Author Topic: 9:45 on a Tuesday..  (Read 1650123 times)

Offline Old Goat

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #3630 on: Jan 14, 2016, 11:06 PM »
just mental health outing and checking out a augers blade condition         it was great even got slobbered on by a dog being walked out on the ice by it's owners. Nice solitude here can go any day and be the only one out fishing.

Offline Yoopergirl

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #3631 on: Jan 14, 2016, 11:29 PM »
still trying to decide where to go tomorrow! 

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #3632 on: Jan 15, 2016, 02:59 AM »
Morning All,
19* and calm this am, high of 39 expected today. Wow, lots of stuff going on here since yesterday!
Yooper and of luck to you both on your first trips this morning! Hope the fish are hungry and look forward to your posts later on.....enjoy and be safe out there today.   :thumbsup:
OG...way to go! Sounds like a fish fry coming up.....were you on the gills again? I've got those SwishRods ready for action....going to try them out for some perch this weekend to get familiar with them....keep you posted.
IFF...good luck today with your neighbor, darn nice of ya to take him out to a close spot...that's awesome! :thumbsup: :bow:
Taking the day off work today to attend a funeral. One of my brother in laws Dad passed earlier in the week, great guy, he made it to 91 and was married for 67 years....he lived a good life for sure, unfortunately that awful Alzheimer's Disease slowly caught up to him like so many others. Hoping some day soon they'll find a cure.....
Anyway....cawfee's on gang!
Wishing everyone a great day, be safe, (especially out on that first ice), best of luck to those fishing!

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #3633 on: Jan 15, 2016, 03:24 AM »
Good Morning Eddie, any ER's  Thanks for the coffee, I need one.  Will go good with the cherry strudel I see on the counter.  Internal alarm woke me up. Not sure how long the neighbor will be able to take being out.  Just hoping for a little action.  He used to go with his dad, often, and not at all since his passing, think 8 or 9 years ago.

Good luck Yooper, Diehard, OG, and any others heading out to get a day in fishing.  So I take it the northern temps have finally set some good ice ?  Its there now for the duration ? How ever long that may be.

Not sure where Sullivan CO. NY is will have to look it up.  Suspect it must be northern county ?

OG you have ice close in there in Madison ?

Alarm is still set for 6AM, will get a few more hrs. winks in as its only about a 20 drive.  Unlike Saturdays will be 2½ hours.

Be safe all, and a good day with what ever.

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #3634 on: Jan 15, 2016, 03:47 AM »
Good morning Eddie,early risers. Yoopergirl and Hardwater Diehard may you have successful trips,ditto Eddie's comments on safety. Rags777,Pok3s good luck at the Pathfinder derby. IFF nice gesture taking out your neighbor may the two of you have a great day. Old Goat glad to read you are getting out and enjoying yourself on the ice.
 I'm off today so will go on a recon trip latter today to see how ice conditions are in my area. Also trying to gather information on some of the contests that are usually held each winter in my area. So far having limited success getting information.
Stay safe and have a great Friday folks. Good luck to all fishing. IFF Sullivan County,NY. is located in the Western Catskill Mountain region of south eastern part of the state. One of it's most famous moments was the 1969 Woodstock festival. Being a mountain region the higher elevations give it earlier ice then other parts of south east NY. Hardwater Diehard Lives around 40 miles from me we have fished together a couple of times.

Eddie my condolences on the passing of your relative.


Offline Rags777

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #3635 on: Jan 15, 2016, 06:40 AM »
good morning ER's!

woke up this morning to a light dusting of the white stuff! weirdest weather ever here lately, 27* w 15mph winds right now with a feels like of 15*.

Eddie sorry to hear about the passing of your relative, sounds like he had a pretty good run though eh? not many people get to live life of that caliber!

IFF, Yooper, good luck on the outings today, hope you catch the big one!

going through the check list now and getting ready to load up the truck so I can get on the ice immediately after work. thinking about taking off early and just leaving the guys with a can of gas and matches if anything goes wrong they will know what to do  :)

Pokes I'm ordering a few extra sets of blades today so that I can make sure they are here in time for the derby. By the looks of things lately I might need to order a few extra weights for my boots as well!

well guys I got to get packing and making sure I aint forgetting nothing, safe day to everyone that is headed out!


Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #3636 on: Jan 15, 2016, 04:32 PM »
Slow day, ice holding good at 7" had a father and son out ahead of us, See the lad was heading toward the skim ice over the spring.  Started yelling at him, finally got his attention and informed him he was headed for trouble. They went out of sight onto the main lake for a while and on their returned, The dad had a couple questions about my Vex.  Showed them how it worked and what it was marking.  The dad was toting a Nils 6 inch, and started to drill not far away, I ask if he would like to race my K-Drill  His boy thought that would be fun.  He was about 3/4 way through when I broke threw.  He was impressed.  once the got set up I took the vex over to show them what depth they were in and see the boy had fish there, with the stained water told him to keep lowing his minnow, and get ready, see the rod strike and told him you got him.  I returned to my holes, and ice a nice trout. They came over to admire it, and then pointed to another marked fish suspended, told the lad to drop his minnow in, he did and got the surprise of the morning, a nice LMB, got his picture taken and released it.  Dad ask how come I knew so much about the flashers, when I told him where I work, he said he was for sure going to come visit some time. 

My  neighbor did ok but struggled some standing up after sitting on one of my 3 legged chairs, He is over 6 foot, and would have had a better time of it if the chair was taller.

I ended doing all the catching, trout and perch, now they will have fresh fish for supper ;D ;D  Got to get my vex battery charged back up as it ran dry before we left, haven't charged it last 4 days of use.  And rig up for tomorrows trip up to Laker country.

Offline Yoopergirl

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #3637 on: Jan 15, 2016, 07:41 PM »
Okay, I never knew fishing could be so HARD!!!  :wacko:  This is my ? comical day...

I was pretty unprepared for my outing.  Decided to go to LBDN with my snowmobile (first time riding it!)  Of course I didn't have a registration yet so had to wait til 9am to go to Sec of State.  Had to run to tractor supply to get a stall mat to put on the bed of the trailer for traction.  Of course while I'm there I realized my ball hitch was under ALL my fishing stuff so I had to dig that out!!  Also stopped at Menards for a snowmobile cover then quickly home again to grab a few things I didn't throw in my car earlier…helmet…driver for the lag bolts I bought for the mat.

Decided to start the sled at home since I've never done it before and didn't want to get there and not be able to start it!  After a few pulls that threw my SI joint out of whack it started.  So now I'm hobbling a little and get the trailer hooked up and cover on.  Off I go!!  :clap:

Get to the landing and get the sled off the trailer no issues.  Got is started again and loaded everything in the jetsled (I have a single wide trailer so everything has to be loaded into the back of my trailblazer) Take off out on the lake.  Now I have NO idea where I should go or where the structure is out there so I just go straight out from the landing into an open spot (no I didn't run over any tip ups!!)  Before I get to where I want to go my rod locker was hanging off the sled so I stopped to get that situated.  Snowmobile wants to quit every time I hit the throttle.  Then dies.  ???  Okay, this is where I'm going to fish then!!

Got the hub popped up, one hole drilled, 8inches of ice) with a hand auger (dull blades…my 7inch holes were prob 9 by the time I was done!!)  Set up the Marcum and get a line soaking while I drill another hole. Realize I really need to start working out because my arms are screaming…I don't even want to pick up the rod to jig!  And my back is killing me from earlier.

Its prob 12:30 now when I get everything set up (ended up drilling another hole for the transducer.)

Marked a few fish, had one on and it let go halfway to the hole (prob a perch or dink walleye.)  I'm tired since I fell asleep after 4am!!  Decided to pack up at 5 since I wanted to still have light to get back to the landing and I still had to put the mats on the trailer bed.  Got the sled running again, YAY!!  Was a little worried when it quit earlier.  Seems like a slow idle so I gave it some throttle for a little bit, no issues after that.  Got everything packed up and got of the ice.

