Author Topic: MY 2014-15 Ice Fishing Season  (Read 2216 times)

Offline Water Wolf

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MY 2014-15 Ice Fishing Season
« on: Dec 11, 2014, 05:19 PM »
Hi all,

Well, another new ice fishing season is officially underway. ;D

On Dec. 6th I thought I would take a run up to Fishing Lake and see what was happening there. I was hoping the full moon that night might influence the fish in a good way. :blink:

I got to the lake and stopped at my usual spot, got all my gear loaded, and, dragged it through fairly deep drifts along the shoreline and onto the lake. I couldn't see anyone else ice fishing in the area and I had no idea how thick the ice was yet.  There were some fairly large and slippery shards of ice and frozen waves. I kept checking the depth as I eased my way out onto the ice - it was 10".   I didn't go too far from shore, just to be on the safe side, and, set up in 5 - 8 feet of water.

It was a cloudy afternoon with a fair wind from the E and temps in the -8 deg C / 17.6  deg F, but with the wind-chill it felt more like -14 deg C / 6.8 deg F. The hoar frost on the trees added to scenery around the lake.

By 2:15 pm I was all set up and ready for some action. I didn't have to wait long, and, in 15 min., I had a hit on my set rod in the shallow water. I walked over and could see a slight bend to the rod tip and the line tight to the edge of the hole. I slowly lifted the rod and felt for the weight on the line. I set the hook and the fish bolts. After a few runs I ice my first fish of the ice fishing season - a pike 23" long. :)

It felt good to feel a tug on the line again and I was hoping that this quick action was a sign of things to come, but alas, that was not the case.

All I could see on the camera were mostly shrimp, backswimmers and other little swimming critters. :P

An hour and a half before I call it quits, the set rod gets another hit. I again walk over and set the hook, but, this time my line breaks.  Luckily for me, the fish is moving off slowly and I am able to grab the disappearing line just before the last of it goes down the hole. I make one warp of the line around my gloved hand and set the hook again. The fish pulls harder this time and I hand line it up and out of the hole. This one turned out to be the big fish of the day at 27". @) It was also fairly chunky with a big belly, must have been eating well. As I picked it up, it spat out a few freshwater shrimp.

This would also be the last fish of the day.

Near dark I did finally have one pike come in on camera. I was changing lures at the time and when I got back I saw the fish looking directly at the camera. I quickly dropped my lure down, but in doing so, spooked the fish. It was gone in a flash and never came back.

I packed up and was off the ice by 5:00pm.

A shot of the lake near dark.

You can just see the hoar frost on the trees in the distance.

Both fish caught, went for a Northland Buckshot UV Jigging Spoon with bait.  After their photo op they went back.

This is the start to a new ice fishing season for me. This is the earliest I have been out so I was happy to see the ice as thick as it was. :)
Hopefully I can find a few more fish on the next outing. ;)2


Offline canada

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Re: MY 2014-15 Ice Fishing Season
« Reply #1 on: Dec 11, 2014, 07:42 PM »
awesome job ww
great read.  good luck next outing

Offline BlueDevil

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Re: MY 2014-15 Ice Fishing Season
« Reply #2 on: Dec 11, 2014, 08:02 PM »
Thanks for posting WW! :)

Offline ggpr

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Re: MY 2014-15 Ice Fishing Season
« Reply #3 on: Dec 11, 2014, 10:12 PM »
Thanks for the report WW, always fun to read.  Nice job catching the line as it ran away!

Good luck on your next outting!

Offline bigk

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Re: MY 2014-15 Ice Fishing Season
« Reply #4 on: Dec 11, 2014, 10:42 PM »
Well done WW. Your first outing was more productive than mine. Keep the posts coming.

Offline Water Wolf

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Re: MY 2014-15 Ice Fishing Season
« Reply #5 on: Dec 15, 2014, 09:21 PM »
Thanks guys.
I enjoy reading all your reports as well. :)

Yeah ggpr, that was a close call,lol. :P
I have since replaced the line on that reel. :whistle:

Hi all,

My 2nd report is for the afternoon of Dec. 13th 2014.
My uncle joins me this time, and we set our sights for the lakes E of Fishing Lake and decided to try Margo Lake.

