Author Topic: 9:45 on a Tuesday..  (Read 1649750 times)

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #18720 on: Feb 27, 2020, 06:19 AM »
Morning all,

Thoughts and prayers to all involved in the Milwaukee shooting yesterday  :'(

IW.....sounds like a good day   :icefish:  congrats   :thumbsup:  maybe the snow won't be as bad as predicted and you'll have a few more weeks on the ice  ;)

IFF.....fingers crossed your leg starts getting better soon, tough to mend when you're working all the extra hours  :(

WS.....x2 IW's comment about being a hard working retiree   :flex:  :roflmao:  glad you'll have some down time today to relax, enjoy your lunch  ;)2

Eddie....surprised to hear anyone even noticed the pot smokers, much less hassled one of them  ::)  seems it's no big deal anymore    :-\   I wonder sometimes how many people behind the wheel are stoned   ???

MrC.....sounds like Phil was right about the early spring, at least in your area  :clap: 

OG.....hope the heart passes any and all tests sir  ;)2

IF45......hope a new doc can find an answer to relieve your pain  ;)  any word on a court date or settlement yet  ??? 

Looks like an "inside" day today, the wind is howling and it's snowing sideways  :wacko:  weatherman says 4-8" of snow and winds gusting to 50 mph  :o  I feel bad for all the "summer" birds that showed up in the yard yesterday  :( 

Have a good day at work or play. Stay safe.

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #18721 on: Feb 27, 2020, 06:27 AM »
34* with a mix of rain and wet snow. No wind yet.
Mr. Clean, I watch some of the lacrosse on TV. A very fast paced game and it is a lot like hockey.
WS, a bugger and beer sounds pretty good. Enjoy.
IW, glad the wife has had her last treatment. We know all about those meds that have to be taken. Sounds like Eddie left you some fish.
Eddie, the lake looked very wet yesterday and the edges are getting wet.
The wife has been using her own bags for some time. I think its from shopping at Trader Joe's and Aldi's. I know they talk about it on every newscast on TV.
Quarter size snow flakes falling right now, hope this doesn't last too long.
Have a good day....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #18722 on: Feb 27, 2020, 10:17 AM »
Getting a skiff of snow right now.

WW I saw the other day that there were blizzard warnings out on the east end Lakes Erie and Ontario. Luckily most of our lake effect snow has come from north winds putting into the southern part of the state. It is too bad that your trip ended up being cut short.

WS I love thick bacon. I was sitting in a restaurant with my hunting buddy. I ordered a BLT. When it came out my buddy said he could not slice bacon that thing in his years of cutting meat. I told him the probably sliced it frozen. I think that  a piece of TP might have been thicker. I never ordered a BLT there again.

Drifter It is good to here that you are over coming you health problem finally. Take it easy getting back going so you do not have a relapse.

IW I have a friend that is a 30+ year breast cancer survivor. Cancer treatment has improved a lot since she had cancer.

I think it was you that mentioned have some light line. An old man that I fished with was catching fish one day while none of the rest  us were not catching much of any thing. I went over and drilled a hole right next to his, with his permission. I still could not catch anything. He dropped down the hole I drilled and kept catching fish. I grabbed his line and found out why. He was fishing with mono sewing thread.

The wife's pain has decreased since seeing her Doc. He put her on a total liquid diet for a while. He thought that maybe she had an ulcer that was causing the pain. Seems to be working.

We are headed over to a county Seniors board meeting this after noon. It might get interesting as the board member that is on that board is still causing us problems, making false statements at our center about what we are planning on doing to our center. This is the woman we removed from our board a while back. It will get interesting if she shows up at this meeting as the manager of the county centers is wise to her.

Offline Drifter_016

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #18723 on: Feb 27, 2020, 12:05 PM »
7 degrees and light snow right now. Headed for a high of 12 today.

Day 45 of the plague and still on the couch.
Gonna be here til Monday when I hope to go back to work.
Woke up at 1:30am and coughed up a lung for an hour or so then went back to bed.  :-\

Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #18724 on: Feb 27, 2020, 06:04 PM »
Good Evening Everyone, Prayers and thoughts to those people shot in Milwaukee yesterday. Very windy here today. We had heavy rain and snow flurries. Already tired of political ads.

