Author Topic: Short story of Things that come out of your ice fishing holes  (Read 10759 times)

Offline corny13

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Re: Short story of Things that come out of your ice fishing holes
« Reply #30 on: Jan 31, 2007, 08:11 AM »
Well im a Dr when not fishing so I often talk fishing with my patients.  I was talking to a older patient years ago discussing wierd things caught when ice fishing his story was the best.  I had a muskrat come up a hole once not caught.  He was fishing Blacktail dam in NW north dakota about 15 years ago  for perch.  He had a agressive strike while jigging and thought he had a big Northern Pike... well it wasnt it was a MINK(hooked).  That he landed in his permanent ice shack.  He pulled it up thru the hole and was running around the inside of the shack made a mess of everything untill he got the door open and it ran out!

Offline hizzy19

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Re: Short story of Things that come out of your ice fishing holes
« Reply #31 on: Feb 05, 2007, 01:16 PM »
My bro and I were trying a new lake one day last year. Supposedly there were some nice browns out there so we figured it was worth a shot. We got a couple flags and caught a few browns in the 10 to 12 inch range. Then, at around 10AM a flag goes up and we get there... Line slowly, steadily moving, then a sudden burst. We both thought,''Here we go! This is a good one!'' So my bro took it and on the hook set could tell it was a good fish... He said it felt like a trout but felt different than usual... I didn't know what he meant by this til about 30 seconds later. Sure enough, he gets it to the hole and there is a 24'', 5-6lb brown. As he was trying to get the fish's head in the hole I could see another fish below the big brown... Then, in an instant, the big brown was gone and he pulled in another 12 incher(the fish that had a hook in it)... We both almost cried. To this day I'm not sure what happened. Did the bigger fish just happen to be swimming by and get tangled in the line or was it trying to eat the smaller one and have the same result? ???

Offline Buck1985

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Re: Short story of Things that come out of your ice fishing holes
« Reply #32 on: Jul 12, 2007, 05:15 AM »
last winter I had 12-14" trout attacking my Chubs(5-6") I was using for pike on tip ups. it was thin black ice and you could see them chasing it and following. One morning I was ice fishing and it was really cold out (go figure), I went to chip the ice out of my tip up hole and when I did that, the arm swung down on the windlass and the flag went up. I went to set the hook and didn't get it set deep and the fish got off and as I was bring my chub up the hole (this is a different lake than the previous mentioned) a nice brown followed the bait up the hole and engulfed the 5-6" minnow about 5 " from the surface, I coulda used that diaper. The brown ended up being 18 1/8", around here that's a nice trout, and he was pretty stout and a native trout too.
The fishing is always great, the catching however, always isn't


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