Starting using my cordless drill to put the mats on the trailer, ran out of juice!  :%$#!:  I had my tools box in my car from when I worked on ma's car so I used a socket wrench to finish putting all the lag bolts in.  Somewhere I nicked one of my fingers  and it was bleeding this whole time…blood in my glove, on the trailer and ground, everywhere!  Now I'm anemic and need a transfusion!!  ::)

I've never loaded a sled onto a trailer before so I was a little scared I was going to jump off the front!  No prob but I was a little off center.  Stood on the edge of the trailer (of course on the slippery ski guide) fell onto the edge of the trailer with my elbow and hip then rolled off the trailer to the ground!  No one is looking…get up really fast!!    :whistle:  If I thought I was hurting before…now I feel like my snowmobile ran me over!!!

Took off and about a 1/2 mile down the road I remembered I didn't put the pin in for the tilt bed.   :woot:  Jump out and do that…must have had it balanced pretty good cuz it wasn't teeter tottering!  Got the trailer put back in gram's garage and got home.  Whew!!!  Now I need a hot tub and massage…maybe some valium!  I'm glad I work tomorrow because I'm sure I'll be too sore to fish!!!  :pinch:

Offline Rags777

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #3638 on: Jan 15, 2016, 09:57 PM »
Man yooper I've had some days in my time but I think I'm going to have to give the crown to you on this one! If it makes you feel any better at all my trip got botched today as well, sled never even made it out a the back of the truck. Treat you self Valium induced hot tub soak cuz I think you earned it

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #3639 on: Jan 15, 2016, 10:32 PM »
When I work.....I work hard.....When I fish.....I fish hard....When I think.....I fall asleep.....A lot of the time I have to go to work to rest up.  Glad you didn't get stranded with the sled.  Yooper.  Couple years back my starter rope snapped, Remembered there were tools in the compartment.  Unbolted it, and used my belt to whip it over, and it started.  Didn't want to shut it off until I had it loaded, noticed it was a 3½ mile run to get back to the trailer, by the speedometer.  Fired up a grill, tossed some brats on. chowed down and headed back home.  Well off to dream land, 4:00AM will be here before it know it.

Offline Idahogator

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #3640 on: Jan 16, 2016, 12:09 AM »
Good morning all.
Condolences for the loss of your relative Ed. 
Good man, Bud, for takin' em fishing. 
Yoopergirl, ***censored*** !!   You're tough !   Glad you made it home in not too many pieces .   Jeez !
Um, oh yeah, Woodstock, wow.    :o

My Mother-in-law passed Thursday morning, went from normal at 91, to bed and 911 for a few hours.    My RN wife has been with her for a bit over 2 years so they had the mother/daughter big time fun, that never could be, 3 older brothers saw to that, ha.   The big plus was, a very good RN for a fun caregiver.  It may be mid summer before I see her here. But she has been as near as my heart ~ Thanks to a little phone chat at her sleepy time every night.  Time zones, ha, only 3 hours, southern Michigan, where she grew up, in that very house from the early 50's.  Just one bit more, Tuesday, a light supper, go check on Mom, called 911, follow to ER and stand by all night, didn't eat until Friday morning.    She really understands life, is in control and is just fine with this. 

RN's really are tough and we all know one that ice fishes.  Yoopergirl is most likely a bit tougher.    ;)2



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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #3641 on: Jan 16, 2016, 04:33 AM »

            Good morning Gator, ER's,
                   I haven't posted for a couple of days, I've been fishing, Thursday I left my house at 3:45 to pick up #1 son and
            then we met #2 son and another at a lake. And when I say fishing there wasn't any catching that day, then I met
            Jon NY yesterday and we went to a different lake, there was some catching but not the fish we were targeting. I came
            with some nice Perch always good for dinner. but it's great to be out.
          sure had a rough trip, I'm glad you made it back, ice fishing can be a workout!
                   Eddie and Gator sorry to hear about your losses.
                   I'm staying home today, we're supposed to get some weather, and tomorrow as well, the long range shows windy
            for Monday so I'll have to see if it's true, I don't do well in the wind.
                   I hope everyone has a good Saturday out fishing if you're going.


Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #3642 on: Jan 16, 2016, 05:00 AM »
Good Saturday morning  Early risers.Night Owls and followers of this thread . IFF once again good job getting your neighbor out maybe a folding lawn chair with wooden or metal arms would be better suited for neighbor your give him something to push against while attempting to stand up . Also a big  :thumbsup: and  :bow: for assisting the father and son. you may have gotten yourself a future sale and made new ice fishing buddies. Yoopergirl you deserve a few fish on your next trip. I hope you are felaling better and do not have to strenuous a day at work. One question from this anatomy challenge ice fisherman is the SI joint your shoulder area ?(Hope you did not damage you rotator cuff. You also may have done this but remember to check ice condition and thickness before driving out on your snowmobile. Rags777 sorry you had to cancel your trip. May I ask why you need to get extra auger blades before the derby at Pathfinder does the ice there contain a lot of sand/dirt which dulls the blades?
 I got a late start on my scouting mission only left my house at 2:45 PM . The first lake I checked is in a county park and forty acres in size when I get to this lake I see unsafe ice conditions sign on the gate house at park entrance. Drive into parking area and survey lake surface iced over and light snow cover,edges still open Being a county park that is patrolled by rangers and not wanting to fall into the lake head to my next lake. On the way stop in at a bait and tackle shop and was able to get some information on a fire dept. contest that is being held next month. :clap: :thumbsup: When I get to the next lake see a person fishing. I slowly spud my way out to him a find out we are standing on 4 inches of ice (black with light snow cover) also see a few other people fishing on another section of the lake. Talk with the gentleman for a few minutes wish him a good day and ice season and make my way back to my SUV. The next lake I want to check is five miles or less distance away. When I get to this lake do not see anyone on the ice surface from parking area. I put on my boots with creepers attached grab spud and ice scoop cross road go down stairs that lead to lakeand small dock. the ice around dock has opened and refrozen from the color of it white and cloudy. I check ice by dock with spud and step off there is a group of teenagers hanging out on the shore by the dock. I make my way out a hundred feet or less form shore testing ice as I go and decide to cut first hole. After outling diameter of hole with spud I start cutting open the hole two hits with the spud and I break through, Alright I think this is not good care fully cut open hole scoop out ice and hook my scoop under lower edge of ice surface. I find around 1 and 1/2 to 2 inches of black ice. decide it is best to head back to shore. I did have my Arctic Armor float Jacket and ice picks on but better to be safe. When I get back to shore tell the teens to stay off the ice for their safety.  No major problems  today my ice scoop is adjustable  it came apart so I now had two pieces. I like the longer handle easier on my back. Once I get back to vehicle try to put scoop back together not going to work.I've had the scoop for several years some no big deal stopped at a sporting goods store on way home purchase long handled Frabill scoop, the handle and scoop are plastic will see how long it  lasts.
I see Idahogator mentioned the Woodstock festival in his last post after I answered IFF's question about Sullivan County, NY. the festival site is now called Bethel Woods Center for the preforming Arts and is no longer farm fields. In the early 2 thousands a gentlemen form the county who got into cable television during it's early days purchased the festival site and surrounding properties to develop the current center. This gentlemen is now a multimillionare and Bethel Woods operates as a nonprofit organization. The grounds included a open air pavilion with covered seating for 5 thousand and lawn seating for an additional 12 thousand, small open air amphitheater and museum with event gallery. Every year since the place opened in 2006 they try to have one of the performers from the 1969 Woodstock festival do a show on the date closet to 69 festival dates Aug.15-17,1969. I have seen Crosby Stills and Nash with Neil Young (2006) Elton John 20011 or 12, and James Taylor in 2014. The Center has two major problems it is a good walk from the general parking area to the open air pavilion and the area roads have not seen any major upgrade since 1969. The traffic is not the night mare it was back in 1969 when an estimated 500 hundred thousand attended the festival ,but if a show at the pavilion sells out (17 thousand people) it can take one hour or more to drive the ten miles for concert site to NY.route 17 which is the major highway in Sullivan County.
(I know Elton John and James Taylor did not preform at the Woodstock festival.)
Morning Ice Wanderer glad you got out with yours sons and friend. Idahogator sorry to hear about your mother in law.

 Have a great day folks. Best to all fishing remember safety first.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #3643 on: Jan 16, 2016, 05:28 AM »
Good Saturday Morning Everyone! :bow:

The cold has come  and it is going to stick around for a couple of days. The weekend will have winds howling causing -30 wind chills. I have the wood box loaded and made a big pot of Chile for tonight, looks like an indoor weekend.

So sorry to hear about your Mother-in-law passing Mr. Gator. You always spoke very highly of her there will be a big void. Sincere condolences to you and your wife Sir!.

