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Author Topic: Ikejime -does anyone do or have done this?  (Read 4843 times)

Offline trapper2000

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Re: Ikejime -does anyone do or have done this?
« Reply #30 on: Mar 06, 2021, 07:16 AM »
i personally have  had  fish bled and not   and notice no difference  ,others will swear they do would be interesting to  do a taste test of  bled and un bled  fish  without anyone knowing which fish is which bet is no  one would know the  difference....  i'm not a rocket scientist but  when i  fillet a  fish and  rinse of the fillet  the blood is gone .... agaain this is all just personal opinion and if  doing something makes you feel better  or your opinion taste better by all means go for it know  something funny when i sell bullheads to the store or restaurants they won't buy them unless they are bloody

Offline fishinjohn

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Re: Ikejime -does anyone do or have done this?
« Reply #31 on: Mar 06, 2021, 07:29 AM »
Interesting to hear everyone’s thoughts on it, definitely no one right or wrong way, to each their own. I wonder if the bleeding out part is what really improves the taste and longevity of the meat.  Also, and this may sound odd, but the larger the animal the more I care about a clean harvest—like ants and grubs I’m not thinking too much about, but a large fish, deer, turkey, moose, I look at a little differently.
I have my own butcher shop.. over the years I have butchered plenty of cows and pigs.. the process for me is...  bullet in the head and bleed them out.. plain and simple... makes meat cleaner and more tender(beef especially,  that's why beef gets aged before it gets cut) ..
I gill my fish as well.. not saying it's right or wrong and as other in fish IM NOT CONVICED a tates difference.. but I do know it looks cleaner and more appetizing if meat has no redness to it (for me)

Offline Ice Wine

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Re: Ikejime -does anyone do or have done this?
« Reply #32 on: Mar 06, 2021, 07:46 AM »
Stupid question but how, exactly, do you bleed a fish? Just cut out the gills?

Offline trapper2000

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Re: Ikejime -does anyone do or have done this?
« Reply #33 on: Mar 06, 2021, 07:55 AM »
Great - now I want a Big Mac   ;D  While were on the subject, I don't understand why BK has onion rigs but McDonalds doesn't ......  ;D ;D

ya got to go to Arbys  for  curly fries what's with that????

bye the way arbys always bleds the potatoes  for better taste

Offline trapper2000

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Re: Ikejime -does anyone do or have done this?
« Reply #34 on: Mar 06, 2021, 07:58 AM »
And I just wanna hug trapper and sing "It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood"  ;)2 :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

if your  going to hug me  ya should at least buy dinner first  :roflmao:

Offline Locoman

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Re: Ikejime -does anyone do or have done this?
« Reply #35 on: Mar 06, 2021, 08:09 AM »
The most important thing to me that  affects taste and texture after a fish is caught is getting it iced. Learned that from the commercial guys back in the 70's. Big difference from the fish that were put on a stringer and dragged around all day in warm surface lake water.
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Offline BeenPerchin315

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Re: Ikejime -does anyone do or have done this?
« Reply #36 on: Mar 06, 2021, 08:35 AM »
I agree about bleeding - I can't notice a difference in taste or appearance when I do perch anyway - they are really clean and white either way when I'm done
In perch I can see a slight difference but can’t taste one the filets just come out a brighter white. But larger fish like eyes pike and others I can tell a difference in look and taste.
Another is feel, when you gill the perch the filets firm up real nice and fast as well.

We can put this to the test sometime
I make statements based on my experiences in the location I fished only. Check ice conditions for yourself.
Stay safe. Tight lines.

Offline trapper2000

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Re: Ikejime -does anyone do or have done this?
« Reply #37 on: Mar 06, 2021, 09:03 AM »
  A lot of folks just like killing for the sake of killing, especially within the world of predator hunting, but thats a whole nother topic.

wow interesting a fellow hunter would say something  like this .....

predator  hunting is  legal , it is  considered a sport , and it is a wildlife management tool  ....why  you make such a statement that anti hunters could use ? uou sure you are a hunter ?

