Author Topic: Ice Fishing  (Read 2551 times)

Offline Fat Boy

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Ice Fishing
« on: Jan 14, 2004, 11:55 AM »
I like to get a good nights sleep the night before and don't believe in planning my fishing day at all, it takes way too much time away from my pillow for that.  Plus, I don't like getting up early so I arrive at my lake around 10 a.m.  When I get there, the first thing that I do is look to see where the most people are fishing and head out there.  I don't use sonar, so people don't seem to care if I cut holes close to theirs.  I cut my hole with my hatchet (only one because cutting too many makes me tired), reach in my bucket and pull out my jigging rod.  I like my rod because it's very stout, made of fiberglass and nice and thick.  It used to have a wire like thing off the end of it but it got in the way so I broke it off.  I sit down on my bucket, tie on my favorite ice jig and put a waxworm on it.  I use the blackish ones first because in a few days they stink and become goo, and I don't like to waste money.  Gotta use them all.  I really don't care where on the lake that I fish as long as I have my spot, I'm happy.  I like a particular part of my favorite lake though because I caught 7 bluegills there one day, so that's where I like to fish.  Today, I won't go there because there is nobody fishing that area.  I drop my lure down in the water and let it fall.  I hope that nobody asks me how deep it is here because I really have no clue.  I like to drop my jig all the way to the bottom and then reel I about one foot of line.  After that, I set up my bucket, open some hand warmers, organize my lunch and coffee and wait.  I like to watch the other anglers around me.  Sometimes I get a kick out of seeing some of them catching lots of fish.  I don’t know why they catch so many more than I do.  It doesn't make sense because I'm so close.  It's just my bad luck, I guess.  After about 10 minutes, I like to pick up my jigging rod and jiggle it a few times then set it back down.  I hate watching my rod because, like catfishing, once you look away you get a bite.  I caught a crappie that way one time.  One guy told me to change my bait if I don’t get bites but I think he's wrong.  Waxworms work better when they are really soft and gooey, and if they move it scares the fish.  Plus, if I use too many it costs extra money.  Another guy offered me maggots but all I could think of was how gross they are.  Plus, once I tried putting them on my hook and they spurted all over the place…nasty.  It's hard enough to hook a waxworm on my trusty jig that I've had since 1970.  My dad gave me that when I was 12.  He used to catch fish on it for years.  Once he caught over 10 yellow perch on it.  One tip that I know is good is to leave your waxworm on the hook from the trip before.  The next time that you use it, the gooey stuff that sticks to the jig hides any colors that may scare the fish and I think it attracts fish too.  I think that the other guys on the lake are too impatient.  If you want to catch fish, you have to sit there and be quiet.  Fish travel in schools so it's only a matter of time that a school of fish will come by.  Why waste time moving to another spot and plus, when it's cold, I'm more comfortable sitting here all nice and cozy.  Sometimes my lake is good but other times I can't catch a fish.  I don’t know what the State is doing wrong, but either there are not enough fish in my lake or maybe the fish just don't bite very often.  Some guys around me use these portable fish finders.  That's just plain cheating.  It takes all of the challenge out of catching fish.  Not only can they see how deep it is, but they can see their lure and also how fish react to their lure…cheatin', I say.  What happened to the good old days when everyone waited their turn to catch fish?  If I ever stay at night, I also see guys using fancy glow in the dark lures.  Waste of money, I never caught a fish on any of that stuff.  Here's another thing that I don't understand.  Some guy told me that he uses one pound test line.  Geez, I saw that stuff in a store and it costs $5 for 100 yards.  I can get some eight pound line at the general store that comes in 500 yards spools for only $2.50.  This stuff is better because it's thicker and if I catch a big fish it won't break it very easily, plus, it's easy to see.  It seems to coil up a lot but it's OK, I'd rather save money and keep using it.  And, one spool lasts forever because I only changed my line once on my ice fishing rod.  I change it on my regular fishing rods every few years.  I'm glad that there are so many people out there that like to fish like I do, it's fun.
Kevin Wilson

Don't Leave Fish to Find Fish!

