Author Topic: 9:45 on a Tuesday..  (Read 1649061 times)

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16710 on: Aug 19, 2019, 04:59 AM »
Good morning Eddie! Good morning everyone  :bow:

Eddie can't wait to hear about the stuffed peppers :thumbsup:  Last years Virginia Beach trip was excellent, don't hesitate if you need any pictures posted :thumbsup:

IW hope you are feeling a little better day by day, will you still have "Little Carson Day" tomorrow ???

WW did you enjoy your own bed last night? Fun to go and fun to get home :thumbsup:

45 hope you are feeling some better :thumbsup:

mr.clean you had asked about the washing machine, I ordered a fused switch for it. Not sure when it will come.

I am off for my walk in a bit and then around 8 heading to my tree job. I am looking forward to it because the majority of the trees are notch and drop, with no clean up.

Only a couple more weeks of cracked corn then I will be quitting. I will leave the cameras out but I am sure the activity will slow way down.

Hope you all have an excellent day :thumbsup: Stay safe.


Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16711 on: Aug 19, 2019, 06:06 AM »
Nice 62* this morning. Up early as the wife has her preop physical this morning.

We lucked out Saturday as the rain held off until we got in the car to come home from the grandson's birthday party. Most guys that become of age just cant wait to have a legal beer. Not Seth. You should see the face he makes if he takes a swig of beer. It is hilarious. I guess we do not have to worry about him becoming an alcoholic.

I got the shower base slid in place yesterday. I still need to get the plumbing figured out before it can be set. I keep forgetting I need to figure out where to put handicap bars as they will need to have some thing it the a wall to screw them too.

Eddie I would not know how to compare the taste of the coolapenos to the real thing as I can not stand hot tasting food. If your cauliflowers start making heads make sure the leaves cover the heads or they will turn yellow. The deer ate the leaves off of a field of  cauliflower at a friends farm making them unsaleable as they were yellow.

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16712 on: Aug 19, 2019, 07:03 AM »
63* this morning and they are saying it is going to get HHH. We got another round to t-storms late in the day on Sunday.
Watched some of the LLWS yesterday.
WS, keep at those muskies.
Ice-45 and IW, hope you are both feeling better and on the mend.
Time for wife's med....have a good day...h2l
Northville, NY


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16713 on: Aug 19, 2019, 08:41 AM »

                Good morning ER's,
                        It's a nice morning out but lots of humidity. ::)
                        Eddie........Those coolapeno peppers sound delish. I'll have to try some next year. Virginia Beach sounds like a nice vacation.
                        Marv........Take is easy on the tree job today sounds like a money maker. :thumbsup: :clap: :flex: The critters will still come for a while after you
                stop feeding, just to see if there will be some. ???
                        I-45.........I hope you are feeling better. :thumbsup:
                        H2L.........I watched some of the little league games as well, some players really stand out. :flex:
                        Wally........Glad you made it home safely and yes there's nothing like you own bed. :whistle:
                        We have #3 sons girls today and yes we will still get Emma and Carson tomorrow.
                        I hope everyone has a good Monday either at work or out fishing.


Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16714 on: Aug 19, 2019, 09:17 AM »
Morning all,

IW....that's a lot of little ones so soon after surgery  :o  hope they can all get outside in the pool  ;)

H2L....border crossing is always ID & questions, hope MrsH2 and her niece mended their fences ok   :whistle:  it's usually a 5 hour drive,left later last night and made it in 4 1/2 hrs  :thumbsup:

WS.....hope the tree job goes w/o a hitch today  ;)2 :flex:

Eddie....looking forward to the pepper report  ;D  hope the next couple of week flies by for you as vacation time nears :clap: work motto was always 8 (or 12 or 16) and skate  :roflmao:  don't get mixed up in all the "junk" and leave it all at the door on the way out at the end of shift  @)

IF45.....hope your pain is easing up some each day  :)

Boy there truly is NOTHING like home bed  :thumbsup: :clap: :woot:  didn't get home till after midnight last night but managed to sleep in this morning  :thumbsup:  today is "catch up" day here  ::)

Have a good day at work or play. Stay safe.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16715 on: Aug 19, 2019, 01:00 PM »
Good afternoon everyone  :bow:

I just got back from my tree job plus one. I had just finished the first one when a neighbor came over wondering if I could do some work for him. It's always nice when you can knock off two side by side.

