Author Topic: 9:45 on a Tuesday..  (Read 1649273 times)

Offline OldSailor

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14340 on: Dec 27, 2018, 04:08 PM »
Good afternoon ER's!! Big change coming for me after tomorrow! I got tired of working 3 day weeks and the honey-do list getting longer, so I'm quitting and retiring again!! This time for good!!  :thumbsup: Since my daughters moved out, we are re-purposing their bedrooms. The wife will get her doll room and I get a den. This was a long discussed decision and I had been dragging my feet until this morning. Now if we get some fishable ice, I may get a chance to take advantage of it, the same with soft water!! :clap: I hope everyone has a good evening!!!
My two favorite college football teams are Ohio State and whoever's playing Michigan!!!

Don't reel against the drag!!!

Ex Minnesnowta lad! You can take the lad out of Minnesnowta, but you can't take Minnesnowta out of the lad!!

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14341 on: Dec 27, 2018, 04:15 PM »
Congratulations OS :clap: :clap: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

WW is the resident baker, figured she is probably pooped from her ride home.

Hope this works OK for you.....



Offline OldSailor

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14342 on: Dec 27, 2018, 04:48 PM »
Thanks WS!!!!!!  :flex:
My two favorite college football teams are Ohio State and whoever's playing Michigan!!!

Don't reel against the drag!!!

Ex Minnesnowta lad! You can take the lad out of Minnesnowta, but you can't take Minnesnowta out of the lad!!

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14343 on: Dec 27, 2018, 09:02 PM »
Good evening ,glad to see everyone had a great Christmas with family and friends. I had a nice Christmas day at my sister and BIL's plenty of food spent pat of the day going through parents slide collection with my sister deciding which ones to keep and have printed out as photos.
OldSailor enjoy your retirement may you wish to fish more often come true.
Ice Wanderer busy period for you and your wife between spending time with both of your families.
Fishin John may jake become a good addition to your family Best to your son this Saturday at the wrestling tournament.
Eddie nice story with your granddaughter. Congratulations on the brown trout and perch. We are forecast to have cooler days after New Years day so hopefully local lakes will freeze over again and folks can start ice fishing by Mid January if not sooner.
Whopper Stopper how is the Honey do list going may the rain not do much damage to your lakes.
Wallyworld birthday wishes sent for your grandson. Sure all the cookies/baked goods were enjoyed by the grandchildren. How was the trip back to central NY.
Hunts2long thankfully many Chinese restaurants are open on Christmas day makes things easier when you need a meal on a holiday . Happy to hear wife's blood work was good. Enjoy the trail camera and walking stick.
Tom Turkey sounds like you found the lake assoc. hall in better shape then it was at Thanksgiving time. Nice of you to give your grandson some of your ice fishing equipment may he send you some photos of the fish he catches with  the gear. Great to hear your step grandson is improving nice of supermarket management to schedule both grandsons 'to work the same shifts.
Icefisher-45 may all of the possible surgeries help you have a better quality of life.
IFF sorry to hear about the frig/freezer.
Old Goat best to you also with your surgeries.
Capt. Jim hope there were not to many tears shed during Christmas day .

Have a good evening .

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14344 on: Dec 28, 2018, 05:54 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Windy and raining, looks like everything has a coat of ice on it at the dogs almost wiped out going down the stairs.   34* at the moment, high of 47 for today. Couldn't get connection this am for some reason.

  Congratulations Old Sailor, that's awesome news! Enjoy your last day of work today Sir!!    :clap: :bow: :thumbsup:
  Steve...glad you had a nice Christmas as well. I can remember back in the day slide shows were a big treat! The stories behind each picture kept you anxious to see the next.... :clap: :thumbsup:
  I-45/ wishes to you both on those upcoming! Please keep us posted.... :thumbsup:
  Bud...that sucks about the frig, hope it was an easy fix!  Glad you're getting some better weather out there now, hope it sticks around!   :thumbsup:
  John...hope the weather cooperates soon in your area, shouldn't be much longer. Best wishes to your son in the tournament tomorrow! It's got to feel great getting down to the last of the venison....looking forward to the results of that new batch for buddy!   :thumbsup:
  Marv...excellent job on the cake Sir! Hope I didn't bore you with those small trout yesterday....I'm making a note to bring a Spam sandwich and cookies next trip for luck!!   :thumbsup:
  Jeff...Thank You for the info on Harris, very much appreciated! Don't know how I missed your first post yesterday...sounds like a great time for your wife having her son and granddaughter visiting....enjoy!   :clap:
  Wally...Happy B'Day wishes to your grandson, hope you had a safe return trip and found comfort in your own bed again!  Welcome back!    :thumbsup:

