Author Topic: The New 9:45 Thread..  (Read 240343 times)

Offline mr.clean

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #3630 on: Nov 23, 2023, 10:24 AM »
  Happy Thanksgiving  9:45 and fellow Ice Shanty members. May everyone have a nice day with family and friends,

Raquettedacker thank you for bringing back a memory I watched WKRP TV show.
Old Goat happy to read that your mother will be spending the day with you.
IFF I think after the first few days of hunting season (especially firearm) the deer change their activity pattern.
Splattypus may your mother in law recover quickly from her illness. Glad you have the money for truck repair those unexpected bills can reck havoc on one's budget.


Offline fish/hunt4ever

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #3631 on: Nov 23, 2023, 10:31 AM »
Happy Thanksgiving everyone, hope you are where you want, or are supposed to be, safe and sound. Hope you get to spend time with the ones you want to be around this holiday season.

Well we never made it out on the boat yesterday the wife has not been sleep the best and was just wore out, did go and walk around a bit with no birds flushed but did see some that we chased for a bit but could not get them off the ground or out of the cover, too much water and not enough ice to walk around. Was a beautiful day out and the snow started falling here early this morning. When I let the pup out at 530 this morning, and back in I could here it hitting the metal roof, have some sticking now so need to get the plow installed amd some wood moved in. Have a great day everyone.

Offline OldSailor

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #3632 on: Nov 23, 2023, 11:02 AM »
 HAPPY THANKSGIVING FROM MY HOME TO YOURS!!!!!!!  :thumbsup: :clap: :flex: ;)2 :bow:
My two favorite college football teams are Ohio State and whoever's playing Michigan!!!

Don't reel against the drag!!!

Ex Minnesnowta lad! You can take the lad out of Minnesnowta, but you can't take Minnesnowta out of the lad!!

Offline Drifter_016

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #3633 on: Nov 23, 2023, 02:53 PM »
Not this season Eddie.
He's planning on going to Kluane Lake in the Yukon this time.

Steve very true. My buddy got a new GMC just before COVID and it was in the shop more than it was on the road.
Same for a coworker that had a Traverse.
Had another friend with a Dodge Ram that had the transmission and rear end fail in the first year.
My new truck was the only on available with a built in 7.2kw generator to run my camper and tools and stuff other than the fully electric F-150 and that would not work for me.

Got to admit this new truck is swanky AF!!!!  ;D

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my 'Merican friends.  ;D

Offline mr.clean

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #3634 on: Nov 23, 2023, 08:17 PM »
 Good evening, sunny pleasant day here with a high temperature in the low fifties. A change from my original plans came home from work a little after midnight had a light meal and relaxed some around 2 AM went to bed. Like F/H4e's wife had trouble sleeping (I usually work the grave yard shift) so up until 6 AM. back to bed set alarm for 10 am get up before I could call my sister she had called me told her I would try to get there in late afternoon have their dinner as planed at 2 with the other invited guests. Back to get more sleep around 3 my doorbell rings one of my neighbors noticed my SUV still in parking spot and figured i was not heading to New Jersey so brought over a plate of food. Around 5 called my sister said I still felt tired and would try to get there tomorrow morning for a visit and then stop at cemetery on way home to decorate graves for Christmas . Still feel rundown so see what happens hopefully did not pickup some bug. My nephew and his Fiancé are coming east in mid-December definitely want to spend some time with them during their visit.

May everyone's Thanksgiving celebrations have been enjoyable time with family and friends.
Fish/hunt4ever may your wife be rested and the snow fall total on the low side as it sounds like you have a little work yet to due getting prepared for Winter.
OldSailor the same wished for you and your family.
Drifter thank you just another normal day for all of you in Canada. The newer model trucks do come with some nice options just a matter of what you can ford to pay.

Take care those with a four day weekend enjoy yourselves.

Offline fish/hunt4ever

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #3635 on: Nov 23, 2023, 09:00 PM »
Had a good dinner and them came home plowed some more snow around and it is still snowing. Some spots have more snow than others and it comes down at different rates throughout the day. My brother took his daughter over the mountain and while he was looking across the mountain there was not a lot of snow and over towards Idaho the snow totals were almost nothing when we were looking at the web cams. See what tomorrow brings. Might try and go pheasant hunting with the dogs and their new training collars. My female already said she hates it while we tried it on and got it set for her. The puppy just not knowing what is happening was just saying ok let's try this out.

