Author Topic: 9:45 on a Tuesday..  (Read 1650104 times)

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11340 on: Jan 11, 2018, 08:59 AM »
:clap: :clap: :clap: :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Congratulations on the sack full WW & Mr. WW


Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11341 on: Jan 11, 2018, 09:33 AM »
Good morning 9:45ers overcast skies supposed to reach high of fifty today with rain over night and most of Friday. Local lakes should be a mess this weekend with slush from snow still on them from last Thursday's storm.
IFF did you ever find your wife's other earing? Is the Russian Olive tree trimmed or cut down yet? See you still deal with warm weather.
Old Goat glad to hear your plumbing is working and no burst pipes think heater sales spiked during recent cold wave.
Ice Wanderer sounds like you have had a fun past few days fishing enjoy the perch. Congratulations to Jon NY on all those lakers. May the two of you have a good bite on today's trip.
Hunts2long happy to read your wife's health continues to improve and she has 2 less medications to take now. Best in dealing with insurance companies. Did you ever get your plumbing issues repaired?
Tom Turkey hope the leg pain passes quickly. Good to read you wre not in an accident folks forget how easy it is to loose traction on iced  surfaces. All the best to your wife at the doctors, enjoy the fish fry.
Capt.Jim burst pipes seem to be a major problem after recent deep freeze wonder how many seasonal properties will find issues when opening houses for Summer usage if they do not check on their homes before start of rental season.
Eddie happy to read baby Ryan's health keeps improving all the best to him and your niece. Have fun at DMV any reason you can not renew license on line or by mail?
Captain54 congratulations on first ice fishing trip may future trip yield better results.
Whopper Stopper hope chiropractor has your back feeling better . sounds like you are having fun learning how to work the LX7.
Icefisher-45 have the repair persons from your employer been busy working on the hydraulic systems on the trash compactor units ? I know the one at my work place always slows done in cold weather as fluid thickens.
Yoopergirl congrats on all the fish. besides things already mentioned try hardware stores and see if they have rubber straps with hooks on ends to hold auger cover in place until you can get proper replacement strap.
Wallyworld glad your back home safely from trip congratulations on all the fish. That is a lot of perch to clean.

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11342 on: Jan 11, 2018, 10:08 AM »
Good Morning, Well guess now you can call me "Deck and Half"  ;D  Would think one would be able to go fishing on his birthday instead of cutting up a russian olive tree.

WW's  Nice job on the Perch Maybe Jimmy Costa's 10 second perch is in order ?  Could you imagine hooking up with that many walleyes ?

Steve nope never found it, took her shopping for new ones.  Lucked out at the third store  ::)

Rain didn't amount to much, guess it all fell in the high country, was nice to see 17* this morning so maybe the ice is holding.

Good to "hear" Ryan is making good progress.  Well got some daylight to burn

Good Day all

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11343 on: Jan 11, 2018, 10:10 AM »
WS the 7 looks nice would that fit on a vex case?

Sorry OG don't know but I am sure Ninja would.


Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11344 on: Jan 11, 2018, 04:46 PM »


after  ;D

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11345 on: Jan 11, 2018, 05:03 PM »
WW think I just gained 4 pounds just looking at that last picture.  Yummmm Yummmm

Offline Capt.Jim-N.J.

Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11346 on: Jan 11, 2018, 08:48 PM »
Evening, everybody

Above freezing, almost 50 today with no wind, the salt water ice on the river here is almost all gone

Mason - I thought that being semi retired meant that every day was Saturday, also, lounging in the sun with a Mojito, and sunglasses

Clean - There is a lot of work on busted pipes going on right now, a few plumber friends are putting in 12 to 14 hours a day with the fixes

Mrs. W.W. - That is a nice pile of fillets

Tiring day today with the tile job, siding contractor caused some issues for me, spend 1/2 day today fixing things, it wasn't intentional but it happened all the same

Time for rest - I'll be around this weekend - more later

Be Safe-Have Fun-Stay Warm-Tight Lines-Records & Limits-Good Eats & Drinks-Get Well Soon

Ryan - Good News is always good to hear, Keep It Up
Now is the time for all good men and women to engage in the sport of ice fishing