  Hope I didn't miss anyone... ;D
  Fishing was pretty slow yesterday. Did manage a few trout, another 13" Brown and my first Rainbow of the season, 15"er. Searched around looking for perch, the ones I found were very negative and refused pretty much everything I tossed at them. The eagles I normally see were playing hooky as well....maybe that was a sign?   ;D
  Catch up day around the house and messing with the ice gear for the next trip....cawfee's on.
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14345 on: Dec 28, 2018, 06:27 AM »
50* and still raining this morning. It would be good if the ice would totally go off of the lake and start over. I looked at the radar and saw that there was some heavy rain out in Marv's neighbor hood. Super heavy rains in the southern part of the country.

The gremlins must have ate Eddies normal early post this morning. EDIT I see Eddie posted while I was typing. Did it take me that long to get my post typed. A few fish are better than the skunk.

OS Enjoy the total retirement. I hope the honey do lost does not get to much added to it now so you get more time on the ice and open water.

UP early today to return some clothes that my daughter in law bought me for Christmas. I told her that I needed XL but she bought XXL.  When I tried the shirts on the were tighter than XL ones should have been. Hopefully I can get cash for them as the store she got them from has nothing I want.

The never ending drama with the Lake Assn board. The wife was talking to a township board member. She told the wife that the board has not paid the annual bill for the street lights yet. She also said they are talking about shutting the off. I guess I had better start stirring the pot over this fiasco. Shutting the street lights off would just lead to more breaking and entering's and vandalism with so many vacant properties over the winter. The had the garbage company quit dumping the garbage cans at the parks. The assn. never picked up the cans so they are no setting full of garbage. With the dog droppings in them they will be pretty nasty by the time they get dumped next spring.

One of the lake members got put on the townships planning commission. He just got booted off as he is not a registered voter of the township. He is registered to vote where he actually lives as this house is just a summer place.

We spent a few hours in the ER yesterday as the wife had some pain in her calf on the leg that needs the knee replaced. They were worried that there might be a blood clot. Luckily their was none. She is now on the cancelation list to get it replaced. Hopefully she does not have to wait until the scheduled date in May. I already have the parts for a ramp to the front deck made, they just need to be put together.

A guy got shot and killed with a cross bow near Muskegon yesterday. They got the shooter. What is next.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14346 on: Dec 28, 2018, 07:36 AM »
Good Morning Everyone :bow:

What a mess around here. 2+ inches of rain with a couple inches of snow mixed in. More rain just south around the jungle and 19" of snow 70 miles north of me. The temps will continue to drop all day causing everything to freeze in place.

Eddie never bored looking at fish pictures :thumbsup: Glad you had some success out there.

TT glad your wife is OK. Yep, glad none of this crap made it to your house.

WW any New Years cookies in the planning stages?

I brought my wife to the bus, it was a slow crawl as the roads have a good coating of ice. When I got home I noticed my neighbor across the street had his girlfriend over for the night. As I was scraping my slab I saw she was out chiseling the ice off her vehicle. I sent him a text giving him the business about not helping her. She is 66 and was having a time of it. He said he wasn't going out there because she could have parked in the garage like he told her to ??? I went over and gave her a hand, I told her she should have parked in the garage :roflmao: :roflmao: Nothing like stirring up a hornets nest first thing in the morning.

Time to get some wood in. Hope everyone has a good day :thumbsup: Stay safe!


