Author Topic: My best friend was hit by a snowmobile on Big Bay DeNoc Michigan today.  (Read 14668 times)

Offline YumYum

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Thought process based in reason produces logic-filled response

Thought process based on emotion produces specious-filled response

Offline tinyfisher

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The problem is that noone asked you (or anyone) to speculate as to what happened from your computer chair 600 miles away.  The post was looking for information in order to catch a potential criminal, which obviously led to well-wishes for the injured.  Calling people self-righteous for pointing this out?  Not sure I get it.  You can lead a horse to water...
Prayin' for cold

Offline Lac Suel Freak

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The problem is that noone asked you (or anyone) to speculate as to what happened from your computer chair 600 miles away.  The post was looking for information in order to catch a potential criminal, which obviously led to well-wishes for the injured.  Calling people self-righteous for pointing this out?  Not sure I get it.  You can lead a horse to water...

 I am saying people are self righteous for attacking those who had a thought on the sequence of events. Another sequence of events is news stories break, evidence is presented and people have questions, comments and concerns. You and I both. I'm not wrong, your not wrong. Attacking others who expressed sympathy and chose to express a view of the situation IS WRONG. Simple as that. Don't twist what I posted. All of us had an opinion about O.J. for example. Many situations arise where all of us assume orders of events and how they may have unfolded based upon facts or evidence. Those who act as though they havent in order to attack those who did are implicating themselves as self righteous hypocrites. Thanks again.

Offline Drifter_016

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Some of us sit back and wait for the story to unfold before we make any comments.
I sit here behind my 'puter anxiously awaiting to hear what the police and DA do.
Once they have finished their investigation and acted on their information I will voice my opinion.
Until that point I will say get well soon Parker and not bother with speculation.   ;)2

Offline Lac Suel Freak

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Some of us sit back and wait for the story to unfold before we make any comments.
I sit here behind my 'puter anxiously awaiting to hear what the police and DA do.
Once they have finished their investigation and acted on their information I will voice my opinion.
Until that point I will say get well soon Parker and not bother with speculation.   ;)2

 You can breathe easier. This is my last post to this topic. If the DA and Police sat back awaiting more information, then what? They do what they do based on hunches and shreds of evidence. They continually speculate in order to develop truth. If something doesn't add up, you better believe they start thinking out scenarios. It may not be my profession but neither is ice fishing or landscaping or writing or any other arbitrary profession. Those who post on here are not the criminals. The snowmobiler is. Those who choose not to post their thoughts great. Those who do great. Those who think they should scoff at others for thinking, NOT SO GREAT!!! 

Offline Idahogator

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I'm thinkin' and chokin' on the redundant drivel. :cookoo:

We're pulling for you Parker.    ;)2

Offline lipripper89

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You can breathe easier. This is my last post to this topic.

Thank God
Good Fishin!!!

Offline downriverbob

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  Never in all the time I have read other fishing/hunting forums have I witness one individual pontificate about a subject as LSF has on this incident.  Others have posted concern/best wishes without questioning the situation.  He can't seem to understand why they don't question what happened/didn't happen.

 As I posted earlier we may never know what actually happened outside what those involved supply in their statements.  The police will look into their backgrounds, check to see if there is a criminal record, and how it might relate to the situation.  If they don't find a criminal record they will interview neighboors, people at work/school to determine if there is a history of violence/acting out, etc.  The only other possibility that under the pressure of an interview that one of the individual admits something, that they had not stated before.  Or possibility that one of individual makes a statement to someone else and that individual supplies the information to the police.

I am not going to begin to speculate on what happen, hopefully Parker will recover fully.
“If our father had had his way, nobody who did not know how to fish would be allowed to disgrace a fish by catching him.”

Norman Maclean

Offline Hagigun

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Isn't the point of this forum and of all message boards to offer opinions and such? I don't think people are trying to ridicule anyone who has posted here. I for one like the discussion. It brings up talking points.

However in this particular case its a bit different. This isnt some random news story that no one has "greater" insight on. Usually there, we all read a news story then post our thoughts and scenarios.

In this case however we have an insider, "lipripper" who has at least 1 side of the story and "facts" that were not printed or misconstrued in the news posts. So in this case I can see how riplipper or others would take offense to any scenario in which those "facts" are not used properly.

If it were my friend and I heard what he told me, I'd be pretty upset if people questioned his recollection of the events and tried to spin it a different way. If we just had a news story, i could understand the "maybe this happened, or maybe that happened". But again, here we have as close to the victim as we will get.

Had we not had Parkers story through lipripper and just went off the news posts, I could see speculation and guesses holding merit. But when he states there was no prior history between the assailant and victim, or that there was no argument, I for one take that as fact since there is no motive to lie. Parker has no reason to lie, no matter what he may have done to provoke anything, you can't run someone down with a snowmobile.

I just don't understand why it's so hard for people to believe in todays world that people would do something like this. I stated it before, people are capable of some pretty evil things, Parker's events don't make a lot of sense, but that doesn't mean its not true. I for one have no reason to doubt Parker or lipripper in what they have shared. They are offering this information in an attempt to help trackdown the suspect and shed some light to others about being wary of this happening to any of us.

I keep checking back in here to see updates in the chase for the suspect and see updates on Parker. But all speculation IS warrented. Like I said, it's a message board, this is what we do.

Tell Parker to keep up the good fight. These things while tragic, usually end up with people getting what they deserve.
....Because I can't can't Golf with Ice on the lake!


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