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Author Topic: WGFD Proposed License Fee Adjustments  (Read 8364 times)

Offline icingeyes

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Re: WGFD Proposed License Fee Adjustments
« Reply #60 on: Nov 25, 2012, 11:25 PM »
No 2 pole extra fee. We are not Washington, Oregon, or Califorina. Look at the what them states stand for. More spending, more goverment. Cuts should be made before more money is taken from our pockets.

Offline jasonfishn

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Re: WGFD Proposed License Fee Adjustments
« Reply #61 on: Nov 25, 2012, 11:26 PM »
Her is some simple math if they did make us pay 20 dollars for 2 poles in order for everyone in my family to use the same 2 poles we are allowed to use now it would cost me an additional 100 dollars on top of the license fees and conservation stamps we buy now making it over 200 dollars to take my family fishing. Now I can buy a family fishing license in Sd for 62 dollars a year and fish with 2 poles per person  now where do you think I will be spending my money??? Its pretty simple math now isnt it ??
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Offline jasonfishn

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Re: WGFD Proposed License Fee Adjustments
« Reply #62 on: Nov 25, 2012, 11:27 PM »
Thats a fact icingeyes well said !!!
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Offline gemcityslayer

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Re: WGFD Proposed License Fee Adjustments
« Reply #63 on: Nov 25, 2012, 11:35 PM »
Her is some simple math if they did make us pay 20 dollars for 2 poles in order for everyone in my family to use the same 2 poles we are allowed to use now it would cost me an additional 100 dollars on top of the license fees and conservation stamps we buy now making it over 200 dollars to take my family fishing. Now I can buy a family fishing license in Sd for 62 dollars a year and fish with 2 poles per person  now where do you think I will be spending my money??? Its pretty simple math now isnt it ??

You don't have to fish with 10 rods... you could just use 5 (with 2 pole permit law in effect).  100$ for a whole year.  If you go fishing 20 times that a year that is 5.00$ extra per trip. 

It just does not seem that crazy to me because I have lived and fished in a state with a 2 pole permit and it was not a big deal to most people.   It was just a suggestion to raise money and it does do that, but if we don't instate a 2 pole permit we have to come up with some money somehow.  I say cut where you can but I don't think they can cut their way out of this one.  Just my opinion.  It might make some people like you fish only in South Dakota but a lot of anglers like me will just say heck the G/F needs extra funding here is a way to increase revenue I don't mind paying 15-20$ for an extra pole permit.  Plus you can fine anyone who won't take the time and read the regs like they should.

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Re: WGFD Proposed License Fee Adjustments
« Reply #64 on: Nov 26, 2012, 12:06 AM »
Ok, I just got to say it, this idea is confrontational. Lets bring in powerball. Its over 425 million and the revenue that each state brings in is not bad. We almost past it last time, this could be a extra money that could be used for purpose like this. Just another idea, but got to get the state/citizens on the same page. I'm one of Wyomingites that buy powerball every time I end up in SD, ND, NE, MT, CO,ID. Traveling for work some times has its advantages. If I'm correct we are only a handfull of states that don't carry powerball tickets for its citizens. Lets get on the banwagon.  ;D
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Offline gemcityslayer

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Re: WGFD Proposed License Fee Adjustments
« Reply #65 on: Nov 26, 2012, 12:28 AM »
Now that is a good idea too, we should have it.

And if I win 300-600 million dollars I'll donate some to the G/F hahaha.