I grabbed the camera cards, I picked out a couple turkey videos.

Hope you all have an excellent afternoon-evening. Stay safe.


Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16716 on: Aug 19, 2019, 08:45 PM »
Good evening so far a dry day like Hunts2long forecast to see some triple H weather before weeks ends.
Eddie lets us know how you enjoy the coolapeno pepers they sound like a variety I would eat I'm a "Gringo" when it comes to spicy foods. My digestive system does not handle that type of food well at all even so called medium salsa can give me problems. May you get some cauliflowers this Summer.
Whopper Stopper nothing like picking up a second easy job. :clap: . May the fused switch arrive soon for the washing machine. Guessing your getting close to Fall turkey season in MN. so any corn put out is considered bait. How is your wife doing with her eye issue.
Tom Turkey happy for your grandson the weather held off and party could take place. Probably a good thing your grandson does not care for the taste of Beer alcohol may react with any medications he takes for his medical problem. Sure you will figure out were to attach the "handicap bars' in shower remodel.
Ice Wanderer may the weather have allowed Son#3's children to use your pool today and be good tomorrow for Emma and Carson. Hope the pain meds are working and you can get back to sleeping in your bed before to long.
Wallyworld glad you got home safely. Sleeping in your own bed is always nice after a trip. I try to keep a similar attitude as yours to work  does not always work.
Icefisher-45 ditto others words may you be feeling better with each passing day. Any word on when yo start any type of rehab. program.

Have a safe and good night. Best to all with fishing plans for tomorrow.

Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16717 on: Aug 20, 2019, 02:07 AM »
Good Morning Everyone, Been having trouble getting onto the IS site. Hopefully it’s not as humid as it was yesterday. Still in a lot of pain in my legs. Funny thing is i’m In more pain in the leg I had the least pain in before. My wife thinks she’s getting close to dialing the pain management in. Surgeon says we’ll try rehab after my follow up appointment as my headache and right arm will tolerate. They haven’t gone away unfortunately. We’ve been having some interesting electrical issues at the new place. The power will go off then come back on after maybe ten or more minutes. Only thing we have on when it does this is the fan and tv and maybe my end table lamp on low setting. Not sure what that is about.

Whopper Stopper, Looks like you had a good day. Always good to have easy side jobs. Will you feed the turkeys past thanksgiving? Thank you for the videos. They help keep a smile on my face.

WallyWorld, Hope you had a good catch-up day and today you get to go fishing.

Ice Wanderer, Wow 3 grandkids yesterday. Hopefully they didn’t tire you out. Trying to stay awake more each day but seem to still sleep a lot. Sleep at the edge of the couch with my feet up on a ottoman. Did you have to wear compression socks during the surgery and after? They didn’t put them on me and my legs and feet are really swollen.
I hope you have fun with little Carlson today. My kids still aren’t talking to me.

Hunts2long, Prayers that your wife is feeling better.

Tom Turkey, Prayers that your wife’s preop physical went well. Did you work on the bathroom yesterday?

Mason Eddie, How did your coolopeno peppers come out? I use to enjoy spicy food but now that food has no taste I don’t even try it anymore. You’ve definitely had a productive garden this year. Not to long for your trip to Virginia Beach.

I hope everyone has a great day and stays hydrated. My wife is home today. She’s not happy that I can’t walk very far. She’s looking for a cat for me because she knows I’m more of a cat person and our Mr Dickens is great but he’s not as comforting. She’s tried a few agencies but we’ve gotten turned down because I don’t have a income yet. Thank you everyone for the prayers and well wishes. They are really helping me along.

