Author Topic: 9:45 on a Tuesday..  (Read 1650095 times)

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27900 on: Jun 04, 2022, 09:37 AM »
Good morning, 67 with blue sky and light breeze forecast to reach a high temperature of 81 and wind speeds increase to the 10-15 mph range. I saw my first deer of this spring feeding on foliage that sbuffers  my complex from neighboring properties. Hopefully will see some doe's and their fawns this year. Earlier in the week boy's and girl's lacrosse sub-regional games were played all of section 9's teams are now done for the season. The girls played against teams from section 2 (Greater Albany area) the Kingston girl's team almost advanced to the regional final losing 10 to 9 when Shenendohowa scored with little time left in the game. The other three girl's games were lost by five goal or greater difference in score. The boy's teams played against section 1 teams (Rockland county and Eastern side of Hudson river from southern Dutchess county down to Westchester county)  It was not a good year for section 9 boy's team all lost their games by 10 goal or bigger differences in score. The state championships will be played next Saturday girls at Suny Cortland and Boys at Hofstra University.
Eddie good weather to work on the chimney should not have to worry about damaging the roof if asphalt shingles. All of you remember to use your safety harnesses. May the trend of jobs going well continue for the retired masons crew.May the beer traps work on the garden slugs.
Ice Wanderer hopefully humidity level/dew points are low in cabin's location so paint/stain drying times will not be extended by excess moisture in the air.  How does your DIL like her newly painted office.
Wally looked at weather for your region of NY. while checking forecast for my town. You should have a good day for the benefit ride. may there be a large turnout for thr event. Safe travel wished for everyone involved.
Whopper Stopper may all go well taking down your SIL's maple tree today I assume your "assistants" will help with the work. May the weather allow you to complete house washing and take a day or more of R&R before heading to the Shack to complete the tree/fire wood work.
Hunts2long congratulations on avoiding the skunk on last walleye trip. May you be correct about bite/fishing improving once the tiger lilies start blooming.
Fish/hunt4ever May all of you have no problems from the storms going through Florida today and tomorrow's trip home not see many flight problems. Best to you and your company in meeting the service agreements.
drifter thank you for the update and video link on recovery of Adrain's dads truck. have there been any more wolf sightings in Yellow Knife.
Icefisher-45 may your Memorial day weekend have been a nice time. I hope the two of you have seen improvements in your health.
OldSailor-Old Goat may things be good with both of you and your families.
Zcm-82 may everything also be good with you. Best to you and your son if fishing this weekend.

may everyone have a nice Saturday. Best to all fishing.

Offline Drifter_016

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27901 on: Jun 04, 2022, 04:35 PM »
About 6 feet or so.

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27902 on: Jun 04, 2022, 06:36 PM »
Had a nice cool overnight temp 54* nice morning to sleep in. The new toy got delivered  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: going to take some getting used too hydraulic controls are pretty touchy.  Come to think it’s been a lot of years since running one like (60)  :unsure: :unsure: now have to decide what to tackle first.

Sure didn’t take long to go from 1.5 to 3 hrs

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27903 on: Jun 04, 2022, 07:43 PM »
Nice Rig Bud!


Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27904 on: Jun 05, 2022, 05:00 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Clear skies and 46*, high of 72 forecasted here today… :clap:

  Bud…guess your officially in the farmers club now, fine looking tractor Sir!!  :clap: :thumbsup:
  Steve…we took some precautions to protect the roof from foot traffic and debris, but it’s getting replaced sometime later this coming week. Congrats on the first deer sighting!   :thumbsup:
   FH4…saw some severe weather down there in Florida, hope your area got through it ok. best wishes with the flights today!   :thumbsup:
  Marv…hope yesterday’s project went well for you!   :thumbsup:
  Wally…will be looking forward to your report today, hope it was a banner day!    :thumbsup:
  Jeff…hope you had a good day at the cabin!   :thumbsup:

  We got a little more than half of the chimney completed yesterday, should be able to wrap it up today by early afternoon.
  Couldn’t ask for better weather, but I could think of a few other things I’d rather be doing than spending it on a roof again today, lol.   Cawfee’s on…
  Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27905 on: Jun 05, 2022, 05:02 AM »