Drifter_016, Prayers you feel better and are able to be up and about by Monday.

That’s good your wife is feeling better. Hope your meeting tonight isn’t to stressful for you or your wife.

Hunts2long, Hope you didn’t get to much snow. My wife always keeps bags in her car as well.

WallyWorld, Hope you didn’t get the 4 to 8” of snow. Very windy here. Waiting to hear about a cat scan of my head to see if there is any difference since the last one. Going back to court next month. Hoping that gets settled.

Ice Wanderer, prayers the new procedure works. Hope you got all your fish cleaned.

Whopper Stopper, You definitely do work hard for a retired person.

MasonEddie, sounds like it was a fun day for the K-9 units. Hopefully you had a good day.

I hope everyone had a great day and a safe one.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline Capt.Jim-N.J.

Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #18725 on: Feb 27, 2020, 07:37 PM »
Good Evening, Everybody

Low 40's with stiff, biting wind blowing about 40 mph, more sun tomorrow with the wind staying till the weekend

It's going to take a bit for me to catch up with everybody's doings, so I'll forego the banter till later

I was supposed to have a CT Urogram, with Contrast today-the Ins. Co. put a temp. hold on the procedure Tuesday BECAUSE they needed to see more info. from the Urologist
      as to why it was needed, 'there was blood in the urine, where was it coming from, the "crystal ball" was in pieces, so this is the next best thing', it got OK'D at 3:00 today,
      now I have to reschedule the test, and the Dr.s appt. for followup, bull turd-nothing but bull turd, arthritis flare up is starting to go away, I had fingers like breakfast link
      sausages for a couple of days, couldn't even hold a cup of coffee correctly, still have a few tender joints to deal with, but feeling and moving better now, just wondering
      how much was weather-related

Be Safe-Stay Warm-Have Fun-Tight Lines-Records & Limits-Safe Travels-Good Eats & Drink-Happy Birthday-Happy Anniversary-Get Well Soon
Now is the time for all good men and women to engage in the sport of ice fishing

Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #18726 on: Feb 27, 2020, 09:34 PM »
Captain Jim, Hope your able to reschedule your test soon. It is amazing how insurance runs everything.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #18727 on: Feb 27, 2020, 10:36 PM »
Good evening everyone windy day I did so some rain over night so far today has been dry.
Eddie I've been told if you are arrested/searched and have under a certain amount of marijuana on you it is only a fine similar to a parking ticket. Times sure have changed and Ny. and other states are looking at all the potential cash from Hemp products I've seen the CBD oil for sale at gas station /mini-markets.
Whopper Stopper may you have your saw back by next weekend and it run like new.
Old Goat hope you receive good news from your doctor .
Ice Wanderer good to hear your wife has finished her radiation treatments may the medication do it's job and she have no major side effects from taking it. Congratulations to Jon and you on a good trip to Lake Champlain.
Wallyworld hope the lake effect snow machine has not buried your area under a couple feet of snow. sad to hear of another shooting.
Hunts2long believe you are correct about being charged for bags. I'm like ice Wanderer have bags in my vehicle but sometimes walk into a store without them have to remember to bring at least one with me into even mini-markets and deli's.
Tomturkey may your wife's doctor/doctors find the cause of her pain stomach/digestive track ulcer can cause pain similar to that experienced during a heart attack. hope things did not get to crazy a the county senior meeting.
Drifter may you turn the corner on the flu and whatever else is keeping you down this weekend.
Icefisher-45 may the second Cat scan show some improvement in your condition.
Capt. Jim sorry to hear about the insurance causing delay in your treatment.

Have a good night.

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #18728 on: Feb 27, 2020, 11:14 PM »
I am beat, 13.5 hrs, and back in for "Soft" opening tomorrow.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #18729 on: Feb 28, 2020, 01:53 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
   20* with light snow blowing sideways this am, high of 32 today.