The dogs enjoyed the snow just had to get them in to dry off a bit before running through the house. Try and get a photo of the snow totals tomorrow as the storm is supposed to slow down tomorrow afternoon.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #3636 on: Nov 24, 2023, 03:15 AM »
Good morning, everyone :bow:

15 degrees to start the day. I am sure there will be a few doing the Minnesota hunch this morning as they stand in line for "Black Friday deals". A few of the Northern lakes are getting a coating on them :thumbsup:

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. We just had our normal bird at home. My Sister came down in the afternoon and it was fun spending time with her. She is the only one I know that likes to play games more than my wife.

 I was going to go to the shack today, but we decided to wait until next weekend. Back by my stand the ground is cluttered with downed trees. I want to make a couple of big brush piles to burn and get it cleaned up some so it isn't so hard driving the ATV back there for dragging deer out.

Best of luck to everyone heading out to the woods :thumbsup:

Safe travels if taking in and Black Friday sales. Stay safe and keep healthy.



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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #3637 on: Nov 24, 2023, 05:40 AM »

               Good morning Marv, ER's,
                         It's 27* and clear here on my hill. ::)
                         I'm hoping everyone had a good and safe Thanksgiving with your respective families. :thumbsup:


Offline hunts2long

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #3638 on: Nov 24, 2023, 06:14 AM »
33* and cloudy and windy.
We had a good Thanksgiving. Hope everyone enjoyed theirs. Just the wife, Amber, Luis and myself. Oh, and Rocky and Scout. Lindsay went to her friends family get together.

I didn't hunt yesterday, first Thanksgiving in years not in the woods. Between the first snow blowing on Wednesday morning and going into the woods that Pm I was beat. There was about 5 inches of wet snow up in the hills and I had a hard time making it back to the Jeep. When I got home the wife said, "well you're not 81 anymore". She keeps that up and she will be "breaking" trail for me. I am hoping the temps have got rid of some of the snow.

WW, how is the "19" treating you? Hope you are feeling better!

Hope everyone has a good day and be well....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline wallyworld

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #3639 on: Nov 24, 2023, 08:14 AM »
Morning all,'re not 81 anymore, that's FUNNY right there  :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:  Doing ok just congested, thanks for asking  :bow:

MrC....fingers crossed you just needed to catch up on your sleep and you aren't coming down with anything  :unsure:

WS.....does your sister take your seat at the game table or are you still expected to join in the fun  ???

Eddie/IW......hope your Thanksgiving was good  ;)

FH4.....good luck with the dogs, hope the collars work well  @)

IFF.....was that buck sticking his tongue out at you as he passed thru the yard  ???

We had a nice dinner, turkey and the usual trimmings just smaller  ;)  MrWW headed back to camp after.
No Black Friday shopping here, never enjoyed fighting crowds  :nono:  Most of my gift giving is in the form of gift cards now days anyway.

Have a good day. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #3640 on: Nov 24, 2023, 08:44 AM »
WS.....does your sister take your seat at the game table or are you still expected to join in the fun  ???

They drop me like a hot potato when she shows up ;D


Offline wallyworld

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #3641 on: Nov 24, 2023, 09:20 AM »
They drop me like a hot potato when she shows up ;D

:thumbsup:  :clap:  :thumbsup:   :woot:

Offline Splattypus

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #3642 on: Nov 24, 2023, 01:24 PM »
Sounds like most everyone had a good Thanksgiving. That's nice to hear.

Mine was the most perfect I've had in ages: just me and my lady and the dog, eating lasagna and drinking a bottle of our favorite wine, watching TV on the couch. No travel, no family, minimal cooking and few dishes. If only every year could be so stress-free.

Picked up the truck from the mechanic today. They do fast work, that's for sure. $1900 (got them to chase a few minor issues that were more of an inconvenience for me while they were at it).   At least I know it's done right, and was done fast. I don't have the time and means to deal with stuff like that, which means I'll pay for it only half-begrudgingly.
A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work.

Offline fish/hunt4ever

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #3643 on: Nov 24, 2023, 02:47 PM »
Well we got about 12 inches of snow been out plowing up the hills trying to make sure there is enough room for the snow for the rest of the season unlike last year. Then is started snowing again. Was going to head out hunting but the area closes at 2 for hunting pheasants, I could go and hunt wild birds until sunset but got done plowing at noon then ate some more left overs. Then got things done and now only have 15 minutes that I could not make it out to the one area.  Sounds like all have had a great Thanksgiving now on to the shopping, we are doing it online, and get the wife and MIL ready for their expo tomorrow. Have a great one eveeyone.