                      Good morning ER's,
                               It's 45* and clear here on my hill. ::)
                               Eddie.........I hope the chimney went well yesterday and is wrapped up? ???
                               Steve.........My DIL like her new office paint job. Thanks for asking. :thumbsup:
                               Marv..........How did the tree job at Jen's go? ???
                               Wally.........The weather was perfect for bike rides, how did the benefit go.? I saw a lot of bikes over this way, it's the beginning of
                       Americade in Lake George.  :woot:
                               Bud...........Nice looking tractor, you should get a lot of use out of it. :clap: :flex: :thumbsup:
                               H2l............How is you new grass coming, is it ready for a mowing? :unsure:
                               Yesterdays job went well but we ran out of paint, the owner was suppose to bring some more but got held up. While we were working
                        another resident of the association stopped to see if we could help her, she had a leak under her sink and her shower didn't drain well. So
                        went to her place and the trap under the kitchen sink, a steel trap, had rusted through so we went to the local hardware store and replaced
                        it. The slow draining shower turned out to be a bunch of hair in the line under the camp. Someone had put a new 2" trap in but it tied in
                        to a 1 !/2'' galvanized line :nono: Luckily there was a rubber fernco coupling and it was a matter of taking it apart and taking the hair out.
                                Back to the cabin today.
                                I hope everyone has a good Sunday either at work or out. Stay Safe and Healthy.


Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27906 on: Jun 05, 2022, 05:35 AM »
43* sunny and heavy mist coming off the lake. The water temps are dropping big time.

IFF, nice looking "new" toy. I am sure your work will be more "fun" now.

IW, way to go, helping out the neighbor. The grass is coming along pretty good, got some weeds but the nephew said he would take care of them once the grass comes along a little more.

Eddie, can't beat this kind of weather.

Not many boats out yesterday and the ones I saw were dressed pretty warm.

Rocky spent the night. Have a good day and stay well...h2l
Northville, NY

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27907 on: Jun 05, 2022, 05:53 AM »
Good morning Eddie, IW! Good Sunday morning everyone :bow:

54 with just a light breeze, should see the mid 70's later today.

Eddie...Sounds like a good day on the roof :thumbsup: Hope you are able to finish it off and maybe have a "cold one" later today :whistle:

IW.... Good for you being able to help out the lady, good job! :thumbsup: Best of luck at the cabin today :thumbsup:

WW...Like the others, looking forward to yesterdays benefit ride report :clap:

Yesterday's maple job went well, I think it took about 5 hours total. My crew was pretty well pooped by the time we called it a day. I was able to get all the wood cut and hauled home. I had about an hours worth of chipping at home from some lilac's I thinned out. By the time I was done I was pooped too.

Not a lot on the agenda today. The girls were talking about fishing if they were up to it. I may work on the house washing if the mood strikes ???

Hope everyone has a good day :thumbsup: Stay safe and keep healthy.


Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27908 on: Jun 05, 2022, 07:01 AM »
Morning all,

WS.....enjoy a day of rest, you've earned it  :thumbsup:

IW.....nice work helping the woman with her plumbing issues  :bow:  Lake George will be crazy this week  :wacko:

Eddie.....hope the wrap up goes problem free today  @)

IFF....nice looking toy, all it needs is some mud on the tires  :woot:

H2L....I'm sure it was a bit chilly on the water yesterday with the temps in the 60s and the wind  :blink: travels home  :)

The ride went well, beautiful weather, 180 bikes and about 250 people  :clap:  I won 2 gift cards 1 for pizza 1 for ice cream  :thumbsup: :clap:

Final clean up this morning, mowing this afternoon.