  OG...thank you for the offer on the fishing line! I would certainly like to give that a try.  :thumbsup:   I never did land any big bluegills on the Singer sewing thread experiment I tried for a little while, lol. of luck with your saw repair, hope you get good news on it tomorrow!   :thumbsup:   Smelled plenty more of that second hand smoke yesterday, lol, everything was making sense!   ;D   How was that burger and beer?
  Jeff...hope the new procedure works well for your wife, keeping her in thoughts and prayers!  Congratulations to you and Jon on a great trip and a slammer Pike... well done!   :clap: :bow:
  Wally...I heard some crazy snow totals were possible out your way, fingers crossed they miss your town!  :thumbsup:   Haven’t seen any robins here yet, they came a little too soon!
   H2... hope the snow didn’t add up too much there, we only picked up about an inch or so here.
  Tom...good news on your wife!   :clap:  Will be looking forward to how the meeting went!   ;D :thumbsup:
  Dave...damn, didn’t realize it’s been 45 days! Hope you’re feeling some relief today Sir!   :thumbsup:
  I-45, wishes sent to you both with your upcoming appointments!   :thumbsup:
  Steve...believe you’re right about the minimal ticket if caught with a small amount. What’s amazing to me is they’re smoking it right in front of the security cameras at the entrance doors!   :woot:
  Bud...long hours, wow!  Hope today’s shift goes well for you.   :thumbsup:

   Last 4am shift for the week coming up....will find out today what’s up for next week.
  The clock is telling me it’s time to go....maybe see what kind of second hand smoke is bellowing this morning!   ;D Cawfee’s on...
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #18730 on: Feb 28, 2020, 04:56 AM »

                Good morning Eddie, ER's,
                         It's 16* and very windy here on my hill, with some light snow probably blowing in from Lake Ontario. ::)
                         Eddie...……..People are getting very brazen with their smoking. :cookoo: I bet your glad the week is over with the early starts. :whistle:
                         Wally...……..I hope you and Mr. WW don't have a lot of snow to move around this morning? :unsure:
                         H2L...………..We ended up with about 2.5 inches, you are closer to the big lakes so you could have more than us. ???
                         Marv...……….I hope you found favorable snow conditions at the tree job you need to get done. ???
                         Dave...……...That crud  :sick: you have doesn't want to let go, I hope you will be able to return to work on Monday. :unsure:
                         Tom...………..I'm glad that the liquid diet is helping your wife, I hope it isn't the problems at the center causing your wife's ulcer. :unsure:
                         To windy today to be on the ice, I have some things to putter around the house. The bolt that holds the auger on Jon's Ion snapped the
                other day, so I brought it home with me. I will drill it and use an easy out to remove it and put a new one in it's place.
                         I hope everyone has a good Friday either at work or out on the hardwater.


Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #18731 on: Feb 28, 2020, 05:14 AM »
Morning all,

CapJ.....thoughts and prayers sent your way sir, hopefully things can start going in the right direction now that the insurance company gave the ok  ;)

Eddie.....TGIF hope it passes quickly  ;D

MrC.....try leaving one small bag on the passenger seat as your reminder  ;)

TT.....glad to hear MrsTT has an answer to her chest pains, best wishes for a speedy recovery  :)

IFF.....fingers crossed the opening goes well today and you get a break from all the overtime hours soon  ;)2

WS.....hope your saw comes back better than new, hard to replace something you know works the way you want it to with somethingof lesser quality  :nono:

IW....only a couple of inches of new snow here  :clap:  the wind has kept it moving east   :thumbsup:  :woot:

H2L.....hope you also escaped the feet of snow and blizzard conditions  ;)

Heading to MA this morning, fingers crossed the roads are in good shape   :)

Have a good day and great weekend. Stay safe.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #18732 on: Feb 28, 2020, 06:05 AM »
Good morning Everyone :bow:

19 degrees, one more cool night then +40 tomorrow.

Eddie hope the day flies by. I bet your lunch tastes extra good these days. A couple extra snack bags of Doritos may come in handy :roflmao:

IW dang wind :cookoo: I have been waiting to burn the last of my brush for 4 days now because of a nasty N wind that blows all the smoke straight at my neighbors. How does Jon like his Ion? I love mine although I wish it had a center point. (bought it before they had it).

WW safe travels to you and Mr WW :thumbsup:

Bud you are going to need a "Mental Health Day" soon :cookoo:

Dave when you do get back to the job keep it in granny gear, you sure don't need a relapse.