Offline deerefishyfishy

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14347 on: Dec 28, 2018, 10:20 AM »
Good morning gang,

Just a quick check in... I made it to TX with the family Christmas night. My girls were super excited when they opened packed suitcases with a note saying "Texas, here we come!" because they haven't seen their cousins in a year. My 10 year old was so happy that she sobbed for 5 minutes before she composed herself. We went to SeaWorld in San Antonio yesterday and paid for the 10 year old to swim with dolphins as an early birthday present (3 weeks early). She had dreamt of doing that since she was old enough to talk... more tears and smiles! The 5 year old is having a blast also just playing with her cousins and taking it all in. We fly home late Sunday night.

Congrats OS! Enjoy your second retirement.

Take care everyone. Heal up, feel better, good luck, and stay safe!  :)
The hardest part of ice fishing is casting!

Early to bed, early to rise
fish all day and make up lies!

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14348 on: Dec 28, 2018, 11:10 AM »
Afternoon all,

Had a long post typed up earlier, don’t know where it went  ::)  I’ll try again later or tomorrow. Made it home ok yesterday, had a dinner party last night. Needless to say a bit tired today.

Have a great day. Stay safe.

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14349 on: Dec 28, 2018, 06:10 PM »
Eddie as it turned out just as I though, stuck in the defrost mode, but now days the timer is intergrated into the mother board.  Long story short, I checked the price of the mother board before the tech arrived, $165 about 6-7 days to get it. Tech says he could change it out $600, same time frame  ::)  Went shopping and found one that size frig $800 so will be picking it up in the morning.  I powered up the compressor, no problem with it running on a by-pass.  The mother board was only supplying 5 volts instead of the required 110-120.  Froze foods are still on the deck 20* and going to 9* tonight.

Offline Capt.Jim-N.J.

Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14350 on: Dec 28, 2018, 06:52 PM »
Just lost the WHOLE post that I had ready - GRRR - time for 2 fingers
Now is the time for all good men and women to engage in the sport of ice fishing

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14351 on: Dec 28, 2018, 10:26 PM »
Good evening rainy day here believe more rain forecast for tomorrow. Not looking good for ice formation .
Eddie luckily my sister had two slide viewers you hold up to a light source so we could view the slides. While the projector we had turned on we could not get slides to feed into the machine guess after seeing limited used and being around 35-40 years old projector was shot. Congratulations on the trout.
Tom Turkey think property owners need to call for a meeting and ask lake assoc. board members for accounting of how funds are being spent and if accounts are in the red what happened and how do they plan to fix the situation. Guessing many property owners are behind on their assoc. fees. Hope roads in your development are not privately owned or there may not be money available to pay for plowing. happy to read your wife did not have a blood clot in her leg.
Deerfishyfishy good to hear you arrived safely in Texas. Very nice early B-day present for your daughter. enjoy the rest of your time in the Lone Star state.
Whopper Stopper how bad of a wintery mess do you have out in your part of MN. Your neighbor reminds me of next door neighbor when I lived at the house since he purchased the property has had two live in girl friends seen both of them due more snow clearing then him current girl friend (bride to be was out last winter getting her vehicle dug out after a friend/coworker picked him up for work. Like you I helped get vehicle out of their driveway. Hope your wife's trip home from work was not to long and hazardous with the weather.
Wallyworld glad you had a safe trip home sorry you lost your post .
Capt.Jim ditto about your post , how are things at the tile job owner still trying to supervise every step of the project. may you and the family have had a good Christmas know from personal experience first one after loss of a family member is tough.
IFF good that temperatures are low enough you can keep frozen foods outside until your frig./freezer is repaired. happy to read you found a mother board that will fix the problem.

A good night to all. Best to those who have ice to fish on stay safe during your trips.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14352 on: Dec 29, 2018, 04:44 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  40* windy and fog this am, temps suppose to hang in the upper 30's today, slight chance of more rain.