Good luck in laker Country Bud!

Good luck to you Rags

Old Goat, Congrats on your outing, I bet they tasted Great!.

I hope you are able to get the fishing puzzle figured out IW. It sure isn't because you aren't trying :thumbsup:

Hope you find the perch Eddie, what’s the limit?

Good luck to any and all heading to ice :thumbsup:

Stay safe!

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #3644 on: Jan 16, 2016, 06:35 AM »
Good Morning Whopper, Mr.C, Ice, Mr.Gator....Morning Everyone,
33* with light rain/ice pellets, high of 38 expected today. Holding off my trip his am as well, hope to get out this afternoon and maybe even try a night bite....we'll see.!  ;D   Quite a day for a first trip! Hope you're feeling better this am, better luck next time! sorry for your loss Sir, my condolences to you and the Mrs. and your family....undoubtably, you've been married to quite an amazing wishes.'re recon mission was successful. Way to go giving the teens a safety warning! Good luck if you're heading out today.
Jeff...glad to hear you got out with the boys and put some fish on the ice even if they weren't the main target...hopefully next trip they'll cooperate.
IFF...good luck on Granby today! Hope the lakers are hungry....excellent job with the father and son!    :thumbsup:
Whopper...chili sounds great....what time?  ;D. We can take 50 perch here for a limit. Stay warm buddy....
I fished for a few hours yesterday afternoon at a local lake....caught a few small trout and one pickerel, like Jeff, I was catching fish I wasn't targeting, but they were fun anyway. Tried out a new pair of boots my children got me for Christmas...Irsish Setter Rutmaster's. A wonderful gift for sure, and very much appreciated, but they just don't fit right, found them very uncomfortable especially around the ankle area, so I'll be off to Dick's this morning to take care of that then the bait store for a few dozen shiners.
Cawfee's on...
Hope everyone has a great day, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!

Offline Old Goat

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #3645 on: Jan 16, 2016, 09:19 AM »
Good Morning ER's                 Temps taking a dive here too        Yoopergirl tough outing but you toughed it out wtg
                                            Mason eddie  you might get weird looks using the swish rods results will handle that.
                                            IFF there is water all around the city here ( PM me if in the area )
                                            Thanks for the well wishes from all
                                           The Fish Fry is postponed as the 2 inch gills were really 2 in gills did get a 4 inch bass ha
                                           sorry to here of some people here losing extended family members

                        For those going out stay safe and good luck

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #3646 on: Jan 16, 2016, 09:54 AM »
good morning to everyone!

Yooper hope you were able to fend off any soreness from yesterday's outing. I must agree with Gator that your tougher than most!

Gator, sorry to hear about your mother-in-law, never like to hear about people losing loved ones. hope everything find it's place for you in the near future.
P.S. once I'm done with this post it's out to the garage to get some pictures of those jaw jackers loaded up to the other thread! thanks for the help with the picture posting, I appreciate it and would have never figured all that crap out of my own. I'm on a computer the good majority of my day for my job and upload pictures often, but jeez this is almost like they don't want you to be able to post them one here! hopefully I can get it figured out, if not, I'm sure my 13yr can teach the old man a thing or two!

MR. C,
picking up new blades for two reasons actually: 1, got new auger this year and have yet to order "backup" set, and 2. the wind has been blowing like crazy around here and in Wyoming if it isn't blowing 20-30 hell has froze over itself! that wind just kick up a lot of sand and dirt and with the warm temps I do not know how much has been embedded in the ice. going to this derby is about a 4.5hr drive for us and there is nothing worse than getting somewhere and realizing you weren't prepared (guess that's the old boy scout in me). at any rate they were only 23 bucks a pair at cabelas and now I will have three pair so I wont have to be down when dull ones go in for sharpening.

Bud, hope that your trip for the lakers goes well today!

Eddie, good luck if you manage to get out there today!

hoping to get out tomorrow, actually I will get out tomorrow come hell or high water somewhere! our walleye lake opened up yesterday and there were 50+ hubs out on the ice according to pops. they fished all day and didn't ice but one small perch. so rather than head out right before dark after work I figured I would wait for today reports to come in and go from there.

well got to get to putting another coat of wax on the kids pinewood derby car, race today at 2!

good day and best of luck to all!


Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #3647 on: Jan 16, 2016, 11:28 PM »
OS I would do that in a heart beat, if in the area.

Got Lakers to play, kept one smaller one for supper. Had to fight 12* and stiff wind, got Buddies Quick fish 2 set up over 60 fow.  Have I ever said how much I hate WIND. :%$#!: Thank goodness for the new buddy heater.

Think heart stopped 3 times today. Going out, over, very steep, snow covered large rocks, (50feet) down to the ice, had to use rope to let the sleds down or take a 1½ mile walk in 6 to 8 inches of fresh snow. #1 was climbing back up that dike, #2 was the game tying touch down pass that Rodger threw, to get to overtime, #3 was the way game ended  :'(.

Bright moment was seeing huge mark attack my jig, a real pole bender, but only got it half way up. ::) all in all great day in the high country.  Now I have 2 days to rest up, before working 5 days straight.  No fishing plans until after the 23rd. 

Rags hope you have a great trip having to endure a 4.5 hour drive

Steve, I think you made a good choice getting off that ice, and  :thumbsup: for letting the Teens know what you found.

Need to get the gear in, and put away, and throw some food at my face.

Here's to a better day tomorrow.

Offline sandhillguy

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #3648 on: Jan 17, 2016, 01:51 AM »
Good morning gentlemen!

Been quite a while since I've checked in! Work has been relatively busy, with the woman going back to school for another semester time crunch is getting tougher. Picking up some more responsibilities at work also, finding myself having to do things from there even, still trying to sort out a new business venture, realizing some of the sacrifices and the amount of dedication involved.... wowzers. Hopefully we can get it all panned out. Employer pushed me up in pay because they don't wanna lose any more help, being already short handed has put them in quite a bind. Hard to leave a job with very good pay and benefits for a venture on your own which gambles everything you have, tearing at by brain strings!!! Havent got out fishing as much as planned, made 1 3 day trip to my favorite lake and a couple other 1 day outings but that's it, perhaps next weekend ill get a chance to get out, shoulda been out this weekend but here I am sitting at work as I type..... Got a LOW trip coming up the first week of Feb though, super excited, a couple of days in SD on the way up there and a day or two in SD on the way back, gonna get tired of ice fishing haha. Hope everyone is getting their fix this year and catching a great plenty!! Well, I suppose back to paperwork and catchin up on work orders, Im not sure the company would appreciate my extended ice shanty break considering my overtime pay haha.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #3649 on: Jan 17, 2016, 02:54 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
24* and breezy this am, high of 28 expected today.
Nice to see you posting again Sandhillguy, welcome back! Good luck with your decision on that new business....that's a tough one. Maybe the answer will come on one of your fishing trips....funny how that works sometimes.
IFF...congrats on your trip Sir, glad you hooked up with a few. Sounds like it was a tough entrance and exit with the terrain....enjoy your rest, you deserve it!   :thumbsup:'re way ahead of me on the picture posting... ;D.  One of these days I'll get around to that as well. How did your son make out with the pinewood derby? That brought back some good old memory's....good luck on the ice today!
Made an afternoon trip with a buddy yesterday to a local lake. We found those small trout again hugging bottom in what generally should be perch grounds. We were running and gunning all over the place, just couldn't find the perch anywhere.
Unexpected rain gave us a good soaking late afternoon, but we kind of laughed that one off when we looked around and saw we were the only two left on the lake....diehards or just plain crazy....maybe a mix of both!  ;D.
My buddy sheared a bolt off on his Ion auger and wanted to get that fixed, so he took off just before dark. I fished a few more hours in the dark with my lantern hoping for a night bite to small crappie for the effort, but that's was a good peaceful outing none the less.
Cawfee's on....
Hope everyone has a great day, be safe, best of luck to those fishin'!!

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #3650 on: Jan 17, 2016, 04:38 AM »
Good morning Eddie,and early risers. Sound like you had a good afternoon outing Eddie. IFF Congratulations on the lakers  sound like a hard time getting onto the ice surface and back off at the end of day. Rags777 thank you for the explanation on the blades, I have relatives in Casper, Wyoming  never made a winter visit but have seen and felt the winds common to your part of the country. Hope you place among the prize winners at Path Finder derby. It will make the long drive to fish worth the time and effort.Sandhillguy welcome back may you find some time to fish.
 Have a good Sunday everyone. Be safe and good luck to all fishing today.