Yesterday burger was a good time. After listening to the "Green Horn" for an hour it sure made me happy I am out of there. It sounds like there have been a lot of changes, some of them made me laugh. I just hope with the drug use going on no one gets seriously hurt. They are doing less than half the numbers then when I was there. The new motto among the crew is they get paid by the hour. Wish I would have thought of that ???

The tree job I checked on should be ready to go by next Wednesday. The guy assured me that he isn't in a rush, so that will be nice for a change.

Tomorrow I plan to take a ride to the shack and do some burning before the snow pack disappears. I believe Sunday I am going to spend in my chair.

Hope you all have an excellent day work or play :thumbsup:  Stay safe.


Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #18733 on: Feb 28, 2020, 06:30 AM »
21* and breezy. Got maybe an inch of snow. I think the hills to the West and North help with the lake effect storms.
WW, safe travels, you should have a tail wind.
WS, hope your saw is back in your hands soon. I took my old saw in for repair and was told it was too old to be repaired. I think I bought it in 1977. It is still out in the shed.
Capt. Jim, those insurance companies sure do make us jump thru the loops. My back has been acting up but I am sure once the weather breaks and I start doing more it will improve.
Well, I hope everyone has a good Friday...h2l
Northville, NY

Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #18734 on: Feb 28, 2020, 08:09 AM »
Good Morning Everyone, 28 degrees out there this morning and very windy. They say it’s supposed to be in the 40s today. My wife is working and may work a long shift till 11. One woman is out. She has the next 2 days off. Not happy about her working late.

Hunts2long, Hopefully your back starts feeling better with the better weather.

Whopper Stopper, Hopefully you get your saw back soon. Do you have a lot of burning to do at the shack?

WallyWorld, Thats good you didn’t get the snow they were talking about. Safe trip to Massachusetts. Roads are good very windy.

Ice Wanderer, It is a good day to putter around inside today. Hopefully you have no issues with the bolt.

Mason Eddie, Thats good this is the last 4AM shift. It is amazing how people are so brazen about smoking now. My wife said one of the paramedics from the company I use to work for was bragging how they smoke during their shift.

IFF, Will you be going to shorter hrs? How is your leg doing?

I hope everyone has a great day and a safe one. Tight lines to those on the water.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #18735 on: Feb 28, 2020, 08:34 AM »
Whopper Stopper, Hopefully you get your saw back soon. Do you have a lot of burning to do at the shack?

I am hoping the saw is back within 2 weeks. A lot of it will be if the guy has parts on the shelf or if he has to go through one of his contacts.

1 small brush pile needs burning and 1 dead pine needs to be flopped and burnt. I have a couple of items in the shack that need burning but we have to wait be taken care of under the cover of darkness.


Offline Drifter_016

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #18736 on: Feb 28, 2020, 12:14 PM »
I am hoping the saw is back within 2 weeks. A lot of it will be if the guy has parts on the shelf or if he has to go through one of his contacts.                 

I've seen pics of the repair.
It's turning out perfect!!!!   ;D


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #18737 on: Feb 28, 2020, 12:16 PM »

                 I also have an Ion without the center point, a friend bought the new one with the center point but he paid almost $200 more for his!


Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #18738 on: Feb 28, 2020, 07:38 PM »
I've seen pics of the repair.
It's turning out perfect!!!!   ;D

(Image removed from quote.)

You missed the straight pipe ;D   


Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #18739 on: Feb 28, 2020, 07:43 PM »
Whopper Stopper, A lot can be done in the cover of darkness. I miss being able to work outside. I miss going to work period. Hopefully he has the parts on his shelf.

Drifter_016, I saw those pics and I thought of The toolman on Home improvement. More power.

I hope everyone had a great day and they have a great evening. God Bless

Take a kid ice fishing

Offline Drifter_016

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #18740 on: Feb 28, 2020, 10:01 PM »

Drifter_016, I saw those pics and I thought of The toolman on Home improvement. More power.