  Steve...thanks! Fortunate to have a local lake close by with enough decent ice to get on and put some of the new rods through a workout. The fishing hasn't been the best, but it's been fun anyway.  :thumbsup:
  Capt.Jim...know the feeling, that sucks!  Hope things are going well, looking forward to your next reply.   :thumbsup:
  Bud...seems like everything is run on computer parts nowadays. Hope the new frig serves you well. A buddy of mine still has an old vintage Kelvinator frig in his garage he keeps his beer in...think it's from the 60's!  ;D
  Wally...glad you had safe travels back! Appears the gremlins are back....better luck today!   :thumbsup:
  DFF...great story, that's one trip your children will never forget!! Enjoy the rest of your vacation...well done!   :clap: :thumbsup:
  Marv...some nasty Minnysoda weather out there! Wtg helping out the neighbors girlfriend...and stirring the old pot!   :thumbsup: :roflmao: wishes sent for your wife, glad there was no clot or major complications! That association almost sounds like its imploding Tom...time to vote them out!   :thumbsup:
  Not a heck of a lot going on here today, might swing over to the lake to see how it faired with the rains and warm temps.
  Last leg of my week off and I can't help but think of taking another....the Mrs. wasn't buying it!   ;D. Might just take Monday off as Tuesday is New Years and Wednesday starts a new pay week...I'm ready for a road trip to a new lake before getting back in the grind. Thoughts?    Cawfee's on..... ;D
   Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing! 



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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14353 on: Dec 29, 2018, 05:01 AM »

                Good morning ER's,
                           It's 37* , clear and very windy here on my hill, a high of 45* is expected. ::)
                           OS........Happy retirement again, I bet it feels good not having to drag yourself to a job. :clap: :thumbsup:
                           I didn't get a chance to post yesterday, I had 2 appointments at the VA yesterday, one for my shoulder and the other to get my Cpap machine,
                As for my shoulder the MRI I had on Dec. 5th showed a good size tear in my Rotator Cuff, and surgery is needed. I have a pre op physical from my
                primary Dr. on the 9th of Jan. then surgery will be scheduled. The Dr. said not to do anything that will put a strain on my arm so no ice fishing or
                anything else. :%$#!: So I got my Cpap macine and tried it out last night, I fell asleep faster than I expected and I slept till 3:30 this morning,
                which I never do. I feel rested and I'm sure my wife got a better nights sleep, I'll find out when she wakes. :thumbsup: :clap:
                          I hope everyone has a good Saturday either at work or out fishing!


Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14354 on: Dec 29, 2018, 06:25 AM »
40 degrees this morning and NO rain, we have had enough.
Wife's sister and daughter arrived Wed. PM. Yesterday morning about 3:30 the wife woke me up some issues, had to call an ambulance to take her to local hospital. The roads and driveway were very bad. Driveway was like a skating rink, even after salting it. I waited until it got light and the salt trucks had been by the house a couple time to get SIL on the road (she wanted to leave). I then took the wife's 8am meds down to her and by 11am she was on her way back to NYC. We knew she had to be back down there on Jan. 3rd. We both had a feeling it would be sooner, but she did get to spend Christmas at home. They had sent her home with a drain tube in her old lung and from the x-rays it looks like it may have moved and wasn't doing it's job. (I told her not to shovel She is feeling good this morning.

Watched the Syracuse bowl game yesterday. They looked very good and about the best bowl game so far this year....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14355 on: Dec 29, 2018, 07:19 AM »
Morning all,

H2L.....I am so sorry to hear MrsH2L is back in the hospital  :'(   praying for a speedy recovery

TT..... :'(inally picked up my mail, thanks for the recipes  :) I LOVE english muffin bread toasted  ;D

OS.....congrats on the retirement  :thumbsup:

IF45/OG......wishing you both success with upcoming surgeries  ;)2

IW.....wishing you well also with the shoulder surgery  ;)  glad the cpap is off to a good start  :clap:

WS.....kudos for helping the neighbor's girlfriend out  :bow: :thumbsup:  AND for stirring things up  :roflmao:  he deserves the fallout  ::) there was a lot of memories on those slides  :)

IFF....glad you're able to use Mother Nature to help with your fridge problem  ;)

A trip to the cable company on tap today......remote decided to quit working last night  >:(   not used to having to actually get up to change the station, not liking it    :%$#!:  ::)  :woot:

Have a good day. Stay safe.

