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Author Topic: My rant  (Read 13411 times)

Offline JerryofWNY

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Re: My rant
« Reply #60 on: Nov 18, 2005, 04:15 AM »
Little John
  I just firmly believe all what has been said by IT or TA members who joined this site to post on this thread in the last month is to benefit or justify their own cause.

This statement led me to believe that many IT or TA guys jumped over here to "benefit or justify their cause." I read back through the thread and found that number to be 1 - Little John. Michigander is an active poster on the IT site, but registered for this site in August of '03. All others are either fairly regular posters to this site or are newbies but certainly didn't jump on here to champion the cause of IceTeam.

I agree with your argument that once the results or an article is posted on their website it is public knowledge.
I just do not believe a lake that can "boast" an average of 2 perch per hour by tournament anglers is going to draw a crowd of anglers from any distance no matter how much publicity you give it.

Come out to the lake Saturday and observe the Kids Clinic. As I said before, my 12 yr. old grandson, a seasoned veteran, attended last year along with a friend who had never been on the ice. Both had a great time with hands on demonstrations. I would also encourage you to be on the lake Sunday and observe the tournament and see what these folks are like. I'm sure you will find them to be like most other ice anglers - friendly, courteous, environmentally conscious, and eager to learn and share. In that they are like others, I'm sure that if you asked anyone what or where they had success some would give truthful info, some would lie and some would be so vague that you might as well have not asked. I've seen guys at the dock with some nice fish and when I asked where they got them they replied, "In the water."
Could have said "North end" or maybe "12 feet" but "In the water?" Cripes I didn't ask for waypoints.

Fishing doesn't have to be for money - neither does card playing. Some just seem to enjoy the extra excitement it puts in the sport knowing that the fish that is hitting ever so lightly could be the fish that wins you some $$$$. There may be a philosophical difference between a tournament angler and an angler who believes fishing for money is wrong. Who is right? They both are if they apply their belief to their own life. BUT - They both have the responsibility to make sure their angling preferences do not put the hurt on the resource and their persuit of fish is within the law. No one has convinced me yet that the TA puts the hurt on Silver Lake. Might be a little inconvenience for the local guys for a couple days, but that's not putting the hurt on the lake.

These guys want to make sure they put on a LEGAL and ETHICAL tournament. You might say there is no such thing as an ethical tournament. That is your opinion based on your philosophy and I respect that and wouldn't expect you to violate your principles. I would invite all who object to this tournament to come out to the lake and observe. Come and see first hand and then you will not have to rely on heresay. You will either be able to lay your fears to rest, or you will have facts to argue against bringing the TA back in '07. 

BTW - Can anyone tell me if there is a food bank in Perry and if so a contact name and number? PM me if you'd rather.

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Offline cold_feet

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Re: My rant
« Reply #61 on: Nov 18, 2005, 06:02 AM »
 I have read many of your posts from the past and will say to you I hope to meet you some day on the ice! You have a very open mind and that is what its about in my book. IT IS NOT a worry to me that the tourney is run ethical I am sure it is. Sure others who have come to this site gave input to icefishing and thats why its here as a tool of information to help teach the members here or any other site the HOW TOs.  I also will say that I am sure every member of the tourney fishes ethical too. IT IS NOT the amt. of fish caught at the tourney that bothers me I will say this again Its making competition out of a sport that was to be relaxing kids see things like this and even adults and think that Wow I can make money at fishing. Teach the up and comers of the sport how to fish, Don't do it for money. If I saw 5,000 kids on Silver all being shown the ways of fishing by 5,000 tourney members. I would love it. Jerry I have total respect for you and your comments here and 1 day I hope to spend some time with you out on Silver. We can talk all day about each others feelings on this and even ways to catch those Silver Perch. The opinions I express are mine alone, I just feel strongly against a group of people comming to a lake to fish for money.
Cold Feet

Offline JerryofWNY

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Re: My rant
« Reply #62 on: Nov 18, 2005, 08:36 AM »
Cold Feet,
I look forward to that day. Thanks.
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Offline Bussman

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Re: My rant
« Reply #63 on: Nov 18, 2005, 09:06 AM »
The opinions I express are mine alone, I just feel strongly against a group of people comming to a lake to fish for money.

