Author Topic: Ice fishing derby (Cheating}  (Read 5662 times)

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Re: Ice fishing derby (Cheating}
« Reply #30 on: Mar 14, 2005, 05:28 PM »
sorry just venting my oposition to our so called fair chase hunting up here.funny how we all can get carried away at times.Im about to be carried away fishing int he morning.....trout and big pike!!!!        later dudes

Offline Gamalot

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Re: Ice fishing derby (Cheating}
« Reply #31 on: Mar 14, 2005, 09:59 PM »
I think we are all just trying to make a point about SPORTSMANSHIP.
Cheating, weather it be at a derby or in the woods or off your back porch is anything but sportman like.
I have to agree with the opposition to bait hunting but the fact is the almighty dollar evidently takes presidence over sport in those areas. Sadly, those with the dollars consider it sporting!
Derby's are a big draw for cheats and I avoid them unless the proceeds are going for a good cause. I would still rather see the prizes be in the form of donations to the winners favorite charity or sportsmans club. Take the cash out and the cheats will go somewhere else, hopefully as far away from me as possible.
I see no problem with having a bunch of prizes to raffle off or sell chances on and all the participants have a good shot at winning. To be paid a big cash sum for the biggest fish is what brings the greed to the contest and also the cheaters.
I can safely say there has not been a derby I have ever entered that I could not have won with a little cheating. I know where the big fish are and usually how and when to catch them and keep them alive. There is no rocket science involved, just dishonesty.
If I agreed with you we would both be wrong!


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