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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #3644 on: Nov 25, 2023, 05:28 AM »

              Good morning ER's,
                      It's 11*and clear here on my hill. ::)
                      Wally...........I'm glad that you are feeling better. :thumbsup: I don't blame you for not going shopping on Black Friday. They get crazy. :%$#!: :cookoo:
                      Marv...........You should have your sister down more often. :roflmao:
                      H2l.............The woods is noisey with the crusty snow. :whistle:
                      Fish............It's a smart thing pushing back the snow piles making room for the snow that is coming. :flex:
                      Splatty........I'm glad you got your truck so quickly. :thumbsup:
                      Steve.........When I was in Navy bootcamp our instructor said the sleep was a bad habit, you'd be surprised how little sleep you can get by with. :blink:
                      Bud............How is the hunting going? ???
                      Eddie..........Did the boys get out in the woods Thanksgiving morning. :unsure:
                      I see that everyone had a good Thanksgiving. I got together with two of my sons and heir families.
                      I hope everyone has a good Saturday either at work or out. Stay Safe and Healthy.


Offline hunts2long

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #3645 on: Nov 25, 2023, 06:16 AM »
16* and clear this morning.

IW, you are correct the snow is very noisy. My brother drove me in behind the orchard about 1:45 and dropped me off, within 5 minutes I could see a deer walking out in front of me. Then another one, this one I knew was a doe as it came about 50 out in front of me. She kept watching the other deer, they both walked back the way they came. About 3:45 I see a deer come from out in front of me, then another and a total of 5, all does walked within 40 yds of me. The wind was pretty nasty in the afternoon.

Got some work to do around here this morning but will be hunting the afternoon.

F/H4, you can keep that kind of snow out there.

Have a good day and be well....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline IFF

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #3646 on: Nov 25, 2023, 08:20 AM »
Good morning well Jeff Sandra went to let her dog out, didn’t think to look first, and away went the big buck 😱😱😱.  And of couple minutes later a small spike came out


Offline wallyworld

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #3647 on: Nov 25, 2023, 08:42 AM »
Morning all,

IFF.....ooops  :blink: :pinch:

H2L.....good luck this afternoon  ;)

IW......glad you got to spend time with your sons and families  :clap:

FH4....too much snow too soon  :wacko:

Splatty....sometimes spending the $$$ is the better alternative to the aggravation of DIY  ;)2

WS.....whenever you see a "game day" coming your way, invite your sister for a visit  :whistle:

Eddie.....hope you and the family are doing well  :)

Time to start checking the pantry for Christmas baking supplies  @)

Have a good day. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Offline fish/hunt4ever

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #3648 on: Nov 25, 2023, 06:09 PM »
Well went out hunting with my dad as the wife went to to her expo, she said it was slow but picked up some. We had an exciting morning hit the first spot jump a rooster and I missed twice then a hen jumped and I hut her but she kept flying seen where she landed. Searched for the rooster for a minute as we headed towards where the hen landed. Seen where she landed and started to run. The dog was following and I see the tracks go around this sage brush and then I see her laying under the sage brush but still kicking. Backed up as my dad got closer and ready and then he sees her and the dog comes down on top of her and she runs instead of flying so the dog grabs her. So one down. Hunted around a bit and seen a rooster right off the road and tried for him but missed. Then went over to another spot and went to check some tracks and a rooster walked out. So got the dogs and dad out and went after him. He jumped and came my way I hit him on the first shot and really hit him on the second shot at about 10 yards. But got most the breast off him. Went around and jumped another one and my dad put his gun on safety instead of fire and when he got it off he shot but missed. Went to another spot and jumped a rooster dad hit him and we watched as he flew down and died and fell down. Walked over and searched and searched all we could find was one feather on the ground. The dog was birdy at one spot and while letting her sniff around my dad sees a spot where something might have hit in the cattails, which we had tried walking through searching and it was sure a pain. Gave my dad the gun and went in to see if I could find if it was the bird. Yep it was. So then we talked and came home instead of finding another spot. 

Oh and since we were out went and seen if the ice was forming on the lake and it has started.