Have a good day. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27909 on: Jun 05, 2022, 09:09 PM »
 Good evening nice day here with a high around 80 and low humidity level. Sadly I see the gun violence continues close to Midnight on Saturday in Philadelphia,PA. a person/persons fired multiple shots at people walking streets in area of the city know for it's entertainment venues. Leaving 3 dead and 11 wounded. Two hand guns were recovered at shooting scene and police are using surveillance footage for the multiple night spots to try and identify shootings suspects.
IFF nice looking tractor once you get used to the controls I'm sure you have a few projects to work on around the homestead. May Linda's Covid test results have come back as negative.
Ice Wanderer good to read your DIL is happy with how her office paint job turned out. Nice work repairing the homeowner's plumbing I assume your neighbor is in charge of maitenance for the home/property owner's association. may the owner of cabin supply additional paint so the two of you can complete the job.
Eddie hope you and the crew were able to finish the chimney work today.
Hunts2long sound like a big difference between lake water temperature and air temperature to produce all the mist.  I hope Rocky did not try to occupy to much of your bed on his visit.
Whopper Stopper glad things went well for you and the "crew" at maple tree take down for your SIL. May all of you bee recovered from the job.
Wallyworld good to hear turnout was on the high side for the benefit ride. Congratulations on winning the gift cards.  :clap:

May everyone have a good night.


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27910 on: Jun 06, 2022, 03:55 AM »

                Good morning ER's,
                          It's 55* and mostly clear here on my hill. ::)
                          Wally.........That's a good turnout for the benefit. :thumbsup: I hope it brought in lots of $$$. :unsure:
                          Eddie.........I hope you were able to finish the chimney job? ???
                          Marv..........It's always good to take a day to recharge the aching bones and muscles. :flex:
                          Steve.........It's terrible how we're getting this rash of shootings. :cookoo: :%$#!:
                          H2l............Yesterd ay there was that same mist condition on Lake George. Makes the lake look eerie. :whistle:
                          Bud...........You picked out what I think is the best brand of equipment out there. :thumbsup: I hope it serves you well. :flex:
                          The owner of the cabin didn't deliver the paint, so we started on the chinking of the logs, at first it was going quite slow. It was us
                not use to the product, but we got a system and the pace picked up. It still is a tedious job, we worked for 5 hours and got about 1/4 of a wall
                done. As we go higher up the process will slow a bit.
                           This morning I need to take my truck down to my mechanic and have my brakes checked, I'm hearing a noise.
                           I hope everyone has a good Monday either at work r out. Stay Safe and Healthy.


Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27911 on: Jun 06, 2022, 04:37 AM »
Good Morning Jeff, Morning Everyone,
  Calm and 53* here on the Hill this am, upper 70’s for a high today.

  Jeff…nice job helping out the woman with the plumbing issues, hope the brake noise is something simple like just replacing pads…best of luck!   :thumbsup:
  Steve…I just don’t get it with all these shootings taking place either…it’s just sickening.
  Wally…Congratulations on the ride, hope it raised lots of $$ and food donations for the Vets!  :clap: :bow:
  Marv…excellent job on the maple tree, hope you all got some well deserved rest yesterday!  :clap:
  H2…glad the new lawn is taking shape, looking like hotter weather moving move in next week…that will bring the water temps up again.  :thumbsup:
  We finished up the chimney yesterday shortly after 2pm which was good, still had a few hours left in the day to enjoy what was left of the beautiful weather.  :thumbsup:
  Meeting up with two of the retirees club and a few others pouring another driveway this morning…then I’m taking the rest of the week off I believe!   ;D   Cawfee’s on…
  Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27912 on: Jun 06, 2022, 05:36 AM »
Good morning IW, Eddie! Good morning everyone :bow:

58 degrees getting into the mid 70's by later in the afternoon.

IW... Hope the truck noise ends up being an easy fix. Sounds like the cabin project is going well :thumbsup:

Eddie...  Good luck with the driveway pour :thumbsup: You were able to string together a nice run of jobs :thumbsup:

WW...Were you able to get the lawn mowed yesterday? That's on my agenda today.

Yesterday I was able to finish washing another 2 sides of my house. The last side won't take very long, and now I wish I would have pushed on. Today I need to get on my lawn mower and I have a bunch of chips to spread.

Hope you all have a good Monday :thumbsup: Stay safe and keep healthy.


Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27913 on: Jun 06, 2022, 06:05 AM »
50* and a few clouds around.
WW, great turnout and you can't go wrong with pizza and ice cream! Also just about perfect weather.
Mr.C, all went well with Rocky's visit.
IW, sounds like the job is coming along. I can see where it takes a lot of time to chink a log cabin.
Eddie, you seem to be keeping pretty busy in your retirement.
Not many boats out yesterday but seemed to be a lot of people around. The wife hasn't felt all that well the past couple days, thinking it might be the pollen. The "pine" pollen is as bad as I have seen it.
Have a good day and stay well....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27914 on: Jun 06, 2022, 06:24 AM »
Morning all,

H2L....the pollen is indeed terrible this year  ::)  hope MrsH2 feels better soon  ;)

MrC.....not sure what it is, but there HAS to be an answer to stopping the shooting  :nono:

WS.....lawn is good for another 4 or 5 days  ;)2  MrWW even got a start on brush hogging the "back 40"  :woot:

Eddie.....unfortunatel y not many people stepped forward for the Vets  :'(  a bit disappointed in the town's people as I advertised the event on the town FB page  >:(

IW......just looked up chinking log cabins, looks like a tedious task  :blink:

Here's a link to the local news story on the ride

The trike goes to the bike doc today for yearly inspection, new front tire and front brakes  $$$$  :o  :pinch:

Have a good day. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Offline zcm_82

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27915 on: Jun 06, 2022, 07:34 AM »
Morning all, 70° and cloudy this morning with a forecast around 80 with heavy tstorms later in the afternoon. We could use a bit of rain... I was blowing a bunch of dust with the grass when I mowed yesterday. The river is getting down really low, too. I was bouncing my prop off all kinds of junk yesterday.

I took a vaca day Friday and did a bunch of fishing over the weekend. The results were mostly a bunch of dink channel cats, but I did get one nice once, a decent smallie, and a few decent redhorse. I had what was likely a pb carp on Friday afternoon, but it ended up getting me wrapped up into some snag limbs and popped the line. Gas was also up well over $5 this weekend, so that hurt a bit  :%$#!:

Haven't been online at all since Thursday, so I'll have to go back and catch up on the thread.

Offline Old Goat

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27916 on: Jun 06, 2022, 09:11 AM »

  Good morning ER's  Hope all are well and the one who might have pollen issues shows progress and gets back to full speed. Nice new toy Bud. I had to deal with tractor too a cub cadett. I got the belt back on as the boss tried mowing dirt. I only managed to get 1 pully spring off but will try to get the other one on. IW nice work and A+ for helping with repair work. Mason  hope you pocketed the extra cash on the retirement side jobs. WW hope the benefit ride donations are put to good work. I went to garage sale with over 100 rods none top notch came back without even 1. Did a casino run and gave back most of what was won a week before. I'm glad I gave cash to my daughter before I left as she had a big shop bill for her car. Hope to join my brother and sil for a little camping this weekend. I agree on way to many shootings some nut in WI took out a former judge and had a list with more names on it. Stay safe stay healthy

Offline fish/hunt4ever

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27917 on: Jun 06, 2022, 11:42 AM »
Well made it home last night and was not too bad of a travel day just a long layover in Denver yesterday.  Well back to work as we are in turnaround tearing things apart and installing some new things, as well as fixing a lot of older things.  Take care everyone and have a blessed Monday.

Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27918 on: Jun 06, 2022, 02:47 PM »
Good Afternoon Everyone, Been busy with Dr appointments for both of us. New Landlord came over to introduce herself. She was under the impression we wanted to leave. We told her that wasn't the case. Good thing is now we don't have to worry about moving. I hope everyone had a good day. Prayers for all those involved in recent shootings.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline Drifter_016

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27919 on: Jun 06, 2022, 07:38 PM »
Just got word the bears are being a PIA at my lake again.
Hope to get out before I head East in a few weeks.
Will have my buddy Mr. Remington with me. ;)
Got work to finish on my Honda and then I can get the boat ready.

