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Author Topic: First Burbot Bash PICTURES ! January 10th. Flaming Gorge OK/LT  (Read 11581 times)

Offline WYIfish

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Re: First Burbot Bash PICTURES ! January 10th. Flaming Gorge OK/LT
« Reply #30 on: Jan 11, 2009, 07:39 PM »
Dear Ling linger-ers;
I didn't stay late to get any pictures of any ling after dark.  I got some pictures of the event for the Rocket Miner newspaper and sure would like to credit someone with a nice stack of ling picture.
Also, on Thursday I am reporting to the Sweetwater County travel and tourism group on the event.  With discussion from the event sponsors, the chamber is optomistic in it's ability to offer help next year if the group would like. The chamber has put on numerous summer fishing events on the gorge and knows a number of area managers through that venue.
Very best catch fishes.
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Re: First Burbot Bash PICTURES ! January 10th. Flaming Gorge OK/LT
« Reply #31 on: Jan 11, 2009, 11:14 PM »

There is still a chance for you to win something good.  The sponsers are having a picture contest with cash prizes for best pictures of the bash.

Your pictures are really good and could win you $.

I'm not sure I can post a link to the other website without getting in truble here, so e-mail me and I'll send the link to you.
I have attempted for over an hour to figure out how to post a picture for the "other" web sites burbot bash photo contest and I am here to tell you we have a great web site here as it doesn't take a rocket scientist to post a picture. It is down right sad such a good group could have such a difficult site to figure out.
Just think I will stay here with our site and good 'ol LT where we can figure out things for the most part!

On another topic, fishing sort of sucked but that's fishing. When you consider how many ling have been fished out of the honey hole areas lately, and zillions of pairs of feet podding all over the ice, and the squirrel on the red ATV racing around, it' doesn't surprise me that fishing was off some. The gorge is that way. The object of education on how to catch the slimers was greatfully met, fishing will be better, fish will be caught, I was very pleased with the event and all the great folks that made the effort to show up and fish. ;D

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Re: First Burbot Bash PICTURES ! January 10th. Flaming Gorge OK/LT
« Reply #32 on: Jan 12, 2009, 09:45 AM »
Fishing was terrible; I only caught one small ling, its the worst i have ever done fishing at night for them (I wonder if its because of the heavy fishing thats been going on in that area?) ??? i did enjoy going down for this event though.

Offline LT

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Re: First Burbot Bash PICTURES ! January 10th. Flaming Gorge OK/LT
« Reply #33 on: Jan 12, 2009, 10:07 AM »
I have attempted for over an hour to figure out how to post a picture for the "other" web sites burbot bash photo contest and I am here to tell you we have a great web site here as it doesn't take a rocket scientist to post a picture. It is down right sad such a good group could have such a difficult site to figure out.
Just think I will stay here with our site and good 'ol LT where we can figure out things for the most part!

On another topic, fishing sort of sucked but that's fishing. When you consider how many ling have been fished out of the honey hole areas lately, and zillions of pairs of feet podding all over the ice, and the squirrel on the red ATV racing around, it' doesn't surprise me that fishing was off some. The gorge is that way. The object of education on how to catch the slimers was greatfully met, fishing will be better, fish will be caught, I was very pleased with the event and all the great folks that made the effort to show up and fish. ;D


Dave, pm me and show me what you're trying to post, if it's a URL, I'll do it for you , laters,  Theeeeee LT/ISM  ;D

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Re: First Burbot Bash PICTURES ! January 10th. Flaming Gorge OK/LT
« Reply #34 on: Jan 12, 2009, 10:44 AM »
Fishing was terrible; I only caught one small ling, its the worst i have ever done fishing at night for them (I wonder if its because of the heavy fishing thats been going on in that area?) ??? i did enjoy going down for this event though.
Not sure where you live WYOICER, but if you're anywhere near the Big Sandy Reservoir outside of Farson, the lake is filthy with 'em...big ones...oh, you may occasionally catch a lil slimer, but generally, you're talking above the 24 inch range, hope that helps,  Don        LT/ISM  :tipup: ;D


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Re: First Burbot Bash PICTURES ! January 10th. Flaming Gorge OK/LT
« Reply #35 on: Jan 12, 2009, 05:58 PM »
Took a few pictures

Offline FeatherBender

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Re: First Burbot Bash PICTURES ! January 10th. Flaming Gorge OK/LT
« Reply #36 on: Jan 12, 2009, 09:56 PM »
Well, here's my 2 cents worth on the Burbot Bash (actually, it'll be more like a buck-fifty!  My appologies now for its length!) 

