Author Topic: 9:45 on a Tuesday..  (Read 1649274 times)


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15780 on: May 18, 2019, 04:26 AM »

              Good morning Eddie, ER's,
                        It's 44* and clear here on my hill, yesterday was a roller coaster, clouds then sun then clouds again and finally the sun came
              out with clear skies. ::)
                        Eddie.......I believe beans grow pretty fast from seed and the stems seem stronger. :flex: I bet your granddaughters flower wagon
              will look great after the flowers get going, that's a good use of an old wagon. :clap: Enjoy the concert as much as you can. :thumbsup:
                        Wally........I hoping to read of a good report, one out of tree days should be good. ???
                        Marv.........Good deal on the tractor. :thumbsup: Did you and Jen get some fishing in. ???
                        I-45..........I hope you were able to get some packing done, it's got to be the worst chore, but it also gives the opportunity to get
              rid of stuff. :blink:
                        Bud..........How's work going? ???
                        Not much today, I'm going to try a mow my lawn one handed. :whistle:
                        I hope everyone has a great Saturday either at work or out doing good things!


Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15781 on: May 18, 2019, 05:24 AM »

This is the launch at the campsite yesterday.

42 and not a cloud in the sky this morning.

Eddie, with the weather we have been having, the garden could drive you to drink. Glad I am done with the garden. I am going to get a couple tomatoes for the deck. We will see how that goes.
Hope to see a good report from WW. What is the water temp?

Have a good day...h2l
Northville, NY

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15782 on: May 18, 2019, 05:35 AM »
Morning all,

Thanks to Mother Nature and her winds we weren't able to fish at all yesterday :'(  When we pulled up to the launch there were already 3 foot waves as far as one could see, too much for a 17' boat  :-\  so we just headed home. From all reports I've seen/heard we aren't the only ones not catching anything  :blink:  I would guess the filthy water everywhere has to be playing a big part of that  ::)  There's also no launching a boat w/o hip waders either the water is almost to the same point as 2017 when all the flooding occurred  :(  The state is saying the levels won't crest until sometime in early June  :wacko:

Going to see how long it takes to get my mower stuck today   :whistle:  I know it will happen just not sure where  :woot:  never knew what an adventure mowing could be  :roflmao:

Have a good day whatever your plans. Stay safe.

H2L......water was between 49 & 53* surface temp

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15783 on: May 18, 2019, 05:37 AM »
Good Morning Everyone, Supposed to be almost 70 today. Did get some packing done yesterday. Will get more done today. Packing is a pain. Watching the news. What happened to our society? I swear it was better when I was growing up.

Mason Eddie, Hope you had fun at the concert.

Hope everyone has a great day and a safe one. Tight lines to those on the water.

Take a kid ice fishing

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15784 on: May 18, 2019, 07:14 AM »
Good Morning ER's

WW bummer on leave the boat on the trailer

Fisher-45, Right on so many levels with what has happened, and happening.  I hope it swings the other way....

Jeff, about to head in to work for the 6th day this week.  They are having a Grillfest, and want someone that knows how to run the grill. ::) ;D  Hot dogs, but the cook is taking a rib eye for his self  ;D


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15785 on: May 18, 2019, 07:38 AM »
Good Morning ER's

Jeff, about to head in to work for the 6th day this week.  They are having a Grillfest, and want someone that knows how to run the grill. ::) ;D  Hot dogs, but the cook is taking a rib eye for his self  ;D
               Good man Bud, the cook that takes care of himself. :thumbsup:


Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15786 on: May 18, 2019, 07:43 AM »
 :clap: :roflmao: :clap:   Enjoy that rib eye Bud!!   :clap: :roflmao: :clap:

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15787 on: May 18, 2019, 09:30 AM »
Good morning sunny and dry so far yester day turned out to be nicer then I expected guessing current wind is around ten MPH by looking at tree limbs. The thicker limbs are not swaying so most likely below fifteen or higher MPH.
Eddie to answer your question it is around twenty years since public high schools in my area started adding lacrosse to their sports programs over that time period more schools have added the sport think their are now about twenty five schools playing lacrosse in my section of NY. I think given the cost of equipment and fact that most parents never played the sport if has not taken off at my local high school especially among the inner city youth. May your granddaughter's flower garden flourish this Spring /Summer. Hopefully the newly planted beans will far better then the transplants. Remember your ear plugs and try to enjoy the concert.
Ice Wanderer assume you have a riding mower/tractor or your wife will hep start lawn mower as you need to hands to start it with current safety features on walk behind mowers. May the vibrations from the mower not bother your shoulder.
Hunts2long nice photo have any docks been put in at the public launches on GSL. Hope you get to enjoy several home grown tomatoes this Summer.
Icefisher-45 remember to label boxes as you pack them so you can find items like dishes,pots and pans quickly once at your new location. It seems every generation feels things were better in their youth. I'm sure some group as studied this subject but I fell their is alot more graphic violence shown in today's world from cartoons to video games,etc. must have some affect on society. Also many young people have trouble communicating with others face to face since they mostly text message others in their age group.
Wallyworld sorry Mother Nature keep you from fishing yesterday. Try not to get the tractor/mower stuck so bad you need to call a tow truck to get it out.
IFF enjoy the rib-eye. Have fun being grill master for a day. Hope you get a day off soon to enjoy some fishing.

Have a good and safe day.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15788 on: May 18, 2019, 02:32 PM »
Good afternoon everyone :bow:

A cool rainy day on this part of the map and as I peck away we have a nice fire going in the wood stove.

IW Hope the mowing went well for you. Yep the s-i-l had a good outing and caught about 25 large mouth bass yesterday. The lake she was on had a size limit so they had to be 14" and under to keep. She brought home 5 and we had them for lunch today with plenty left over for them to have cold fish later today.

Eddie hope you get to hear the songs you like. It sounds like a fun time hanging with the Brothers. :thumbsup:

WW best wishes on escaping the mowing with out getting stuck :thumbsup:

45 I agree with you on the packing. Hope everything goes smooth for you :thumbsup:

Today has been busy since I got up. Yesterday My lift on the splitter broke and I was up late trying to figure out how to fix it. I bought it in 1978 and over the years the company changed them. I am guessing finding what I need will be a needle in a hay stack. It's a special bracket for support of the lift and welding really isn't an option. I will see what the neighbor across the street has to say and go from there.

Hope you all have an excellent afternoon evening :thumbsup: Stay safe.


Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15789 on: May 18, 2019, 07:47 PM »
Hard to believe, it was reported, that crew and customers alike, were saying how good the hot dogs were ??  Might be because in the past they were only using one of those electric things to heat the dogs instead of grilling them  :unsure: ::) I put a pan of water on a side burner and boiled them before hitting the grill, and sure enough, everything from "What kind are these, and so plump",

One thing for sure is business is picking up from days of 75 customers a day, to 350 for today and sure not enough cashiers.  Was to leave at 3, then can you stay till 4 ?, then can you stay till 5 ?   ;D  All of today is overtime  ;D :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15790 on: May 19, 2019, 05:06 AM »

                Good morning ER's,
                         It's 48*, sun in the east and clouds to the west. ::)
                         Bud.........Good job on the hot dogs, did anyone question your rib eye? ???
                         I-45.........I agree with you, it's a different world out there, I don't remember a lot of bulling going on at least not like today and
                 I went to a military high school. :whistle:
                         Marv........I hope you can get the lift fixed on your splitter, if you cant get it fixed that would be hard on the back. You said welding
                 is out how about a bolt on bracket. I'm sure a McGiver will figure it out for you. Tell Jen good job on the Bass. :clap: :thumbsup:
                         Eddie.......How was the concert? ???
                         Wally.......I've seen waves like that on Lake Ontario, they seem to pop up with out notice, the nasty north or northwest wind will
                 do it. :unsure:
                         Well I got my lawn mowed yesterday, one handed, it wasn't that bad. :thumbsup: Then I got a text from my ice fishing buddy Jon NY,
                 he was coming up this way and wanted to know if he and his wife could stop by. When they arrived he had a couple of flats in of tomatoe
                 plants, pepper plant and some onions for my wife's garden. Boy she was happy to say the least. ;D
                          Not much going on today, it's suppose to rain.
                          I hope everyone has a nice Sunday either at work or out on some water.


Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15791 on: May 19, 2019, 06:20 AM »
52 degrees and raining hard enough to knock out the Dish signal. Wife was right in the middle of Mass.

Mr. Clean, the state has 3 launches around the lake that are free. (one 2 miles down the road) No docks yet at those. Then there is the campsite which is NOT free.(I can use it during the week with Golden Pass) There are some businesses with launches and I am not sure if they have docks in yet or not. My cousin has Access Pass, he loss a leg in a motorcycle accident, so he uses the campsite any day he wants. He lives just outside the campsite, where I grew up. With 125 miles of shoreline I am sure there are launchs I don't know about.

God just returned the Dish signal...

WW, too bad about the wind keeping you off the lake. I can remember driving from Churchville all the way to Seneca Lake and watching 3/4 footers from the South into Geneva.
 My cousin was out on the lake yesterday and said it was mid 50's.

IFF sounds like business has picked up or they heard about your hot dogs.

IW, nothing seems to slow you up, just take it easy.

Eddie, hope the concert went well and that you are feeling better.....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15792 on: May 19, 2019, 06:33 AM »
Morning all,

IFF.....nice bonus $$$$$$  :thumbsup:  hope you found time for that steak  ;)2

IW.....what a great surprise to get all those plants  :clap: 

IF45.....hope the packing is going smoothly  ;)

WS.....where there's a will there's a way, I'm sure you'll come up with some kind of fix for the lift  :flex: was your night with your brothers  ??? 

H2L.....I see flood warnings are out for the next couple of days again with the rain forecast  ::) 

Managed to get thru the lawn w/o getting stuck enough to need winching out yesterday  :clap:  had to use the push mower in a few places tho, like trying to mow quicksand  :blink: 

Saw this mangy looking critter wandering around my yard chewing on a deer leg

been hearing him nights now that the bedroom window is open

Have a good day whatever's on the agenda. Stay safe.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15793 on: May 19, 2019, 07:35 AM »
Good morning everyone :bow:

40's with rain, looking at freeze warnings tonight. The coming week looks wet every day, not sure when I will get to finish my tree job from last week ???

Eddie how is the head this morning ;D Hope you and the Brothers had a good time at the concert :thumbsup:

IW good going on the mowing, glad it went well for you :thumbsup:

45 hope you had a good day of packing and got a lot done :thumbsup:

WW glad you were able to escape the hook while mowing ;D I no sooner got done and it's almost time to give it another clip. Great picture of the song dog  :clap:

I didn't get  chance to work on the splitter at all yesterday. Every time I started to do something I was pulled in a different direction. I will just wait until tomorrow when everyone is back at work.

Hope you all have an excellent day no mater what's on the agenda :thumbsup: Stay safe.


Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15794 on: May 19, 2019, 09:17 AM »
Jeff, No prying eyes on the eye, Boss, and store manager see it on the grill out back, served one up to the boss, store manager was in to relieve him for the day, but he wouldn't share it, she got a bite of mine and was puzzled on how come it was so moist.  ;D

Had threats of frost last night, but don't think it did.  Will check on the tomatoes in a few, need to fire up the mower, or might have to get a hay machine rented. Guessers are saying highs in the mid 40's Tuesday/Wednesday with 100% rain both days. 

Rest of the day will have to go to grocery shopping.


Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15795 on: May 19, 2019, 09:23 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Partly cloudy skies and 60* this am, high of 79 expected with scattered thundershowers today. of luck in tracking down or having that part fabricated for your splitter. Congrats to Jen on a great day with the Bass fishing! Was she using the new reel?    :thumbsup: :clap:   Me head is throbbing this am... ;D
  Wally...glad you got the lawn under control before the rain returns, crazy weather! That’s a great shot of the coyote on the prowl, thanks for sharing!   :thumbsup:
  H2...the reservoir will probably be rising again after these next few days...  :cookoo:  Some heavy rains falling here now. are one determined guy, glad you got the lawn done!  That was a real nice thing Jon did with the plants, awesome! Will be looking forward to the garden reports..... :bow: :clap: :thumbsup:
  Bud...way to go on the grilling, nothing quite like a hotdog cooked to perfection! Glad to read things picking up at the new store!   :thumbsup:
  Steve...I forgot my ear plugs last evening.... ;D