On the way past Whitesand / Pelican Lake we could see a fair number of ice huts already on the lake and 10 - 12 trucks here and there.
Most were fishing right at the main boat launch but some were spread out along the N shore up to the first point.

Usinneskaw / Stony Lake, just up the road had 2 truck out on the ice near the boat launch.

When we got to Margo Lake there was not a soul around. The only evidence of someone even on the ice was a set of snow machine tracks leading to where they had fished.
The snow was fairly built up on the lake in places so we decided that rather than getting stuck out on the ice, we would just walk out and fish.

My first shallow ice check, looked OK.
We loaded all the gear into the sleigh and dragged it along the snow machine trail.

It was a dandy day out on the ice with cloudy skies, +1 deg C / 33.8  deg F temps, and no wind at all. The only thing that would make it even better would be some fish. ;)

We set up and were fishing by 1:45pm.

An hour later the first fish of the afternoon went to my uncle. He had a bite and just got the fish to the surface when the hook came out, but, before it could turn, he reached down and scooped it out. It turned out to be a walleye. This is a real bonus for this lake as I have never even seen a walleye on camera let alone caught one in winter.
I have caught a few walleye in the summer off shore at Margo Lake, so I do know they are there, but they are usually not in the shallow water (6' - 7') like we were fishing. The cloud cover may have had something to do with that.

A while after that I am on the board with a pike. I watched it shoot into view with no hesitation and just inhale my lipless crankbait. The fish was soon iced.

Over the afternoon I saw 6 pike. All of them seemed interested in my lures, but a bit hesitant. They would circle the lures a few times, moving mere inches away, but would not hit. I am thinking "take it already". ::)

Someone that had been out on Margo previously seen us and came over to see how things were going. He was surprised that we had iced anything. He said he had his hut out in that area for a few days without any luck at all.
He decided he would move his shack to a new area on the lake so he left us and for a while used the blade he had on the front of his quad to make a trail for himself to his new area.

As the sun began to slide towards the horizon and the light began to fade I get a hit on one of the set rods. I set the hook.
I can see that it's a pike as it flashes by the hole a few times before I turn it's head up and out.
This one turns out to be the big fish of the day. It's a bit longer and thicker than then my first one.

Once the sun went down and it got dark the wind got up a bit from the N, so we packed everything up and were off by 5:10pm.

We kept the 2 pike and walleye this time, with plans of a future fish fry for the family. ;D

Here are the photos from the afternoon / evening. :)
Us with the fish.

Just the fish.

The walleye went for a smaller Len Thompson spoon in that new color, lemon yellow & orange diamonds tipped with a bit of bait.
The one pike went for a Rippin Rap and the other went for a plane hook and minnow.

I am happy to have + temps all week long and was glad to make it out for one of the days to try some ice fishing. :)
I am also glad that we were both able to find a few fish when we went, as this is the first time my uncle has been out this year. I think he will be doing a few more trips now that he has the fishing bug again. :tipup:


Offline canada

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Re: MY 2014-15 Ice Fishing Season
« Reply #6 on: Dec 15, 2014, 10:00 PM »
nice job  great read as per usual

Offline Water Wolf

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Re: MY 2014-15 Ice Fishing Season
« Reply #7 on: Feb 08, 2015, 05:20 PM »
Thanks canada. :)

Hi All,

Well, it's a new year with new fishing opportunities on the horizon. ;D
Here are my ice fishing reports for the month of January 2015.

Jan 18th - my first ice fishing trip of the new year was to Whitesand / Pelican Lake.

My family accompanied me on this trip.
My uncle and I would be the only 2 fishing, and were later joined by a friend.

On the way to the lake, it was a nice clear day with mild temps.  By the time we got to the lake, the clouds and fog had rolled in, reducing visibility.
The temp was dropping with - 11 deg C / 12.2 deg F, and a brisk wind from the SE making it feel more like -15 deg C / 5 deg F.

Access to the lake was OK and there were a good number of permanent and pop-u shacks in clusters here and there around the lake.