Take a kid ice fishing


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16718 on: Aug 20, 2019, 04:22 AM »

                    Good morning I-45, ER's,
                                It's 60* and clear here on my hill, moon is out shinning brightly. ::)
                                I-45.........I hope you can get your cat, my cat Kolie has been sleeping in the new recliner with me, fortunately he
                     senses that my left arm is off bounds and stays away. :thumbsup:
                                Marv........What a good score to pick up another nice easy job without have to move far. :flex: I enjoyed the turkey videos, those poults aren't
                     so small any more. ???
                                Wally..........When I travel I like to leave very early or late at night, less traffic to deal with., I hope you got caught up on the chores. :flex:
                                Steve.........We had four days with shower's or thunderstorms but yesterday was a great day, a little warm and humid but no rain came in.
                     Today promises to be a little cooler. :clap: T he barometer chart on my weather station looks like the stock market chart, up and down. :woot:
                                Tom............When I built my house I never considered grab bars for the showers. At the hospital they asked if I have them and they would
                      supply them but they are the screw to the wall type and there wouldn't be any backing for them. :%$#!:
                                Eddie..........Are you still working at the mansion on the herb garden?
                                Grand kid day again. I feel really a lot better this morning.
                                I hope everyone has a good Tuesday either at work or out fishing.


Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16719 on: Aug 20, 2019, 04:56 AM »
Morning all,

IW....glad to hear you're feeling better today  :thumbsup: :clap:  another nice day for the grandkids to be outside  ;)2

IF45.....sorry to hear your recovery isn't going as well as hoped  :'(  good luck in your search for a cat  :)

WS.....good deal getting a 2 fer  ;D  :clap:  any plans for some casting exercises again soon  ???

Eddie.....hope you didn't get a gremlin visit this morning   :blink:

TT.....belated birthday wishes to your grandson  :thumbsup:  hope MrsTT's pre-op visit went well  :)

MrC.....I love spicy food, but as I get older I find it doesn't always like me so much   :roflmao:  keeping my fingers crossed this HHH weather is almost done for this year  :-\

H2L.....good luck if hitting the lake today sir  ;)

Got the lawn at fishing camp and home taken care of yesterday  :flex:  grass is still growing like crazy  :wacko:

Have a good day at work or play. Stay safe.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16720 on: Aug 20, 2019, 04:59 AM »
Good morning everyone :bow:

67 with storms North and South of us today. Looks like the upper 70's on tap for today.

mr.clean Sept 1 is when feeding turns to baiting here. Like IW said yesterday the critters will still come by but they probably won't spend near the time. Guess we will see, the cameras will stay up.

IW glad to read you are feeling better today. Hope you and the kids have an excellent day :thumbsup:

Eddie Hope you and the crew have a good Tuesday :thumbsup:

WW hope your day goes well :thumbsup:

Today I have to return to the one job from yesterday and cut a stump off. When I got done it was completely buried, easier to just stop back.

I am off for my walk. Nothing else on the planner unless my part shows.

Hope everyone has an excellent day :thumbsup: Stay safe.


Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16721 on: Aug 20, 2019, 06:56 AM »
54* this morning. Yesterday didn't seem as warm as they were saying it was going to be and today it is not suppose to be humid. They have no clue.

WW, the glass is liking all this rain. Most summers by now my lawn is brown.

Ice-45, hope you can find a cat soon. My wife really misses her cat. We had to give it away after the transplant. The people that have him, love him. The wife is doing well.
One of her hearing aids had to be sent in for repair, she is not happy about that. But I get to "yell" at her and not get into

Hope everyone has a good day...h2l

IW, you take it easy...
Northville, NY

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16722 on: Aug 20, 2019, 07:13 AM »
Nice 61* to start the day. Rain should stay south of us.

The wifes appointment went well I guess. it was a little too short as I did not get to finish the Readers Digest story I was reading.

When we got  home I decided I needed to knock down the crab grass in the dog yard before it seeded out. My yards are over run with it. the only thing I can find to get it before emergence is mixed with fertilizer. I can not find straight preventer any more that works better.

Marv Feeding deer is totally banned in Michigan now due to CWD. That limits feeding turkeys as deer will go for what you put out for turkey's. The did finally allow barrels in certain places for bear baiting. it is a joke as the holes in the barrel can't be bigger than one inch.

IW they make bars that are held on by suction but I do not trust them to hold if really needed.