Offline jasonfishn

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Re: WGFD Proposed License Fee Adjustments
« Reply #66 on: Nov 26, 2012, 08:24 AM »
LOL yes thats a really good idea I never did understand why Wyoming never had lottery tickets  ??? I would also suggest maybe the G&F maybe hold some raffles or fund raisers through out the year........ here is a way they could do it instead of having 4 wardens riding in one boat posing as plain closed people like they do at Glendo how about they have 1 guy maybe 2 in a boat and the other 2 could be running a fund raiser somewhere in the state at events like the state fair or something along those lines, or maybe hold seminars on conservation or how about getting the public involved in stocking our lakes and streams so it only takes 2 biologists and not 10.... there is alot they can do to cut cost if someone in the head office wasnt worried about how to keep his job by finding ways to spend money not save. And its not just the G&F its all government agencies. I might have to research it a bit more but how come the surrounding states dont have to over charge there residents & non residents alike for fishing and hunting ? could our state take some lessons on how to do business and they have great fisheries and great hunting everyone seems to be happy from the people I have talked too over the years even as far away as Wisconsin and Iowa. Wyoming is one of the richest states in the union and we should not be broke the way we are and I know the coal companies and oil companies pay royalties to use state lands to do business so exactly where does that money go? if its not to the G&F  then who, since they are the ones who patrol it they should recieve all the funds and maybe Wyo could do like Mt and have the state land use permit and that would allow camping on state lands so that would open a huge amount of revenue especially during hunting season make it just like the park permits heck there is alot of state lands to hunt and fish and camp on...
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Offline jopes

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Re: WGFD Proposed License Fee Adjustments
« Reply #67 on: Nov 26, 2012, 08:35 PM »
No 2 pole extra fee. We are not Washington, Oregon, or Califorina. Look at the what them states stand for. More spending, more goverment. Cuts should be made before more money is taken from our pockets.

it does not matter how the fees are paid, if they need X more dollors, were all footing the bill.

Offline ClearCreek

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Re: WGFD Proposed License Fee Adjustments
« Reply #68 on: Nov 26, 2012, 09:10 PM »
Several of you ice anglers have come up with ideas of raising money to fund the G&F, but have any of you contacted your state legislator and told them of your ideas?  That is where those ideas have to be introduced and voted on.  To get approval through the state legislative process your legislator has to vote to approve it; plain and simple.

Remember they represent you.


Offline er-e-is

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Re: WGFD Proposed License Fee Adjustments
« Reply #69 on: Nov 26, 2012, 09:49 PM »
ClearCreek, you are absolute right. I will be contacting my representative in the morning.

Offline er-e-is

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Re: WGFD Proposed License Fee Adjustments
« Reply #70 on: Nov 27, 2012, 08:59 AM »
ClearCreek, you are absolute right. I will be contacting my representative in the morning.

I just sent my e-mails, please everyone, send your ideas. There is many good ideas short of increased fee's for us.


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Re: WGFD Proposed License Fee Adjustments
« Reply #71 on: Nov 27, 2012, 03:00 PM »
Cities, states and the federal govt have all overspent for years, always demanding more off the backs of citizens in taxes, fees, special assessments, etc.  So we increase the fees this year way beyond what is currently recognized as the cost of living, but hey next time it will be cost of living. The money is drying up and we are living on borrowed time.  We need to fix our roads, hey lets increase the gasoline tax, but lets build a 16 million dollar visitor center when we have a perfectly good one three miles up the road.  Lets build roundabouts when we have perfectly good intersections already.  How many times have you seen a snowplow running down the road when we have little to no snow actually on the road. Game and Fish oversells tags for big game specifically to raise revenues knowing the quality of hunts will be impacted in a negative way. Government is fat and needs to cut. Of course they will always tell you otherwise and convince you the world will end as you know it if they do not get the money honey!
I hate to admit it but I was a government employee for 23 years and I saw the waste first hand, but if you say anything about it you better get ready for the crap that rolls down hill on your head.  I am old and probably won't fish or hunt too many more years but I sure feel for those of you that will have to deal with this in the future.  Sorry for the rant, guess I figured when your end time is near you earned the right to crab a bit.

Offline gemcityslayer

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Re: WGFD Proposed License Fee Adjustments
« Reply #72 on: Nov 27, 2012, 05:02 PM »
Lets try to keep the discussion on fishing and the budget concerns of the G/F.

We don't need to open a whole 'nother can of worms and start discussing other forms of Government.

Offline Sixxer

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Re: WGFD Proposed License Fee Adjustments
« Reply #73 on: Nov 27, 2012, 05:04 PM »
I've skipped the last 3 pages.....Anyway, wouldn't it be a good idea to join the lottery in Wyoming? Colorado uses the lottery to pay for all of their state parks and forest service upkeep. Any thoughts?
"Of course our rods are short, it's freezing out here!"