We drove out onto the lake until the drifts were getting too tough to get through and set up - fishing from 2:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Within the first 10 minutes I had a bite on my set rod and iced the first fish of the day and of the new year. :)
This pike.

I was just setting up the camera when I saw my rod bend.

Half an hour or so later our buddy joins us, and, just as he drives up, I ice another pike that I had been watching on camera.
The pike came in focusing directly on the camera giving it a few light taps.
It then drifted above the camera and turned and went for my lure. It hit and I hooked it, a brief fight ensued and I ice 2nd fish of the day.

A while later it's our friends turn and he also ices a pike on a set rod.

An hour before we quit, I see my set rod bend again and my 3rd pike is iced.

Twenty min before we leave my buddy gets one more fish while watching the camera.

A group shot with the last fish. :)

Over the afternoon we see 3 pike on camera 2 of them bite for us, but, the biggest one is the one that would not bite.
It just made a few circles around the jigging lure, at times coming right up to it, but, would not hit.

In the end our total for the day were 5 pike, 3 for me and 2 for our friend. :)
My uncle didn't get any this time.

All in all I am happy with the way the afternoon went and would have to rate the fishing as fair ;)

Jan 24th was my next trip out.  After the last bit of luck we had we decide to give Whitesand / Pelican Lake another try and see if the fish are still biting.

The weather starts off nice at home with temps just at the the freezing mark, and a bit of rain. As we near the lake the temps start to drop, the wind picks up and it starts to snow.
Once we are on the ice the wind is blowing from the E, it's tough to see any distance with the snow falling and it's now - 9 deg C / 15.8 deg F.
Despite the poor conditions there are a dozen or more vehicles in various areas around the lakes.

We first set up in an area where there is no one else, and, fish from 12:30pm - 2:30pm.
My uncle and I again set up and in 20 or so min I see one of the set rods jiggle and bend, but no one is hooked.
Three min after that a pike shows up on camera. It approached slowly and comes close to the camera and looks directly at it.
This stare down occurs for a min or so, suddenly like you flicked a switch it turns quickly and grabs my lure that I was jigging.

I get it half way up, but for some reason, the handle of my reel spins backwards and I get slack in the line and the fish is gone, strike 1.
I am not sure why it spun backwards as I didn't have my back reel engaged. :-\

A while later I am jigging and see just a streak come in hard from the right missing the lure but getting tangled up in the line without being hooked.
I try and wrestle the fish up the hole but the pike untangles itself and is also gone, strike 2.

We try the area for another 20 min or so, and then we decide to move to our spot where we had luck before.

It's a bit further up the lake, but we get there and are fishing again by 2:35pm until 5:30pm.

I get my uncle set up first, and while I am setting up the other set rods he calls that he has one on. I come over to see, but, it gets off at the hole, darn.

After loosing the fish I get back to setting up only to find that my camera's battery is out of power, so no eyes below the water now.

We fish for a good while and again my uncle has one on and loses it.   What's up with all the fish getting off this afternoon, sheesh. ::)

Another while later he gets his third strike but this time it hits hard and is hooked well.
He ices this one and we now have our first fish of the day. No skunk now. @)

An hour before we leave and I get my 3rd hit of the day, and finally ice one. :)

This would be the last fish that hits.

We caught the fish on smaller spoons tipped with a bit of frozen bait.

Around us the action seemed a bit slow and I only saw one other angler ice a pike on a tip-up. :tipup:
The other anglers I chatted with either didn't see a fish in the time they were out, or, lost the fish before they could ice them. :-\

I am happy that we both avoided the skunk, but if we could have got them all in it would have been a bit better, oh well that's all part of the fun and challenge of fishing. ;)2


Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: MY 2014-15 Ice Fishing Season
« Reply #8 on: Feb 08, 2015, 06:16 PM »
Very nice write ups accompanying your excellent pictures!  :clap: :clap:

Good job!


