Author Topic: Not to bad a day.  (Read 892 times)

Offline Water Wolf

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Not to bad a day.
« on: Feb 21, 2006, 05:51 PM »
I went fishing yesterday and boy was it nice out there.
The morning started off chilly so I waited till noon to see what the temp would be like. :-\
I took a photo of this neat frost pattern on the screen door window. It reminds me of a willow tree or other plant life, what do you guys see? ;)

I got to the lake around 1:00pm and got all set up. I set up the underwater camera and got my homemade lure down to see how it looked under water. No sooner did it reach the bottom and I had a pike checking it out. It would swim around and nose the lure, at one point it grabbed the tail and hung on, I set the hook and she let go. I though that would be it but she came back and snuck up on the quivering lure from below and behind. She hit the lure and just stopped holding the lure in her mouth munching away on it like a dog with a bone. This time I really set the hook she and the pike was hooked. For a second she just slow came to the surface then she realized what happend and went wild stirring up the bottom and making the camera useless for a bit. After a short but intense fight I landed her, a nice 4lb pike.
A photo was take with me and the fish, but the batteries had died so could not get a photo with her and the tape measure. That was it for photos for the day. :P

Here is a photo of Me and the pike.

I had 8 more strikes that day, and every one was the same just hanging onto the bait, and by the time I got to them they had spit the lure or spooked.
I did mange to land 3 more pike that day a 3 lber and a chunky 5 lber. All these fish were stuffed full of freshwater shrimp and you could see hundreds of them all the time the camera was down. The fish came in 10 feet of water. :)

Here is a photo of my homemade lucky lure. It is similar to a Lindy fuzzy grub but is bigger, bulkier and has a peacock eye feather on each side instead of marabou.

The other lucky lure were smelts.

All in all it was a good day, I caught some fish, had nice weather and got my exercise chasing fish.
Tomorrow I will try some of them, they should be good if they were eating shrimp. ;D


Offline bite king

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Re: Not to bad a day.
« Reply #1 on: Feb 21, 2006, 06:20 PM »
good day on the lake. nice lookin pike.


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Re: Not to bad a day.
« Reply #2 on: Feb 21, 2006, 07:35 PM »
Cool pics WW.....and I sure like you're attire!!!....a well dressed fisherman!! to your homemade might want to tone that down a bit....lmao.....pike aren't used to eating peacocks and might explain the spitouts...on the other hand, did you clean the feather before you tied it on?....some of them birds have some nasty odors........ ;D ;D ;D...jkg....great report as usual.....Grump

Offline Thriller

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Re: Not to bad a day.
« Reply #3 on: Feb 21, 2006, 08:57 PM »
Trés cool jig man...very innovative.

God grant me the Serenity to accept the size of the fish I catch,
the Courage not to fib about it,
and the Wisdom to know that no one would believe me anyway.

Offline Water Wolf

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Re: Not to bad a day.
« Reply #4 on: Feb 21, 2006, 10:55 PM »
Thanks guys. Thats my standard winter fishing gear Grump, can't leave home with out it. Tone it down? :o Those pike get the willies with that big eye watching them and just have to bite, as for smell, my peacocks are not to bad a smelling birds,maybe it smell like a duck to the pike, that little bit of bacon on the hook did not hurt eather. ;D



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