Offline billditrite

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Re:Ice Fishing
« Reply #1 on: Jan 14, 2004, 12:15 PM »

Offline Webguy

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Re:Ice Fishing
« Reply #2 on: Jan 14, 2004, 12:57 PM »
I expected a punch line at the bottom of the first post...what site? My head hurts!  :-\

Offline 2 dogs

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Re:Ice Fishing
« Reply #3 on: Jan 14, 2004, 01:47 PM »
I have been ice fishing for 25+ years and go early and often but frankly do not care if I get a bite or not. Love to be on the ice with my fishing Bud of 20 years and my dogs. Getting into comfort so broke down and bought a tent and heater few years ago. In answer to question about mono or leader or nothing-- have tried it all so set some tip ups with 12inch black leader on swivel and snap and some tie braided green ice line directly to treble hook and can not say have noticed any difference. Always use a sinker and shiners for Northerns.
Good thing about prisons- they reduce the potential number of fisherman on the ice!

Offline Fat Boy

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Re:Ice Fishing
« Reply #4 on: Jan 14, 2004, 02:10 PM »
Sorry about that web site, I fixed it.

2 dogs, sorry if I offended you.  Whatever your goal is when you go is most important.  If your goal is to go out and have a good time, and you do, then your trip is a success.  And more power to you.  I was basically pokin' fun at the folks that go out and get bent about not getting bites, then complain about it and not do anything about it.  My next post on this was to help them do something about it.

Fishing line:  I believe that good quality fishing line will help you land fish.  I believe that some fish are line shy some of the time, and others are not.  I believe that having coils in your line while jigging for panfish could cause you to have a fishless day and that good straight fresh line will allow you to detect strikes.  And, if anyone wants to dispute this that is fine, it's my opinion based on my experiences in both ice fishing and open water.
Kevin Wilson

Don't Leave Fish to Find Fish!

Offline Fat Boy

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Re:Ice Fishing
« Reply #5 on: Jan 14, 2004, 03:17 PM »
Sorry, I can't post that link in the above thread for now.  Later, if or when it returns, I'll post it.  For now, I'll find some other way to post the information that I was hoping everyone would read...

Kevin Wilson

Don't Leave Fish to Find Fish!

Offline Fat Boy

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Re:Ice Fishing
« Reply #6 on: Jan 15, 2004, 07:06 AM »
I hope that I didn't offend anyone by this thread.  In my demented mind, I was trying to inspire people to catch fish that normally don't taking a different approach than I did in the past.  Since the site that I tried to reference is off limits on this forum, the best thing that I can say is to do a search on Google for Dave Genz.  He's recognized as the founder of the more modern Fish Trap/Sonar/Run and Gun stay on the move methods that I'm trying to get everyone to learn about.  Heck, I've still got a lot to learn about all that too, it's just that so far it's worked for us and been a heck of a lot of fun.  I like catching fish, lots of fish, the more fish that I catch the more fun that I have...and if I have buddies with me then that's great too.  I've been the guy on the bucket all day with only a couple fish before and know that, especially when it's cold and windy, it's no fun out there waiting for fish to show up and bite.  And, this is useful to new guys to the sport because they won't get discouraged if they are catching fish.  So, please everyone keep in mind that my intentions were good.  After reading back to my original post, I can see how people could be offended... I'm trying to help!
Kevin Wilson

Don't Leave Fish to Find Fish!


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Re:Ice Fishing
« Reply #7 on: Jan 15, 2004, 07:32 AM »
Fat Boy,

No offense is taken at your post.  However, I have much more in common with the fisherman in your story than I do with the Genz-type fisherman.  I've been ice fishing for about thirty years and I'm only 35 years old.

For me, it's always been about spending time with my dad.  As the years go by, it's great to have something like fishing in common so that you have an excuse to get together and spend some quality time with people.  

There is too much distraction in today's world the way it is.  As I see it, the more I'm worried about icing fish by looking at sonar, moving around the lake, drilling holes, etc., the less time I will be talking with my dad.

People have different goals and reasons for fishing.  They're all good.

Offline Luckydog

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Re:Ice Fishing
« Reply #8 on: Jan 15, 2004, 08:09 AM »
Fat Boy,

What's wrong with the link you tried to send us to?  I thought the policy here was to not restrict access to other sites...unless of course we're talking about adult content.


Offline Muskie Matt

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Re:Ice Fishing
« Reply #9 on: Jan 15, 2004, 08:18 AM »
 ??? Fatty - you broke the mold.

