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Author Topic: This really happened!  (Read 3086 times)

Offline LT

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This really happened!
« on: Jan 16, 2007, 08:12 PM »
Okay, I gotta go in tomorrow for this danged surgery, but I wanted to leave all my Ice Shanty friends with a sweet taste. I have a longtime fishing buddy, Leon, over in Pinedale. We were fishing the Green River off Trapper's Point a few years ago. I was wading mid-river, C&R, already had my limit. He was walking up the bank toward me, one fish short of a limit. I looked down for some reason and between me and the bank was a fat 18-inch brown, inattentive or distracted, facing upstream, waiting on his next meal. "Whadderya doin?" Leon asked as I inched slowly toward the fish with my fishing rod tucked securely under my arm.
"Shutup and watch," I said. I have no idea why the fish didn't see me, but when I was within inches of touching him, I spread my fingers and pitched the flopping fish out on the bank at his feet.   :woot:     The only thing he could say was, "If I hadn't seen you do that with my own eyes, I'd have never believed you!"   :clap:
     Point of all that is this, if I lived a dozen lives, I'd never outfish Leon for lakers, but he'll never, in this lifetime, catch a fish with his hands either.   :flex:
     What I'd hope to see from you guys when I come home from the hospital is your posted gotta-be-a-lie-stories similar to this one. I hope It's amused you. Tight lines my brothers and stay warm!
                                       Theeee-ex-Lteeeeee  ;D  :tipup:               

Offline SleePac

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Re: This really happened!
« Reply #1 on: Jan 17, 2007, 04:34 AM »
ex-lt...sorry, no such story here but I do want you to know I'm praying for you and I hope the surgery goes well and that you recover quickly so you can get back out on the ice!

Offline IceRover

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Re: This really happened!
« Reply #2 on: Jan 17, 2007, 06:38 AM »
Hang tough ex-lt and have a speedy recovery. IR :tipup:

Offline Wyoming_Ice

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Re: This really happened!
« Reply #3 on: Jan 17, 2007, 08:17 AM »
First of all, I hope that all goes well with the surgery. Hurry home and heal up quick. ;) ;) ;)
Second, I saw Jeremah Jonhson try to do what you did, He didn't have near the sucess that you had though  ;D ;D ;D
Again Good Luck LT
RIP "LT"   This place just won't be the same...

Offline er-e-is

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Re: This really happened!
« Reply #4 on: Jan 17, 2007, 09:02 AM »
Our prayers go out to you ex-lt.

Offline BottomDweller

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Re: This really happened!
« Reply #5 on: Jan 17, 2007, 09:20 AM »
when i was younger, say thirteen or so, my dad would occasionally take me on hiking trips into the various mountain ranges across wyoming.  many times we would travel south to big piney, enter the wind rivers on one side, and take eight or ten days to hike, fish, and climb our way to the other.  about halfway through one of these expeditions, we camped at the base of the cirque of the towers, a craggy arrangement of several vertically-sloped pinnacles rising about 1500 feet out of a lush, green basin at the bottom.  under the shade of these monoliths is a tiny stream, at its widest maybe fifteen or twenty yards across.  it winds its way through the high-country grasses and fallen boulders littering the landscape, sometimes falling in gently rushing waterfalls over the bare bedrock and into deeper pools filled to the brim with brook trout.
   for two days we stayed there, flyfishing our hearts out, catching one 8-12 inch brookie on almost every cast.  my favorite fly to use was a small royal wulff.  seemed like every time a could get it to stand still for just a moment in a little eddy or pool with a foot or more of depth, the fish would rise at it until i hooked one of them.
   on one cast, i hooked one of the brookies just at the bottom of the falls that washed into a larger pool, and like most brook-trout, he thrashed furiously at the line ensnaring him, tailwalking right into the dark blue pool.  as he fought to throw the hook, i saw another flash, and bam, my flyrod doubled over with something that weighed many times more than the brookie that i had originally hooked.  as i brought in the line slowly after the heavy attacker took a couple of quick runs to the other side of the pool, i saw that i had a huge cutthroat holding on to the brookie for dear life for the sake of a quick meal.  
   well, the royal wulff hadn't dug through the brookie and into the far larger jaws of the cutt, so when he realized what he had gotten himself into, he spit the poor mutilated brook-trout and onto the bank it flew.  the big fish swam off into the dark blue until i lost sight of him for what i thought would be the last time.
   later that day, after ranging around to different areas on the stream, i brought my dad back to where i had the big trout on my line, and began throwing an elk-hair caddis at the riffles above and below the pool.  almost immediately, the cutthroat rose from beneath the shadows of a rock and slammed into the little fly, and i answered with a solid hookset.  my dad freaked out at the size of this fish in this tiny stream surrounded by these tiny brookies, and after i had worked the cutt up into the shallows alongside the pool, we began to try to figure out the best way to land it.  dad waded into the water and as he approached the nearly bested brute, the fish lunged away and around his ankles, wrapping the tippet two or three times, and with one last heave of his weight against my dad's fumbling, the tippet broke and the trophy cutthroat was free again to haunt the brook under the cirque of the towers.