  Will try again, first post went somewhere out in cyberspace.... :%$#!:
  Had a great time with my brothers last evening, all I can say is “ Wow “. While the music isn’t/wasn’t my style, it was quite an experience...we were about 12 rows back from the stage dead center. Maybe just a little tooo intense for me, lol, correction, way tooo intense...think my ears were ready to bleed from the British Steel cutting the air.... :woot:
  Anyway, we had a great time together....glad I have the day ahead to get my marbles straightened out before starting back to work again tomorrow!   ;D
  Might try to sneak a barbecue in minimal, maybe some dogs grilled up “Bud style “.   ;D
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15796 on: May 19, 2019, 05:48 PM »
Good Evening Everyone,
  Wally, H2, Jeff, Dom....hope you all are ok after those strong severe thunderstorms that raced through your areas. Don’t know if it happened, hopefully not, but there was tornado warnings out associated with the 70mph plus winds reported. Hope all is well..... :thumbsup:

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15797 on: May 19, 2019, 06:46 PM »
All is fine here. First storm was a good one. HEAVY rain, some small hail and the wind blew pretty good. The second was just heavy rain. Power even stayed on. Thanks for asking...h2l
Northville, NY

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15798 on: May 19, 2019, 10:12 PM »
Good evening sunny most of the day thunderstorm came through between 9 and 9:30PM. Believe there is a storm warning until eleven.
Whopper Stopper congratulations to your SIL on the largemouth bass as someone else ask was she using her new reel. May you find a fix for the wood splitter  must be a well kept machine to last over forty years.
IFF think you have added to your job duties and will be manning the grill at future events.
Ice Wanderer congrats on mowing your lawn with one hand/arm . Very nice of John NY to bring you plants for the garden.
Hunts2long thank you for the info. on GSL . Good to hear you suffered no problems from today's thunder storms.
Wallyworld happy for you your lawn is mowed and you did not get tractor stuck. Nice photo of the coyote hope he does not become a problem animal.
Eddie I'm not a big heavy metal fan either good to read you still had a good time at the concert with your brothers. May you not have to work with or near any jack hammers on Monday. Did you get the barbecue in before any rain fall.
Tom Turkey did you get out turkey hunting with the model 12 if so did you get your tom.
Capt.Jim no idea if your still stopping by I.S. to follow this thread . Just wanted to wish you the best at upcoming urologist appointment to review blood work done back in late March/early April. Also hope Ellie's shoulder is healed and she has no problems.

A good night to everyone.

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15799 on: May 20, 2019, 02:18 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Cloudy and calm 64* this am, high of 79 expected again today, slight chance of showers.

  Steve...we had the grandchildren over for a few hours, Chinese food was mentioned....I got out voted on the grilling, lol. Will be firing up the grill today, dogs are ready and chicken breasts marinating.   ;D  :thumbsup:

  Hope everyone dealing with those strong storms yesterday faired well.
  Back to the job today, not sure I’m ready for it yet, but will go easy. If it becomes too much, I’m ready to throw in the towel and take another week off. The healing is coming along well, don’t want any chance of setting that back.
  Will check in at break and see how everyone is doing....Cawfee’s on!
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15800 on: May 20, 2019, 05:11 AM »
Good morning everyone :bow:

A 36 degree morning with a high of 60.

Eddie slow and easy Sir! Hope they cut you some slack today and all goes well :thumbsup:

mr.clean the s-i-l has been using her new reel right along.  She really likes it but still has had a few backlashes. The main problem is when she grabs a new lure and getting it correctly set on the first throw. Some of the conditions (wind) haa been a against her. She said it is still far better than her old reel, and she thinks it will only get better as the summer rolls on.

WW hope you and IW didn't get any heavy storms ???

I am heading to get me hair pruned in a couple of hours, a sure sign of spring ;D But first I have 3 miles to get in.