Offline captain54

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11347 on: Jan 11, 2018, 09:24 PM »
Hi all.
I've been in ice mode so not much time to keep up with all of you.
WW that's an impressive pile of perch
Edie was glad that little Ryan is doing well.
WS hope the back straightens up,I feel your pain. I have back problems from time to time 4th and 5th disc are herniated. No fun when your legs go numb.
Mr Clean I fish Wednesday afternoon till I couldn't see,my headlamp crapped out but the slab Crappie where on fire. What a difference,I found a small amount of brush and the Marcum light up like a Xmas tree. Nice school of 11.5- 12.5 " fish.
 It started to rain this afternoon and hit into the 50's. I headed to Wally World to buy a headlight. I got a deal two pack made by Energizer for $9.97 also bought a value box of vac bags for 39.97.
While driving home Mrs said she needed some produce at the store. My son call me and chats for about 20 minutes. I'm sitting in the parking lot talking and I notice a very elderly woman walking from car to car. Then my friend calls to get the fishing results from my two trips,I cut my son off and talk to him. Abou 35-40 minutes go by and I see the old lady with a cane still walking around aimlessly. I tell my friend I've got to help this lady out. Well I sorta scared her at first but she soon took my arm and lead me around the parking lot. At first we where looking for a white Nissan,then it turned into a grey one. Well slowly I get more info from her and it turns out she went to the Dr. and then wanted to go to Aldi's. Well after and hour in the drizzling rain we found her car  about a hundred yard from where we started.  She was pretty well played out. I drove her car to her and she was very thankful. I somehow created a little side show for other shoppers coming and going. One other guy and women got in on the helping at the very end. I really didn't want her to drive away by herself but she said she'd be fine. I said a quick I  picked up the 4 items my wife want and was rewarded for my kind act. Had a couple of women that just went on and on about how wonderful I was. I really didn't feel special it's just the right thing to do. Who the hell wouldn't do the same thing? I got home just a few minutes before dinner and my wife was a little upset that her carrots didn't make dinner but when I explained, I became a  Oh well I hope she made it home safe.
I hope our ice can take the 1.5 days of high temps and the rain. Here in SW Pa. where on the fringe of the ice belt. My go-to lake only has about 7-7.5 " So I hope it locks back up.
Be safe my friends. Till the next time.

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11348 on: Jan 11, 2018, 10:16 PM »
Good evening , Wallyworld  I see multiple fish dinners in your future . Capt. Jim always seems there are problems when multiple contractors are working at same time.  Captain 54 good work helping the women in future if similar thing happens try and get plate number on their vehicle and pass it onto local authorities. I think the lady is like my late mother and suffers from some type of memory loss like you I hope she got home safely not everyone would be so helpful to someone like her. hope the warm weather and rain do not damage the ice on local lake to badly.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11349 on: Jan 12, 2018, 02:47 AM »
Good Morning Everyone :bow:

-6 with 10mph winds making for wind chills in the -20 range.

Nice pile of fillets WW :clap: Are you sure you don't eat fish ???

Bud did you ever get that Russian Olive whacked up? I saw some guys cutting a few of them down on a right of way yesterday and thought about you.

Capt54  :bow: :clap: :thumbsup: Good job helping the women out. As mr.clean said not everyone would be so helpful. She is fortunate that you were looking over her during her confusion and were able to help fine her car. A lot of older people get go into a panic and really become confused I sure with your just being there it helped immensely.

IW how did you and MW make out yesterday? Looking forward to your report.

Eddie will you be on the ice over the weekend? Have a good wrap to the week Sir!

We escaped the heavier snows yesterday and only picked up a couple of inches, however the strong winds made for near white out conditions  blowing the 2-3" we did get around. I had to scrape my slab twice yesterday and this morning I will need to get the snowblower out and clean things up. Places where the wind packed the snow it's over 2 feet deep, it will be the first time this winter to blow :clap:

Later on I have to pick my ATV up from the shop. It was the started that had failed and so they put a new one in for a total of $482.19. It will be interesting to see how it starts in the below zero weather ???

Other than that another day of tending the stove and taking some Ibuprofen (our in house Mom said they will help me ;D) for the back. It is a lot better than it was, I will give it a 75%.

