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Author Topic: URGENT! Phil Scott Proposal to temporally halt trout stocking Petition Added! p5  (Read 15316 times)

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just like most "studies" you can bend one variable to get the outcome you want.

Offline Pike Panther

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Here is a link to a Dave Graham interview with Louis on 2/14 on WDEV.  It doesn't start until the 2nd hour of the show however you can fast forward to it.

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Signed, will pass the word..

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Offline fishingidjit

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Re: URGENT! Flip Flop Phil Hatchery Proposal
« Reply #155 on: Feb 19, 2019, 04:38 AM »
Hopefully with no veto power Flip Flop Phil will decide the job isn't to his liking and not run again. Too bad a viable candidate wasn't running against him last year. His sell out on the gun control and pot legalization means at least to me he is a classic case of RINO. Those people who are concerned about last years change of campaign promises better be prepared for the next step.
Vt is a bastion of liberal idealogy with a Republican Gov in name only.

Offline Ice-n-Snow

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Perhaps there is some good news on the Salisbury hatchery situation.  A letter received from the Governor today says:

"...However, after calling a meeting with over a dozen stakeholders, we are now collectively working on a temporary financial fix in order to continue operations at the SAFCS as we transition to a long term solution.  This will include addressing concerns over the production of broodstock trout.  My Administration is currently examining ways we can expand capacity at other hatcheries and spread out the production of broodstock trout to existing locations to we don't rely on one facility to perform this important function.

"I want to be clear:  I fully recognize the vital importance our fish hatcheries play in our outdoor recreation economy.  That's why my Administration is fully committed to not only continuing the hard work at many of our fish hatcheries, but building on and expanding this work.   It's critically important we increase the capacity of the other fish hatcheries around Vermont so all the eggs aren't in one basket so to speak...." 

Has anyone heard about this "stakeholder meeting" that the Governor is referring to?

Offline keithm87

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I got this at last Friday from a local rep. Seems like positive news as well:

PHONE: (802) 828-2228 FAX: (802) 828-2424
Rep. Janet Ancel
Chair, House Committee on
Ways and Means
Vermont House of Representatives
Dear Chair Ancel:
February 14, 2019
We are writing to you on behalf of all members of the Committee on Natural Resources, Fish, and Wildlife to recommend that the fees on the hunting, fishing, and trapping licenses issued by the Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW) be increased to offset budget shortfalls at DFW caused by increased personal services costs and decreased revenues from license sales.
Vermont maintains a long and valued tradition of hunting, fishing, and trapping reflected most notably in the right under the Vermont Constitution for State citizens to hunt and fowl. However, as the average age of State citizens increases, the number of residents obtaining hunting, fishing, and trapping licenses decreases. As a result, the annual revenues from the sale of hunting, fishing, and trapping licenses have declined steadily since 1990.
These revenue decreases are reflected in DFW’s proposed FY 2020 budget. From 2017 to 2018, the number of resident fishing, hunting, and combination licenses sold decreased by 3.3% and decreased 7.6% in 2018 compared to the previous 3-year average. Consequently, DFW is facing approximately $474,809.00 in lost fee revenue in FY 2020.
To offset its budget shortfall, DFW is proposing to defund programs important to the support and protection of the State’s fish and wildlife. Specifically, DFW proposes to decommission the Salisbury Fish Culture Station, which provides 20% to 25% of the fish stocked in Vermont Waters. DFW also proposes eliminating in its entirety the grant to the University of Vermont’s Cooperative Research Unit that focuses on fish and wildlife research. DFW also proposes reducing a fishing promotion sub-grant by half. The Committee also is concerned that budget shortfalls will reduce the amount of DFW staff time available during the Act 250 process for review of potential impacts on critical wildlife habitat or ecologically sensitive areas.
The Committee on Natural Resources, Fish, and Wildlife strongly recommends that the General Assembly reject DFW’s proposal to defund these important programs. Instead, the Committee on Natural Resources, Fish, and Wildlife recommends a modest
VT LEG #338882 v.1