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #3651 on: Jan 17, 2016, 06:58 AM »
good morning ER's! good morning everybody!

Eddie the kid took 1st place at the pinewood derby!!! it was a close one only won it by 4 hundredths of a second! But hey a win is a win in my book. sure has changed a lot since I was a kid. Hell everything is ran by a computer and every kid gets 8 races no matter what. win or loose  :cookoo: it was a good time with the boy, but some days I really ask myself what exactly it is that we are trying to teach the youth of America these days! everything is so damn equal and nobody is ever pushed to succeed. Just don't get it I guess. thanks for asking though eddie, he sure was excited. at least they still give out trophies!!!
sorry to hear the night bite wasn't all that great!

IFF good job on the lakers! you got more heart in it than I do sir, if the four wheeler can't get there is guess were screwed, HAHA! I did make one hell of trek with the boy the other day across the lake and by the time I got to the spot the ol' lungs were on fire and couldn't feel my legs! hope you get some good rest today, sounds like you earned it!

Mr. C there is a lot of good ice fishing up by the Casper area, might think about trying to plan a winter trip one of these times and get out here where the air is nice and fresh  ;), i'm told the only reason the wind blows in Wyoming is because Nebraska sucks  :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:!

well guy I suppose better get the gear loaded up and head out to the lake. reports that have came in haven't been great the last two days, but if I don't get out this weekend I know ill regret it. at least lakes only 20min, so I figure if nothing by noonish we can just head back. then maybe, just maybe I will think about taking these damn x-mas lights down.

good day to all and be safe!!



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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #3652 on: Jan 17, 2016, 07:00 AM »
            Good morning ER's,
                   Welcome back sandhillguy, sometimes in life we have to make sacrifices, I had to when I got transferred to
            a division a couple hundred miles away, I didn't get to ice fish for 2 years. It really hurt, but then I retired and
            now I fish any time I want! I hope you can get some time out for the sanity!
                   I'm glad you got out Eddie, too bad the fish weren't cooperating.
                   IFF....that's some climb, I hope you had good cleats on for the icy rocks.
                   I did some searching yesterday and came up with 3 more lakes with good ice, I'll be out on them this week, well
           after the wind dies down.
                   I hope everyone has a good Sunday and if you're out fishing Good Luck!


Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #3653 on: Jan 17, 2016, 08:45 AM »
Good Morning SHG, Eddie, Steve, Rags, IW any other ER's woke to 20* this morning, and a few sore muscles.  Local news reported some teens ventured out on a pond, just to the south, and had to be rescued, and one being retrieved.  Poor lad was in the icy water 30 minutes.  So sad for the family and friends.  Looking at the 10 day forecasts seeing some highs into the 50's.  Afraid the local ice fishing is looking about, to come to a screeching halt, and in some parts suspect its not even begun.  At least of the 14 or so guys that went out, no one caught the skunk.  Would have like to be more sociable and visit with them but the weather had us all pretty much confined to our shelters.  Will be getting an update in the phone line, being switched to fiber optic, and going from 12 to 40 in speed ??? what ever that means, at least it means a smaller monthly payment.  ;D That part I like already.  I got informed my honey do list is about to run off the chart as a lot of little things have been taking a back seat to the fishing.  ;D  Seams to happen when its open water time too.  Think I have a problem ?  Don't answer that.  ::)

Sandhillguy, welcome back, hope the job turns out to your liking. nice to hear you got in a 3 day of fishing.  Hope that continues for you.

Eddie, you do know your just a diehard like the rest of us on here, being crazy just helps at times  ;D

Rags, at least that trophy didn't say "Participant" did it ?