Offline jasonfishn

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Re: WGFD Proposed License Fee Adjustments
« Reply #74 on: Nov 27, 2012, 05:35 PM »
Cities, states and the federal govt have all overspent for years, always demanding more off the backs of citizens in taxes, fees, special assessments, etc.  So we increase the fees this year way beyond what is currently recognized as the cost of living, but hey next time it will be cost of living. The money is drying up and we are living on borrowed time.  We need to fix our roads, hey lets increase the gasoline tax, but lets build a 16 million dollar visitor center when we have a perfectly good one three miles up the road.  Lets build roundabouts when we have perfectly good intersections already.  How many times have you seen a snowplow running down the road when we have little to no snow actually on the road. Game and Fish oversells tags for big game specifically to raise revenues knowing the quality of hunts will be impacted in a negative way. Government is fat and needs to cut. Of course they will always tell you otherwise and convince you the world will end as you know it if they do not get the money honey!
I hate to admit it but I was a government employee for 23 years and I saw the waste first hand, but if you say anything about it you better get ready for the crap that rolls down hill on your head.  I am old and probably won't fish or hunt too many more years but I sure feel for those of you that will have to deal with this in the future.  Sorry for the rant, guess I figured when your end time is near you earned the right to crab a bit.
Coldtoes is very right in what he has stated and he has the right to speak just as everyone else has, did mention the game and fish and how they make more than enough money so the way I see it the people who get mad for a man speaking his mind the way we all have well maybe you should move on !! JMO..... 
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Offline gemcityslayer

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Re: WGFD Proposed License Fee Adjustments
« Reply #75 on: Nov 27, 2012, 07:27 PM »
I think the lottery idea is a quick and easy fix.  I don't see why we don't have it already.

Sorry jasonfishn not sure what "people" you are referring to but I was never mad and I wasn't saying COLDTOES couldn't speak his mind...  This thread was brought up to discuss the Game and Fish budget problem and ways to fix it.  So I was just suggesting we keep it focused on that issue rather than the dozens and dozens of other problems with our government.  The game and fish can either find some new source of revenue to meet their needs or they can cut some spending to do it too.  Or some combination of those two.  But what do you guys want them to cut? 

The price of things naturally goes up with inflation and other factors... I've said it before but I'll say it again.... You can't buy a new car or truck for 5,000$ like you could when you were younger.  I think it is crazy for anyone to think the same should not or cannot be true for fishing licenses and hunting tags.  The price of these things should go up, just like the price of everything else goes up.   

Gas prices rose to above 1.00$ in 1980.... thirty years later I'm paying $4.00 a gallon and so are the G/F guys who drive to and from location.  It's no surprise that they have to increase fees every so often (4-5 years) is it?

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Re: WGFD Proposed License Fee Adjustments
« Reply #76 on: Nov 27, 2012, 07:29 PM »
Cities, states and the federal govt have all overspent for years, always demanding more off the backs of citizens in taxes, fees, special assessments, etc.  So we increase the fees this year way beyond what is currently recognized as the cost of living, but hey next time it will be cost of living. The money is drying up and we are living on borrowed time.  We need to fix our roads, hey lets increase the gasoline tax, but lets build a 16 million dollar visitor center when we have a perfectly good one three miles up the road.  Lets build roundabouts when we have perfectly good intersections already.  How many times have you seen a snowplow running down the road when we have little to no snow actually on the road. Game and Fish oversells tags for big game specifically to raise revenues knowing the quality of hunts will be impacted in a negative way. Government is fat and needs to cut. Of course they will always tell you otherwise and convince you the world will end as you know it if they do not get the money honey!
I hate to admit it but I was a government employee for 23 years and I saw the waste first hand, but if you say anything about it you better get ready for the crap that rolls down hill on your head.  I am old and probably won't fish or hunt too many more years but I sure feel for those of you that will have to deal with this in the future.  Sorry for the rant, guess I figured when your end time is near you earned the right to crab a bit.
x 2000,000 :%$#!:  Well said in my opinion.

