Author Topic: any experience with back surgery?  (Read 1678 times)

Offline Swede

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any experience with back surgery?
« on: May 16, 2006, 04:18 AM »
Hey fellas, well, the leg problem I was whining about turned out to really have been a disc problem in my back. I am still laid up and its been awhile. Never been thru anything this long or this healthwise bad before. Doc says I will probably have to have a surgery on my back. Disc pushing out onto my nerve going down my leg. A real pain in the arse I tell ya :-\  Thing is, I hate hospitals, surgeries, anything to do with it. I dont even like the tv shows or even getting shots. I have heard some good things about this surgery and some  not so good. Obviously I want as much information as possible before I do this. Do any of yuns know anything about back surgery or have had one yourself. I would really like some imput. Promise, I aint whining, I just would like some information before I go thru with one, if I go thru with one. Thanks, Swede

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Offline C.C.

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Re: any experience with back surgery?
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2006, 06:38 AM »
I never had any back surgery but I am affraid that day will come. My father-in-law had it done and his turned out great. He's going on probibly 9 or 10 years since it was done and he is still "almost" pain free. Good luck with your choice and remember, get it done now so your all healed for first ice.

Offline gasman707

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Re: any experience with back surgery?
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2006, 10:35 PM »
I have never had back surgery but grew up with a man who had three of them. My father was permanently disabled and retired before fifty. The first doctor botched the first surgery, the second doctor would only try and fix the first if my father promised not to involve him in a lawsuit against the first doctor. His third one was to fuse his back and repair everthing from years of healing and excessive scare tissue. He was told he should have another one to end the pain he is constantly in but with only a 50% chance of not having anything usable below the waste he decided to live with the pain.
 Now I did not tell you this to scare you into not having surgery. I know several people who have had very successfull back surgeries. I just want to impress the importance of asking questions and getting second opinions. Ask about the doctors credentials, talk to nurses that work at the hospital and ask who they would trust or who is the best. ASK ASK ASK! Remember its your back and it would be damn hard to get out on the ice with out it.
 Don't forget about  second or even third opinions and get the best back specialist there is.
  Remember that licence on the wall is a License to PRACTISE  MEDICINE not a License to PREFORM MEDICINE. Whatever you do don't tell your doctor this it doesn't go over very well.
 Tight lines and straight backs to all

Offline Swede

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Re: any experience with back surgery?
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2006, 02:39 PM »
Thanks for the replies. I will ask all I can gasman. I know its a small surgery, but the spine is nothing to play games with, as you have talked about your fathers battle with healing up...

Your problem sounds a lot like mine, MaineDog.

After my last time on the ice, that evening, I thought that  I must have pulled my hamstring. I tried to shrug it off for a day or two. I even wrote a post here, talking about how people ought to stretch out before they go out. Then a few days passed. The pain started growing up and down my leg. (back feels fine) Then my foot was god awful pain. I thought I must have unknowingly busted something in it. So went to wrapping it up with ice. Thought I must have fractured or hairline fracture of some kind. Eventually, I started wondering a little more what was going on. Wife talked me into going to town to the Doctor. He thought it was a disc. Sent me to the pharmacy for pain killers. till he could book an MRI. On the way there, thru snow, my poor big bellied pregnant wife, held me up. Then God what an embarrasing spectacle. I collapsed right there on the street. fingers and hands locked right up. ambulance and all. The only thing going thru my mind was I got to keep my wife calm. Well, a week in the hospital.. long story short.. I now have the laptop beside my bed. Barely can walk without crutches.. Pain killers are messing with my head.. waking up feeling hungover every morning. And to top it all off.. I got a baby a few weeks away. And was going to start my new welding program to finish getting my international license. so on and so on.. (It does feel good to be able to talk to someone about it... thanks for listening.

I got my fishing poles up on the bedroom wall. My incentives... Got to get back out there!!!