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14356 on: Dec 29, 2018, 08:01 AM »
Eddie.....almost forgot,  take the time off and enjoy 😉 work will still be there

Offline OldSailor

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14357 on: Dec 29, 2018, 08:37 AM »
Good morning ER's! Today is the first day of the rest of my life!!  :clap: Now my biggest question will be--'What day is it??' Thank goodness for phones and computers with the day and date on them!!  ;)2 This will take some time to get used to, having 6 Saturdays and a Sunday in my week!  :thumbsup: I hope everyone has a good weekend at whatever they choose!!  :icefish:
My two favorite college football teams are Ohio State and whoever's playing Michigan!!!

Don't reel against the drag!!!

Ex Minnesnowta lad! You can take the lad out of Minnesnowta, but you can't take Minnesnowta out of the lad!!

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14358 on: Dec 29, 2018, 08:48 AM »
Good morning everyone :bow:

12 degrees and a possible 20 a little later.

h2l sorry to read your wife is back in the hospital, wishing her a speedy return :thumbsup:

Eddie good luck finding a spot to fish :thumbsup: Don't forget a big bucket and some pictures :clap:

IW glad the Cpap was positive. It will be interesting to hear once you have a week or two using it.

mr.clean all the ruts and jagged melted snow is frozen solid. It would have been nice for a couple of warmer days to get things settled but that would have been too easy.

WW I laughed when to said "not used to having to actually get up to change the station"   :roflmao: No kidding! Even with antenna TV we have more than enough stations to warrant a remote. Who would have thought that such a simple thing would evolve into a must have ???

Bud, good luck with the fridge. A buddy of mine up north has an old fridge in his shop-bar, probably similar to what Eddie was talking about. His is a Co-op which when I was a kid many in our area owned. They also were from the 50's-60-s and and seemed to run forever up until the time most were traded in for bigger units. The last time the gas service guy was out he was telling me about all the appliances they work on. Most have an expected life of 5 years and under ??? What a Racket.

Time to get some wood in. It sounds like the Christmas Tree is on it's last day.

Hope you all have an excellent Saturday! Stay safe.


Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14359 on: Dec 29, 2018, 12:54 PM »
Good afternoon everyone, this weather is crazy. In the 40s today but the sun is out. I hope everyone is having a good day and a safe one.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline Old Goat

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14360 on: Dec 29, 2018, 01:31 PM »
Good afternoon gang 24 here now a nice change it was up to almost 50 a day ago maybe 2. H2L hope the Mrs. is doing well and can return home soon.

Offline Capt.Jim-N.J.

Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14361 on: Dec 29, 2018, 04:37 PM »
Let's try this again

Good Afternoon Everybody

Today's Weather here, MUD, everywhere you look, everywhere you step, temps. were in the low 50's today, with more RAIN ( some very bad words) predicted for 01-01-2019,
     going to have to do the cold, freezing temps. hat dance (use your imagination)  ;D

O.G.-45 = Good Luck with the surgeries

H2L - Best Wishes for the wife - Her being a 'yo-yo' is not good for moral - positive thoughts, my friend

W.S.-Clean = The holiday, actually, went better than I expected, Ellie (wife) held up very well, a tear and/or quivering lip is all she allowed herself, I kept an eye on her,
     no wild drama, which is good

I.W. - Good Luck with the Cpap - no icefishing is unacceptable, I'm willing to come up & drill some holes for you - good luck with the surgery

O.S. - Good Luck with the '2nd' retirement, it is well earned - I wonder how much fishing will really be done, now that you have so much free time to do all the little chores
     that the wife wants/needs done?

