Author Topic: Darn Yankees 'r comin'......  (Read 1433 times)

Offline hollywood

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Darn Yankees 'r comin'......
« on: Feb 17, 2005, 08:40 PM »
My business is having a sales contest- 1st place is a trip to Kenai in august for halibut, salmon & rainbows. I am particularly looking forward to trying the halibut(should I win) Whats it like in august there? Just looked up your weather now & you've got it better than us- I live in upstate NY. How is the fishing there in august? Sorry its off-ice fishing topic- just curious. Thank you, Tom

Offline icy mike

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Re: Darn Yankees 'r comin'......
« Reply #1 on: Feb 18, 2005, 08:03 PM »
In August you should look forward to rain.  Last year was pretty dry, but expect some wet.  Bring warm clothes, especially for halibut fishing.  You'll be glad you brought long-johns and good rain gear.  It may not be raining, but rain gear cuts the wind.  And yes, bring a light stocking hat and light gloves.  I am guessing since you mentioned Kenai that you will be trying for halibut out of Homer, Deep Creek, or Ninilchik.  The fishing should be good, don't keep the chickens (little halibut) unless it is late in the day and the fishing has been slow.  Keep going for the big boys.  As for the Kenai River, you'll be targeting sockeye (Reds) and silver salmon.  I am not a big rainbow fisherman (except during winter), but I know the Kenai holds plenty of big bows and dollies.  Normal temps during the day should be in low-mid 60's to the mid 70's.  It will dip into the 50's during the evening.  Bring lots of film and spend lots of money!!!  You will not regret a trip up here.  You may even end up staying!

Icy Mike

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Re: Darn Yankees 'r comin'......
« Reply #2 on: Feb 18, 2005, 08:35 PM »
You don't have time to worry about the weather, you need to be out selling in order to win the trip. As Icy Mike says August is usually the rainy month of our 3 month summer. But who cares if your fishing. So where you from in upstate NY? I grew up in northern Westchester Co., (moved here in 1976) and city folks used to call that upstate even though there was another 400 miles to go. Good luck with the sales promo, its worth the trip even if you don't win.

Offline hollywood

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Re: Darn Yankees 'r comin'......
« Reply #3 on: Feb 18, 2005, 08:59 PM »
Hey- Thanks for the info guys! I had my dates wrong- looks like I'll be coming in mid-july. We just got the first months results in and I don't think theres any way I'll get bumped out. I'm really looking forward to it. I live near Syracuse, NY pretty much right in the middle of the state. I'm looking forward to the halibut as we don't have anything like those 'round here. We do get Chinook, Coho, Steelhead (all lake run but up to 40lbs - 20 for steelies & coho) But I'm sure the experience is much different up your way. My brother builds some of the nicest rods you ever saw (especially noodle & centerpin stuff) and I look forward to giving them a good workout. Thank you for the input- I'm heading out in the morning for some perch- my dad has been getting a limit (50) most every day this week- but our temps here look to be 20 degrees colder than yours- whattheheck! I wonder if this trip IS Gods way of planting a seed- got 3 kids to get thru school then I'm scotfree to move on up. Why not? They sell stuff up there too, right? Thanks Again!  Tom


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Re: Darn Yankees 'r comin'......
« Reply #4 on: Feb 20, 2005, 01:26 PM »
Mike forgot to warn you....

Sometimes the boat skipper will try to convince you to cut your line!  He will tell you that you have bottom.  Here is my advice...If you are in very deep water, and your line suddenly becomes VERY taught, pull hard for about 50 seconds, then release the reel and give it about a foot of line.  Just as the lines starts to become tight again.... jerk and reel at the same time.  That way if you get a chance to meet Mike in Alaska, you will be the 3rd person he knows to land an octopus.

Also....If you all of a sudden feel like you hooked a picnic table...You could have a VERY large halibut.  On the other hand....If said picnic table comes up in a steady upward spiraling manner, you have likely caught a skate.  If you ever fished in the Northern part of the Atlantic you have likely caught one before...(I am from Maine, if you want to catch a skate for practice look me up, but don't get excited...they are MUCH bigger in Alaska)

Lastly....If you are on a small boat, where they harpoon larger halibut instead of shooting them...Make sure they guy rigging the harpoon uses an English Knot...Right Mike?


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