Offline IcedBush13

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Re: This really happened!
« Reply #6 on: Jan 17, 2007, 03:10 PM »
I have a similar store as BottomDweller. I was fishing for perch late in the day at festo lake with my grandfather. I was fishing with worms on one rod and jigging with the other. I noticed that the rod with the worms had a fish on so i set the rod with the jig on it down. i then picked up the other rod and set the hook and started to reel in a nice sized perch. It was about 10-15 feet form the shore when my grandfather started to yell at me. I looked over at him and he was pointing toward the water, this huge wake was forming in the water and the fin of a very large tiger muskey was right at the beginning of it. I got so exited to see that (i was probably 10 or so) i forgot what i was doing with the perch. As i followed the tiger with my eyes he was headed right to my line. I then remembered that i had a fish on and started to reel in the perch and watched the tiger. As they got closer together the perch started to jump out of the water and the tiger just swam after it faster and faster when all of the sudden the tiger grabbed the perch and took off. I started to reel in both fish and my grandfather was yelling at me to get both to the shore. I kept on reeling with the rod just bent over like it was about to snap. When all of the sudden the line went limp and the rod shot back to strait. I figured that the tiger had stole both the perch and the line because i didn't have a mtl leader on. As the end of the line got closer i realized that i had the head of the perch still on the hook. I pulled it up and my grandfather saw what i had and started laughing so hard that he fell of his chair and rolled down into the water still laghing. As i stood stunned at what had just happened!

Offline Hellsangler

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Re: This really happened!
« Reply #7 on: Jan 17, 2007, 08:17 PM »
You have a speedy recovery ex-Lt .
Utah Ice

Offline LT

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Re: This really happened!
« Reply #8 on: Jan 17, 2007, 10:02 PM »
Hi Guys,
Don is doing fine, still in the hospital, but minus one nonfunctioning gall bladder.  I was going to stay with him tonight, but he is lucid, witty and hungry, so came home to rest and go back in the morning.  THey are keeping him to make sure all is well, but I'm sure it will be.  He thanks you all for your prayers and good wishes.  All he feels now is a little sore and is looking forward to his first steak, or some good fried walleye.

Thanks again.
Laura, the XLT's wife. :)

Offline LT

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Re: This really happened!
« Reply #9 on: Jan 18, 2007, 05:12 PM »
First of all, I hope that all goes well with the surgery. Hurry home and heal up quick. ;) ;) ;)
Second, I saw Jeremah Jonhson try to do what you did, He didn't have near the sucess that you had though  ;D ;D ;D
Again Good Luck LT
     Haaaah! Ooooh, that's funny, oh, my stitches! thanks brother!   :roflmao:

Offline LT

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Re: This really happened!
« Reply #10 on: Jan 18, 2007, 05:14 PM »
ex-lt...sorry, no such story here but I do want you to know I'm praying for you and I hope the surgery goes well and that you recover quickly so you can get back out on the ice!
    Thanks, it went very well, hope the recovery is as smooth as the actrual surgery.  ;D

Offline LT

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Re: This really happened!
« Reply #11 on: Jan 18, 2007, 05:15 PM »
Our prayers go out to you ex-lt.
     Thankss, means a lot to me!
                                  LT  ;D       :tipup: :tipup: :tipup: (I hope soon!)

Offline LT

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Re: This really happened!
« Reply #12 on: Jan 18, 2007, 05:20 PM »
Hey Bottomdweller and Fishin wflies, When I can sit and type for a longer time than this, I'll post a reply to both of these great stories. I've fished that exact spot...LOnesome Lake...oh yeah. Tiger musky...well that proves his predatory nature, but what a rush huh?  Well I'll get right to these first thing I can, great stories, like I said. Thanks guys, these are neat, laters muchos!
                                                               Don ;D

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Re: This really happened!
« Reply #13 on: Jan 19, 2007, 11:39 AM »
Good to see you are back with the living.  We had a great time without you on ocean ;).  But the fish were hiding from us  ;) Anyhoo, glad to see you are recovering nicely. Will be thinking bout ya, as we are destroying some fish next week.


the cator.
All tyranny needs to succeed, is for men of good conscience to remain silent.    Thomas Jefferson.