Offline fishinjohn

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Re: Ikejime -does anyone do or have done this?
« Reply #38 on: Mar 06, 2021, 09:10 AM »
Stupid question but how, exactly, do you bleed a fish? Just cut out the gills?
You can either clip(cut) the gills (both sides for fastest/best results (which is what I do..
Or you can cut their throat(area right where the gills come together on bottom of fish)

Offline lowaccord66

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Re: Ikejime -does anyone do or have done this?
« Reply #39 on: Mar 06, 2021, 09:26 AM »
Interesting subject.  Perhaps even more interesting is the reaction to the word "humane".  Had the OP used the word "efficient", "honorable" or "respectful" in its place would the reactions have different?  Everyone jumped right past the intent of the post, which is the notion of killing something efficiently and respectfully for the purpose of food. Everyone is correct, there really is no such thing as humane killing, but the subject here is moreso the way in which we kill. No offense to anyone, just observations in human behavior.  The word "humane" obviously has connotations that get people riled up, likely due to PETA.  Maybe some unconscious political bias as well but I wont touch that one :whistle:

I dont buy meat from the store.  I live off Elk, Blue Grouse, Kokanee Salmon, Perch and Crappie.  I do a lot of killing.  Most weeks of the year im killing something or other for food. The older I get, the more I find myself empathizing with the life im taking, espcially (mostly) Elk.  No matter what word youd like to put on it, respecting your prey as it becomes your food is good karma.  A lot of folks just like killing for the sake of killing, especially within the world of predator hunting, but thats a whole nother topic.

I appreciate your thoughts on this Tim.  I tend to agree with you and like that you recognized some built in triggers/reactions to specific words.  People have been wired to have a certain response.  Its interesting to say the least.

Offline 62&done

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Re: Ikejime -does anyone do or have done this?
« Reply #40 on: Mar 06, 2021, 10:28 AM »
   Wow  I can't believe how far this thread has gone and all the different opinions on such a subject.  One can really tell that the weather is crappy and so is the fish bite.  How about we change this up a little bit and we talk about what we really do at home when conditions are like this.     Example :     I have spent the last day looking for my spare drill battery , only to find it in my bag of spare socks and such.  How did it get there one might ask.   Well, you see it was bitterly cold one morning so I put it there for a little insulation and since I rarely need it I forgot about it.  But all is well now and I can rest my mind.    I have also spent this morning rearanging all my equipment so that the 4x4 is not so cluttered and messy .  I may just take a nap this afternoon.        Now .....   I can't wait to see the replys

Offline trapper2000

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Re: Ikejime -does anyone do or have done this?
« Reply #41 on: Mar 06, 2021, 10:36 AM »

bacteria in the blood of the fish  huh .... i bet that rock he's filleting fish on that seagulls have been using for a toilet has more ........just saying

Offline Iceman1899

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Re: Ikejime -does anyone do or have done this?
« Reply #42 on: Mar 06, 2021, 10:38 AM »
I’m out murdering some fish at the moment. May be last weekend for a lot of spots

Offline trapper2000

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Re: Ikejime -does anyone do or have done this?
« Reply #43 on: Mar 06, 2021, 10:49 AM »
good for you ice  hope ya hammer them

Offline esox_xtm

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Re: Ikejime -does anyone do or have done this?
« Reply #44 on: Mar 06, 2021, 11:44 AM »
My understanding is that they don't scream when you put them in the hot oil with that method too ....  I kind of enjoy all the extra starch though  ;D

But when you toss a live lobster into a pot of boiling water and slam the lid... Clickity, clack for a bit  ::) Done that a few times. As far as Arby's bleeding their taters, that is absolute truth. If they didn't do that they'd be purple :P

I appreciate your thoughts on this Tim.  I tend to agree with you and like that you recognized some built in triggers/reactions to specific words.  People have been wired to have a certain response.  Its interesting to say the least.

I think Tim nailed it too! Pretty sure the word "humane" came from where ever the OP Googled his query and simply repeated it. Probably not his choice. And yes, responses are interesting. Funny the difference one word can make.

Example :     I have spent the last day looking for my spare drill battery , only to find it in my bag of spare socks and such.  How did it get there one might ask. Well, you see it was bitterly cold one morning so I put it there for a little insulation and since I rarely need it I forgot about it.  But all is well now and I can rest my mind.

That's funny! One year after I left deer camp (a 7 hour drive from my house) I was missing my money clip. Had a coupla hundie in it too. I was already an hour and a half and a $50 ferry trip from the cabin. Called up there and had 'em look. Nope, nothing. Really?  >:( Honestly didn't care as much about the cash as I did the clip. It was my grandfather's he had for many years; engraved "Mid-Day Club 1954", the year I was born.

Months went by. No money clip. Later the following spring I was cleaning out the truck and way behind the seats, down in a crevice I found a pair of gloves. Tucked into one of the gloves was my clip. Of course then it dawned on me, I'd had it out to pay the ferry trip and tucked it into a glove so it wouldn't get lost because I couldn't get my hand back into my pocket sitting with the seat belt on.
To fish or not to fish? That's a stupid question!

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