My new shanty arrived Friday night @ 7:00pm...cutting it close!  I got the Quickfish 6 (hopefully to get the wife and kid interested in hardwater fishing).  It's a big pop-up and as my buddy (Triple C or CCC) and I quickly found, allows you to take way too much stuff onto the ice with you...we had to make two trips to pack off the ice.  As it's already been said the Bash had a great turn-out, especially being the first annual.  The seminar/clinic was informative...I, for one, learned a lot about a fish I've never caught (still have never caught!).  I noticed Wyoicer as he signed in at the registration table but didn't get a chance to introduce myself, it was pretty busy.  I recognized other names on the list from Iceshanty and the "other" site but didn't meet least by username!  We arrived around 12:30 while most of the fisherman on the ice were still set up along the north shore.  Not knowing the area or the fishing very well, we found some open ice about 100yds off shore and set up the shanty for its maiden outing.  We took turns punching 4 holes with a hand auger (hey, I got the shanty...its CCC's turn to spring for the power auger, right? :D) and found ourselves in 26 fow on a strong 10" of ice.  To be honest, I've never been on ice free of's very interesting in an unfamiliar way...the way the sunlight comes through the ice and lights up the inside of the tent...very cool! (And, as I would later experience, seeing the fish below the ice before it gets to the hole!)

By 2:00 it seemed that all of the fishermen along the north shore had either packed up and left or had relocated to the cliffs.  We thought that everyone else must know something we don't but after spending an hour boring 4 holes by hand we weren't about to relocate!!!  I attended the seminar while CCC got set up to fish (and apparently haul more stuff to the tent!)  I left the clinic after the lesson on how to skin and fillet a burbot...I could figure out how to cook them.  I missed the prize give-away but I was anxious to start fishing.  After all of the 40, 50 and 60 fish outings I'd been reading about I wanted to get in on some of that! CCC and Capt. Tom, who had finally arrived, conned a neighbor into letting us borrow their auger the two of them drilled several more holes leading toward shore....the shallowest being 16 feet.  Things started very slowly...and they stayed that way!!!!

Capt. Tom, his very first time ice fishing, was the first to hook up...kind of...he pulled in a tip-up that sprung outside the tent at around 5:00.  His would be the first of 4 lakers we would ice...all between 22" and 25"...the best eaters IMO.  After learning that the burbot often bit (or sucked) extremely lightly, I had tipped the three rods we were using in the tent with spring bobbers.  At one point, as I entered the shanty from recharging and re-lubing the tip-ups with CCC and Capt. Tom I noticed  one of the bobbers bounce slightly.  I lifted the rod, felt some weight and set the hook on the 2nd laker.  Later, while Capt. Tom was BSing with the passers-by, I knelt down by the one tip-up we had set in the tent in an effort to lighten its trigger setting.  When I released the flag the reel started to spin, not the 4"-to-the-bottom spin...just a slow consistent twirl.  "Check this out!" I said to CCC, and then set the hook on the 3rd laker.  At about 7:00 Capt. Tom and CCC went outside to check a triggered tip-up and they hauled in the first and largest of only two burbot we would went about 24".
The capt. wussed out at about 8:00 and headed for home 3 1/2 hours away in J-Hole.

At about 10:00 a foursome from Clearfield, UT was leaving the ice and noticed our fish, saying that we had done better than anyone they'd seen near the cliffs.  CCC convinced them to set up nearby and for the next 1 1/2 hours we had company.  Unfortunately, the UT boys didn't catch anything on the north side either but I managed to pull up the 4th laker and CCC finally hooked up with a small burbot on a tip-up.  As the fumes from the heater and lantern really began to get noticeable we decided to call it a night.  We'd made it 'til 1:00, no one got skunked, we caught what we came after...with some bonus lakers...and we had a good time.  We also learned a few things:  Make sure the lantern is full of fuel (or take enough to refill it!); Modify the fishing configuration inside the tent; The Eskimo is a great tent but it needs 2 more ice screws so that ALL sides can be teathered against the wind; Don't take enough gear for an all-nighter unless you actually stay all night;  Spring bobbers are the key to catching soft biting fish (even though CCC thinks they're "gay"...but who only caught one fish, hmmmm?);  Drunk guys on 4-wheelers (I'm sure some of you saw them) tell fish stories and run over your tip-ups :%$#!:; CCC needs to fix his E-brake before parking on anymore grades leading to the ice; and next time we'll try another spot!

Thanks to all the sponsors, organizers, Game & Fish and everyone else who participated.  It was worth the effort and the three hour drive.  My only regret is that I didn't meet anyone from Iceshanty...although I was close to WYIfish (you were standing just to my right and behind me judging by your photo of the burbot on the demo table).  I also saw Wyoicer sign-in at the registration table but it was busy and I wasn't able to say anything.  I'm a rookie on the site and I've yet to familiarize myself with users' real names and pseudonyms...but I'll learn.  If any of you see a BIG red Eskimo pop-up on the ice, come on over and introduce yourselves...I'll have my nametag on the outside with my username posted.  Bottomdweller and Spudbar might be there too!