Offline Water Wolf

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Re: MY 2014-15 Ice Fishing Season
« Reply #9 on: Apr 13, 2015, 11:56 PM »
Thanks Whopper Stopper. :)

Hi all,

Here is my ice fishing report for the month of March.
I didn't get out at all in Feb. as the only days I had off were very cold and nasty, but I did make up for it in March. :)

The first report is for March 1st.  My family and I decide to try Last Mountain Lake (LML) and see what's biting. :-\

We made our way to the Rowan's Ravine area and decided to try just past a group of shacks and anglers.
On the way to our spot we see an angler engaged in a tug of war with what looked to be a dandy big fish, judging by the bend in his rod.
We parked and watched to see what came up. It took some time but finally he and his friends iced the fish - a nice big pike.
That was a good sign, and we set up a bit N of the shacks but still on the same general bottom structure.

We also found out that the ice is thick 3 feet or more and if your not prepared to shovel down to the ice, an extension would be needed.

It was a nice sunny day out on the lake with a slight wind at first but, half way through it died right off and was calm.  The temp was -13 deg C / 8.6 deg F.
Our buddy met up with us half an hour later.

We ice fished from 1.00pm - 6:30pm.

It was an hour before we got our first bite. One of the set rods bobs and then dips down. My uncle sees it first and plays the fish. He gets it up the hole and I can see it's a smaller pike.
It's just at the surface when it shakes it's head and throws the hook. I dive for it up to my forearm, but not this time, it's gone. I rebait the rod and continue on ice fishing.
20 or so min later another bait is stolen from the same hole.

On this afternoon my mom decides that she would like to try ice fishing for a little while and she was the first one to ice a fish, a burbot.

I was happy to see her get one. ;D

Shortly after that I move to the hole where we had a bit of action as I had not even seen a fish where I was. I set my camera at this hole to down view.
It's not too long before I see my first fish of the afternoon on camera. The burbot moves into view, nips at my offering and is lightly hooked. It gets off in one head shake and slowly swims off. 
I quickly drop my lure back down and it turns back towards it again. The burbot moves right up to my lure and it looks like it was going to bite when suddenly a big pike comes in from the Right side and bangs right into the burbot chasing it off, naturally. The pike then turns and hits my lure hard and fast, peeling off a good amount of line as it goes. I holler that I have a fish on and my buddy comes over to lend a hand. Good thing too, as the fish wraps around my camera several times. Our buddy is able to unwind the line from the camera cord. This fish gave a good fight and it took a while for me to get it in. Finally I was able to turn it's head up the hole and my buddy hoisted it out, YES!!! :woot:

It was a nice sized pike and it measured at 38".

After a few photos and the measure. I was happy to send it on it's way.
For me, my day was made with that one catch.
It was also my biggest fish so-far this ice fishing season.

Some time passes with a bit of lull in action and on the camera, but, then a set rod near my uncle registers a strike and he goes over and sets the hook.
This one is hooked better and it's iced. :)

More time passes and then it's our buddies turn to ice a fish. He is watching with the underwater camera when a burbot comes in and hits lure and is also iced.

A shot of his fish. :)

It's now later in the day and all the other anglers around begin to leave. We stay a bit longer and half an hour before we leave I get one more strike, near sunset.
It's dark on camera and all I can see is the rise and fall of my white spoon. While watching the spoon I see a very large black mass slowly move into view. It stopped for a min right in font of my lure and I slowly jiggled it in place. The dark mass then reacted and the white spoon was gone. I felt the weight and set the hook. This also felt very heavy and again it burned off line for deeper water. Our buddy came over again to move the camera out of the way and help lift the fish. Finally, I see a large head and mouth full of teeth break the surface. The fish is iced and again we were impressed by it's size.

This fish is even bigger than the first at 38.5" long. @)

It is also unique in that it is missing it's anal fin. I am not sure what happened to it as it appeared to have been gone for quite some time.  All that was left was a bit of a scar.
This would turn out to be the last fish of the trip.

The 2 burbot went for a jig and minnow and a PK flutter fish.
My uncle's pike hit a minnow on a drop shot rig and my 2 pike hit a LiveTarget baitball - yearling series lipless rattle bait and the other one went for the PK flutter fish.

The 2 big pike went back and the smaller pike and 2 burbot stayed for a future meal.