I am undecided if I am going to go over to my tree job or not. It just depends on how fast things dry out. Tomorrow the winds are supposed to be close to 40mph with gusts, and then rain almost everyday after that. The trees are the shaggy barked soft maples so they hold a lot of water. Being I will be alone I would like it to be half dry. The splitter will be on my agenda tomorrow.

Hope you all have an excellent day :thumbsup: Stay safe.



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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15801 on: May 20, 2019, 05:24 AM »

                Good morning Eddie, ER's,
                         It's 61* and partly partly, we had almost 2" of rain yesterday evening with lots of lightening. No hail or tornadoes. ::)
                         Eddie...........All I can say is take it easy on the arm. :whistle: Your head might pound for a couple of days after hearing
                those two bands. ???
                         Marv............Any luck on the splitter fix? ???
                         Bud.............You know how to get on the best side of the boss. :clap:
                         Wally............It's a good thing that you got your lawn mowed before all that rain came through. :thumbsup:
                         I-45.............Did you get more stuff packed? ???
                         Steve...........When looking at the radar the stoorms come across the state at an angle, with the leading edge up north
               so we get the storms before you guys. Of course Wally, Raquett, and H2L get them before me. ::)
                         PT is the rule of the day for me, I have appointments 3 days in a row this week.
                         I hope everyone has a good Monday either at work or out.


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15802 on: May 20, 2019, 05:28 AM »
41* with a slight chance of rain and a high in the upper 50's today then back to sweating temperatures. some nasty storms came through yesterday. There was a tornado warning to the south of us. On the way home yesterday I drove in heavier rain than in have in years. I got all of the mud washed from under the van with all of the water on the road.

The cheeries were about in full bloom over where I was hunting. Apples were just starting to leaf out. they leaf out before they bloom. When I got 30 miles east the apples were in full bloom. The cooler temperatures along Lake Michigan make a big difference.

turkey hunting was a bust. the only shot i would have taken I was carrying my old single shot Ithaca super single. If I had luged the Model 12  I would have taken the shot. I found an add from when I bought the supper single back in the 70's. I paid $29.95 for it.

 As we were going to get on group of turkeys that we pushed out of the road a car came down the dead end road and also pushed them out of the road. It was one of the brothers that inherited the farms when their brother was killed in a farm accident. I had not seen him since he graduated from HS back in the 70's. I ended up getting permission to hunt all of their farms for turkeys, that amounts to over 1,000 acres. We could not get any of that group of turkeys in shot gun range when we went into where they we coming from so that ended the hunting yesterday. Probably for the season.

eddie That plate should catch fish. As suggested I would make sure you did not lose it to a toothy or big fish fish. I hope you take it easy today so you do not have a set back. I go today to get the stitches taken out of my head.

WS There are a bunch of nasty tall soft maple on my other property that need to come down. I should have taken them down when I bought the palce in '91. The former owner of the property next door palnted them years ago. the one  by the road got palanted on his property but the rest are on my property as he got 15 feet on to my property at the back of the lots so they are my responcibility. My cousing thaat had a saw mill tried to saw some with is Woodmizer. they were nasty to try and saw into lumber. The neighbor next doors son and I were talking the other day about taking some of them down. The only problem is with some gone the wind can get to the rest of them probably taking down some that are near both houses.

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15803 on: May 20, 2019, 05:58 AM »
62* and some clouds. Lake came up about 2 inches overnight. I know Scout doesn't like the storms, she wants to get on someone's lap. There was a tree in the road just below the house but they got that cleaned up.

TT, good luck with those turkey's.

Eddie, hope today goes well for you, go slow.

Wife just left to go have blood work done this morning.
Have a good day...h2l
Northville, NY

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15804 on: May 20, 2019, 06:44 AM »
Morning all,

H2L.....fingers crossed for a good report on the blood work  ;) problems here, lots of rain/wind but no tornado thanks for asking  :thumbsup:  when our phones started screaming the "take cover now" warning I looked out back & saw Laverne & Shirley wandering around the yard and hummingbirds at their feeders so I kind of figured there wasn't a tornado coming thru anytime soon  :woot: hope your day goes well, take it slow & easy  ;)2

WS....good luck getting the tree job in today  :flex:  don't forget to pencil in some fishing on your weekly planner  :whistle:

TT......sorry the turkey hunting hasn't been successful this season  :(  nice you got to run into an old school mate tho  :)

MrC.....hope you didn't get any severe t-storms last night  :-\

IW.....good luck with the pt this week, hope you don't get too sore  ;)  when are you sling free ???