Hope you all have an excellent Friday :thumbsup: Keep safe!


Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11350 on: Jan 12, 2018, 03:42 AM »
Good Morning Marv, Morning Everyone,
  48* on the Hill this am, high in the low 50's today with rain. Took a ride past a few lakes on my way home yesterday, most all of the snow was gone and standing water on top. Colder temps moving in again this evening, doubt there will be too much ice loss here locally with the 12-14" of black ice already formed.

  Marv...glad the heavy snow missed you! Best of luck with the ATV, pricey fix, but it's fixed and will pay for itself! Hope your back gets better soon so you can test out that LX-7 some more!  :thumbsup:
  Bud..Happy Birthday to you Sir, and many many more to come!  :clap: :thumbsup:
  Wally...thats a fine looking pile of fillets, congrats to you and Mr.WW on your perch fest, awesome!!   :clap:  :bow:  Better luck next trip with the walleyes, thanks for sharing the trip and pictures!   :thumbsup:
  Jeff...hope the fishing was as good as the weather for you yesterday, looking forward to your report. Congrats to Jon on his double digit day with the lakers, awesome!   :clap: :thumbsup:
  Capt.54...that was a fine thing you did helping out the elderly woman, well done Sir!  :bow: :clap:  One can only hope she found her way back home. Very nice job on the crappies, continued success!   :thumbsup:
  Capt.Jim..I'm guessing the sider was knocking the crap out of your wall tile as he was hammering??   :%$#!:
  Steve...any fishing in the plans this weekend? It was easier for me to just go to DMV from my workplace, only about 5 minutes away.
  Found out we have Monday off for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, so it will be long weekend anyway!! :clap: 
  Plans on fishing this weekend my sons, not certain where yet depending on weather....looks like some snow and ice is in the forecast for some areas.
  Looking forward to the 2:30 quit today and getting by the bait shop.... ;D
  Catch up to you all at break....cawfee's on!
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!


Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11351 on: Jan 12, 2018, 03:57 AM »
Bud..........Happy Birthday Sir!



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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11352 on: Jan 12, 2018, 04:44 AM »

                  Good morning Eddie Marv, ER's,
                            It's 46* and foggy here on my hill, snow and ice eating weather. :%$#!:
                            Bud........Happy Birthday to You! :thumbsup:
                            Marv......I hope your back is feeling better so you can get out on the ice again! :flex:
                            Wally......What a nice pile of fish, that big lake fishing can really produce but the weather you have to
                  go through to get them is something! :flex:
                             Eddie.....Enjoy the long weekend, it looks like the weather will cooperate for Sunday and Monday so
                  you should get some fishing in. :thumbsup:
                             Capt.54.....I know what it is like with too many contractors working at the same time, what one does
                  is either in your way or even destroys what another has done! ::)
                              Yesterday turned out to be a slow day for us, I got 1 short Laker on a dead bait laying on the bottom
                  and Jon got 1 keeper Laker and 1 keeper Salmon. There were guys fishing where Jon fished on Wednesday and
                  they got very little action. Here are 2 pics of the change of conditions yesterday.
                   This is what it looked like in the morning!

                   And this is what it looked like at the end of the day!
                               I hope everyone has a great Friday either at work or out fishing!


Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11353 on: Jan 12, 2018, 06:45 AM »
36 and light rain this morning.
WW, nice catch and that bowl of perch will make someone happy.
Will be watching the river out front for ice jams today. Already seeing some open water.
Took a header on the front porch yesterday morning. Left knee, lower back and left shoulder. Good news, I was able to get out of bed this morning, but I didn't spring out to start the new day. Just hope I can bowl Sunday. We will see. Have a good day...h2l
Northville, NY

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11354 on: Jan 12, 2018, 06:52 AM »
Morning all,

IFF.....Happy Birthday sir :thumbsup:

WS.....glad to hear the wheeler's good to go  :clap:  now if only the back was that easy to fix   :whistle: 

IW.....I imagine most lakes look about the same with the warm temps & rain  :-\ 

Eddie....long weekend yay  :thumbsup: :clap:  good luck on the ice  ;)