I was happy to be able to find 2 nice sized pike in one trip - a first for me, and was also happy that every one that was fishing in my group also caught a fish. :tipup:

After the luck we had the first day we decided to try the Rowan's Ravine area again on March 2nd.
The weather was kind of nasty with cloudy skies and a temp at -9 deg C / 15.8 deg F, but with wind gusts of 35 km/h(21 miles/h) to 40km/h(24 miles/h) it was quite chilly.

We decide to try and seek shelter out of the main blast of wind along a bank.

We set up and ice fished from 1:00pm - 4:03pm.

It was an hour or so before I saw my first fish on camera, but what a fish it was. She gave me a good look at her as she came in and checked out my lure, and the nearby set rod's bait.
She went from one to the other scrutinizing each one. When she would disappear I would give my lure a few large lifts and drops and she would return. She did this for 8 min, but not once did she even open her mouth and attempt to take one of the baits, finally she faded off into the distance and was gone. :P

She was also the only fish I saw on camera that afternoon. ::)

At 3:40pm it starts to snow hard and the wind is whipping up the snow.  At one point we can't see the shoreline across the lake. I had been cleaning the holes every few min all afternoon, but now they are filling up faster than I can keep up with. At this point I think we might be facing a skunk for the day when I see my set line give a small twitch, then dips and holds in place. I walk over, feel some weight, and set the hook. The fish then slowly and steadily move off. At first I feel no head shakes whatsoever, and feel this might be a good sized burbot or walleye, but once I get it closer to the hole I feel the tell tail head shake of a pike and then it really peels drag. It takes a fair amount of my line and I wait until it's done before I try and gain some back. This once again feels very heavy and I take my time as I have a lot lighter line then before.
Several more runs and I finally see the pike coming up the hole. As it came up it fills the 8" hole completely.

This one is even larger than the other 2 I caught the day before and is of right now, my largest fish this winter. ;D

She was 39 5/8" and also went back after a photo and measurement. :flex:
I am sure that was the same fish that I saw on the underwater camera.

The pike hit on a tiny 3" shiner minnow on a drop shot rig.
I guess she was a bit peckish and wanted just a small snack,lol. :laugh:

She would also be the only fish of the trip as we packed it up a bit earlier and got off the lake while the getting was good.
Our tracks out were completely blown in and we had a bit of a time getting back to shore.
Right in the marina itself the snow had built up quite deep and it was really tough to move in that area, but we slowly crawled through and got out.

Even though we only found one fish that day we were all happy with the results. :)

In conclusion we all had a good 2 days and I am very happy with my results. @)
I have not caught large pike like that on back to back trips.
Here's hoping for more March madness. :icefish:

On March 7th we decided to try LML's Pelican Pointe' for some ice fishing from 1:00pm to 7:00pm.

It was a sunny afternoon with a fair wind from the NW and +1 deg C / 32 deg F temps.

When we were coming down the hill we noticed a large crowd down the lake, just off Regian beach.
It looked like there was an ice fishing tournament going on.

The access spot onto the lake was not too bad and we were soon on the ice and set up a bit off the point.
We didn't go too near the point in case there was thin ice around, as that area always has fair current.

I set up the camera only to find the water quite murky. Visibility was maybe 3 feet at best and the fish would have to be quite close
before I would see them.

Two hours pass before I get my first strike on my set rods and I land the first fish of the day.
This not bad pike. :)

A bit more time pass before I ice the 2nd pike, again on the set rod.

Toward sunset and the end of the day, the rod with a larger smelt gets a fair hit but no fish is hooked. By looking at the bait I can see a slight scuffing of the bait near the tail
and not the hook. A few min later and another of the set rods is hit and slowly pulled down. My uncle goes over and ices the fish.
It turns out to be a burbot.

It would also be the only burbot that day.

We fish for another 20 min or so before we call it a day and leave the lake as the sun sinks behind the W hills.

March 8th found us back at LML, but this time we though we would try an area we have never tried before Etter's Beach.

Along the way to the lake we see 2 male snowy owls. @)
One of them is in the same general area as I saw it a few winters ago.

We also saw a sign of spring in the form of 2 Canada geese.

We get to the lake and find a spot near a group of other anglers.
It's another nice sunny day with the wind again from the NW and temps getting back to +1 deg C / 32 deg F.