Mrs. W.W. - Glad to hear you both are home safe - AAHH, remote controls, one of life's little creature comforts, that we can no longer live without

Clean - The senior girl @ tile job is still in FLA., no fireworks yet, but I will not be disappointed if she decides to let the flooring supplier do the job, she passed a comment early
     on that ' SHE has been doing this for a while, and KNOWS what she is doing and wants', good, when I went to Pergo school, they told us to not be afraid to back out of a
     job that is not done to specs., have fun, lady

W.S. - Remember when cars/trucks were built in the 50's-60's? They lived forever, & were easy to take care of, now you need a master's college degree in electronics, just to
     find out what the problem is, THAT is the 'racket'

Mason - Work will always be there - GO FISHING

I.F.F. - At least the frozen goods will keep on the porch with the temps., try to find a inexpensive one, some 'scratch & dents' are good deals

Would somebody, please, be kind enough as to send some cold, 'freezing' temps. this way so ice can be made, pretty please with whipped cream, and a cherry on top? ;D

Be Safe-Stay Warm-Have Fun-Tight Lines-Records & Limits-Good Eats-Get Well Soon-Happy Birthday

Now is the time for all good men and women to engage in the sport of ice fishing

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14362 on: Dec 29, 2018, 07:50 PM »
Evening ER's  Oh my gosh Old Sailor Congrads.

Yeah seems like now days hardly anything gets repaired,  What a wrestling match to get the one out and the new one in.  Had to take the doors off, and chose the path of least resistance, meaning around back, up on the deck and in the patio door. had the dolly wheel catch the top step on the first set, and the step stayed on part of the riser  ::)  :cookoo: :%$#!: Good thing the second helper....(half my age) showed up  ;D Got water line hooked up without it leaking  :clap:

So much for the ice making temp, back to 50 tomorrow.

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14363 on: Dec 29, 2018, 08:32 PM »
Good evening thankfully no rain today still have highs in the forties .
IFF sorry to read it was a hassle to get new frig./freezer into your house. May you get a long life from this new unit.
Eddie if you can afford it take Monday off fish part of the day then take wife out for early New Years Eve dinner and end day at home bringing in the new year. Given the weather of late I say ice fish while you can work will be there on your return.
Ice Wanderer sorry to hear you need surgery on the shoulder and will miss ice fishing this season. Does your wife know how to feed and clean the wood fire boiler. May the Cpap improve the sleep for wife and you.
Wallyworld I have to check my TV to see where the controls are located to change channels . Hard to think of how we survived at one time with cell phones and limited number of TV channels and everyone had roof antennas . Wonder what your grandchildren will see technology wise in their life times.
OldSailor might want to purchase a couple of calendars to keep track of days.
Old Goat may the cooler temperatures help with ice formation in your area of WI.
Hunts2long sad to read your wife is headed back to NYC. Glad she was home for Christmas and also got to have a brief visit with her sister and niece.
Capt.Jim happy to read you and the wife had a nice Christmas . May you not have to walk away from the tile job.

A safe and good night to all. Best to all fishing tomorrow.


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14364 on: Dec 30, 2018, 03:44 AM »

               Good morning ER's,
                           It's 15* and clear here on my hill with a high in the high 20*'s . ::)
                           H2L..........I;m sorry to read that your wife had to return to NYC. I hope what ever it is, is a simple fix! ???
                           Capt.Jim......It's to early for "Mud Season" my your frozen dance work. :blink: Thanks for offering to drill some holes but there's
               going to be more to it than that. If I can get out my 3 boys will have to work miracles. :whistle:
                           Wally........Boy aren't we spoiled, like Steve said, what will technology come up with next, telepathic channel changing. :woot: ???
                           Marv.........I was told our Christmas is coming down on Wednesday. :unsure:
                           OS...........I use my medication organizer to help remember what day it is! :flex:
                           Bud..........They are making refrigerators bigger and bigger, most homes only have a 3 foot door opening and new refrigs. are bigger.
                In most cases the handles have to be removed. :%$#!: :cookoo:
                           Night #2 with the Cpap went well, it took me a little longer to fall asleep but I slept well but at 3:30 I got a bad leg cramp, and
               with me when I'm up like that I'm up for good. ::)
                           I hope everyone has a good Sunday either at work or out on the ice!


Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14365 on: Dec 30, 2018, 04:43 AM »
Good Morning Jeff, Morning Everyone,
  22* with light winds this am, high of 31 here today. The coyotes are talking up a storm this am...driving my dogs crazy!