Time to get breakfast and the decide what I am going to try and get done today. Sorry for all of the typos. If I try to correct them the site is back to erasing What has already been typed.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16723 on: Aug 20, 2019, 08:17 AM »
Good morning again everyone :bow:

mr.clean you had asked about my wife and her eye problem. Friday she saw the specialist again and her eye pressure was back at 50+. He is taking her off a steroid she was taking and added a couple other drops. He also gave her a pamphlet explaining the surgery he is anticipating if this latest drop juggling doesn't work. She goes back in a couple of weeks.

Yesterday around 6pm we happened to look out the window toward the cameras and there were 2 does with 4 fawns. 2 of the fawns were very small and cute as a button. I was really in hopes that they would be on the camera but no luck. Sometimes the cameras can drive you crazy :%$#!:

Walking out to the camera I notice a mole trap was sprung.
#7 will be taking a ride to the landfill tomorrow morning..........     


Hope everyone has an excellent day...............Here are a couple videos.


Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16724 on: Aug 20, 2019, 08:49 AM »
Nice job on the mole 😁 MrWw is 1 for 1 on them so far, seems they’re just beginning to show up around here ☹️

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16725 on: Aug 21, 2019, 02:31 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Clear and 67* this am, high of 76 today rain/T-storms coming. Yesterday’s post floating around some where in the cyber space.  :%$#!:
  Marv...hope yesterday’s job went well, way to go picking up the extra work from the neighbor! Best wishes sent to your wife on her eye issue, hopefully the drops work and she can avoid surgery. Thanks for sharing the videos, maybe we’ll get a glimpse of those fawns soon!    :thumbsup:
  I-45...sorry to read about the lingering pains and headaches hanging around yet. Hope you’re feeling some relief today and each passing day. Best wishes sent Sir!  Any luck finding a cat yet?   :thumbsup:
  Wally...yes, it seems the gremlin paid me a visit yesterday, lol. Any fishing plans this week?
  Jeff..hope you had a great day with the grandchildren yesterday!

  The coolapenos were a big hit, no heat whatsoever. To me, they seemed to taste almost like a green bell pepper. We used a stuffing recipe I found on line with cream cheese, shredded pepper jack, sweet Italian sausage, topped with Romano cheese and basil....very tasty!   :thumbsup:
  We poured the footings for the cobblestone yesterday at the herb garden...will be working on that today if we don’t get rained out.
  Time to get ready for the days adventure.....check in with you all later today, Cawfee’s on!
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16726 on: Aug 21, 2019, 04:46 AM »
Good morning Eddie! Good morning everyone :bow:

I am off to throw a few, I'll post when I get back. After reading Eddies post I had to share a couple of videos from yesterday.

Hope you all have an excellent day :thumbsup:  Stay safe.

Eddie you have a future as a psychic. I wish you would have told me to raise the camera a little :roflmao: :roflmao:


Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16727 on: Aug 21, 2019, 06:27 AM »
64* and rain just started.
This is my second time trying to post. Lost the first one out in space. Speaking of losing, I get a phone call yesterday and the guy said he was from Social Security and that they had lost my number and if I could verify it for them. I told him to send me a new one and he hung up. The big red flag went up when the caller ID said the call was from ME. My name and number.

WS, hope that the big one hits one of those big lures today.

Going to try to get out before the weekend. Have to get some worms.
Have a good day....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16728 on: Aug 21, 2019, 07:28 AM »
H2L I got one on my cell phone Saying my SS account has been suspended because of suspicious activity LOL   Will be opening today as the closer wanted to trade shifts.
need to water the tomatoes before I head out. 

Got a Niece coming to attend a wedding here in Colorado end of this month, said she loves to fish.  So maybe I will be wetting a line before September.

Good day to all.

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16729 on: Aug 21, 2019, 08:00 AM »
Morning all,

WS......good luck, hope they're hungry this morning  ;)2

Eddie....just had a nasty t-storm roll thru here, hope you don't get rained out  :-\ 

H2L.....crazy to think anyone would fall for that scam when your own info shows up  :blink: next couple of days look a little breezy but sunny, good luck  :)

IFF.....sounds like you might have a fishing date  :thumbsup: :clap: deer feeding allowed in NY either, yet the stores are full of 50# bags of "deer corn" and a variety of flavored attractants/mineral blocks/feeders   :wacko:  never have figured that one out  :unsure: :cookoo:

IW.....hope your day went well with the little ones yesterday  ;)  do all the grandkids go to school next month  ???