Offline legerski82

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Re: WGFD Proposed License Fee Adjustments
« Reply #77 on: Nov 27, 2012, 07:59 PM »
Best thing anyone can do is buy lifetime for fishing and conservation stamp. Do you guys think the amount of fisherman with lifetime licenses hurts the G&F annual income or is it to little to have any affect?

Offline jasonfishn

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Re: WGFD Proposed License Fee Adjustments
« Reply #78 on: Nov 27, 2012, 08:25 PM »
Thats what Im doin and at tax time Im buying each of my boys one too. hopefully it will save em money over the long run
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Re: WGFD Proposed License Fee Adjustments
« Reply #79 on: Nov 27, 2012, 08:43 PM »
ClearCreek, you are absolute right. I will be contacting my representative in the morning.

+1 just did I jumped on the banwagon
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Offline appleye

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Re: WGFD Proposed License Fee Adjustments
« Reply #80 on: Nov 28, 2012, 01:07 AM »
I hope it hurt. LOL Great investment that paid for it's self over and over!
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Offline icingeyes

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Re: WGFD Proposed License Fee Adjustments
« Reply #81 on: Nov 28, 2012, 06:46 AM »
Just bought my dad one for xmas, Talked to game and fish and there is a considerable jump in the price of the lifetime license for next year.

Offline mallardmuncher

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Re: WGFD Proposed License Fee Adjustments
« Reply #82 on: Nov 28, 2012, 07:41 AM »
Bought mine just over 10 years ago and its already paid for itself.  Great investment
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Re: WGFD Proposed License Fee Adjustments
« Reply #83 on: Nov 28, 2012, 07:52 AM »
If money is so tight, they should not spend it so freely.What he said.

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Re: WGFD Proposed License Fee Adjustments
« Reply #84 on: Nov 28, 2012, 09:12 AM »
The reason we don't now, and never will have a "lottery" here in Wyoming is fear of sharing power with another entity.

Right now we have 3 main controlling monetary intrests, Agriculture, energy (gas and mineral extraction), and truism, ( which the G&F falls under).
They do not want a say from any other group on how to run things...Lottery and the money it would generate would command a seat at their table.

Why raise prices to cover expenditures on expansion, and maintenance of the G&F, and their operating costs, when we have SO much money in the general fund?


Which, BTW, most of the money generated into this fund comes from mining, and truism, and agriculture, all of which have a DIRECT influence on our fish and wildlife.

We have this "account" for a rainy day right? Well its raining right now folks...And if we save this money for a true collapse of the economy in this country it will be worthless anyway.

Offline gemcityslayer

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Re: WGFD Proposed License Fee Adjustments
« Reply #85 on: Nov 28, 2012, 02:37 PM »
Good points Matt and I agree..  They should dip into the general fund in times of budget troubles... what else is the darn thing for? (joking but seriously).  And you are exactly right those mineral companies do have some impact on our resources so they should foot the bill to some degree.  Especially the oil and gas companies those guys make absurd amounts of profits in this state, they can more than afford to give back a little.

I think and I can't say for sure, but I think they have looked at all of their expenditures and looked where they can cut things.... and they have decided they can't just cut their way out of this one.   I am sure they could make big cuts here or there, but it will be at the expense of someone (the hunter, the fisherman, or the game and fish official who might lose is or her job).  I am still waiting to hear from people what they think should be cut... because I have no idea.   We are fisherman and I do know that one of the more expensive things they do is stock fish.  From the hatchery facilities, to the transportation, personnel, etc.    If they have truly and honestly looked to cut where they can and they still have budget issues then it is a revenue problem and I sure hope they get it fixed because I don't want them to cut any stocking programs.  If they gotta cut somewhere, and I'm pretty biased on this one - leave fishing alone. ;)

Offline bpiatt

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Re: WGFD Proposed License Fee Adjustments
« Reply #86 on: Nov 28, 2012, 03:06 PM »
Even though I don't live in your state, I understand what you guys are feeling about these increases. I think that before any government can ask for more money they should provide all tax payers an in depth look at where every dime of our tax money goes. Each department (ie wildlife, education, roads, etc) should have this information available online. Most people seem to forget that the government works for us, we pay their bills and we need to know where this money is being spent. Then we can see first hand if there is any wasteful spending. If we knew where the money went and what operation costs were then we would understand why there needs to be tax increases. In what areas is the current budget lacking that such a steep increase in license fee's is needed? Did their gas cost increase by 4 million?