Went to camp and got the grass knocked down there snakes this time  :nono: :clap: :thumbsup:  sun was out & skies were clear when we got home so hopped on the bike and headed out  ;D  which of course, cued the clouds to move in  >:(  made a stop for an ice cream rode around for a bit then headed for home. Hadn't been in the house more than 5 minutes when the rain started  :o  more t-storms on tap today  ::)  Saw temps of 90* yesterday while out riding  :o 

Today will be plant shopping and possibly get the gardens ready, depending on the rain.

Have a good day at work or play. Stay safe.

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15805 on: May 20, 2019, 07:05 AM »
Marv, you sure your not looking at the forecast for my area ?  Looks like its the monsoon season, rain all week and lows of 33* Better round up some buckets to cover the tomatoes, just in case it wants to frost.

Found the new craftsman 4 cycle trimmer has no spark, checked the kill switch, and plug is good to go, now will have to hunt down a mag coil  :%$#!:

Got an appointment for Mrs to get a fibroscan on her liver 6/7 to check a spot.  :unsure: :wacko:


Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15806 on: May 20, 2019, 08:17 AM »
Good morning currently sunny and dry did see rain and thunder storms to the west of me on radar so expect more wet weather later today. Finally seeing temperatures in the eighties to hot to soon after this cool and wet Spring.
Eddie surprised your grandchildren would go for Chinese food over hot dogs. May you have a good day at work with little discomfort to your arm. Hope weather allows you to fire up the grill today.
Whopper Stopper happy your SIL likes her new bait casting reel agree with use she will work out the kinks and have few to no back lash problems. Learn a lot from this thread always thought all maples were a hard wood species. I know some Major League baseball players use bats made from maple instead of ash.
Ice Wanderer you will be back out with the mower again once ground dries out after all that rain. May your shoulder get through this week's PT sessions with little pain.
Tom Turkey hope the weather out your way does not cause to much damage to the cherry crop I know along with the State of Washington ,Michigan produces most of the cherries sold in the U.S.A. .Nice that you met an old friend and now have permission to hunt on his property.
Hunts2long may your wife's blood work find no new medical concerns for her and you. Many animals do not like loud noise and lighting from thunder storms.Good that the downed tree caused no major problems.
Wallyworld glad you and every once else saw no tornado or major /large hail stones from yesterdays storms. Lawn at camp and your home should look good for a few days before grass grows back from all the rain. If Laverne or Shirley bred with Tom hope "Wiley " coyote does not kill off most of their babies..
IFF good thinking on the buckets to help ward off any frost damage to your tomato plants. May the Fibroscan show no major problems with your wife's liver.

A good and safe Monday to everyone. Best to all fishing.

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15807 on: May 20, 2019, 08:24 AM »
MrC.....Wiley coyote  :roflmao: :thumbsup:  that's awesome, never thought of naming him,  thanks  :woot: :clap:

IFF.....fingers crossed for a clean bill of health for MrsIFF  ;)

Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15808 on: May 20, 2019, 08:57 AM »
Good Morning Everyone, Sunny out this morning however they are saying severe storms this afternoon. I thought I had posted yesterday but it didn’t go thru. Packing is going. My wife won’t let me do anything but label the boxes. My headaches have been very bad and lower back isn’t letting me move around much.

IFF, I hope your able to find a mag coil. Prayers for your wife 🙏🙏.

Wally World, Have fun plant shopping and hopefully the rain holds off so you can plant.

Hunts2long, Prayers your wife gets good results.

Tom Turkey, That’s to bad you didn’t get a shot yesterday.

Ice Wanderer, Good luck at pt today.

I hope everyone has a great day and a safe one and that the storms don’t arrive.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15809 on: May 20, 2019, 07:30 PM »
Fisher-45 might be able to rob a coil off a Troy-built if its the same.  Know it has spark.


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