Author Topic: A BIG THANK YOU.  (Read 765 times)

Offline TGF

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« on: Mar 20, 2006, 11:51 AM »
Well where do I start? Really fun linking up with some of you friendly Manitobans for a fun time. Thanks to Iceshanty for the connection ;D

Grump and Mountain Momma....You guys treated me like royalty right from our first meeting till I left. Thanks for sharing your home.I sure had alot of fun times and great memories. I can't say thank you enough. You are great representatives of your beautiful province, which definitely lives up to its friendly name. Thank you for showing me around. It was always on my list to fish Manitoba and thank you for making it possible. You guys have to come out my way now and get away from it all at my cabin for some fishing. Watch the natives run then heh :woot: :woot: :roflmao: God lives in Mountain Mommas cooking :bow: :bow: :bow:

Rainbow....Thanks for all the holes you worked on. Love to fish with you again but really worried about getting skunked :woot:. 2 times with us fishing together and the big smelly one. Can only get better heh bud. Anyone that gets their kids out there and travels the miles that you do. Hats off to ya man. Definitely #1 in my books ;)2. Fish with you and the boys anyday. ;D

teenmaster (Grant).....keep your nose to the books and watch out for the girls...they will come soon enough ;).
And if your on the ice and a girl calls....don't answer it ;D

Matt.... your a real card kid with a wicked arm...can definitely tell you have worked a rod before. And remember....DON'T DO DRUGS or you will end up like popeye

As promised here is a master angler pic of a sturgeon so if you ever want to fish them then get dad to give me a call and we will hook up with some monstas. This one is 78 inches.

Blue Igloo....Thank you for the ride back to Winnepeg. Ride sure goes fast when talking hunting. Great sharing of stories and fun guy to fish with. A real gentleman. Thanks for the big 10 inch holes for the big emeralds shiners I pulled up. Love of the outdoors is great to see in someone. Hope we get to share a hunt or fish again. And remember...when it doubt....clinch ;)2

Thriller.... Man I'd be falling over too with a sled that size. Good fishing that short time with you and hope we can land into some park monsters one day.

Reelmaster and Miss Walleye.....Thanks for the holes Reelmaster....the laughs....great fishing at the derby with you both. Nice to see the t-shirt. Sorry it wasn't good luck for you :'( ..... Oh and watch out for flying eyes heh :woot: :woot: :woot: I don't think I've ever had quite that reaction before.

Big Walleye....Sorry I didn't get to meet you. You really didn't have to get all busted up over it all ;D. Hope you have a speedy recovery with no complications.

Little reel....Look forward to running with you again....Kind of felt like the running of the bulls. Fun times fishing with you on derby day.

Scottymac...only met you in line up and then we went our separate ways. Maybe we will meet again ;D

Skiff...thanks for the lunch. You would be a great guy to sit around the campfire with and just listen all night to your stories. Great experiences you have had in your life. Hope I get to fish with you one day ;D If you come out this way maybe I can get a few wolves around to give you a good spooking :woot: :unsure: :unsure:.

Perchpounder.....Hope you can show me those fish on Lockport one day. Love to fish with ya ;D Thanks to you and Skiff for seeing me off.

Too all you Manitobans that I didn't get too meet. I hope it is in the works for the future. I will be taking the wife out for lunch so give me a little time to respond to some of your questions in some of the posts.

So I hope I didn't forget anyone and if I remember I will post later. I've had only 4.5 hrs sleep and I'm feeling a bit groggy.

To quote another great representative of your province (Blue igloo) that seems rather fitting....
"We don't remember days, only moments"

Hope some of my moments are spent with you fine folks ;D

Offline rainbow

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« Reply #1 on: Mar 20, 2006, 04:19 PM »
Terry you are truly first class  8) 8) 8) A pleasure to fish with you  Next time we are out on the water or ice we will catch fish {may have to be in BC  :roflmao:] all kidding aside.....  glad you made it home safe + sound....... We have to do this again  8) 8)

Offline Miss Walleye

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« Reply #2 on: Mar 20, 2006, 04:42 PM »
I will NEVER forget you. Actually i will never forget your eye flying across the table coming at us :o

Had a blast, have to do it again sometime forsure
Glad to hear you arrived home safe and sound, after how many stops :)
Play hard at work: Work hard at play.

Fish on, Jeff! Come here!


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« Reply #3 on: Mar 20, 2006, 07:06 PM »
Another place, another time, hopefully we'll hook up! ;)Always enjoy all your posts and keep your line wet. :flex:

Offline Thriller

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« Reply #4 on: Mar 20, 2006, 08:42 PM »
It was grand meeting you all we have to do is catch some fish.  Come by in the summer when I can haul all my stuff with a Merc  ;D  Seriously, a day or two of catting can be a blast and it is something else you don't have in God's country.

I'll make sure to look you up if I ever get dragged up Terrace way again (not that it would take much dragging).  The boss has an aunt & uncle in PG, so we have usually stopped in at least for a night when we pass through.

God grant me the Serenity to accept the size of the fish I catch,
the Courage not to fib about it,
and the Wisdom to know that no one would believe me anyway.

Offline blue igloo

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« Reply #5 on: Mar 21, 2006, 10:03 PM »
Thank you Terry for all the kind words.
Take Care and keep having fun!
Blue Igloo  :tipup:


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