Offline skulldugary

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Re:Ice Fishing
« Reply #10 on: Jan 15, 2004, 08:38 AM »
Gee Fat Boy,I thought I was the only one that fished like that......... :-\

Offline Cook078

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Re:Ice Fishing
« Reply #11 on: Jan 15, 2004, 08:48 AM »
Hey Fatboy, you make good points.  I go to catch fish.  I don't go for sentimental reasons, because I go by myself.  But right now I am the guy on the bucket!!  I have the equipment, sonar, and everything, but I am not good at catching fish...ANd I have to agree, when its 30 below out, and I go out on the ice, darn right I want to catch something.  Let alone having a nice fish dinner.  And for all you guys that go out and catch perch every time you go, don't take it for granted, cause I would LOVE to bring home a few perch!!  I usually make a livewell in the ice, and tell myself that if I don't get at least 3, their gonna be saved.  Well their were alot of happy couples of perch last year!!  However I did'nt have the Vex last year, so hopefully that will change the results...But anyway Fatboy, if you could put me on the right path to be a better fisherman, please do so!!  Please send me the website you are talking about.  I don't want to sit on the buket all year!!  
have a CRAPPIE day!!


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Re:Ice Fishing
« Reply #12 on: Jan 15, 2004, 09:00 AM »
Hermey ! I agree With you ! Started ice fishing with my dad 50 years ago lots of good memorys lost him back in 78 ! Now my boys go with me love every minute of it don't matter if ya get any fish . Its the quality time spent with family and friends.

          SHINER 8)

Offline billditrite

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Re:Ice Fishing
« Reply #13 on: Jan 15, 2004, 09:49 AM »
it sure is nice when i think back to all those beautiful memories growing up,fishing with my dad!he would tell me  every story in the book about the good old days when the fish used to jump right out of the holes!!and i would think ::)hmmm...i'd settle for a flag :'(he loved every minute of it !now i am also thirty five yrs old and love to fish with my own 12 year old son.i know when he is thirty five , i know he too, will reflect on his childhood years,fishing with dad ;Dbut dont fool yourselves for one minute my brothers of the frozen frontier that 12 year old boy wants to catch fish!!!BIG ONES!LOTS OF THEM !!EVERY TIME!!! if i have any say about anything that kid is gonna have some stories to tell his son!!thats just my two cents and im throwing in two more for my son ;)


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Re:Ice Fishing
« Reply #14 on: Jan 15, 2004, 03:01 PM »
it sure is nice when i think back to all those beautiful memories growing up,fishing with my dad!he would tell me  every story in the book about the good old days when the fish used to jump right out of the holes!!and i would think ::)hmmm...i'd settle for a flag :'(he loved every minute of it !now i am also thirty five yrs old and love to fish with my own 12 year old son.i know when he is thirty five , i know he too, will reflect on his childhood years,fishing with dad ;Dbut dont fool yourselves for one minute my brothers of the frozen frontier that 12 year old boy wants to catch fish!!!BIG ONES!LOTS OF THEM !!EVERY TIME!!! if i have any say about anything that kid is gonna have some stories to tell his son!!thats just my two cents and im throwing in two more for my son ;)

Offline Fat Boy

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Re:Ice Fishing
« Reply #15 on: Jan 15, 2004, 04:17 PM »
You guys can still socialize while moving and finding fish.  When my daughter goes, she follows me around too.  Catching lots of fish keeps their interest in the sport.  I'd rather see her doing that than stuff that other parents let their 11 year old daughters do.  And, catching lots of fish is fun.  Catching nothing is not fun to a kid and they get board.  When I fish with my buddies, we spread out to find the fish and once we do, we radio each other to hook up and hammer them.  That's fun.  To me, sitting all by yourself on the ice with nobody to talk to staring at your jigging rod and catching nothing is not as fun as catching fish, no matter how beautiful the day is.  And, if I did that for 30 years it would be hard to convince me to drive 3 hours to find ice and fish.  That's how far I have to go to fish each week.  So, I have to make the most of my time or I might get skunked all year long (at the rate some guys catch fish).  And, speaking of kids, you should see the look at my kids face when she's chowing down on some home fried yellow perch, trout or crappie - grinnin' from ear to ear.

If you all are happy, that's good, then I'm happy.  Don't change.  But if you aren't happy and catching more fish will make you happier, then listen to me and change.  
Kevin Wilson

Don't Leave Fish to Find Fish!


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