IW, hope those 3 lakes turn out to be to your liking.  :thumbsup:

Well Mother is up so have to look like I am hard at it getting things caught up  :P
Good day to all what ever you find on your plate......Bud


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #3654 on: Jan 17, 2016, 10:27 PM »
Caught an interesting stick, looked like it has two heads, one end eating a fish ?
under side ? Must be Male  ::) used, imgur now trying to figure out how to have it just put the picture up instead of the link ? any suggestions ?
Was trying to put the 4 pictures up all at once, without having the link.....hum


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #3655 on: Jan 17, 2016, 11:02 PM »
Caught an interesting stick, looked like it has two heads, one end eating a fish ?
under side ? Must be Male  ::) used, imgur now trying to figure out how to have it just put the picture up instead of the link ? any suggestions ?

Go to imgur, put your cursor within the photo, right click, select: copy image location with a left click, come back to your reply/post , left click the photo 'thingy', (it's on the left), with your cursor somewhere within the big reply box, right click, select paste.
That's it, click "Preview" for proof.      ;)2    We bad.

Good luck Bud.


Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #3656 on: Jan 18, 2016, 04:08 AM »
Good Monday Morning Everyone! :bow:

-18 here today in the bog with another -35 wind chill.

I am sure some get to have the day off for MLK. Hope you can take advantage of it on the ice :thumbsup:

Reading the thread, it looks like there was a lot of fishing over the weekend, be interesting to see how everyone did. I was pretty well stuck in the house with the -30 wind chills. It sounds like as the week goes on the temps will start to warm.

I have to deliver a neighbors snow blower to a shop today, it has been leaking a lot of oil from an axel. I had contemplated fixing the seal myself, but it’s a little deeper than I want to get into.

Good luck to those fishing!

Stay safe!


Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #3657 on: Jan 18, 2016, 05:01 AM »
Good morning Whopper Stopper and early risers. Nice of you to help your neighbor with the snow blower.  This will sound odd on an ice fishing website hope temperatures rise slightly and winds drop off so you can get out fishing. The coldest I've ever fished was -10 before wind chill while on a trip in the Adirondack region of New York.Rags777 congratulations to your son on his pinewood derby win . Someday I may make a trip out to Wyoming during the winter. I have desire to get on a airplane and fly anywhere so it would be a cross country drive or train trip.  IFF it is funny the things we hook while fishing I saw the pictures of the stick you caught on your last trip. May the forecasted weather not do to much damage to the ice in your area. Ice Wanderer have fun trying the different lakes this week. Things are starting to come together in my area hoping to get out later in the week. This winter's warmer weather has caused the cancellation of one fire department contest in Sullivan County,NY. . Near where Hardwater Diehard lives lake the fire dept. holds contest on has a few springs so concerned ice may not be thick enough to support the amount of people who attend the contest.

 To all who have today off enjoy the holiday . Best to all fishing ditto WS's safety comment.

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #3658 on: Jan 18, 2016, 05:20 AM »
Good Morning Whopper, Morning Everyone,
Well, I'll try again....tried posting twice, keep losing service for some reason....winds maybe?
12* and howling winds on the Hill this am, high of 18 expected...gusts in the low 40mph says one station., you've had some cold days there! Way to go helping out the neighbor Sir! I'm going to follow your lead and make a big pot of chili this morning....that should be a nice treat for this weather today. that the elusive stick fish? What did it hit on, how deep, and GPS coordinates please!!  ;D. That deserves a spot in the man cave....thanks for sharing!   :clap:
Rags....congratulation s to your son on his first place finish....that's awesome!   :thumbsup:
Jeff...good luck to you and the crew this week on the ice you found!

Fishing for me yesterday afternoon was so so. Caught a few small trout again, but nothing of size to mention.
Planned on a long day on the ice today...but the winds are cranking right now and I'm not going to bother trying to fight them putting up the hub by myself....maybe later if they slow down.
Cawfee's on....eggs and bacon getting ready.....any takers?
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishin'!!

Morning Mr.C.....see you replied while I was typing.


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #3659 on: Jan 18, 2016, 06:53 AM »

             Good morning ER's,
                    WS, you can keep the wind but send us a little bit of your cold temps, we need it to get Lake George to tighten up!
                    Wind isn't too bad here yet Eddie....But I know it's going to get worse. That's why I'm not out this am.
                    Helping neighbors WS is something that will go well rewarded some day!
                    MMM Eddie.....Chili sounds good on a day like this.
                    I hope everyone has a good day off, if you have it off, out fishing, stay covered up the wind chill can be brutal
              on your face!



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