  Jeff...sorry to read about that shoulder and surgery needed as well, dang! Good news on the Cpap so far, seems to be working out well for you!   :thumbsup: wishes, thoughts and prayers sent to your wife on a quick recovery. Glad she was feeling a little better yesterday!   :thumbsup:
  Wally...the remote is a cherished item here in our house as well, gotta have it, lol. Hope it was an easy replacement and everything is back on track!  :thumbsup:
  OS...enjoy every minute!!!  :clap: :bow: :thumbsup:
  Marv...was hoping our tree would make it to New Years, had to remove it yesterday unfortunately. Did get a couple hours in on the ice... :thumbsup:   Pretty sad things are built to breakdown nowadays...from appliances to auto's and everything in between.
  I-45/OG...hopefully the "good" weather will arrive and stick around soon.   :thumbsup:
  Capt.Jim...the mud has been terrible here as well, especially the ruts from the tires my daughter seems to leave by going off the driveway...Doh!  Glad to read your wife held up well, certain that was a most difficult time for her. Best wishes on the floor job...however it pans out!   :thumbsup:
  Bud...glad everything worked out for you, especially the plumbing part!!   ;D  :thumbsup:
  Steve...I'm going to follow your thoughts and the others as well....its official, there will be no work on Monday!   :clap: 

  The lake held up better than expected. Aside from some sloppy shorelines, the ice was still in good shape. Tried a new spot as there were a few guys Swiss cheesing the area I was in previously. It was slow, but I did manage two keeper trout before the winds drove me off...gusts up in the 20's or better just got old quick without a shelter.
  Two young guys came out to see how the ice was and get some info on the lake as they were not from the area. After shooting the breeze with them and giving up some info, they introduced themselves. Such a small world, I actually worked with and am a friend of one their fathers. They will be there today!   :thumbsup:
  Quick trip this am, got to be back by 10am. 2 jigging rods, flasher and auger in the sled...recon mission, lol.
  Cawfee's on...
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14366 on: Dec 30, 2018, 07:02 AM »
Morning all,

Eddie....yay  :clap:  glad you decided to take tomorrow off, enjoy and good luck on the ice  ;)2

IFF.....glad you were able to get the new fridge in the house before the weather warmed up  :thumbsup:

MrC.....yesterday we had nothing but bare ground, this morning about 1/2" snow then back to the 40s by tomorrow  :blink: IW said, medicine organizer to keep track of the days works pretty well  ;)  except when you forget to take your meds  :wacko: then you're back to square one  :roflmao:

CapJ.....glad to hear you and yours made it thru  Christmas fairly well, not an easy time for sure  :bow: 

WS.....always a little sad when it's time to put Christmas away for another year  :(  think I'll hold out till Tuesday  ;)

H2L.....fingers crossed MrsH2L is feeling better today  ;)

Picked up the new remote after waiting in line for about 15 minutes, got home and attempted to sync it to the receiver......NOT  >:(  turns out it is the wrong remote so back to the store Monday  :%$#!:

Have a good day. Stay safe.

