Author Topic: the best fish finder?  (Read 13048 times)

Offline esox_magnum

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Re: the best fish finder?
« Reply #30 on: Nov 23, 2011, 07:45 PM »
have a look at a vx1p comapred to to a fl8 enough said...........

 More like the VX-1 is similar to the 18, the 8 don't come close to the VX, LX is still head and shoulders over the 22 IMO after using both side by side... LX-7 when released will be a big game changer.... Vex hasn't caught up th the LX-5 yet....

Offline vexvision

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Re: the best fish finder?
« Reply #31 on: Nov 23, 2011, 08:35 PM »
More like the VX-1 is similar to the 18, the 8 don't come close to the VX, LX is still head and shoulders over the 22 IMO after using both side by side... LX-7 when released will be a big game changer.... Vex hasn't caught up th the LX-5 yet....
Please explain these subtle differences that seem to be so clear to you. How has Vexilar not caught up to the lx5 in terms of on ice performance and ease of use, accessories, etc?
I like my Vex and Im not being defensive, Im just not sure these two units are that far from each other.
However, I will agree that the Lx7 "MAY" be a game changer if it performs the way it "SHOULD". Remember, the Lx7 hasnt been field tested by anyone other than Marcum but its range of performance seems to be out of this world!
I have laid aside business, and gon' a fishin!

Offline esox_magnum

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Re: the best fish finder?
« Reply #32 on: Nov 23, 2011, 10:01 PM »
LX-5, cost less, comes with everything ( no extra added accessories) target seperation, no need for LP mode, crisper finer lines, 3 color display not 2 colors belending to make 3, adjustable zoom, supirior charging system, all I can think of for now.....

 Now heres how we tested the 2 brands, ultra clear water where we can sight fish to depths of 20' or better, both brands side by side in the same shack, the LX will and has picked up bottom huggers that the FL series did not, we know the fish was there we could plainly see them sometimes the fish not being marked was 3-4 pound eyes just up off the bottom..... Also when in a shcool of fish the LX will allow you to pick out the bigger targets in a school, the Vex just had a thick red blobby line when multiple fish were in close.....I was a die hard Vex guy untill a friend showed up at my shack to show off his new LX-5, took me 2 minutes of watching to realize it was a far better unit than the FL-18 I owned at the time, I had a LX-5 by the next weekend.... Good thing about a Vex they are easy to sell and people are willing to pay way to much for them..... Last one I bought I paid $200 for and sold it for $325 within hours....

Offline ddl

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Re: the best fish finder?
« Reply #33 on: Nov 24, 2011, 12:23 AM »
i was just trying to compared 2 units in the same price range,of course a vx1p have a lot more to offer than a fl8................

Offline vance80

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Re: the best fish finder?
« Reply #34 on: Nov 24, 2011, 03:32 AM »
  Here is what i have seen.  Everyone of my friends and family has had a vexilar at one time or another.  At the current time i would say it's a 50/50 split between vexilar and marcum.  Of the people who have bought new units in the last few years or so, none have bought another vexilar (except me lol which i took back because i had issues).   Pretty much all the vexilar users i know have the fl-18 and fl-8.  All it took was one guy to buy a marcum in our fishing group and now it seems everyone is eventually going that route. There are guys that have fl-18's buying vx1 pros for there kids, only to end up giving the kids the vexilar.  I always used vexilar and now have a marcum and all i am going to say is, vexilar doesnt come close for the money.  Price out a fl-18 and a vx-1.  The vx-1 will outperform it for 100 bucks less.  Vexilar units are not bad. They work well. But for the money there are a lot better options.

Offline Junior58

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Re: the best fish finder?
« Reply #35 on: Nov 24, 2011, 08:27 AM »
Please explain these subtle differences that seem to be so clear to you. How has Vexilar not caught up to the lx5 in terms of on ice performance and ease of use, accessories, etc?
Marcums are whisper quiet and Marcums use a patented optical zoom that actually increases detail and drop target separation down to .75 inches. Vexilars use target I.D. (different) and the zoom only blows up the original water column image without actually increasing detail. New flashers from other mfrs.  have more power which gives quicker and more detailed return signals. Vexilar makes a nice unit but they are way overpriced and antiquated comparatively speaking. They have spent more money on gimmicks like low power mode which only Vexilars need because they can't zero out the gain like other units. Vexilar has spent more money by using name recognition and adding cheap tackle boxes, rod holders, beer holders, snake lights, etc to their units rather then spending real money to re-engineer their head/transducer units to compete with Birds,' Marcums', Lowrances, etc. More people have gone from Vexilars to other manufacturers vs. the opposite by a huge margin.
2010 G3 Angler V175 FS   Yamaha 150TXR

Offline s10xr

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Re: the best fish finder?
« Reply #36 on: Nov 25, 2011, 01:32 PM »
i think the fl8 and fl12 are in there own category.  or maybe you want to put it in the showdown troller category that is 100 dollars cheaper.  imo its basic outdated technology at a lower price then vex other products and the name sells it.  same technology on the fl8 as you would see on a brady bunch episode if they went fishing.  ha ha.  for 300.00 you can get much more options on as high quality if not higher quality units.

Offline UP jigstick

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Re: the best fish finder?
« Reply #37 on: Nov 25, 2011, 01:53 PM »
Like sands through the hourglass... so are the Days of Our Lives
No, wait, wrong soap opera. This is The My Flasher is Better than yours Debate on IS.

Sorry fellas but you'll accomplish more doing thisthan arguing flashers.

Offline vexvision

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Re: the best fish finder?
« Reply #38 on: Nov 25, 2011, 02:43 PM »
Interesting........... ...I will use my Vex until it breaks because I paid alot for it............unless this LX-7 turnes out to be as good as they say it is, its also overpriced if I might add..............699.. .........youch! I think both units serve well, I havent used a Marcum and dont plan on it because I dont want to buy one!!

Good luck on the ice this year guys!! Im on to icier pastures............
I have laid aside business, and gon' a fishin!


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