Nah, that's this guy!!!!   :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #18741 on: Feb 28, 2020, 11:11 PM »
Good evening windy day with a high of thirty five felt colder with the wind chill. Think weather guessers calling for another cool day tomorrow. Good to read at least as of the time those of you in Central and Northern NY. were not burried under a foot or more of snow.
Eddie I have to research this but heard a add from local smoker supply on the radio among products they carry is Hemp Flowers. I'm wondering if this Hemp is genetic modified so that while it smells like pot you do not get the same high. Back in the Fall saw a news story where a Hemp farm in Dutchess county was having problems with people damaging steeling some of the crop. the hemp was in bloom and giving off a strong pot smell news story said anyone who smoked this hemp would not get the normal Marijuana high.
Ice Wanderer how did Jon break the bolt on his Ion hit something frozen in the ice. Hope you got the broken bolt out and found a replacement. I also have a Gen.1 Ion without a centering point so far no problems with the auger skittering/walking when starting a hole.
Wallyworld thanks for the shopping bag suggestion usually leave them in back seat. Hope you had a safe trip to MA. Enjoy the time with the family best to the grandchildren and their sports teams.
Whopper Stopper not going to ask what you need to burn under cover of darkness. May the repair person have the parts on hand or be able to find them at reasonable prices so your repair bill is not to high. Good to hear you had a nice meeting with the "Green horn" sounds like your former work place is going down hill.
Hunts2long maybe some time with a heating pad or a little Icy Hot will help your back.
Icefisher-45 nice that your wife has time off after working an extended shift. Nice to know some EMT's are smoking pot on the job. ::) :nono: :cookoo:
IFF hope you do not have to work overtime hours for to long .
Drifter thank you for the photos and video. How long before someone uses a Nitro-Methane powered dragster engine to run a chainsaw.

Have a good night. Best to anyone fishing today.

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #18742 on: Feb 29, 2020, 12:02 AM »
finally got the store opened at 3 PM, now I get a day off.  I was impressed how it all come together.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #18743 on: Feb 29, 2020, 03:54 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Happy Leap Day!  A very good friend of mine that passed away a few years ago would have celebrated his 18th birthday today. Back in the day when he’d do something crazy, he’d say with a smile...” what the hell do you expect from a 13 year old kid? “.  ;D   RIP Junior .    :bow:

  The wind is still hanging around here yet, 20* high of 25 today. did the auger bolt removal/replacement go?  I’m sure Jon will appreciate the fix and getting his Ion back in the game...way to go!   :clap: :thumbsup: travels today to the shack, hope you get everything needing burned accomplished!   :thumbsup:  Yesterday was a smoke free day at the job...maybe that’s why everyone was grumpy?   ;D
  Wally...hope you and Mr.WW had safe travels yesterday, have a great weekend with the grandchildren and family!   :thumbsup:
  I-45...that’s kind of scarey hearing about the EMT’s firing up on the job, yikes!  :woot:  Wonder if our Governor here has taken things like that in consideration over the dollar sign?
  H2...not too bad on the snow fall up there, nice! Hope your back is feeling better Sir.   :thumbsup:
  Dave...thanks for the pictures and video...that was one bad a$$ saw with a V8!  :clap:  Hope you’re feeling better today also!   :thumbsup:
  Steve...I guess it’s possible the people are burning a non potent type of weed, but think  I’d bet against it. They seem to be mostly the street people from what we’ve seen. One guy in particular favors the revolving door...must keep the smoke in a little longer?   ;D
  Bud...congratulations on the opener, enjoy the day off!   :clap: :thumbsup:

  Going to have breakfast with my Mom this morning and catch up on the to do list today. Might try an afternoon trip locally if the winds calm down some. Waiting to hear back from the boys about a trip tomorrow, still up in the air with that yet.Extended forecast doesn’t look to good for the ice around my area next week, rain and warmer temps moving in. It’s been a strange winter... :cookoo:
   Cawfee’s on...
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!



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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #18744 on: Feb 29, 2020, 04:40 AM »