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Re: any experience with back surgery?
« Reply #4 on: Jun 04, 2006, 10:25 AM »
My dad, who was in his 50's, was carrying a sheet of plywood into the basement when it slipped.  He grabbed it, but it twisted his back, and the resulting disk rupture put him off his feet for months.  Fortunately, he had successful surgery, (this was in the mid-1960's)and although he didn't risk golfing again, he led a pretty much normal life, pain-free.  Now that I'm older than he was then, I'm pretty careful about what I lift and how I do it.  Best wishes on any pending surgery!
"I'm as healthy as I ever was, I just go to the doctor more often".  - one of my retired buddies

Offline fooman

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Re: any experience with back surgery?
« Reply #5 on: Jun 17, 2006, 05:25 PM »
Had the same problem 6 years ago and Dr wanted to take the disc out and fuse it together.I had a 2nd opinion and that Dr suggested a Laminectomy(sp)(just taking the part of the disc out hitting my nerve)That is what I had done and when I woke up I felt 100% better and went back to work.Dr. told me if I went back doing the same job (heavy lifting) he would see me in a couple of years.Well its been 6 years and now I'm having terrible back pain.Doing therapy,had 3 injections ,no relief.Now its time for the fusion.A couple of guys I know have had fusions in the last year and they are doing great.They say the newer techniques are alot more pain-free and less complicated.I'm glad I had the laminectomy 1st and bought some time to spend playing with my daughter.I know what your going through and wish you luck.

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Re: any experience with back surgery?
« Reply #6 on: Jun 20, 2006, 05:49 PM »
I just had 3 discs taken out my neck and they where fused. Also they added a plate two rods and 16 screws to hold it all together. I have no more pain in my arm and neck but some limited mobility in my neck. The best of luck to you. Swede

Offline fooman

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Re: any experience with back surgery?
« Reply #7 on: Jun 22, 2006, 01:01 PM »
Let us know how everything works out for you.I'm holding mine off for a few more weeks but will let you know what happens afterwards.

Offline Swede

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Re: any experience with back surgery?
« Reply #8 on: Jun 27, 2006, 02:04 PM »
Well, the Doc suggested surgery. I am waiting for a deeper MRI and then a time to go into surgery. Just cant seem to get the nerve going down leg to get any smaller, no matter what I do. Nerve swelled to 3 times the size as the one on my right. So, I have given in and will opt for the surgery. Fussion or the other one, or both, I don't know yet. I pray for the day when I wake up and I don't feel like I got a Mack truck parked on leg. I feel more confident in the surgery after reading some posts here and hearing that it has advanced a lot. Be sure and tell me how yours goes, thanks for the replies and sharing your experiences.

Offline C.C.

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Re: any experience with back surgery?
« Reply #9 on: Jun 27, 2006, 02:47 PM »
Good luck with the operation Swede. Make sure to let us know how thing's turn out.

Offline Swede

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Re: any experience with back surgery?
« Reply #10 on: Jul 12, 2006, 09:22 PM »
I got to the part where you said all was fine till your honeymoon and started laughing so hard it hurt my back... I thought you were going to say something else..

I had mine done a week ago. So far so good. It feels a lot better. I just got to heal up there and now my main problem seems to be where I tore all the ligaments in my hip.. hence, I now know why I have had such a pain in the arse! Doc says thats why I dropped. I got hit with a double whammy. back and the hip, chocking off that nerve.

I do think I am on the mend now. Thank God. Hopefully when the ice freezes over I will be rearing and ready to go.

Offline C.C.

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Re: any experience with back surgery?
« Reply #11 on: Jul 13, 2006, 06:36 AM »
Glad to know that your on the mend Swede. Keep us posted as to how your doing. As for Niffken's post, I was thinking the exact some thing that you were till he explained it then I felt bad for snikering, sorry Niffken.