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27920 on: Jun 06, 2022, 09:37 PM »
Good evening another day of sunshine here in south Eastern,NY. days high temperature was in the low eighties. It has not cooled of much as the outside temperature is still in the mid. seventies at this time.It looks like the article I saw say gas price hike would cancel out the Tax Holiday here in NY. was correct one station that was down to $4.579 on June 2nd is now up to $4.799 per gallon of 87 octane. The local Mobil which usually has the highest price in town went from $4-999 on Memorial Day to $5. 239 currently  at least the state government took some action on this issue .
Ice wanderer mist over the waters of a lake does give one an eerie feelings guess it is all the mystery and horror films/shows we have watched over the years which had scenes of mist over a lake's waters.  I've only see chinking being done it does look like a tedious process. I hope your truck only needed minor work on the brakes.
Eddie good to read the crew completed the chimney work before higher temperatures hit your area. may all have gone well with today's drive way pour.
Whopper Stopper good to hear washing of your house is almost completed. Between tree jobs and home projects you have been a busy may may you get a chance to relax with some fishing in coming days.
Hunts2long glad rocky was well behaved for the two of you. May your wife bee feeling better vehicles here have been coated with pollen in mornings a couple of times in the past week. The closer we get to end of school year and July 4 TH activity shold increase on GSl as more people come to your area of NY. for vacation/ to live at their Summer residences.
Wallyworld to bad the food donations to feed the Veterans were limited,just my opinion but if you get news coverage of the ride next year find a way to have contact info. for both groups appear on TV screen with the news story. It may bring in some additional donations after the event.
Zcm-82 thank you for the photos glad you were able to get out on the river. May the storms give your area the moisture it needs and not cause any damage.
Old Goat I hope you have the Cub Cadet tractor repaired and ready for mowing. You bring up a good thing to remember about garage/yard sales know something about the items your interested in buying prices may be good but quality of the items poor.
Fish/hunt4ever glad all of you made it home safely to Wyoming with only the long lay over in Denver. Best to you and your coworkers with all the maintenance work on the equipment this week.
Icefisher-45 nice that you met your new landlord and she now knows you were not looking to move,two of you have enough going on in your lives to worry about relocating. May all of the Dr. appointments help improve quality of life for both of you.
Drifter_016 when you finally get to your cabin may you find no damage from the neighborhood bears.  hopefully mr.Remmington will not have to do any talking to the bears. Best to you with the work on your Honda.

Everyone stay safe and healthy. Best to all fishing this week.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27921 on: Jun 07, 2022, 04:33 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Partly cloudy skies and 60* to start the day, some rain and thunderstorms moving in this afternoon, high of 74.

  Steve…believe I heard it mentioned yesterday that 10 States are over $5 gallon average, many more soon to be on the list unfortunately. Have been trying to keep my tank full. Drove 65 miles yesterday round trip with my Silverado, $24 to top the tank off ..pretty damn sad and it’s going to get worse.  :cookoo:
  Dave…hope the bears haven’t been a problem at the cabin, good idea having Mr.Remington by your side! Hope the Honda is an easy fix.   :thumbsup:
  I-45…very good news on the house, X2 on Steve’s reply!   :thumbsup:
  FH4…glad your return trip went fairly smooth, best wishes with the work week!   :thumbsup:
  OG…hope you were able to get the tractor back up and running…better luck next trip at the casino!   :thumbsup:
  Z…thanks for sharing the pictures, nice job on the catching!   :clap:
  Wally…thanks for sharing the link, hopefully next the next ride will see more donations to the Vets! Congrats on your prizes and best wishes with the trike!   :clap: :thumbsup:
  H2…they showed a picture of the pollen up North yesterday near Lake George, looked like a yellow fog hanging over the tree line. Hope the Mrs. is feeling a little better today.   :thumbsup:
  Marv…hope you finished up your to do list yesterday!  :thumbsup:

  Driveway job went well yesterday, had a late start as the cement company was super busy, but went well.
  Was asked to help out my buddy doing a paver patio at the same residence, so off to start that with him this morning. So much for having the rest of the week off, lol, but pretty painless job.  Time to get moving again…Cawfee’s on!
  Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27922 on: Jun 07, 2022, 04:38 AM »
Good morning everyone :bow:

55 degrees climbing to 76 by this afternoon, a couple showers around but it looks like a nice day on tap.