We set up and ice fish from 1:15pm - 6:30pm.

The angler next to us said he had 1 pike the whole morning. :unsure:

It was 20 min before I see one of our set rods get a hit. I walk over but the fish was just lightly hooked and was gone. A second set rod gets a few nibbles but no take. I go to that one and the rod that just lost the fish gets another hit.  This time it's bent way over, I set the hook just to make sure. A brief fight ensues and I can feel the head shakes and a few runs of a pike.
I ice it and we have the first fish of the day. :)

It was 30"

An hour and a half pass and my uncle's set rod gets a strike. He also ices his pike.

Not too long after that our buddy gets a strike. He sees the fish come in on camera and hit the bait.
This fish is also iced.

It turned out to be the big one of the day. :tipup:
This fish also had signs that not too long ago it must have been caught in something like a gill net as it had a fair amount of scaring around it's head and gill area along with split fins.
That one went back.

We fish for another hour and a half, but no more fish were caught.

The other anglers beside us said that they only caught 2 small perch that afternoon.

We pack up and are off the lake before dark.

On the way home, but still close to LML we see herds of deer, both whitetail and mule deer.
We also spot 2 more snowy owls, a great horned owl and what looked to be Northern Saw-whet owl.

The fish hit on jigs and minnows and smelts on single hook or loop rigs.

While cleaning the fish I found one of the pike had a small green jig head in it's stomach.
The hook actually went right through it's stomach and was sticking the stomach to the fish's abdomen :pinch:
It must have been there a while as the stomach had adhered to the lining of the abdomen.
When I touched the hook it was rusty and just crumbled. I wonder how may poor fish are going around with hardware in them like that one.

Overall we had 2 OK days, weather wise, and, at least we did find enough fish for a bit of a feed and avoided the skunk. ;)2

On the weekend of March 14th & 15th our group once agian set off for LML.

On the 14th we went to the Rowan's Ravine area to see what was around that afternoon.

What a difference a week of warm weather can make. The snow out that way was mostly gone. Many of the sloughs had alot of water on top of the ice or were starting to break up a bit, and, a good number of creeks, road ditches and culverts had flowing water. There were more and more Canada Geese retuning all week and by now a good number of the sloughs had a pair setting up shop. Once we got to the lake we could see the creek was flowing quite well through the ravine itself and was temporarily backing up behind the trout pond.  It won't be long before it spills onto the ice in the pond and then the lake. Right at the boat launch there was already a fair amount of water covering the shore and ice. We gingerly made our way through it following the tracks of other before us and getting to our spot OK. There was a a fair amount of water on the ice and slushy snow here and there.

There were not alot of folks out. Those that were out, were alot further out near the middle, or on the far shoreline. Only 2 other trucks were in our general area.

We set up and fished from 1:10pm to 7:35pm.

It was a mostly cloudy afternoon with a brisk wind from the SW and + 8 deg C /  deg F temps.
Our buddy joined us shortly after we were set up.

It was not long after I had my camera down that I got my first strike. A burbot come in, hit my leader just above the hook, and apparently not likeing what it felt in it's mouth it slowly swam off.
10 min after that I had a nice big pike come in and check out my lure. It was not to her liking either, and, she left. Just after she left, a smaller pike comes zipping in from the side, misses the lure, does a wide turn and takes another run. This time it connects and I ice the first fish of the day. :)

Over the afternoon the hits keep on coming - the majority of them resulted in a fish iced, however, we did have a few that just nibbled the bait and left. We also had 2 break us off.
One of the lures I lost happened to be my best producer this winter. It was my LiveTarget baitball - yearling series, lipless rattle bait. :-[
I think a big pike might have been the culprit. :whistle:

The final results were 9 fish, 4 pike and 2 burbot for me and 3 pike for our buddy.
My uncle did hook a burbot, but he had it to the bottom of the ice when it rolled into a tight ball, jammed and got off.

I found the biggest fish of the day.

The burbot and a few pike stayed and a few pike went back as well. ;)

The next day we went back to LML, but this time we tried Pelican Pointe'.