Offline Mainedog

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Re: any experience with back surgery?
« Reply #12 on: Jul 22, 2006, 09:35 PM »
Hey Swede -
How are you doing?  I haven't been on IS for awhile.  Last time I posted, I mentioned I was undergoing some treatments for my herniated disks (L4,L5).  I had a very good 1st treatment of epidural steroids.  I feel better than I have felt in 10 years.  The second one didn't go so well.  I will try again in a couple weeks.  I so wanted the second treatment.  If it works half as good as the first, then they won't see me again (at least not for a several years).
Good Luck,


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Re: any experience with back surgery?
« Reply #13 on: Jul 23, 2006, 12:22 AM »
Just toughen up and never mind the whining or pics of your back Swede . Nobody will lay a knife to my back and trust me I have had my share of aches and pains with it and not being able to walk and barely even crawling at best  . Grin,groan and bear it . If your feeling the pain then your body will react to it and try and heal,,, but painkillers and surgery may give you some short term relief but doesn't give the body time to do what it has within it to do on its own . Do stretches even if they make you scream . ;)


Offline Swede

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Re: any experience with back surgery?
« Reply #14 on: Jul 23, 2006, 06:03 AM »
Well, you know Trapper - Sometimes the man eats the bar and sometimes the bar eats the man  ;) He just took a little chunk out of me thats all. Crawling in physical pain and crawling thru a divorce at the sametime ... I had to get my leg out of the trap without gnawing it off, you know what I mean...

Hey there Mainedog, They never even mentioned steroid injections to me. I hope that works out for you. I am getting around much better now. Still hard in the mornings but after a stretch , walk and getting going, it is now bearable throughout the day. I am on the mend I think. I go to physical therapy just so I can sit in the hot whirlpool, it seems to help. I know the operation was worth it, now I can deal with other things going on. I got to have patience, which I have never been to good at.

CC, Its getting better and I might even try and catch the bus down to the harbor and take the boat to some small fishing islands today. There is one small island off the coast here called, ulvon. Pretty place. Has one of the oldest churches here. Old little fishing church. Preserved from long ago. small wooden and the carvings are unreal. All you got to do is just sign your name and you can go in there and sit... I will see if the island has a website..

Offline fooman

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Re: any experience with back surgery?
« Reply #15 on: Jul 25, 2006, 10:13 PM »
Swede,glad to hear you doing better.I just had the Discogram a couple days ago.L5-S1 so degenerated they had a hard time getting neddle in the right place and the disc above has a tear in it.Now its time to shop around to find a compitent doctor who can get me back into the workforce.Wont be going back to work 10-12 hour days of heavy lifting.BTW I was in shape,not over weight and did stretches through-out the day but your body is not made to throw 50-80# boxes all day.I held off as long as possible(6 + months) with no relief but finally came to the conclusion that the only relief I'm going to get is from surgery.


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Re: any experience with back surgery?
« Reply #16 on: Jul 27, 2006, 03:26 AM »
Well even though I hate aches and pains posts and known to slam them.... I sympathize . BUT I will argue . Swede my friend,,,,,your telling me that a chunk of muscle taken out of your back makes you stronger lad . ??? . Painkillers and even talk of steroids from some . ???

CREATER put you here without tattoos etc . Just me Swede and no offense intended,,, but the human body does heal itself if you allow it too and trust me I been there,,,, but my personal feeling is to be tough and grin and grunt . ;) I'll out live you if I can but your not going anywhere ahead with painkillers or da knife . Personal opinion it is and I'll leave thread alone if you wish  .WAH wah if not  . ;D


Offline Swede

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Re: any experience with back surgery?
« Reply #17 on: Jul 27, 2006, 11:14 AM »
Well even though I hate aches and pains posts and known to slam them.... I sympathize . BUT I will argue . Swede my friend,,,,,your telling me that a chunk of muscle taken out of your back makes you stronger lad . ??? . Painkillers and even talk of steroids from some . ???

CREATER put you here without tattoos etc . Just me Swede and no offense intended,,, but the human body does heal itself if you allow it too and trust me I been there,,,, but my personal feeling is to be tough and grin and grunt . ;) I'll out live you if I can but your not going anywhere ahead with painkillers or da knife . Personal opinion it is and I'll leave thread alone if you wish  .WAH wah if not  . ;D


No wah wah here Trapper... I may of had surgery on my back, but - I'm still a pretty big boy. Hells Bells Trap, when have I ever said anything about being tuffer :flex: I ain't out to be no heman or lookin for a tattoo either. Ya ole mule skinner you...  :cookoo:


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Re: any experience with back surgery?
« Reply #18 on: Jul 27, 2006, 09:42 PM »



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