OG…Good luck with getting your mower back in shape :thumbsup: Enjoy the camping, the mosquitoes have really come to life around here.

Dave… The bears were busy around here earlier hammering all the bird feeders. It seems they slowed down now that they have other foods to eat.

Mr.clean…My wife told me I am going fishing and enough of the home chores and tree work for a while ???  I didn’t even realize it but the 2022 musky season opened this past Saturday, so I will probably think about chasing them around one of these days. Of course that means spending a day or so getting the boat ready.

Eddie… Enjoy your time away from the trowels :thumbsup:…. Ooops, I see you are back at it today lol. You have to love the retired life. It's like I am as busy as ever, just now I enjoy it.

WW…Hope the trike inspection goes well. The pizza ice cream combo sounded great! :thumbsup:

Yesterday I finish washing my house and took care of lawn duties for the second time. I have a bunch of hostas growing under my pine grove; I believe somewhere north of 150. I decided to move 30 of the plants to consolidate them into a smaller tighter area. They were getting spread out and it was starting to look like a weed patch. I have about a day’s worth of weeding to get them back into shape. The downside to spending all the time cleaning them up is that by mid-September the deer gnaw them off to the ground. My neighbor lady sprays hers to keep the deer out of them but I have no desire to get into that. The deer need to eat too.

Hope everyone has a good day Stay safe and keep healthy


Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27923 on: Jun 07, 2022, 06:21 AM »
60* and some clouds.
WW, thanks for sharing the ride with us. Good luck with the bike, has to be done.
zcm, looks like a pretty good fishing trip.

Ended up taking the wife to the ER for a CAT scan. She has a lower stomach issue. No food for 2 days, only clear fluids. The local Wallgreen's is out of stock of the med they want her to take until this PM. They had given her one dose at the ER but when that wore off she wasn't feeling very good. May have to go on a trip to Johnstown.

Have a good day and be well....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27924 on: Jun 07, 2022, 09:16 AM »
Morning all,

H2L.....sorry to hear Mrs H2 is not feeling so good, thoughts and prayers sent your way  :('s about time to take a work break and get some fishing time in  ;)2

Eddie.....think maybe the same advice applies to you ^  :whistle:

IW....guessing you're staying away from town this week  ???

IF45....glad to hear you don't have to move   :clap:

MrC....heard on the news this morning some gas companies reported a 300% increase in profits  :o :nono: :cookoo: :%$#!:

Drifter....hope the bears mind their own business  :unsure:

Z...thanks for the pics  :thumbsup:

Nothing much planned today, breezy out  and rain supposed to arrive early afternoon  @)

Have a good day. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27925 on: Jun 07, 2022, 10:32 AM »
Quick post before I take the wife to a doctor's appointment in Grand Rapids.

I lost a post the other day. What I had typed ended up in another thread for some reason?????

Friday was my SIL's visitation and Saturday was the funeral. You know you are getting old when you recognize faces but names escape you. A lot of them I had not seen in at least 40 years. One gal came up and was surprised I knew who she was. She was an RN that had worked with my mother way back in time.

The couple that owns the house that my mother own my mothers house approached me wanting help finding the old access to the attic. Some one had taken the drop-down stairs and covered up the hole. They had also taken the knotty pine of of the walls in the kithcen and living room. That is sad as it was beautiful.

Gotta go. I will modify later

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27926 on: Jun 07, 2022, 01:34 PM »
TT...Sorry for you and your family's loss.


Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27927 on: Jun 07, 2022, 06:07 PM »
Thanks Marv.

The wife's Dr's appointment was to get a wart removed. I told her that I could have gotten it off if the milkweed were bigger. The milk of milkweed will somehow kill a wart if it is at the right stage. You will know if the time is right if it stings bringing tears to your eyes.  I had a big one on my thumb burnt off twice but it came back. That summer milkweed did the job.

WS It is time to get some YOU time. That is why you retired.  ISN"T IT?     YOu have been too busy if you forgot the musky season opening.

