Author Topic: Karma and Racism  (Read 950 times)

Offline swampy45

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Karma and Racism
« on: Mar 31, 2014, 01:07 PM »
First things first, I live in Canada, I understand we are a multicultural society, and I am not racist by any means but...

I went fishing today. And it was going to be a good day. Packed light, just my car, auger, two marmish rods, wire worms, maggots and coffee. I headed out  to Lac Ste Anne, looking to catch myself a few last day whitefish. I got out to the lake, and picked my spot, and drilled a hole right beside my car as I planned to fish right from my seat with just a blanket over my head to see as I was only fishing about 3-4 feet deep. As soon as I was set up a minivan came and parked about 50 feet away, and every seat was full. Out piled 8 Asians. No big deal, i kind of laughed, and went back to fishing. They drilled what seemed like a ton of holes (wasn't watching) and set up fishing. I went to have a sip of coffee and look and they had  a huge tent set up and there was only one guy outside drilling holes still. And he kept getting closer with his auger. Getting annoyed I covered my head back up and went back to fishing. Another hole he drilled. And another. And another. And he was getting very VERY close. All of a sudden he started drilling another hole, and he was so close to me sitting in the seat of my car with my door open that the wind was throwing snow and ice into me. I threw the blanket off and he was less than 10 feet away. I started yelling at him and just got a blank stare. Then he continued to drill his hole. Even my dog was looking at him like he was retarded. I got up, walked the three steps too him and he just stated at me. I exploded. Couldn't handle it. How rude can you be? Do you need to fish ten feet away?!

Then the karma...

The wind decided this would be a perfect time to send their tent flying off their "holes" and send it tumbling across the lake. What I had missed while they were setting up was that they had drilled about a dozen holes side by side and had a huge hole in the middle of the tent. And there were seven Asians looking at me, three with long lines and big thin hooks all the way down it, three with a ten gallon pail of what I assume was chum of some sort, and the other started after the tent. Well since I was already in a half a rage I just pulled out my phone and called fish and wildlife. Explained what I was watching. Know what my answer was "we'll see about looking into it"


These idiots are out baiting and snagging sportfish (with or without licenses, I don't care), and you're going to "look into it"?!

I packed my gear and headed home almost in tears I was so angry.

We wonder why fishing sucks now, why things are getting more expensive an more lakes are being closed, smaller catch limits on species. This is why.

I'm gonna go beat the crap out of a pillow now...
coffee- do stupid things faster, with more energy.

Offline swampy45

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Re: Karma and Racism
« Reply #1 on: Mar 31, 2014, 01:31 PM »
Thinking on it now I probably should have taken some pictures, but I was so angry I just wanted to get the heck out of there.
coffee- do stupid things faster, with more energy.

Offline fishermantim

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Re: Karma and Racism
« Reply #2 on: Mar 31, 2014, 02:03 PM »
Maybe you could have helped drilling many more holes all around their vehicle?
Nah, 'cause then the bad karma would come after you instead.

I would like to verify their license situation beforehand, and no, I don't mean driving ones!

I wonder how much yelling they would do if you did start drilling?

Keep in mind my response is driven ONLY by the fact that the people/person chose to invade your person comfort zone, be it your "personal ice fishing space".
I know, I know, you don't own a particular spot on the ice, but I'm talking about proximity and not the ice.

Heck, maybe you should have started using their holes to fish?
Maybe that was their intention? (Probably not, but let's give them the benfit of a doubt.)
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Offline swampy45

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Re: Karma and Racism
« Reply #3 on: Mar 31, 2014, 02:19 PM »
SRD has been nothing but problems to deal with as well. What a nightmare. I thought about drilling a few "extra" holes for them right around the minivan.
coffee- do stupid things faster, with more energy.

Offline clayton

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Re: Karma and Racism
« Reply #4 on: Mar 31, 2014, 09:53 PM »
I find it very frustrating when you try to report a poacher and nothing is done about it. You see the signs and stickers but you get very little result.
This past hunting season my best friend watched two guys take down a deer from their truck on the road and aiming 50 yards in front of his blind and when it took off they left it. My buddy then talked to them like it was nothing and they admitted to doing it often. After a big fake laugh he called fish and feathers. They showed up said he had no proof(snow on ground and no foot prints into bush = very clear proof)told the guys to retrieve it and left. They never retrieved it, he found it a couple days later just a tiny one too.
If the rules are there they need to be enforced EVERY TIME not when it's convenient.
The set up you described seems pretty elaborate and planned out so obviously not the first or last time. If that doesn't get F&G out with the lights flashing what will?  >:(
Don't Litter Or I'll Know Where You Fish

Offline Shrubs

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Re: Karma and Racism
« Reply #5 on: Mar 31, 2014, 10:24 PM »
            There is poachers in all walks of life.  Sucks that it ruined your day but keep reporting if you can.  There is a lake that I frequent for trout in the spring that is really bad for local poachers (none of any visible minority so to speak).  I'll admit that I don't always report for every little thing, but have no problem confronting people.  One group I ran into however was just plain proud to poach it seemed.  Loved to keep over the limit, use bait with a bait ban etc. and would be confrontational when confronted.

            I reported them and it was frustrating as nothing seemed to happen but one day was out fishing at this lake and was talking to another guy that fished the lake a bit and the topic turned to poaching.  I mentioned this group of people and instantly he knew who I was talking about.  According to him this group of people ended up getting busted as there were more than one complaint.  Since that time period I have yet to see them out fishing there.

            Definately understand the frustration but hopefully it will work out just keep at the reporting.  I've had some lengthy conversations with fish and wildlife officers in the last couple years and it's crazy some of the areas one or two guys have to cover with all the budget cuts.  The squeaky wheel gets the grease.


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