It was cloudy and there was a chilly wind blowing from the W despite the temp being +7 deg C / deg F.

As we drove down into the valley the lake before us looked a light blue in color. As we got to the access spot we could see that this area had even less snow on the ice than up by Rowan's Ravine and it seemed to have a bit more water on top of the ice. As we got on the ice we drove around a long crack not too far from shore. This crack was open a good 2 - 3 inches and lake water was flowing onto the ice surface from it. The rest of the ice had large round milky white circles in it, not the best looking ice for sure.

Our group got to the point Ok and set up in between a large group to the S and a small group to the N.
Once we were set up we ice fished from 1:05 pm - 6:10pm.

The burbot were quite active where we were and it was not too long before I spotted them on the camera. The first was a group of 3 - a bigger fish followed by 2 smaller ones. One of the smaller fish veered from the group, and without hesitation, inhaled my jig and bait.
This guy was iced. :)

The next burbot was iced 20 min later.

This poor guy was missing an eye and had a big hole in the top of it's head.
It also came in fast, studied the lure as I jiggled it on bottom, and sucked it in. I thought, "hey, this is good action". Well as it turned out that would be the last fish iced. :P

There were more than enough fish around and I saw 18 burbot, 3 ciscos / tullibee, 3 pike and 3 whitesuckers. Most of the burbot were on a mission, never even giving my lure a glance. A few burbot, the pike and tullibee did stop and check out the lures presented, but found them not what they wanted and left.

The larger group to the S seemed to have similar luck as us, but the smaller group to the N had good luck, and from what I could see, they looked to have 7 or 8 burbot.
It's interesting what a difference that only about 150 feet or so can make. :o
I think we must have set up on the fish fast lane and the guys to the N were where the fish were all flocking to,lol. That's fishing for you.

All in all we had a fun weekend again, but we were a bit unsure what to do about our last trips of the season. I think by the appearance of the ice at LML we will have to try somewhere else. :unsure:


Offline Water Wolf

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Re: MY 2014-15 Ice Fishing Season
« Reply #10 on: Apr 14, 2015, 12:02 AM »
The next report is for the first day of spring (March 20th).
My uncle and I decided that we would try Good Spirit Lake that afternoon and see what was biting.
It was a nice sunny day, with a bit of a wind from the NW that calmed down and then blew up again several times that afternoon and a temp at -3 deg C / deg F.

The beach we chose had a large drift blocking access to the lake, so we walked out onto the lake and tested the water depth.  Good Spirit is quite shallow on average, and this area was no exception.
We had 3 feet of good solid ice and half a foot to a foot and a half of water. We though we would try for a while at this depth and see what happened - this was at 2:55pm.
Well it didn't take too long to find that there were fish about. I had my uncle set up and was just finishing placing the set rods, and had just set up the camera when the closest set rod to me registered a strike. I went over and iced the first fish of the day, a pike. :)

With the shallow water it didn't take long to bring them up.

We decided to try here longer and I proceeded to ice another pike - this time I saw it come in on camera. The fish came in, studied the rattle bait for a bit, was going to leave, so I gave it a bit of a hop, as it was too shallow for a full rip, and the fish turned and came back, studied the lure again, but, I slowly began to raise it, and, finally when it was a mere few inches from the bottom of the ice, the fish hit. Upon setting the hook I yanked over half the fish up the hole, but it was back down quickly and really stirred up the bottom. This fish was also iced.

After icing another fish we decided that this would be our spot for the day now.

The 3rd fish to show up was also seen on camera, a walleye. @)
It came in hard from the left and just inhaled my lure as I was bumping it on the bottom.
This one was also iced.

What a shock, I didn't think walleye would be in 1 foot of water on a bright sunny day. :o Oh well, I was glad that one was, as it was my first walleye for this ice fishing season.
It was in good shape with a nice stocky body.

Over the afternoon I found 1 more fish on the set rods, but didn't see any others on camera.

The final tally was 3 pike & 1 walleye. My uncle had a bit tougher luck with just a nibble.

In the end Good Spirit Lake was good to me and I am happy that it was. ;)

The next day my uncle and I tried our luck at Fishing Lake on March 21st.
I had started my ice fishing season at Fishing Lake and for the last trip or 2 this is where I thought I would finish it off, coming full circle.