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14367 on: Dec 30, 2018, 07:31 AM »
Good morning ER'S!!!!
Os.. congrats on the retirement !!!! Take some time and enjoy! It's too bad that we have to wait sooooo long to step away from jobs to REALLY ENJOY OUR LIFE and what the good lord has given us! May the upcoming years be the BEST YEARS of your life good sir!!!
WS.. My Christmas tree comes down the day after Christmas! I cannot wait to get my house back to normal so the next day I strip tree down and move everything back to its usual spot!
If45 and old goat.. this weather pattern we are in her in the southern tier of NYS absolutely SUCKS for making ice!!!!!! Uuugh gonna get river boat out today and possibly fish tomorrow afternoon or tuesday a.m.
Capt jim.. The mud is awful here!!!! Especially with a new puppy!!! I have to wipe paws down everytime he comes in the house or I have paw tracks all over the house.
IW.. glad the CPAP machine is helping you get some good rest..MAN LEG CRAMPS SUCK DONT THEY!!!????
I get them sooo bad I sometimes almost cry they hurt so terrible!
WW.... This is why I just listen to music... I get more use out of my bluetooth speaker and phone than i do TV! When the kiddos are all grown up and gone I'll probably get rid of the DirecTV and eliminate a monthly bill.. but that's going to be a few years down the road!!!
 A buddy of mine stopped up last night.. he caught a MONSTER MUSKRAT.. BIGGEST IVE EVER SEEN.. We looked up the NYS record.. they go by weight.. the current record is 4lbs flat.On my scale his weighed 4.7lbs.. told him to get it weighed somewhere today asap.. my scale isnt certified however.. it's right on the money.. Soo...  we should have a new NYS record muskrat(as long as he gets it weighed)   
  I have an abscesse tooth that has been killing me the last two days.. started taking antibiotics so hopefully it clears up.. have to schedule surgery to have 2 wisdom teeth removed also.. will call tomorrow a.m.
Little man took 2nd in wrestling tourney yesterday.. He got put in a double arm bar on his last match.. That's a move that IF YOU CAN EXECUTE IT PROPERLY.. almost guarenteed to pin the opponent.. His coach told him yesterday..THE ONLY WAS TO REALLY GET OUT OF A DOUBLE ARM BAR IS NOT TO GET IN IT!!!
Jake is really coming into his own.. He has a great personality and I love having him around the house(except when he chews on stuff!!!!) Lol
Plans for today are... go start up smoker(2 final batches to smoke) I did make some jalepeno cheddar pepperstix last night AND MAN ARE THEY GOOOOOD !!!. Gonna do some yard clean up.. take a load of firewood to my parents for their garage.. get some ice gear out.. try to look over river boat and make sure shes ready just in case I decide to fish tuesday a.m.
Just finished coffee.. time to get busy
Have a great day all!!!!!

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14368 on: Dec 30, 2018, 08:27 AM »
There went another post. When I went to get some more coffee what I was typing was gone. It is all ww and johns fault as they posted wile I was gone. ;D The red warning was their saying I need to review my post that is now gone. Now to remember what I had typed.

Our TV, internet and land line were down for most of the day yesterday. Even the providers help line was down with our cell phones. Maybe they shut it off so they did not have to deal with all of the complaints.

Eddie I have realized it is a small world a long time ago. Back in 1973 I was in Ohio with a friend. When I turned form putting money in a parking meter I bumped in to a guy. I could not apologize as I was dumb founded as I had been in school with him. He did not recognize me as I had a bush beard for out centennial. Another time I was in the UP walking into a waterfall when I met the sister of a guy I hunted with when we were in high school. I had not seen her since 1961 and it was around 2,000.

Maybe you need to teach your daughter to use the divers side mirror if she is going off the drive backing up. You can see the edge of the drive and stay straight only using that mirror

Sadly every thing made these days is designed to fail in a short time. The refrigerator my son keeps his deer in until he gets time to cut them is from the 50's if not older. I bought my first new car in 1966. I got a little less that 100,000 miles out of the engine but every thing else worked fine. Now you can get way over 200,000 miles out of an engine but all of the fancy stuff they think we need/want starts failing long before the engine dies.

IW It is good to here that you did not have any problems getting used to the Cpap. It took me a while to get used to mine. Leg cramps are not any fun.

John That is one big rat. I caught a couple of rats that must have been living in a beaver lodge along with the beaver. I never thought to weigh them. They were to long to fit on a regular rat stretcher, I had to tape two together to stretch them.


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14369 on: Dec 30, 2018, 10:55 AM »
Good morning ER's!! I appreciate all the suggestions for keeping track of the days!! IW and WW have the best idea so far!! :thumbsup: You also reminded me to fill my pill minder!! :whistle: I put a pot of ham and bean soup on and have it simmering away. I spent a half a day helping my #1 daughter put together  a mail order bed. The frame had no instructions an was trial and error till we got it together! :%$#!: The box spring was a metal one and it had great instructions, but 'some' assembly required!! Damn! :woot: It's done and everything including a queen size mattress was mail order!! :wacko: I hope everyone has a good day at whatever their choosing!
My two favorite college football teams are Ohio State and whoever's playing Michigan!!!

Don't reel against the drag!!!

Ex Minnesnowta lad! You can take the lad out of Minnesnowta, but you can't take Minnesnowta out of the lad!!


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