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Re: WGFD Proposed License Fee Adjustments
« Reply #87 on: Nov 28, 2012, 04:20 PM »
Even though I don't live in your state, I understand what you guys are feeling about these increases. I think that before any government can ask for more money they should provide all tax payers an in depth look at where every dime of our tax money goes. Each department (ie wildlife, education, roads, etc) should have this information available online. Most people seem to forget that the government works for us, we pay their bills and we need to know where this money is being spent. Then we can see first hand if there is any wasteful spending. If we knew where the money went and what operation costs were then we would understand why there needs to be tax increases. In what areas is the current budget lacking that such a steep increase in license fee's is needed? Did their gas cost increase by 4 million?

I'd love to see the game and fish budget and see where they spend their allowance.  I think that would clear up a lot of confusion and give us an insight into what they are really facing.  I might be naive to think this but I don't believe they are in this trouble because they waste their money.  Maybe I'm just crazy, but where is all of this waste coming from?  What can they cut?  Maybe I'm wrong but I just don't think that they are wasting tons and tons of taxpayer money.  If they are, show me where.  I believe the vast majority of the money they receive gets spent on things that are not wasteful.

It is my understanding that:  They can only increase fees every so often (4-5 years).  This means that they have to budget and plan for enough revenue to cover them for the foreseeable future - until the current budget ends and a new one is needed.  Apparently, it is time for them to plan the next budget for 4-5 years ahead of now... and they are realizing they have to increase revenue somehow.  Why? 
I don't know.  My guess is that things are just more expensive today than they were 5 years ago.  I do not think it is because they have just gone on a rampant wasteful spending spree. 

I don't think we'd be in this trouble if Wyoming had a larger population.  States like Utah, Montana and Colorado have the roughly the same # of lakes we have and hunting opportunities... the difference is that those states also have more hunters and fisherman because their populations are bigger.  More people buying license and tags = more revenue and less budget concerns.

Offline ClearCreek

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Re: WGFD Proposed License Fee Adjustments
« Reply #88 on: Nov 28, 2012, 06:07 PM »
I'd love to see the game and fish budget and see where they spend their allowance.  I think that would clear up a lot of confusion and give us an insight into what they are really facing.  I might be naive to think this but I don't believe they are in this trouble because they waste their money.  Maybe I'm just crazy, but where is all of this waste coming from?  What can they cut?  Maybe I'm wrong but I just don't think that they are wasting tons and tons of taxpayer money.  If they are, show me where.  I believe the vast majority of the money they receive gets spent on things that are not wasteful.

It is my understanding that:  They can only increase fees every so often (4-5 years).  This means that they have to budget and plan for enough revenue to cover them for the foreseeable future - until the current budget ends and a new one is needed.  Apparently, it is time for them to plan the next budget for 4-5 years ahead of now... and they are realizing they have to increase revenue somehow.  Why? 
I don't know.  My guess is that things are just more expensive today than they were 5 years ago.  I do not think it is because they have just gone on a rampant wasteful spending spree. 

I don't think we'd be in this trouble if Wyoming had a larger population.  States like Utah, Montana and Colorado have the roughly the same # of lakes we have and hunting opportunities... the difference is that those states also have more hunters and fisherman because their populations are bigger.  More people buying license and tags = more revenue and less budget concerns.

GemCitySlayer - this source does not go down to the dollar, but it does indicate where G&F funds come from and where they are spent as a percent of their total budget.

If you go to this page on the G&F website:

then at the bottom of the page is this:

Game and Fish Funding Booklet

That booklet has a lot of info that some of you have been saying it would be nice info to know.   Takes a while to read, but may answer a lot of questions.


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Re: WGFD Proposed License Fee Adjustments
« Reply #89 on: Nov 28, 2012, 07:16 PM »
Thanks Clearcreek!


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