The afternoon was quite a bit different from the day before. The sun was trying to peak out but it was just too cloudy. The temp was below seasonal at - 5 deg C / deg F and with the brisk wind from the
SE it was quit a bit colder.

Around the country side migrating birds of all sizes are beginning to show up and on the way to the lake we spot a nice sized flock of snow geese as well as lesser Canada geese.
Right at the lake itself we had a great horned owl hooting the whole time we were there.

We set up in a new area that I have not tried in the winter before, and, fished there from 3:10pm - 7:00pm.
There were a group of other angers out also a bit S of us.

It was at 4:00pm when I got the first srike. I was jigging a rattle bait when I saw a flash from the side and felt the strike. I set the hook and after a few runs,
had the first fish of the afternoon. This pike. :)

It struck the lure head first.

Throughout the afternoon I saw 6 walleye and 4 pike on camera. 2 of the walleye seen were traveling together and both took a look at my lure before moving on.  The same went for all the pike and most of the walleye. They would come up close give it a good look and then leave.  Sometimes if I rattled the lure they swam back for another look or 2 but that's as far as it went.
As the sun began to set the walleye seemed to grow bolder darting in and out of the camera quicker, all with the fins on their back right up. I did finally hook into one of these more aggressive walleye at around 7:00pm. I was positioned a few feet off the bottom and when I saw it coming in straight at the camera. I gave my clackin' rap one hop and let it sit as the fish moved into view, it then did a tight turn and came up almost vertical and grabbed the lure, again by the head. This fish was also hooked and iced.

The pike and the walleye were the only 2 caught as my uncle didn't even get a nibble this time.

I did keep these 2 fish and upon cleaning the walleye I found 2 young of the year pike in it roughly 4"-5" long, and the pike was full of tiny shrimp, go figure. :blink:

The last report for the season also took place at Fishing Lake on March 28th, when my uncle and I visited the spot where we were before.
It was another cloudy day with a bit of a wind from the NW and +6 deg C temps - not too bad out.

After checking the shoreline well, we made it onto the ice and out to the first spot no problem at all. The ice was still very solid and locked tight at the shoreline.

We set up at our first spot at 3:30pm and fished it for about and hour and a half before moving. This spot was shallow, only a foot of water under the ice, but, it also had weeds, sand and fallen timber. In theory it should have held them. There was no activity/action after about an hour, so, we moved a bit deeper, and, right away, on camera, fish started showing up, both pike and walleye.
This was a great afternoon for fish watching and while we fished I saw 9 pike and 10 walleye.  :woot:

I again saw 2 walleye moving together, but this time I also saw 2 pike at once. The 2 pike came in from both sides of the camera, eyed each other, my lure, the camera and then left together.

The fish did bite however, and I started the afternoon with this pike while jigging. :)

My uncle did get into the action also and in the end iced 2 pike on set rods. :)

I also had a walleye up to the bottom of the ice, but as I went to maneuver it up the hole the line went slack just a bit and it was enough for the lightly hooked fish to throw the hook, opps, a long distance release.

At 7:40pm was the end of the day and of my ice fishing season. It was nice that both myself and my uncle were lucky enough to ice a few fish in the end.

I am also very happy with how my season went this year and was lucky enough to not have  a day that I did not get at lest a fish or 2 so no skunks for me this season.

Thanks to all of you for your comments and fun reports . I hope you all had a good season as well and I will see you all again on My Fishfinder, until then, be safe, and have fun. ;D

Water Wolf, out. ;

Offline Young Catcher

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Re: MY 2014-15 Ice Fishing Season
« Reply #11 on: Apr 17, 2015, 02:31 PM »
Thank you  Water Wolf.
I really have been enjoying  your posts.  Those are wonderful.
I am also glad that  you had good ice fishing season.  Just share your happiness.
See you   open water season  on myfishfinder.

Offline canada

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Re: MY 2014-15 Ice Fishing Season
« Reply #12 on: Apr 23, 2015, 10:28 PM »
great job posting the season with so much info and detail.  thanks


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