Author Topic: Flat horn  (Read 672 times)

Offline chef viktor

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Flat horn
« on: Jan 09, 2007, 10:19 AM »
We hit flathorn on Saturday. I went with one guy i met thorugh here named Milo, greta guy, this is a good web sight to get to meet new people. It was cold bitter cold. We hit the lake aroundday break. we were driving two snow machines and another guy had my 6 wheeler. The wheeler got stuck in over flow and it took several hours to free it. Very Cold! After we had it free we drilled holes and set up. We had a flurry of 6 flags fairly quickly and we caught two. One around 26 and a small one. Then we had a few more flags. We were doing as well or better then the other two groups on the ice. At dusk we were pulling our flags when a guy came up and asked us to help him his machine was broken. We went over to assist him and found his rope broken. I showed him how to wrap it around the clutch for an emergency start. We finelly got the machine to hit but not start further look found the gas line frozen. I showed him how to seperate the line and filter. We tried to squeeze the ice out and break it out with little success. I thought of somthing i had seen along time ago and sucked the hose and the ice came out. Long story short it is now blacker then black and getting colder by the minute and we still have a 20 mile ride. I am not a mechanic nor do i know much about it BUT anyone that goes out has to know a little basic skills when they are in the woods. This guy could have had an uncomfortable night on the ice. We all made it home with no further events. Typical Alaskan adventure! Chef

Offline KP_Alaska

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Re: Flat horn
« Reply #1 on: Jan 10, 2007, 12:40 PM »
That guy was lucky to have you out there, never been to Flathorn, but I've been to Figure 8. Pretty remote area. Think I'd of let him suck on his own fuel line though. Sounds like he needs practice a little basic maintenance.


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