Author Topic: Bait Cloud  (Read 927 times)

Offline Blue Hog Ridr

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Bait Cloud
« on: Dec 19, 2016, 01:10 PM »
A few Ice Fishermen have tried them out already.  One fellow said that he felt that they were doing what they claim to be able to do.   A package of 3 is 10 and change unless they are on sale.   They come in Wall Eye, Predator, Pan Fish,  Craw Fish and Bass flavors. 

I haven't licked any yet so don't know myself.   One guy mentioned that one should split them in half, or even in 1/4's.   

I know that opinions may vary regarding being akin to chumming.   They create a lot of bubbles and smell good to fish. The jury is likely still out on using Fish Scents, as to whether they work or not.   I bought a small bottle of Wall Eye scent many moons ago.   Never worked for me.   So, the fish would like hanging at under water springs. Oxygenated water.   

Like they say with Lures,  "Many are designed to catch more fishermen than fish".    We will see if this is a gimmick or actually works.

It is like the new fish call. "Hydo Wave".   I have watched videos of Tourney Fishermen that rave about them.   I had wondered, if they have small cameras that can be attached to your line, and see a Wally taking the lure,  and videos of fish being released, if this thing worked as well as some say they do,  why not just take a video of the Hydro Wave in action and see the fish come in by the numbers.

Because they likely don't work, that's why.   Be easy enuff to drop one down a hole.   But at $125.00,  I can find a ton of things to purchase for fishing before this.

Anyway,   10 bucks is an ok investment even if it is just for the novelty of trying one.   They work, or they don't, and people will know not to buy another tube of them.   

Fishing rods and reels - Check   Hey, gots to bring at least 10, right
Tackle Bag - Check
Auger - Check
Tip Up - Check
Sonar - Check
Camera - Check
Tent - Check
Ham sammies on a Kaiser bun - Check
Beer - Check
5 gallon bucket for a seat - Check
Bait Clouds - Check

Did I forget anything?   Probably a length of Bamboo pole and some Braid, cause that was my first Ice Fishing pole.

Oh yeah,  leave the War Dept. at home - Check

Haven't had the chance to go out yet, but getting real itchy.

Fishing is good for your Mind, Body and Soul.
Actually catching a fish or two is a nice by product of a day well spent.

The next time that you don't feel like going into work, don't give your Boss any excuses (Hes heard them all), just say, "I'm going fishing, wanna come".


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