CapJ....kudos to you for helping the woman find her car  :thumbsup: :bow:  a lot of people tend to just look the other way when someone's in need of a hand  :(

It's 53* with heavy rain another 1" forecasted for today  :o   Snow heading this way tonight with temps falling to single digits   :blink:  8 - 12" of snow tonight, another 3- 5" tomorrow  :cookoo: :%$#!:  we shall see how things look after it all settles down  :unsure: :wacko:

Have a good day at work or play. Stay safe.
Morning H2L....sorry to hear of your mishap  :'(  take things slow for a day or two   @)    my brother will be a happy camper when he sees the bags of fillets heading his way  ;)

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11355 on: Jan 12, 2018, 07:20 AM »
It went from the high 40's when I went to bed to 21* this morning. All we got was a skiff of snow while the southern part of the state is getting hit hard.

Long day on the road yesterday. First was down to Gr to the wife's DR's appointment. It was stop and go when we got to the city as it was rush hour. only noticed one idiot driver in all of that traffic. After that it was a stop at our favorite restaurant for breakfast. Happily our favorite waitress was working. Then off to the other place to pick up my months meds and bread for my daily mornings toast for the month. I did pick up my Kenai while over there.  The rain had cleared one of my drives so I did not have to drag stuff to the road.

The bad part was the wife was not thinking and had a RX sent to her normal pharmacy instead of to my pharmacy adding miles to our day. All of the traveling was with rain squalls and a lot of fog in the woods from the rain soaked snow. With all of the rain, my roofs are all bare of snow. I wasted Tuesday clearing the snow off part of the roof. Most of the snow is also gone in the woods.

The wife's DR.s appointment sounds like it maybe heading in the right direction on curing her pain, finally. This doctor thinks it is from inflammation pushing on the bottom bone in her tail bone causing her pain. He prescribed med. to try to get rid of the inflammation. If that does not do it, he will do an injection.

Capt 54 Helping some one else is what the world is supposed to be. To many are all about them selves these days. Your helping the lady goes back to your up bringing. You must have had great parents.

Capt Jim Working with other contractors brings back the time I was installing carpet in a college town bar that wanted to open in a few hours, finished or not. It went from quiet to deafing music in seconds. All of the contractors stood up. One guy motioned at the door and every one walked off the job. The owner was not happy. He was told to turn down the volume and we would go back to work. He did and we went back to work.

ww That pile of filets sure looks good!!! Maybe I can get on the ice and get into some fish. At this point I would not be picky at to what they were.

Bud  happy Birthday. Just to screw with your mind. There is not only Saginaw bay that has great walleyes, there is also Lake Saint Clair.

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11356 on: Jan 12, 2018, 08:04 AM »
Good Morning ER's,
Marv, no being today is trash pickup day, I moved a bird house to another tree, and took the limb it was on off, got the small branches stuffed in a trash barrel ready for pickup today.  The base of that olive is about a 3' one.  Think if its going to be a one day job, a rented chipper would be the best option.

Plan for today is to go over and check to see if there is fishable ice in an area of a ridge, that a few are going to brave the high wind later in the day (20+) is what the guessers say is going to roll through.  ::)  :unsure:

Thanks for the B-day wishes, put a Delmonico cut of steak on the grill for supper that I didn't over grill this time.  :woot:

Jeff, those pictures from yesterday might be what my home lake could look like after the winds roll threw here today.  There is a 3 lakes tourney that everyone is holding their breath on that might not happen (January 26,27th and 28)  Its been an annual for like 30 years, as the big lake (Granby) still has not capped with just skim and lots of open water :unsure:

Well time to round up my spud bar and see what gives, hope its not any ice under my feet.


Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11357 on: Jan 12, 2018, 08:55 AM »
Good morning early risers, in the fifties already with rain and wind gusting into the twenty mph range. Most of snow cover is gone can see there being some localized flooding. weather guessers calling for slightly over an inch by time rain passes tomorrow with wintr mix on Saturday morning as temperature drops over night.
IFF Happy Birthday enjoy the day hope you find ice with thickness you are comfortable fishing on and things cool down out your way. May all go smoothly when you tackle Russian Olive take down.
Whopper Stopper good to read your ATV is repaired hope it starts right away in sub zero temps after repair. Maybe our resident nurse will drop in and give some advice for your back.
Eddie I have to talk with my sister later today she and my BIL had plans to come up and due more house clean out  also I don't enjoy traveling in icy weather so if they due not come will try and get ice fishing gear better organized for first trip out of this season. Have a good Holiday weekend hope your sons and you find a lake with out to much standing water to fish this weekend. Thanks for the reminder on IFF's birthday.
Ice Wanderer agree with Wallyworld most lakes/ponds here in NY. probably look like your end of day photo. I was reading through last couple pages of Lake George BS thread and see finding public parking is becoming a problem especially on weekends.
Hunts2long may the river by your home not cause major damage if it overflows banks from an ice damn/jam. also may you fell good enough to bowl on Sunday.
Wallyworld may the weather reports be wrong heavy rain is bad enough don't need major snow storm to follow it.
Tom Turkey glad you got through all you travels safely yesterday .Rather safe then sorry with the roof I've gone through a couple ice damns in storm gutters causing roof leaks not fun. Not to cause a panic I'm assuming your wife has had x-rays of lower back/back side and no growing masses were found that could be pressing on her spine. I know a person who was experiencing pain in one of his shoulders after getting x-rays it was found a growing tumor had fractured  one of the bones in his shoulder area.

I see some of us area confusing Capt. Jim NJ. and Captain 54 easy enough to do Captain 54 lives in western PA. and was the one who helped older lady. Capt.Jim lives in southern NJ. shore area and does the tile work.

Have a good and safe Friday . Best to all fishing.

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11358 on: Jan 12, 2018, 12:00 PM »
My apologies Cap54......the kudos belong to you sir  :thumbsup: :bow:  my only excuse for the mix up is that I was still on my 1st cup of coffee this morning when I was typing  :blink: :pinch: :-[   

Offline Capt.Jim-N.J.

Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11359 on: Jan 12, 2018, 08:58 PM »
Mrs. W.W. - Shouldn't be typing until after 2nd cup is started

Good Evening, All

It got to 60* here today, with rain/drizzle and locally heavy fog; tomorrow (Saturday) starts the nose dive back to freezing temps

Mason - Yes, The gen'l cont. put a plastic box into the wall for the soap niche; the siding people were using 2" nails to secure the siding, some of the nails went thru the back of
     the box and stuck out 3/8 ", it's a good thing I didn't tile the back of the box, was waiting for some other tiles to set hard before doing so, 2 pcs. of the picture frame tile on
     the wall also fell into the tub, breaking the 45 miters, the G.C. has to get 2 new tiles @ 30 bucks a tile, ouch

H2L - Gotta watch the black ice on the porch, hope the left side doesn't get cranky

W.S. - You too with the back, careful, I use 'Doan's Pills', extra strength, at night, helps with sleeping

T.T. - The thing that is teeth gritting is the workers for the sider are Mexican, and, of course, no one speaks English; they didn't even pull the old window in the wall, cover the
     hole with plywood & side over, they trimmed the window and finish sided around the window, the window was to be removed

I.W.,M.W. - When is the next fishing trip planned for?

54 - Kudos with the helping hand @ the store

Will be checking ice locally tomorrow to see what happened because of the warm up, I know a lot of the snow piles in the parking lots are a lot smaller

Be Safe-Stay Warm-Have Fun-Tight Lines-Records & Limits-Good Eats & Drinks-Get Well Soon
Now is the time for all good men and women to engage in the sport of ice fishing

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11360 on: Jan 12, 2018, 09:13 PM »
Evening all, well all those that were going to go ....didn't meet a nice guy on the ice came out after I was on the ice.  Tells me he is 55 years old.  Now I know I am old when I tell him I have been ice fishing longer than he has been alive  ;D :woot: Exchanged phone numbers and seeing how none of the ones that were going to join him never showed either.  Guess the wind scared them all off.....turned out wasn't all that bad.  I could even light a cigarette.  Guess I still have the touch, just not enough of it  ;D Don't often get to fish the sundown hours.  But hey its a start  :unsure:



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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11361 on: Jan 13, 2018, 05:24 AM »

                Good morning ER's,
                         It's 22* and falling with sleet here on my hill, it looks like the snow will be here in a couple of hours! ::)
                         Steve.....Parking around Lake George has been a problem for a long time. There are only a few public
                 places to go to and when you can get an access through someones property there is always some jerks that
                 do something stupid, like drive a 4 wheeler through or people leaving garbage behind. They ruin it for everyone. :%$#!:
                         Marv......I'm glad to see your wheeler is fixed, it is such a great tool to have ice fishing! :flex:
                         Bud........It's good that you made a new friend to fish with. :thumbsup:
                         h2l.........I hope you heal up before your bowling match. Gotta watch that black ice! :blink:
                         Eddie......I know today won't be a good day to fish I hope you and your son can get out tomorrow and Monday! ???
                         Capt.Jim....Monday will probably be the next trip out, a slight chance tomorrow!
                         Wally.......I guess with this wind here your getting some lake effects with those amounts you predicted! ::)
                         I hope everyone has a good Saturday either at work or out on the ice.


Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11362 on: Jan 13, 2018, 05:47 AM »
Morning all,

Ok, second cup of coffee done, should be safe to type now  :roflmao:

60+* yesterday, 99% of the snow gone.....11* now, ground completely covered with snow & complete whiteout conditions  :wacko: :blink: weatherman says another 8" or so before it lets up  ::)  down around -15* forecast for tonite   :wacko:

IFF.....glad to see you made it out, nice eye  :clap: and found a new fishing buddie  ???  great day right there  :thumbsup: 

CapJ....hope your ice held up, saw some pictures of dangerous shorelines/pressure cracks up this way  :(  a foot of snow on top will make things challenging to say the least  :%$#!:'s the back today  ???  hope you aren't getting dumped on out there, clearing snow probably shouldn't be on your to do list right now  :-\ are you feeling  ???  hope the aches, pains & stiffness from your fall are easing up  :) travels to your sister & B-I-L if they decided to drive up, if not, have fun sorting your gear  ;D

Eddie....hope your fishing spots held up ok  ;)  how much snow are you expecting  ???

Have a good day whatever's on the agenda. Stay safe.

Morning IW.....the sleet/freezing rain hit here late last nite then switched over to all snow as temps dropped rapidly  :wacko:  can't tell how much we've gotten so far as it's a complete whiteout. Weatherman did say lake effect was going to play a role in total amounts. We really don't need a foot of snow right now, would have been nice to get the negative temps BEFORE the storm passed thru  :-\

Offline captain54

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11363 on: Jan 13, 2018, 06:29 AM »
Morning everyone.
.Sad day here in SW Pa. The ice got messed up in two days yea hard to believe. Some places got 2-3 inches of rain,then the bottom fell out sleet,ices snow. Back to sub temps but the shoreline of most lakes are shot. Hey on a plus I just got 1000 mags and 500 waxies. Road trip. lol
WW I was not in the least offended by the mix up of Captains.
 Be safe my friends,almost time to fire up the snow blower. I need one more

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11364 on: Jan 13, 2018, 06:38 AM »
Good Morning IW, Wally! Good Morning Everyone :bow:

-14 in the bog with just a slight NW wind to make the eyes water a bit. ???

WW sounds like your day is back to snow removal :%$#!: Keep bundled up Ma'am :thumbsup: My back is stiff this morning after yesterday snow removal but no complaints.

IW I was very happy to get the ATV back. When I started it at the shop to load it, it popped right off in -10 temps. It came to life like someone gave it a half pint of viagra  :woot: Between the new battery, the 0w-30 oil, and the new starter it's like a new rig.

Yesterday I started blowing well before daylight. I noticed the blower wasn't throwing snow as well as normal but I finished and put it back in the garage. I went out an hour later and discovered antifreeze all over the floor. The lights haven't worked for a couple of years so I didn't notice the snow painted green when I was blowing. Also the juice was running out of the front of the tractor directly onto the belt which was the cause of not blowing well. Today I will dig into it and see if there is a leaky hose or if the water pump gave up the goat. Always something!

Best of luck whether dealing with the snow, at work, or on the lakes! Stay safe!



