Author Topic: my favorite chicken wings  (Read 984 times)

Offline gooseblaster49707

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my favorite chicken wings
« on: Feb 09, 2011, 06:00 PM »
here's a killer recepie for you
chicken wings. less waste with the ''drummies'' or ''winglets''. 2 1/2# minimum.
one bottle of cheap margarita mix.
real butter - salted or unsalted - not margarine! 1 stick minimum.
brown sugar 1/4 cup minimum.
chipolte hot sauce 1/4 cup minimum. 
ta-kill-yaa (optional)  tequila.
wash and dry the chicken.   
place in a ziplock baggie. add margarita mix to cover. remove as much air from the bag as you can. seal and place baggie into another bowl or container in case of leaks.  save any extra margarita mix for later.
refridgerate at least overnight. 24 hours won't hurt a thing. mix the contents inside the bag (rotate bag and kneed) a few times to get a good even flavor.
when you are ready to cook, drain and save the margarita mix. use a strainer to catch the wings and let the juice/mix go into a pot.  you'll use it soon.
grill the wings until almost done. brown in a fry pan if you can't grill. deep frying or too much oil at this point will suck the margarita mix out of the meat.
place in an uncovered cake pan. glass or pyrex is best. metal reacts to the acid in the margarita mix and gives you a ''tinny'' flavor.    place in the oven on warm.
bring the pot of used margarita mix (maranade) to a boil and reduce by 1/2.    if you started with 2 cups, you want 1 cup to be reduced by half.    you can add any remaining margarita mix you saved from the bottle before you start.  keep stirring the pot or it will scorch.  just get half the water cooked out of the pot. boiling is supposed to kill any bacteria from the raw chicken. 
add the butter, brown sugar and hot sauce. keep boiling and stirring so it doesn't burn.   you are making a thin glaze here.    when it's as thick as maple syrup add the tequlia if you are going to and shut off the heat.
pour mixture over the wings you have in the baking dish and turn the oven up to 325. finish cooking uncovered (10-20 minutes). keep an eye on things so it don't burn.  the glaze mixture will get thicker and darker in the oven as more of the water cooks off.   
add more or less hot sauce as you want.  you can use honey instead of brown sugar.   this works well with chicken breast or pork cut into chunks about the size of the chicken wings.

Offline Duneman101

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Re: my favorite chicken wings
« Reply #1 on: Feb 10, 2011, 11:44 AM »
these do sound good, i love wings and i love margarita's!


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