Author Topic: Building a custom shanty questions  (Read 2714 times)

Offline tschneid

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Building a custom shanty questions
« on: Sep 03, 2014, 02:33 PM »
I guess my questions fall under general questions instead of specific build plans or something like that. A lot of the information that I find when searching for a custom built shanty falls more in the ice house category and here in Indiana we do not have any need for something like that (well except for last winter). Anyways, what I was able to find between this site and a general internet search does not add up to a whole lot.

I am interested in building a super light, yet durable, one man shanty that is easy to pull and easily holds my gear. It does not have to be collapsible, or fit a certain size (I have a short bed pickup so size is sort of important). I was just wondering if the major companies (clam, frabill, eskimo, etc) have the best and lightest design out there with a one man flip. It collapses, is somewhat light, easy to setup, durable, etc. I would assume one of those companies would come out with something by now if some sort of better design was available. The only thing that they always have to consider is it being stored away or collapsible and I don't have to.

 I have a 2 man flip currently and the slight weight difference going to a one man flip does not justify buying a one man flip which is where I came up with the idea of building my own. I just wonder if it is possible to build something light enough and durable enough to handle winter and be under the $200 price point which is where some one man flips come in at.

My idea is based around using rigid foam walls with metal studs, plywood, or metal flashing (whatever is light enough and strong enough) wrapped around the outside for strength and connection points. It would have some sort of solid floor and roof with a rear door (It would not collapse at all). I have provided a picture below with my concept drawn out. In the picture I have provided, one picture is of the assembled shanty (right pic) and just the sled or bottom (left pic). I have not decided if it would be beneficial to have the shanty itself detach from the sled or just keep it as one structure. This is of course a rough concept sketch.

As I mentioned I am not looking for critique on my design although feel free to make comments. I am just starting to think about the weight of my current design. Even with rigid foam making up most of the structure I still see myself in 40-50lb range just for the shanty so I am not significantly lighter.  Anything lighter might be to weak, and anything heavier than current one man flips defeat the purpose. Any other design that I have come up with runs into the same problem of cost vs weight or weight vs portability, etc. Any information or general discussion that anyone could provide would be greatly apprecaited.

I apologize for my rambling on and on and on and get the point.

Thanks again,


Offline tightliner812

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Re: Building a custom shanty questions
« Reply #1 on: Sep 03, 2014, 03:57 PM »
This is just my opinion so please don't take any ofince to it .

But to me it sounds like you are trying to reinvent the wheel . I think your design would work.But it would be hard to make it strong enough and durable enough to handle being dragged around and thansported to and from the lake and still make weight requirements . I also think portability would be a big factor to consider being we have so many lakes here in Indiana that can offer great fishing . My suggestion would be to try to find a cheep used one man I have seen them sell for as little as $50

Offline Shack man Shoney

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Re: Building a custom shanty questions
« Reply #2 on: Sep 03, 2014, 04:59 PM »
I don't think you can necessarily build a one man shack cheaper than you could buy it........... unless you have access to free building materials as well as semi exotic materials to make it super light and durable. I think tightliner812 is right when he says "cheap used one man for as little as $50" If you are thinking go the pink foam and 2x2 lumber those two items alone will eat up a 50 dollar bill and thats not including sled, door, or roof etc,etc,etc........ I started a hard side build last fall and the cost of materials is killing me... just my 2c worth. Good luck.

Offline icecaptain14

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Re: Building a custom shanty questions
« Reply #3 on: Sep 03, 2014, 05:05 PM »
last winter I was searching for a light weight but big enough flip shanty I first thought bout a clam one person but after I went to look at one when I had it extended out I hit the top of my head everytime I stood up in it so I tried the frabill commando and I love it its light weight 59 pds to be exact but when your out there towing it by yourself it feels much lighter even with all my gear in the sled itself im also looking to build a custom shanty out of 2x2s but im looking for a material that is light weight so I would try talking to a lumber yard and seeing what they would have that is light weight and easy to use

Offline tschneid

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Re: Building a custom shanty questions
« Reply #4 on: Sep 04, 2014, 07:29 AM »
Thank you all for the replies. I am in agreement with all of you which is why I posted the question. When I start to add up cost it starts to get pricey really quickly. When I start to think about weight it starts getting heavier and heavier. When I have two holes, a heater, and a flasher it starts to take up a lot of space and would really cramp a one man design of any size. I guess I need to move further north where I can guarantee a longer ice season and justify some costs or i'll just stay in good ol Indiana and hope for another season like last year.

Thanks again,


Offline michianafisherman

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Re: Building a custom shanty questions
« Reply #5 on: Sep 04, 2014, 08:38 AM »
Don't let people tell you you can't do it, just build it.
 they will look like this


Offline tschneid

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Re: Building a custom shanty questions
« Reply #6 on: Sep 04, 2014, 09:57 AM »
Those are couple of the pictures that I drew my idea from. Both of those were designed to expand into large 2-4 man structures which for the weight and cost probably makes sense. I am not a hunter so once October hits and temps start to fall I dont have a lot to do until that ice gets to 4". I will probably mess around with it and see what I can come up with. I will of course post any pics of the completed shelter.

Offline FishingFever!

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Re: Building a custom shanty questions
« Reply #7 on: Sep 04, 2014, 01:29 PM »
I have a facebook group with some friends called - ICE Fishing For Sale and Trade - In the last few weeks its blown up to 2,500+ members it might worth checking it out. Lots of good stuff posted. I thought I had seen a 1 man flip over. Best of luck!


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