Going to pick and stuff some bell and cubanella peppers for dinner tonight, my brother's coming over  :)  made a blackberry pie for dessert  :clap:

Think we might try hitting the lake again tomorrow morning  ;D

Have a good day at work or play. Stay safe.

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16730 on: Aug 21, 2019, 10:01 AM »
Good morning sky has cleared and light winds presently calling for thunder storms this afternoon and evening. May the folks at Weather Underground be wrong with their forecast of high winds for parts of the Mid-West and North East.
Icefisher-45 I'm no electrical expert but think there maybe a problems with one of the breakers in your panel which is causing power to go on and off. Remember that Mr. Dickens and any cat you get might not get along with each other and present new set of problems for the wife and you.  May your wife and doctors find right combination of pain medicines to get you more active with less pain and headaches.
Ice Wanderer hope Emma and Carson could enjoy your pool yesterday. This for your,Mr. Turkey's and anyone else who his helped from info. there are chairs and benches made for use in shower /bath you can use the chair/bench to stabilize yourself while showering. Your insurance and Mr.Turkey favorite Gov. agency Medicare may cover the cost of bench or chair.
Wallyworld lawn maintenance sure keeps you and Mr. WW busy between the three properties. Glad you have gotten some peppers  from the garden Enjoy tonight's dinner with your brother.
Whopper Stopper thank you for explanation of  wild game/Deer feeding regulations can you resume feeding after hunting season ends for year. May new round of eye meds. help your wife avoid surgery or prolong having the operation. Thanks for all the game camera videos.
Hunts2long I've received the same phone calls as IFF about social Security  always some scam or sales pitch going on I've gotten to point of letting answering machine come on or checking caller ID before picking up the phone. Past few weeks received calls with number from your area code wanting to discuss supply charges on my electric bill. Just remember to lower your voice once wife gets her hearing aid back from repairs. ;D
Tom Turkey glad the wife's pre.-op went well sorry you did not get to finish article in Reader's Digest. CWD has caused problems with many states deer herds. Like Wallyworld wonder how stores can sell certain products here in NY. with our regulations on deer baiting and hunting over bait.
Eddie good to here the Coolapeno stuffed peppers were a hit. Good you finally have footings poured for herb garden hopefully the weather and Gov.'s schedule allow you to finish project before needing to put up tents and use heaters.
IFF have a good visit with your niece may the two of you get a fishing trip in during her stay .

A good and safe Wednesday to all. all fishing.Best to everyone fishing.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16731 on: Aug 22, 2019, 02:33 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Foggy 66* on the Hill this am, high of 80 with just a slight chance of rain today.

  Steve...with yesterday’s rain here, we spent the day inside doing some block demolition. Understand we have a green light to start laying the cobblestone today over at the herb garden....of course,  things can change in a NY minute at the old Mansion, lol.   ;D were those Cubanelle peppers, I’m certain they were a hit as was the pie!!   :clap:  I have 2 of them growing but haven’t picked any yet, still staying small. Best of luck with today’s fishing!   :thumbsup:
  Bud...I had a similar voice mail on my phone, the # was from the New York City area. Hope you have a banner day fishing with your niece!   :thumbsup:
  H2...the scammers seem to be out in force, scumbags. That was a great reply... :thumbsup:  Hope you didn’t lose power with those storms going through your area yesterday, saw some advisories your way. Good luck fishing today if you’re heading out.   :thumbsup:
  Marv...gotta say, I think those videos are now my favorites....excellent job!  :clap: :bow:  Hope the Musky fishing went well, will be checking back this am to see how you did!   :thumbsup:
  Jeff/I-45...hope these passing days have shown improvement with your healing, pains, and sleeping! Best wishes sent your ways today!   :thumbsup:

  Some pretty strong winds and rain blew through the area yesterday. Found a couple pepper plants snapped in the garden on my return home. At least we dodged the hail again... :thumbsup:
  The Little League games have been great fun to watch, my favorite baseball hands down. The field is getting narrowed down now, a few great games coming up to see who will be in the finale on Sunday.
  That time again... Cawfee’s on!
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16732 on: Aug 22, 2019, 03:57 AM »