Offline mr.clean

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #3649 on: Nov 25, 2023, 10:31 PM »
 Good evening, seasonable day here with a high temperature in the mid.-forties . I was able to spend a few hours with my sister and B-I-L had a nice lunch together and came home with some thanksgiving dinner leftovers. I took a slightly different route on way to their home to avoid a large outlet shopping mall south of me. once on route 17 i can see sections on the NYS thruway heavy traffic and starting to back up as folks got closer to exit for the outlet mall. When I reached the village of Sloatsburg north bound traffic on route 17 backing up glad i was headed south and would be taking route 287 away from the Paramus, NJ. area where there are two shopping malls. On my trip home once again ran into traffic back up in Sloatsburg so took a side road which leads into Harriman State park and went through the park then took Palisades Parkway for a short distance to bear mountain bridge traffic circle and got onto route 9W to reach my area added miles to the trip but kept moving rather then stop and go traffic.

Like Splattypus said happy to read everyone had a nice Thanksgiving.
Whopper Stopper glad your sister joined you for thanksgiving and provide another person for the "Girls" to play games with who is a competitive as they are in the playing. Allowing you to do something you enjoy over the game playing. best wished to you with the tree clearing and any hunting you do while at the shack .
Ice Wanderer nice to read that you spent thanksgiving with two of your sons and their families . Earlier in my career at Shoprite I worked morning, afternoon/evening and graveyard shift in the span of a work week with a day off between switching time periods so  have worked on limited sleep. Looking back now I wonder how I did that with few problems during one period of time I would work from 7 AM to 11 or 12PM on a Sunday then go back to work at 12 AM on Monday and this was often after working until midnight on Saturday .
Hunts2long glad you are seeing deer while hunting at the orchard may you fill your tag before the season ends for this year. I assume to avoid an argument you withheld any retorts to your wife's you not 81 years old comment .
Wallyworld nice to hear you had a good Thanksgiving with a smaller crowd or just the two of you. may you be back to your normal self be this week's end. lots of Christmas baking ahead of you between family and for the fire dept .Christmas party. Best wished to Mr.WW in filling any remaining tag/tags before rifle deer season closes in NY.'s Southern zone.
Splattypus sometimes it is good to spend a holiday by yourself or just with immediate family. Glad you have your truck back ditto other's comments on letting the professionals do the work.
IFF hopefully the big buck returns to Sandra's property and you get a chance to harvest it before the season closes in Missouri .
Fish/hunt4ever good thinking plowing this first snow in a way that allows you room for clean-up of other storms this winter. thankyou for sharing the pheasant hunting report congratulations to your dad and you on getting three birds. I see you were able to get the tracking collar on the new puppy. may your older dog respond well to your commands and the collar not be needed to control him while bird hunting.
Ediie may your Thanksgiving have been a good day with family. best wished to your son's with their deer hunting. may you receive a surgery date soon just remember you have the ticket for Food-n-Fuel contest this coming February if you delay the surgery until after Christmas. I do not think you can get a refund on your ticket.
OldSailor may it have been a good thanksgiving with your family.
Icefisher-45 may all be good with you, your wife and Mr. Dickens.
Tomturkey I see your name occasionally when i check the who is logged-in list. i hope all is good for you and the family. i miss your stories hope we see a post of any length from you before this Christmas.

may everyone have a good Sunday.


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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #3650 on: Nov 26, 2023, 04:45 AM »

              Good morning ER's,
                          It's 21* and clear here on my hill. ::)
                          Steve.............Some time it faster to take the long way around than the shortest route. :whistle: I know the routes you took, I've gone that way
              myself. :blink: I'm glad you had an enjoyable visit with your sister. :clap:
                          Wally..............I hope you were able to find all the baking supplies you needed for your bake-a-thon. :woot:
                          H2l.................I'm surprised with all the does there isn't at least one buck chasing them. :o I hope you see something today. :unsure: Good luck
              on the lanes tonight. :thumbsup:
                          Bud................Bef ore I open any door, I always check to see what might be in my yard. :whistle: Once I opened a door and there was a bear about
              10 feet from me headed towards me. :woot:
                          Fish................So unds like you your dad and the dogs got a workout. :blink:
                          Eddie/OS.........I hope you both are feeling good. :clap:
                          Marv...............Are you headed back to "The Shack"? ???
                          On Friday I tried starting my 4 wheeler and it would fire, so I was going to put it my basement to warm it up, I winched it on to my trailer and backed
               the trailer up to the basement doors. When I tried pulling it off it would move. The back wheels were locked up, so yesterday morning my third son came over
               and we got it into the basement. After it warmed up, I tried starting it, it started to fired then nothing I'm going to pull the plug and and check it, then I'm going
               to put some gas in the cylinder to see if it fires. If it does then it's a fuel supply problem. I'm glad I have a walk-in basement.
                           I hope everyone has a good Sunday either at work or out. Stay Safe and Healthy.


Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #3651 on: Nov 26, 2023, 05:17 AM »
Good morning IW! Good morning, everyone :bow:

24 degrees with clouds, may see 32 degrees by the afternoon.

IW...Good luck getting the 4-wheeler going :thumbsup: We are heading to the shack next Saturday just for the day.

h2l...Hope a nice buck is in your future :thumbsup: As long as the does are in the neighborhood a buck or two will be close. We were watching a small buck chasing a couple does here yesterday. The buck was a small spike, but he sure had all the moves of a one of the big boys ;D

WW...Hope the pantry is well stocked so you don't have to do much for shopping. :thumbsup: Is Mr.WW seeing much activity on stand ???

Eddie...Continued prayers. I hope you and your family had a good Thanksgiving :thumbsup:

Fish...Fun reading about your hunt, nice looking birds :thumbsup:

45...Hope you and your wife had a good Thanksgiving :thumbsup:

We ventured out to a couple stores yesterday, Menards and Fleet Farm. It was a pleasant surprise to find we were just a couple of a handful of people out and about. Not much on the planner today, just keeping the fire going.

Hope you all have a good Sunday :thumbsup: Stay safe and keep healthy.


Offline hunts2long

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #3652 on: Nov 26, 2023, 06:36 AM »
24* and clear.

Mr.C, I can't imagine what the traffic is like around that area this time of year. I know there is a big mall off to the right at the split of Rt. 17 and Rt. 4 going toward GWB.

IW, sound like you are "thinking" you are getting better, take it easy.

Yesterday PM the wind was not right for hunting the behind the orchard so I went back to where I have been hunting. Took my walking stick with me but most of the time I could walk on top of the snow, it did help. It was a little noisy. I don't think I had gone 60 yards and a doe stepped out on the atv trail about 30 yards from me. She wouldn't leave, just walk a little, look back at me, flick her tail. I wanted to get set down so continued on up the atv trail. She had come from the left so I sat watching that way, all this time I could still see her off to the west. Just before 3 two does came in and stayed around for about 30 minutes, then about 4 o'clock 4 does came from behind me about 40 yards to the south. Just before the end of the day I saw a deer about 100 yards walking the same way the does were going. That deer may have walked pretty close to my normal watch when I hunt in there, so you never know ONE week to go.

Hope everyone has a good day and be well....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline wallyworld

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #3653 on: Nov 26, 2023, 08:03 AM »
Morning all,

MrC.....glad you had a roundabout route to avoid the mall traffic  :clap:

WS....reports are that things are pretty dang quiet in the woods  :%$#!: of luck in the woods and on the lanes  ;)2

IW.....x2 on H2L's advice  :whistle:

IFF.....hope that buck pops out before YOU pop up somewhere else  :woot:

A nice bright sunny morning  @)  going to the cemetery this morning to place wreaths on my parents/grandparents graves  :(

Have a good day. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Offline mr.clean

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #3654 on: Nov 26, 2023, 08:58 PM »
 Good evening, cloudy here for most of daylight hours a drizzle started in the early afternoon now a steady light rainfall.  I see with us reaching Thanksgiving here in the United States activity has picked up here on ice shanty.
Ice Wanderer if possible i like to keep moving while traveling rather then being stuck in heavy traffic and find it taking me 15 or more minutes to cover a distance normally covered in 5 minutes with light traffic . If you worked on the 4 wheeler today may the engine now be running properly .
Whopper Stopper as more people choose to shop on-line you will find the crowds smaller on Black Friday . The Covid pandemic also got people into shopping on-line and when companies hired new employees after things settled down many told their employers they would not work on thanksgiving evening or extended hours on black Friday. Some stores used to open a 5 or 6 pm on thanksgiving day to start black Friday or had early morning openings on Friday 6 AM and stayed open later to make sales. May you find all in good shape when you visit the shack this Saturday.hunts2long just south of the routes 17 and 4 intersection is the garden State Plaza shopping mall one of the older malls in Paramus area was open air at beginning eventually enclosed in the late 197o's /early 1980's Paramus Park mall was built further north on route 17. i believe their are a few shopping malls off of route 4 between Paramus and the George Washington bridge toll gates . Good to read that you are seeing multiple does the past few days may a nice buck be with them during one of your hunts.
Wallyworld may you not have had to clear to much snow to place the wreaths on your parents and grandparents graves. may Mr.WW see an increase in deer activity while hunting.

Keep safe,stay healthy. best to all fishing and hunting.