The are NOT totally yours alone!! ;)


Offline Ray4852

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Re: My rant
« Reply #64 on: Nov 18, 2005, 11:56 AM »
 These fishing tournaments are just a big party.

Offline Byron/PA

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Re: My rant
« Reply #65 on: Nov 18, 2005, 12:25 PM »
Ray, if you think the TA's are a big party, then I doubt you've been to one.

Here I go again................. ..... ??? ???

I'll start by saying that I really do understand how some of you feel, and why you feel that way. I live on the banks of the Susquehanna river here in PA, and on any givin Saturday or Sunday I can watch a dozen out of state tournament anglers in "my" backyard, on "my" river, loading up on prespawn smallies :%$#!:

Two things irk me about this:

From looking through the posts on this site for the past several years, I notice that some of the most vocal opponents have plenty of "piles of dead fish" pics, plenty of comments about how so and so is to busy cleaning fish to post. It seems fairly obvious that protecting the resource is not really a concern among most of the people who seem the most upset.

And what irks me even more, is I can hear the news on CNN now:

" P.E.T.A. thanks local anglers for halting the exploitation of cute fishies for monetary gain "

Someone mentioned starting a petion to put an end to this, I'm very certain that the Animal Liberation Front will be more than happy to help you circulate this petition, might even help pay for postage and provide lots of signatures from their membership.

Please do not think that I am personally knocking any of you, I have followed many of your posts long before any of this started, it just worries me.

And just for the record, being a strictly catch and release angler 95% of the time I have released enough fish in NY waters ( hoeneeeeeeeyo, hemlock, loon, silver, cayuga, to mention a few) that I figure I can keep 7.5 fish on TA day without feeling guilty............ ;D ;D
80% of Americans are unhappy with the direction our once great Country is heading. Yet 80% of Americans insist on buying blue jeans that were made in China, coffee filters that were made in Taiwan and anything else that was made anywhere but here........wonder if there might be a connection?


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Re: My rant
« Reply #66 on: Nov 18, 2005, 02:26 PM »
My purpose in starting this thread was not to cause division among our ranks.
It was simply to state my opinion and let others know that some of us don't like it.

Be nice, kids!  :callcops:

Offline Ray4852

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Re: My rant
« Reply #67 on: Nov 18, 2005, 05:01 PM »
Byron/pa I have never been to a trap attack tournament and care not to attend one either.  Last year, the day after the big party I went fishing to silver lake for the day and I seen a lot of ice damage and trash lying around. Walking conditions were so bad it restricted my fishing. You said you are from pa. Why don’t you try and promote one down your way. I’m sure the trap attack would love to have one there. You pa guys have nothing to say if some of us ny guys don’t want this crap here. We are trying to preserve silver lake. Please try and be a little more open mined here. How did peta get involved with this. Yes I was one of the guys that mentioned a petition. How are we supposed to fight this crap? What are we suppose to do let a tournament destroy another lake so you guys can have a good time and win the jack pot.

Offline archbishop

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Re: My rant
« Reply #68 on: Nov 18, 2005, 06:03 PM »
Be nice, kids!  :callcops:

WOW, your telling people to be nice? must be good stuff ;)

i think all these tournaments and such are setting a bad example for younger kids views of SPORTsman, all the kids nowadays think they have to catch the biggest fish and shoot the biggest racked deer, have fun and good natured ribbing amongst friends about who caught more or bigger fish or who shot that big 10 pointer, but when you show kids that that is the measure of a good sportsman your not sending a very good message. well maybe i am wrong who cares about the kids and the future of outdoors sports, just as long as someone is getting rich right, i mean thats what its all about isnt it? to hell with the SPORT in SPORTsman :tipup:


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Re: My rant
« Reply #69 on: Nov 19, 2005, 12:36 PM »
I do hope to see many of you at the seminar, kids clinic or on the ice.  Judge for yourselves and base your opinion on facts/experience.  I wasn’t trying to stir the pot on this issue any more than already has been, but I couldn't let some of the falsehoods and misrepresentations go unchallenged.  Now go ahead and pick my words apart to look for anything that remotely supports your anti-competitive-fishing position.  I’m sure you’ll find something I said that can be branded as evil.  “See, See, he said…” 

That was NOT the point of this thread, LJ, and I agree it's getting old.
For anyone who is interested there will be a letter regarding this matter in the next Perry Herald.
I'm done!


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