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Author Topic: Mental " Problems "  (Read 2516 times)


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Mental " Problems "
« on: Aug 11, 2023, 06:45 PM »
The human brain is such a complicated organ. I submit to you that most people have some degree of a mental health issue, due to the fact that with such a complex organ, it doesn't take much of a malformation during the fetus stage to set you apart for your lifetime from what is considered " normal ".

Let us celebrate behaviors that are not " normal ", so long as they don't make you a criminal or non-functioning in the world due to social isolation. Who is normal anyway ?  I believe that you can't really make your mark on the world, or enjoy life to its fullest, if you are what psychologists would describe as normal. Was Einstein normal ? Is Elon Musk or Les Stroud normal ? No, they march to their own drummer and they, and society by extension, benefit from their eccentricty, risk-taking, questioning the status quo, and expansion of the knowledge in their fields.

What is your mental health issue ? Again, it need not be a negative. Mine is probably best categorized as OCPD , Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder. This is personified by perfectioinist and narcissistic drives. If something does not result in perfection, it is a disaster and it means I am a failure. For its relation to ice fishing, if I set up in a fishing spot that is known to have good fishing, and I don't catch anything, it must be because I am a failure, not that the fish were not biting that day.

As I age, I am getting better with acceptance of less than perfect outcomes, but it will always be a struggle
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Re: Mental " Problems "
« Reply #1 on: Aug 12, 2023, 08:57 AM »
My mental deal is im a hoarder..not junk and trash but fishing gear,lanterns and many other things.I absolutely can not have only one of anything and end up with a hoard of each item.i also have severe social anxiety,introverted.

Offline 62&done

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Re: Mental " Problems "
« Reply #2 on: Aug 21, 2023, 01:14 PM »
I guess my constant desire to have some "me time" could be an issue. Depending upon how you look at it that is. It drives my wife crazy. Let me explain :      I have an insatiable desire to be alone in my own space. Not to say that I don't like to be with others but just that I am happiest with the quiet. I love to converse with others and listen and learn but then I wish to store that info and move on. I'm gratified by the generosity of others but would not be dissatisfied to find my own way. A day to cherish is one that I am allowed to go about on my own schedule at my own speed and my own direction. Whether it be working on the farm, ice fishing, deer hunting, making blue bird houses, learning to fly fish, it just doesn't matter. Is that so wrong? Am I to be considered ill or rude? I know this lifestyle is odd to some and downright infuriating to others. Does this make me a bad person?

I will be very interested to hear, (see) some other takes on this and perhaps learn from other's personal "issues."  Hope this doesn't develop into another Ann Landers column.

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Re: Mental " Problems "
« Reply #3 on: Aug 21, 2023, 03:52 PM »

 Is does not make you a bad person as I can relate to


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Re: Mental " Problems "
« Reply #4 on: Sep 03, 2023, 07:34 AM »
62 and done, not only do your tendencies to be alone not make you a rude or bad person, it makes you a better person than average. People that are the opposite, who talk too much and mettle in others' business or always have uninvited opinions about what you are doing, are way more irritating to deal with. When you go off and do your thing alone, how can you possibly be irritating anyone ?
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Re: Mental " Problems "
« Reply #5 on: Sep 03, 2023, 08:11 AM »
My mental deal is im a hoarder..not junk and trash but fishing gear,lanterns and many other things.I absolutely can not have only one of anything and end up with a hoard of each item.i also have severe social anxiety,introverted.

We are two peas in a pod. Maybe there should be a help group... but we both know, no one would show up!  ;D
"Many fish their entire lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after."-Henry David Thoreau
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