                 Good morning Eddie, ER's,
                        It's 64* and clear out this am, a nice day is in the forecast. ::)
                        Eddie...........All we got yesterday was rain no winds but they were in the guessers report. :blink:
                        Marv............Excell ent videos, I always like watching the deer. :clap: I hope you had some success throwing a few. :flex:
                        Steve..........Thank you for the card, it was very thoughtful. :thumbsup: :bow:
                        Tom............Yeah that's why the VA doesn't give out the suction cup ones, they are afraid that they will pop off when needed. :cookoo: :%$#!:
                        Wally...........All the grand kids will be in school this year, the youngest will start pe K they only go half a day. ???
                        H2L.............I am taking it easy I haven been out since I got home. :o
                        I still have some swelling and yesterday after my shower it was time to change the dressing. My wife started pulling it off and she looked
                 like she was ready to pass out. She is skirmish about those things, she got the bandage of and it was nothing no dried blood or oozing. She
                 wiped in down with alcohol and got the new dressing on, oh did I say black and blue, my whole side is like a rainbow missing the red and green.
                        I hope everyone has a good Thursday either at work or out.


Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16733 on: Aug 22, 2019, 05:15 AM »
Morning all,

A quick good morning as we're heading out the door for the lake  :clap:

Have a good day at work or play. Stay safe.

Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16734 on: Aug 22, 2019, 06:20 AM »
Good Morning Everyone, Looks like it’s going to be a muggy day today. Their not sure about the electrical issues. It would be nice if it would have done it with them here. My wife did have it on video. My wife changed the bandage yesterday. Said it had some seepage. Medication is keeping the pain in my back and leg down but making me very tired. Unfortunately not having any effect on my headaches. Going to court next month for workers comp. I will have to get up and explain what happened.

WallyWorld, Hope you had a good dinner with your brother last night and the Blackberry pie was a success. Good luck on the water today.

Ice Wanderer, That’s good your feeling better. Are you going to be getting the grandkids after school?

Mason Eddie, I think little league is the best sport to watch. Kids are actually enjoying the sport not having to worry about contracts.

Mr clean, I think you are correct about the circuit breaker but god forbid they actually listen to us. Going to wait till i’m A little more mobile before getting a kitty. Right now i’m Out of it most of the day.

I hope everyone has a great day and tight lines to those on the water. God Bless
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16735 on: Aug 22, 2019, 07:33 AM »
Low 50's to start the day. LES is supposed to be around for the week end.

We spent the better part of yesterday in the city. We went to Home Depot for a change as it is out of the way. I  found the safety bars for the shower with out breaking the bank. Now all I have to do is make sure I have the backing and make notes where they are. Steve This shower base has a built in seat. The base is 5 foot like a normal tub with only around a 5 inch lip to get over to get in. Now to get it plumbed up and finished. I asked the guy in the plumbing department about a drain fitting for the shower. He made a couple of steps and handed me what I needed. The wife got her veterans discount by simply showing her ID which helped.

When we had the last baiting ban there was still a lot of bait etc. being sold. They can not stop the sale of it. YOU just can not put it out for the deer. YA! The last time they did not put the ban on until the farmers had already planted the bait, like carrots. One of my friends had to let a big acreage rot in the field.

The wife got a call from the County Council on Aging the other day asking her if she would serve on the county board. The new manager of the board had attended one of our meetings awhile back so he knew how she operated. He must have been impressed, he to fill a vacancy on the board. There is still never ending drama at the local center. The card that uses the center refuses to clean up after them selves. They do donate a small amount of money but they still need to clean up their mess.

Every one have a good day. The site is back to erasing what I typed aging if I try tomake a correction. Hope fully you can figure out what I meant.

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16736 on: Aug 22, 2019, 07:37 AM »
65* and foggy here this morning.

WW, good luck on the water.

IW and Ice-45, sounds like you have good "care givers".

Have to take Scout to the vets this morning, she seems to have an issue with her ears. I know she didn't like the 4 days of t-storms.

No fishing today, but may get out on Friday.