                  Good morning Eddie, ER's,
                          It's 18* and still a little windy here on my hill, the weather cat didn't stay out long. ::) Ahh Leap year Feb 29Th a day of every four years. :woot:
                          Eddie...…….I guess the early morning starts has you up this early on a Saturday. :unsure: Have a nice time with your mom
                  this morning. :thumbsup: :clap:
                          Marv...…...I hope your trip to "The Shack" is a good one and you get what you want done. :flex:
                          I-45...…….Eddie is right about the scary thing, I know that more people are getting high on the job than we expect. Not like alcohol
                  it can be disguised so that no one can detect if they have a slight buzz on. :cookoo: :%$#!:
                          Dave...…..I think every logging show I've been to has a one of those high performance saws. :o
                          Wally...…..Have a safe trip to Mass. to see the grandkids. :thumbsup:
                          Steve...….The bolt came out with no issues, and there is a local hardware store in Warrensburg that carries all kinds of different bolts,
                  it was in their supply. I bought 4, one to put in the auger and a spare for Jon. 2 extra for me to have around, I will keep one in my tackle box
                  along with an Allen wrench. :flex: I put Lock-Tite on the bolt when I replaced it.
                          H2L...…….Back pain is the worse, I hope yours gets better before bowling tomorrow night! :thumbsup:
                          I don't know what's on the agenda today, we werte up late last night, my wife met a woman at her radiation treatments and had her and
                  husband up for dinner. The woman had undergone Chemotherapy then is half through the radiation treatments.
                          I hope everyone has a good Saturday either at work or out.


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #18745 on: Feb 29, 2020, 06:42 AM »
20* and an inch of new snow.
IFF, glad the store is up and running.
Eddie, enjoy breakfast with mom and good luck if you hit the lake.
IW, glad you got the ION repaired.
Drifter, two post in one day, things must be looking up. Just take it easy.
My back is some what better this morning. I put some Icy/Hot on it and took an Alive before bed last night. Not sure why it started acting up. I do know it is the same area that I hurt when I fell on the porch 2 years ago. A lot of cars/trucks with sleds headed North this morning.
Have a good day....h2l
Northville, NY

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #18746 on: Feb 29, 2020, 06:52 AM »
Good morning Everyone, Happy leap Day :bow:

17 heading to 40 later on it should be a beautiful day.

Eddie hope you get enough done today that you can it the ice tomorrow :thumbsup:

IW nice gesture with your new friends :thumbsup: For many that has to be a lonely time.

Dave Pretty awesome piece of machinery. My b-i-l was into that for awhile, luckily he got out of it before he hurt himself :whistle:

WW enjoy the games :thumbsup:

I was pretty excited last night. I got a message from the guy that’s has my saw, he said to give him a call that he was done with it. There were 6-8 pieces that were broken, parts he had on hand. He said the handle had a slight crack but he was able to solder it. he said he would put a complete list in with the saw. He had a smashed saw like mine that he had picked up a few years ago, so parts came to $50 to cover what he paid for the Junker. He ran a compression test said everything was good. He set the carb back to factory, cleaned the saw up. I laughed because he was wondering if I would take $600 for it. It should be dropped off at UPS today.

I am off to get my burning done here at home then heading to the shack this afternoon to get another good blaze going.

Hope you all have an excellent day :thumbsup: Stay safe.



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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #18747 on: Feb 29, 2020, 07:38 AM »
Game 1 in the books....a 5-2 victory  ;)


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #18748 on: Feb 29, 2020, 08:23 AM »
Good morning Everyone, Happy leap Day :bow:

17 heading to 40 later on it should be a beautiful day.

IW nice gesture with your new friends :thumbsup: For many that has to be a lonely time.

Hope you all have an excellent day :thumbsup: Stay safe.

                  Unfortunately some of my wife's friends back in Vermont have completely shut her off after they found out she had cancer, like she had the plague
                  or something. :cookoo:


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #18749 on: Feb 29, 2020, 08:44 AM »
Well they didn't advertise the opening much.  At the store hung a banner saying Coming Soon.  Guess all the vehicles in the lot over the last two weeks had some drive bys but could see it was all construction that was taking place.  With the front end crew (registers) all new to the system, and pretty much all touch screen wanted to ease into checking people out.  Its not rocket science so should come together.  Late last night, one of the managers said that some of those that were hired mainly for Customer Service had already quit leaving us short handed.  I did over hear a compliment aimed towards me.  A new employee to retail in the camping area was ask by Store manager how it was going, She replied ok and that "Bud" had been helping out, He ask when she was due off ? and indicated that before store closing, he replied not to worry Bud can work any department.

Not scheduled today, so will try and keep the feet elevated and get off an email to Dr. that the infection is still with me. 

Right Marv, Mental day off.   ;D

time for a morning coffee.  Take care all.


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