Offline IFF

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #3655 on: Nov 27, 2023, 04:39 AM »
Good morning ER’s. Well now that the rifle deer season is over here in Missouri you might know the trail cam was put in place and low and behold more bucks showed up, after dark of course,  the cam that was just put up yesterday morning is one that can be accessed by way of cell phone. It was installed with a setting that’s supposed to send an alert, but so far has not done so. And randomly checking in find a 6 point and small spike came into view at 10:55,  next one looked to be a 10 point at 11:35.   

Now the deer hunting reverts to an archery season, and of course I did not bring any of that with me,  with the recent rain the wet leaves are all frosted, and with the near full moon it is bright out like it’s snow on the ground. Maybe a ground blind is the answer if we are to harvest a deer this season ??? 

Will be checking back in later, when the coffee ready. 


Offline masoneddie

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #3656 on: Nov 27, 2023, 05:13 AM »
Good Morning Bud, Morning Everyone,
  Mostly cloudy and 33*, high of 40 today.

  Bud…it’s almost as if those bucks know when the season ends, lol. Good luck harvesting one with the bow hunting!  :thumbsup:
  Steve… the site is definitely picking up steam now.  :thumbsup:  Had the same rainy conditions here last evening, temps staying just above freezing. See there was several inches of snow to the north.
   Wally… Hope you’re starting to feel better, the China Virus paid us a visit here as well right after Thanksgiving.  :%$#!:
Best of luck to Mr.WW filling up his tags!  :thumbsup:
  H2…hope you and the team bowled well again last evening! Sounds like you’re hunting in the right spot…best of luck to you catching up with one of those bucks this week!   :thumbsup:
  Marv…glad you didn’t have to deal with any of the crowds!  :clap:  I was watching the news on some of the Black Friday shoppers..or lack of. Seems the online shopping is the preferred method although a few diehards were still camping out on the sidewalks waiting for the doors to open.
  Jeff…keeping the fingers crossed your 4 wheeler was just a minor issue and is running strong again!   :thumbsup:
  FH4…another good job on the pheasants, thanks for sharing your hunting adventures here with us!   :clap:

  We had a nice Thanksgiving here, thanks for asking everyone. We didn’t have the whole family together this year as a few had other plans and company from out of town, but it was nice until we received a call Friday morning. One of our grandchildren had become sick and tested positive for Covid….later that day another.
  I started feeling some of the symptoms late Friday and into the early hours on Saturday and took the test…sure enough I was positive. So once again, have been isolating myself as best as possible and trudging through this mess again as best as possible…sucks! My wife tested negative. Symptoms haven’t been too severe yet and hopefully that continues…
  That’s about it from here at the moment…..Cawfee’s on!
  Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!

Offline hunts2long

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #3657 on: Nov 27, 2023, 06:21 AM »
Good morning, 35* and about an inch of wet stuff. Most of it still in the trees and I bet up where I hunt it is not nice.

Eddie, sorry to hear about the + covid test, take it easy. First WW, now you, this isn't a "computer" BUG is it?

I should have stayed home from bowling last night. Bowled 39 pins below my avg. We loss all 4 points.

The weather this week is not looking good for a lot of hunting. Depends on how much snow they got and I know it is going to be windy most of the week. Going to try to get a couple hunts in.

Talked to the guy that hunts the State land to the South of where I hunt. He had his hip replaced on last Wednesday and is doing well, still on some drugs.

Hope everyone has a good day and be well....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline wallyworld

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #3658 on: Nov 27, 2023, 07:10 AM »
Morning all, sorry to hear covid is visiting your house too  :'(  fingers crossed you're feeling better soon  ;)

H2L....sometimes the days that seem the worst turn out to bring a buck in the crosshairs, good luck this week  ;)2 doubt the deer have the hunting regs posted somewhere, seems they always know when the season starts and ends  ;D

IW.....hope the 4 wheeler is purring like a kitten today  @) snow in this area yet, still green grass, that's supposed to change later tonight/tomorrow  ::)

Got the cemetery taken care of and most of the house decorated yesterday. the lights on the roof are MrWW's job, I don't do ladders   :pinch: :nono:

Have a good day. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Offline Old Goat

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #3659 on: Nov 27, 2023, 08:09 AM »

 Good morning ER's  Eddie those tests sometimes have false pos after my pos test just felt groggy for awhile. The ice is forming on skinny water may  take a dip might not at least theres some waxies just in case I am playing with the FL-3 and seems awsome so far off the floor 3,4 ,5 echoes I put the vex ice ducer on it because they come with the transom ducer. This thing may be new condition


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