everything was slow motion as it slowly worked it's way in. By the time it was 25 yards from me it was getting dark fast. All of a sudden it put nose in the air and turned to leave. As it was quartering away about 30 yards I put the lighted pin on it and left fly.

The bear put it in High gear and was gone in seconds as the lighted arrow stuck in the ground. I got down, looked at the arrow and determined a miss. I of course looked in the final light for any signs of a hit and headed back to the shack.

My wife had steak ready and I didn't feel like eating. I looked at the arrow again and noticed the Fletch had a very light red on it. The shaft and head were seemingly clean of anything.

I decided to head back and give it another look. Of course my wife was with me as we scoured the area. Some how about 60 yards into a bever dam I spotted a drop of blood.

We worked at trying to find more and it was a tough go. Every 20-50 yards one of us would find a drop or two. We finally made it to about 400 yards from where I had hit it and that was it.

I have never felt so left down in all my life. all the damn time and money and I couldn't get it done. Jo cried because she felt so bad knowing what all this had meant to me. We stood in the middle of a swamp, at midnight, hugging.

 I am positive the bear will be ok, as the crap he brought us through, it couldn't have been hit bad. I just feel like I left a lot of people down, many right here.



Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13467 on: Oct 01, 2018, 07:06 AM »
Where is every one at this morning? I thought this rain was going to move out early this morning by the look of the radar in the middle of the night. Not true as more rain has blossomed up behind what is going through. Guessing 3 inches in some places.

WS I can under stand how down you must feel. Get back out there as things happen some times. You probably just nicked it with what little was on the arrow. Shooting in low light is hard with any weapon.

Things were going great with the dog until last Friday the stitches let loose. Went back to the vet and he put in staples. They come out this Friday.

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13468 on: Oct 01, 2018, 07:19 AM »
Morning all,

WS.....x2 on TT's statement, things happen, don't be any harder on yourself than you would be on a friend in the same situation  ;)

TT.....sorry to hear your lab had a little set back  :(   hope the staples hold and there's no more problems  :)

Eddie.....guessing a long day yesterday led to a mad rush to work this morning  ???  looking forward to your report  ;D

IW.....hope all the shoppers have cleared out  :blink:  good luck to MrsIW on the jury duty gig  :whistle:

Cool and calm out now with rain moving in mid morning   ::)  ground is saturated as it is and rain is in the forecast almost every day for the next week  :%$#!:

Have a good day at work or play. Stay safe.

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13469 on: Oct 01, 2018, 07:41 AM »
Good Morning.
WS, sorry to read of your hunt. As others have said "it happens".

Rain this morning. Bowled pretty good last night. First week that I was over my avg. for every game. We took 3 of 4 points. Wife's team loss 3 points but stayed in 1st place.

Eddie, how was the river fishing trip.

Have a good day...h2l
Northville, NY


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