4% fee increase for resident hunting, fishing, and trapping licenses and an 8% increase on all nonresident licenses. The Joint Fiscal Office has developed a spreadsheet with the recommended dollar amount of increase for each license type.
These proposed fee increases are overdue. DFW has not proposed extensive fee increases for over eight years, instead recommending individual or piecemeal increases annually. In addition, because license fees in neighboring states are comparable or higher than the proposed fees, the proposed fee increases would not put Vermont at a competitive disadvantage regionally in attracting hunters, anglers, and trappers.
Funding of fish and wildlife departments is a national problem as license revenues decrease in almost every state in the country. Cutting, defunding, or decommissioning important programs that support the fish and wildlife of the State is not the answer to revenue losses from decreased license sales. The State should instead look to address the problem comprehensively by identifying new funding sources for DFW programs.
The Committee on Natural Resources, Fish, and Wildlife plans to review alternatives for DFW funding. During this review, the State should not establish a precedent of offsetting DFW license revenue shortfalls by cutting important programs. Instead, the Committee on Natural Resources, Fish, and Wildlife asks that the modest proposed increases to license fees be included in the fee bill to fully fund all of DFW’s important programs.
If you need additional information or would like a member of the Committee on Natural Resources, Fish, and Wildlife to testify before your committee, please contact Laura Bozarth at (802) 828-2266.
Rep. Amy Sheldon
Chair, Committee on Natural
Resources, Fish, and Wildlife
Rep. Paul Lefebvre
Vice Chair, Committee on Natural
Resources, Fish, and Wildlife
VT LEG #338882 v.1

Offline JMailbox8

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Positive news, indeed.

Offline KillerFish

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Probably wouldn’t have taken this turn without the public outcry. Good job everyone.  :tipup:

Offline ice fiend

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I really don’t care either way. if they stocked it with fish to reproduce in the wild it would be one thing but they’re just put in to be caught. plus they taste horrible so I could go either way
i told myself id be back by 2 i guess i didnt factor in that the fish were biting

Offline Ice-n-Snow

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I predict that there will be some "compromise" from Phil with the hatchery remaining open and fishing license fees increasing over a period of years.  I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to that happening.  It certainly would be better than losing the trout and salmon fisheries in Champlain (both supported extensively by stocking) and other waters around state. 

And here it is.....

Thank you to Kieth87 for bringing this to  our attention and spurring fishermen to action.  Thanks also to everyone who signed his electronic petition, talked to their reps, and wrote letters to the governor.   Well done.   

Offline JMailbox8

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 Good work Keith and all those who petitioned. :clap: :thumbsup:

Offline koissu

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Nice work Keith! $2 I am happy to spend.

Offline Pike Panther

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Great to see all the fisherman pull together and bring our voice to the forefront.  It would be a terrible loss to stream fishing for all the kids, visitors that come from out of state, people who are handicap & elderly people that can't travel far from the road to lose the current inland water stocking system.  Thanks to everyone that spoke up!

Offline keithm87

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While this is a victory in the short term, if this has showed me anything it is that we need to NOT be so reliant on the hatcheries. We need to get the useless dam's removed, we need to reclaim rivers, and spawning habitat. We need to address ag based nutrient pollution. We need to address cities and towns combines sewage overflows. We need to tell vTrans not to dump 280000000LB of salt on the roads (Yeah that is JUST state roads so far this year, not including town roads, and private roads).  We need to make sure that those who log are using best practices when logging areas in headwaters. For too long we have destroyed nature for our own comfort, and that puts us in this spot where one hatchery controls whether or not there is trout fishing in the state.

Offline ice fiend

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  • im a die hard ice fishing addict 'nuff said
Personally I could go either way about halting the stocking of trout. If they stocked them to breed in the wild I’m for it but putting them in just to be caught and no chance of them reproducing seems like a waste of time and money
i told myself id be back by 2 i guess i didnt factor in that the fish were biting

Offline bootstrap

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i wonder what happens to the 2$ after the 4 years are up. they want 2 more dollars? they reduce the cost? also what became of the water test distance issue resulting in the huge cost for the filtration. like i said this is the results of poor management.


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