Offline LT

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Re: This really happened!
« Reply #14 on: Jan 19, 2007, 11:47 AM »
when i was younger, say thirteen or so, my dad would occasionally take me on hiking trips into the various mountain ranges across wyoming.  many times we would travel south to big piney, enter the wind rivers on one side, and take eight or ten days to hike, fish, and climb our way to the other.  about halfway through one of these expeditions, we camped at the base of the cirque of the towers, a craggy arrangement of several vertically-sloped pinnacles rising about 1500 feet out of a lush, green basin at the bottom.  under the shade of these monoliths is a tiny stream, at its widest maybe fifteen or twenty yards across.  it winds its way through the high-country grasses and fallen boulders littering the landscape, sometimes falling in gently rushing waterfalls over the bare bedrock and into deeper pools filled to the brim with brook trout.
   for two days we stayed there, flyfishing our hearts out, catching one 8-12 inch brookie on almost every cast.  my favorite fly to use was a small royal wulff.  seemed like every time a could get it to stand still for just a moment in a little eddy or pool with a foot or more of depth, the fish would rise at it until i hooked one of them.
   on one cast, i hooked one of the brookies just at the bottom of the falls that washed into a larger pool, and like most brook-trout, he thrashed furiously at the line ensnaring him, tailwalking right into the dark blue pool.  as he fought to throw the hook, i saw another flash, and bam, my flyrod doubled over with something that weighed many times more than the brookie that i had originally hooked.  as i brought in the line slowly after the heavy attacker took a couple of quick runs to the other side of the pool, i saw that i had a huge cutthroat holding on to the brookie for dear life for the sake of a quick meal.  
   well, the royal wulff hadn't dug through the brookie and into the far larger jaws of the cutt, so when he realized what he had gotten himself into, he spit the poor mutilated brook-trout and onto the bank it flew.  the big fish swam off into the dark blue until i lost sight of him for what i thought would be the last time.
   later that day, after ranging around to different areas on the stream, i brought my dad back to where i had the big trout on my line, and began throwing an elk-hair caddis at the riffles above and below the pool.  almost immediately, the cutthroat rose from beneath the shadows of a rock and slammed into the little fly, and i answered with a solid hookset.  my dad freaked out at the size of this fish in this tiny stream surrounded by these tiny brookies, and after i had worked the cutt up into the shallows alongside the pool, we began to try to figure out the best way to land it.  dad waded into the water and as he approached the nearly bested brute, the fish lunged away and around his ankles, wrapping the tippet two or three times, and with one last heave of his weight against my dad's fumbling, the tippet broke and the trophy cutthroat was free again to haunt the brook under the cirque of the towers.
    Greaaaat story! Not only because of what happened with the big cutt  :thumbsup: but the bonding with your father up in that area, Lonesome Lake and the Cirque. My wife and I have hiked through there and fished it so many times. Once we did a fly-by and skipped fishing it, but went on over Texas Pass through a 1000 yard-long snowfield to the lakes on the other side, Grave Lake etc.. You're right, the peaks are truly majestic and very poetically named after indian-lore, Pingora, Warbonnet, etc. Well, we have fished, as I'm sure you have, all the lakes in that area, Dad's (which is no longer very productive due to overfishing) Marm's and Donald, which I've caught some really nice Cutthroats from. That whole area seems to be a brookie-factory, one would never starve up there.
     I thank you for sharing your Dad and your great cutthroat story with me and your Ice Shanty buddies Bottomdweller! Tight lines my friend,
                                                              Don  ;D

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Re: This really happened!
« Reply #15 on: Jan 19, 2007, 11:50 AM »
Good to see you are back with the living.  We had a great time without you on ocean ;).  But the fish were hiding from us  ;) Anyhoo, glad to see you are recovering nicely. Will be thinking bout ya, as we are destroying some fish next week.


the cator.
     Hey, thanks brother, where were you over at Ocean? No fish?, not even one? 4X4elk wrote me a line about his ordeal over at Boysen with all his gear freezing up...if there was any good time to be laid up w/surgery,  >:( I guess this was the week huh? laterscators!
                                                           Dondoinlotsbetter  :thumbsup:

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Re: This really happened!
« Reply #16 on: Jan 19, 2007, 11:58 AM »
I have a similar store as BottomDweller. I was fishing for perch late in the day at festo lake with my grandfather. I was fishing with worms on one rod and jigging with the other. I noticed that the rod with the worms had a fish on so i set the rod with the jig on it down. i then picked up the other rod and set the hook and started to reel in a nice sized perch. It was about 10-15 feet form the shore when my grandfather started to yell at me. I looked over at him and he was pointing toward the water, this huge wake was forming in the water and the fin of a very large tiger muskey was right at the beginning of it. I got so exited to see that (i was probably 10 or so) i forgot what i was doing with the perch. As i followed the tiger with my eyes he was headed right to my line. I then remembered that i had a fish on and started to reel in the perch and watched the tiger. As they got closer together the perch started to jump out of the water and the tiger just swam after it faster and faster when all of the sudden the tiger grabbed the perch and took off. I started to reel in both fish and my grandfather was yelling at me to get both to the shore. I kept on reeling with the rod just bent over like it was about to snap. When all of the sudden the line went limp and the rod shot back to strait. I figured that the tiger had stole both the perch and the line because i didn't have a mtl leader on. As the end of the line got closer i realized that i had the head of the perch still on the hook. I pulled it up and my grandfather saw what i had and started laughing so hard that he fell of his chair and rolled down into the water still laghing. As i stood stunned at what had just happened!

    Isn't it remarkable how some of our best fishing memories center around our Dads or Grandfathers! Well mister tiger muskie got what he wanted and gave you the thrill of a lifetime   :woot:    and then there's that bonding-memory with your grandfather and his recognizing, from his lifetime experience, what was about to happen to you'll never forget that huh?   :clap:
    Thanks for sharing that with me and us...great story, tight lines, Fishingwithflies, tight, warm lines!
                                                         Don  ;D


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