Tight Lines and Bent Rods :tipup: Featherbender

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Re: First Burbot Bash PICTURES ! January 10th. Flaming Gorge OK/LT
« Reply #37 on: Jan 12, 2009, 09:58 PM »
Fishing was terrible; I only caught one small ling, its the worst i have ever done fishing at night for them (I wonder if its because of the heavy fishing thats been going on in that area?) ??? i did enjoy going down for this event though.

Do you thingk the full moon had something to do with it too?

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Re: First Burbot Bash PICTURES ! January 10th. Flaming Gorge OK/LT
« Reply #38 on: Jan 13, 2009, 08:13 AM »
To all you would-be ling-ers who are itching to catch your first slimer, you might try Big Sandy Reservoir just outside of Farson. My best success has been the point that juts out left just after you cross the dam and the ling are like arrowheads...they're wherever you find them, but I usually run tipups from the point in 4-5 ft water out to 20, hope this helps, tight lines and take ruler-pics for the tourney, the winning ling may just come out of Big Sandy.  :tipup:
                                                                 LT/ISM      ;D


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Re: First Burbot Bash PICTURES ! January 10th. Flaming Gorge OK/LT
« Reply #39 on: Jan 14, 2009, 10:35 AM »

you should have introducer yourself; I would have enjoyed meeting you!

Offline FeatherBender

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Re: First Burbot Bash PICTURES ! January 10th. Flaming Gorge OK/LT
« Reply #40 on: Jan 14, 2009, 08:19 PM »

you should have introducer yourself; I would have enjoyed meeting you!

You were on the shore-side of the table...I was on the ice a few people deep.  Lost track of you after that.  Shoulda spoken up I guess.  Maybe we'll cross paths again.  BTW, how'd we fare with the 4 lakers and 2 burbot?  Not braggin'...just wondering.

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Re: First Burbot Bash PICTURES ! January 10th. Flaming Gorge OK/LT
« Reply #41 on: Jan 14, 2009, 08:39 PM »
good story FeatherBender; i definitely do wanna come down there - maybe to celebrate my b-day, maybe sooner.  talk to you soon


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Re: First Burbot Bash PICTURES ! January 10th. Flaming Gorge OK/LT
« Reply #42 on: Jan 15, 2009, 09:26 AM »

I think you did better than most people that day, I only caught one small ling.

Offline FeatherBender

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Re: First Burbot Bash PICTURES ! January 10th. Flaming Gorge OK/LT
« Reply #43 on: Jan 15, 2009, 08:05 PM »

I think you did better than most people that day, I only caught one small ling.

That makes me feel better about the long drive...thanks!

Offline WYIfish

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Re: First Burbot Bash PICTURES ! January 10th. Flaming Gorge OK/LT
« Reply #44 on: Jan 20, 2009, 06:06 PM »
Dear List;
I offered a digital slide presentation to the RS chamber of commerce tourism committee today at their monthly meeting. The Burbot Bash was well received by committee members.  The chamber director is an avid fisherman and is strongly behind continuing this event.  The director of Sweetwater County Travel and Tourism was also in favor of the event and know the impact that this event has had on county tourism. 
I am soliciting contact information from fishermen that would like to step up to explore the potential of doing another one next year. The chamber can make some things in the paperwork involved catagory much easier. The chamber has put on a number of summer fishing derbys and has a direct link to marinas and Gorge managers.
I have been asked to gather names and numbers of those who would like to participate in a future event in the planning so the chamber can help them in any way possible.  The chamber does not want to put on the event themselves due to manpower issues but can offer leg work and $$, along with the other organizational shortcuts to a "derby" on the gorge. Rock Springs (and probably the Green River chamber) chamber embraces and thanks this years participants and organizers.
Dave Freeman
ps I did wear my big fish tackle hat and Burbot Bash T shirt!
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Re: First Burbot Bash PICTURES ! January 10th. Flaming Gorge OK/LT
« Reply #45 on: Oct 20, 2009, 09:24 AM »
Is this thing on for 2010? 
So many fish, so little time.

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Re: First Burbot Bash PICTURES ! January 10th. Flaming Gorge OK/LT
« Reply #46 on: Oct 20, 2009, 11:09 AM »
Is this thing on for 2010? 
YES!   There will be an organized  ling/burbot catching occasion this winter.  The Green River and Rock Springs Chamber's of Commerce are working on the forest service permitting process presently.  The chambers have hosted fishing Derbies in the past so we shall see whether this evolves from a fun catching event into some form of contest, as yet to be undetermined last I heard.  If you are interested in helping out, the chambers of commerce will be collecting names in January, or sooner.

Forces are at work even as we speak/read this thread.   Location is still being narrowed down last I heard. Sweetwater T&T board is being petitioned for some tourism dollars to promote/put on the event.  January 23 has been selected.  Game and Fish is up to speed, for the most part we wait on ice!
I will post more information as it becomes available.
Dave F.
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