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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11365 on: Jan 13, 2018, 06:48 AM »

                   Good morning again,
                            Temp has dropped to 19* and now it's snowing, WW probably sent it this way. lol MW text me a little
                    while ago, said that a friend of ours, works for the state, said that out main route to town is closed. Only guessing
                    but it is probably flooded. The road NY 418 crosses the Hudson River and it has dammed up before. One year there
                    was 12' of ice over the road, it was 3 days before it was cleared away. I hope everyone around stays safe!


Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11366 on: Jan 13, 2018, 06:58 AM »
Cap54.....sorry to hear you've lost shorelines,  there's the same problem in this area.....lots of ice, just can't get to it safely  :'(

WS.....quite the vivid picture you painted of the 4 wheeler's new lease on life  :roflmao: :thumbsup: :woot:  take care today checking your snowblower issues  ;)  yep shoveling is on my planner once it lets up some so I can at least my hand in front of my face  ::)

IW....lots of flooding around here too, ice jams reeking havoc  >:(  didn't mean for you to be on the receiving end of this storm, was aiming it for Canada  :woot: :whistle:  be safe up there

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11367 on: Jan 13, 2018, 07:25 AM »
21 with snow. The ice that was on the river is now pushed all along the shore line. Lots of rushing water and chunks of ice. Water looks like it has came up about 4/5 feet. Route 30 north of me is flooded. I will try to get a picture later today. Right now it would just be a white out.
As for the back, I think it is a little better this morning. I will be able to tell more after I move around some. As of right now I may be calling in a sub to bowl for me Sunday.
Have a good day and be safe it going out on the ice....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11368 on: Jan 13, 2018, 07:33 AM »
I looked at the radar before getting on I-S. I have never seen so many different colors on the radar before. Tan, purple and the normal blue. The only snow showing hugs the lake shore and out of into Lake Michigan. Luckily it has not gotten that cold after the warm up. We have only gotten around an inch of snow since it cooled off. It is 12* with a 15 mph cold wind out of the north.

IW Your lake looks just like yours after the a warm up, all of the snow is gone With only the little bit of snow we have gotten since it should set up pretty fast.

WS It is good to here your back is on the mend. BTW You do not need to share those negative temps with me. You can keep them for our self like you did the rain last summer. :) It sounds like you can not win for losing. Hopefully the leak is a simple CHEEEP fix.

Capt Jim I know how it is to have to deal with the Mexicans. My home town is over run with them. The largest fruit and vegie processing plant in the country is just north of town. It has been busted numerous times for illegals. Both times there were over a hundred. The fines they paid were a pittance to the company compared to the wages they saved.

Some of our contractors have a lot of Mexicans working for them. If they we installinging vinyl siding 2 inch nails are way over kill. Much easier to get a hold of them, so faster.  The Mexicans that have been around for ever are not happy with all of the new ones coming to town. I could go and on about all the benefits that the migrants get that the rest of the working people do not.

WW I did find the article with my mothers recipes in it when I was at the other place Thursday. I need to take it to Staples to get it copied as the last time I did it at home you needed a magnification glass to read it.

It seems that the medication the DR. prescribed is starting to help the wife's pain. When she told him the story of the DR at a spine clinic sending her to two different urologists instead of looking for the cause of the pain, he shook his head and started laughing. He actually studied the MRI that she had a while back and figured out the problem. The initial report on the MRI was a joke.

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11369 on: Jan 13, 2018, 08:03 AM »
H2L I see you posted while I was hunting and picking. I got the red warning but posted so I did not lose another post.
I had for gotten about your fall. I hope things heal up fast for you.

When we were at the wife's Dr's appointment we noticed the head gal at the sign in desk had a cast on her the arm. She was not as lucky in her fall on her drive way. she must be clumsy and have brittle bones as she is always breaking some thing. We were picking on her as we have known her for ever from being in that office so much. The other patients gave us some funny looks not knowing how good of friends we were.

I hope that the flooding you are getting out east does not do too much damage. There was an ice jam on the Saint Clair river but I think that broke up with out much damage. I did see that one ferry was put out of commission indefinitely by ice damage.


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