H2l Hopefully the CT can tell the DRS what needs to be done for your wife.

masoneddie Same advice to you as Marv. You retired to enjoy life not work so much.

I need to see if I can get a couple of house plants to come back to life. They were my mothers. She called them Resurrection Plants. You quit watering them in October. After they die back you put them in a cool dark place untill early April. I could not find them until this morning. They are three inches tall and white from no light, even without being watered. Hopefully, they will respond to being watered.


Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27928 on: Jun 07, 2022, 09:30 PM »
Good evening currently raining after sky being cloudy for majority of daylight hours. Also was breezy believe high for the day was in the upper seventies.Headline story in my local newspaper today was about the plan by NYC and orange county village of Kiryas Joel to build a 15 mile pipeline to run alongside NYC's Catskill water supply aqueduct. The pipeline would run from my hometown of new Windsor to the town of Gardiner in Ulster county. Somewhere in the town of Gardiner NYC's Catskill and Delaware water supply aqueducts cross. The purpose of this pipeline would be to serve as a back up for when the Catskill aqueduct is shut down for maintenance and repairs. The main beneficiaries of this pipeline would be Kiryas Joel,City of Newburgh and town of new Windsor. NYC has budgeted 5 million dollars towards design of the pipeline. So far no estimated construction cost and how the pipeline will be funded have been released. Kiryas Joel is the fastest growing village in my county and since 2013 has beenn constructing it's own pipeline from the village to tap into the Catskill aqueduct in new Windsor to serve as additional water supply for the village.
Eddie I'm doing similar and try not to get under a half tank on my GMC Terrain . Glad the driveway pour went well in spite of the late concrete delivery. May things have gone smoothly laying the pavers today.
Whopper Stopper Nice that you wife watches out for you, best of luck in catching a few musky this year. I'm sure the local deer herd appreciates you food source. Deer to like to consume hosta plants.
Hunts2long may your wife recover from the stomach issue quickly. I hope you did not have to travel to far to get her medication today.
Wallyworld my humble opinion human Greed is a big part of the reason we are seeing higher prices for everything as all companies try to grow their profits. sadly many smaller local companies have closed or still struggle between Covid caused problems and this greed.
Tomturkey once again condolences to you and your family on the passing of your SIL. May the treatment have resolved wart issue for your wife. Interesting information about milkweed being used to remove warts.

For those who maybe interested in the pipeline story here is a link to my local newspaper.

Have a good night.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27929 on: Jun 08, 2022, 04:10 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Happy Hump Day!  ;D
  Pretty steady rain falling at the moment and 61*, guessers say it will be clearing out by 7am, high of 72 today.

  Steve…thanks for the link, will check that out.  :thumbsup:  Gas jumped to $4.99 yesterday at my regular stop, so looks like we can add NY to the $5/gl list… :%$#!:
  Tom…my condolences again to you and the family also. Thank you for sharing the medicinal value of the milkweed, I never heard of that being used for warts, interesting!  :thumbsup:  Appreciate the advice as well and will keep it close, but I’m still enjoying working with the tools at the moment part time. Granted, I also know my limitations nowadays and that’s my ace in the hole for picking and choosing what jobs I will take or pass on.
  Wally…my wife recently mentioned the same thing to me…” it’s hard to believe you haven’t been out fishing every day since you retired “… ;D.  Hope you had some good news on the trike yesterday!   :thumbsup:
  H2…thoughts and prayers are with your wife, hope you were able to get the meds and she is feeling some relief today.  :thumbsup:
  Marv…looks like we’re kind of on the same page, lol. Will be looking forward to your Musky adventures here soon, best of luck to you and the ladies!!  :thumbsup:
  Jeff…hope the cabin work is going well, is the pontoon ready for a voyage soon?   :thumbsup:

  Had an easy day yesterday and quit at noon. Stripped all the forms from the driveway pour and got the area where the pavers will be laid all prepped and ready. Pavers were to be delivered late afternoon so they should be there and ready to go first thing this morning.
  See some cinnamon buns under the dome this morning…Cawfee’s on!   ;D
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!


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