Have a good day...h2l
Northville, NY

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16737 on: Aug 22, 2019, 09:02 AM »
Good morning blue sky and sunshine with a 20 percent chance of rain heading to 85 for a high Moe Humid still visiting  hopefully he heads to another area after this weekend.
Eddie may you get to lay some cobblestone today. looks like your pepper plant pruning earlier this Summer worked as you have had a good crop. Hope you did not loose to many plants to wind damage. Enjoy the remaining Little League world series games.
Ice Wanderer you are welcome figured it might make your day a little brighter. Sounds like your healing is going well may the black and blue spots disappear.
Wallyworld have a good day at the lake safe traveling to both of you.
Icefisher-45 guessing just your landlord came to look at electrical problem if it was an electrician they should have a way to test function of breakers. Good to hear the pain med. is helping with your legs and back wish your headaches would end Best to you with the work comp. case. Good idea holding off on the cat until you are more mobile don't need to trip over it and have another fall.
Tom Turkey happy for you Home Depot had the grab bars and other items need for the shower and you got a discount. I have a similar shower minus the built in seat did not think about a seat when remodeling condo before moving in when the Gen. contractor came to bid the job he brought he plumbing sub. looking at what i what he said to replace the tub/shower combo he would need to go through ceiling of downstairs unit to connect drain. So I went with the tub length shower as he could connect the drain without having to bother people in downstairs unit. I guess there is a similar loop hole in NY. law that allows the selling of mineral block and other deer products. Best to your wife if she accepts position on the County council of the Aging board. Think you local community assoc. needs to reword the agreement between them and the person/group using facility to include that they will clean up after using the facility.
Hunts2long may scout's ear problem be easy to correct many animals do not like loud noise especially thunder.
Whopper Stopper did the washing machine part arrive yet so you can complete repair. if your still trapping may the raccoon or possum be in your trap in coming days.How did things go with the fishing hope you finally landed a good sized musky.

Glad everyone who was in path of yesterday's thunder storms came through it alright I had a brief period of heavy rain shortly after posting yesterday. My county was under a storm watch during the afternoon and evening thankfully the storms went around me.  have a good Thursday Best to all fishing.

Offline OldSailor

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16738 on: Aug 22, 2019, 12:01 PM »
Hi ER's.. Eddie I have a tip for you that is too late to save your peppers, but may save the other surviving plants! Get yourself small dowels or  stakes and push them into the ground next to the plants and loosely tie the plants to the stakes/dowels with garden twine or strips of old bed sheets. :flex: ;)2 :thumbsup:
My two favorite college football teams are Ohio State and whoever's playing Michigan!!!

Don't reel against the drag!!!

Ex Minnesnowta lad! You can take the lad out of Minnesnowta, but you can't take Minnesnowta out of the lad!!

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16739 on: Aug 22, 2019, 05:12 PM »
Good evening everyone :bow:

Glad to see everyone checking in this morning, I was running behind trying to beat dawn and decided to skip check in.

mr.clean you asked about the washer part. Last night before bed I took some stuff out to the truck so I wouldn't forget it this morning. I usually go out the garage but I went out the front door instead. When coming back I noticed a package in the shadows which ended up being the washer part. The UPS dropped it off and I was unaware, so I got to working on installing and putting the washer back together. It was only a few days but I sure was glad I took pictures as I went. By the time I finished I was well passed my normal bed time which is a big part of why I was late this morning. I am happy to report the washer is now firing on all cylinders :thumbsup:

The s-i-l joined me today and we had the old boat in the lake and ready just as first light started to overcome the darkness. We had only been casting about ten minutes when the s-i-l got a shot of adrenaline due to a mid sized musky in the 42"-44" range. She went around and around with it and the dang thing came back 4 times before it finally left for good.

We continued casting for the next 6 1/2 hours when I had a musky in the 50" range follow a Suick in, giving us an excellent look. The dang fish followed in and then raised out of the water about 75% as if it was going to jump into the boat to chase the bait. Muskies never fail to deliver making you shake your head wondering what the heck was that all about ??? The only fish landed were 2 pike, the biggest being 34" for the s-i-l. She caught them both on a bait that resembles a big rat.

Tomorrow morning we will be back and trying it again.

Hope you all have an excellent evening :thumbsup: Stay safe.



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