's Ice Fishing Community

Canada => Ice Fishing Quebec => Topic started by: bestoned on Feb 18, 2012, 03:16 PM

Title: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: bestoned on Feb 18, 2012, 03:16 PM
Fishing is good this year. Low tide is the best went out last night and in 8 hours with 5 people in the shack we caught 3 Atlantic cod 4lbs and up, 4 Greenland halibut 6lbs and up and 3 Redfish.
340 feet of water using smelt and jigs every 25 feet up to 225.
Here are some of our catches

Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: bestoned on Feb 18, 2012, 04:00 PM
Forgot also caught a one of these but don't know the english name
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: dabluz on Feb 18, 2012, 09:31 PM
The last one is a spiny ray.
Yesterday, I fished in the Grande Baie area....upstream from you.  I caught a nice Atlantic cod of about 7 or 8 lbs, 1 sebaste (ocean perch), 1 spiny ray, a 8 inch eelpout and a 6 inch fish that is all soft and almost transparent.

Today..... absolutely nothing except 2 of those 6 inch soft transparent fish.

I haven't seen a Greenland halibut in quite a few years.  They were very common about 35 years ago.
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: bestoned on Feb 18, 2012, 10:34 PM
Caught 8 Greenland halibut last year 28 cod and 5 redfish, and this year is good also.  Redfish are biting all the time and Cod, so is Greenland halibut . My friend caught a 23 pound cod last week. :o Out of his shanty he has got a total of 59 cod around 30 Halibut and about 40 redfish so far. (he fishes,sleeps,eats ect... every day and there is always a bunch of people fishing with him)  ;D No he does not poach!!!! Here is the math for fun  :)   he has been fishing about 30 days now at 5 fish per 24 hour period (limit) that gives a total of 150 fish allowed so far and he is about at 129. the 129 includes the geust catches and his family members catches (he has got 4 brother 1 sister  lolll)
sebaste is called redfish   ;D
The transparent fish is a Careproctus longipinnis  (Longfin snailfish) or more commonly called  jello fish  :tipup:(
How are you fishing (what methode)? I use a 3 1/2 once jig at bottom always at least 10 feet from bottom and every 25 feet i put a plastic jig  for a total of 8 plastic jigs bought at accomodation des 21 (re-tie the jigs, the way they tie them they break off all the time) you will see a big difference in the number of catches!
If you want to catch more Greenland halibut and Cod come to l'anse i can almost promise you will catch some even limit out. Only thing don't fish in the rental area! No good go in the middle of the bay you will see there is another section of shantys.
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: bestoned on Feb 18, 2012, 11:24 PM
Forgot to say I am going back out on tuesday. If you want to come your welcome, Bring a portable and set up beside us. Won't cost you a thing! I will be in the most far out shanty to the right of the non rental section. Go down the ice bridge follow the path til there is a path that goes left, go to the end of that and follow path that goes right. Not hard to find there is a little homemade portable blue shanty with slide out in front of it.
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: bestoned on Feb 19, 2012, 04:18 PM
Oh no big problem. Meeting in the parking lot shantys may have to be removed by tommorow lots of cars stuck on ice its a swamp out there and high temps all week!  Damm!!!!!! :-\
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: steven girard on Feb 20, 2012, 04:49 PM
Nice Fishes!

Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: bestoned on Feb 20, 2012, 05:28 PM
Thanks Steven

Update on ice conditions. No more vehicles can drive on ice, Some are still stuck there. Tomorrow they will plow the ice road and get remaining cars out. Friday ice shantys are out also!
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: steven girard on Feb 20, 2012, 07:21 PM
Think you're gonna need Mikefix's project to still fishing!  :(
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: dabluz on Feb 20, 2012, 10:02 PM
Forgot to say I am going back out on tuesday. If you want to come your welcome, Bring a portable and set up beside us. Won't cost you a thing! I will be in the most far out shanty to the right of the non rental section. Go down the ice bridge follow the path til there is a path that goes left, go to the end of that and follow path that goes right. Not hard to find there is a little homemade portable blue shanty with slide out in front of it.

I guess I will have to wait until next year.  I do plan to go.

How far do I have to go if I decide to go on foot?
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: bestoned on Feb 20, 2012, 11:15 PM
Steven that is hilarious!  want one right away !!!!  lol

Dabluz on foot takes about 10 minutes max. I am still going, I did it on foot friday i can do it again just this time im wearing my insulated rubber boots and not my sorels   lolll
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: bestoned on Feb 23, 2012, 02:11 AM
All seems to be back on track weather is cooperating so season continues.
Went out today. This I'm going to write in french so far i'm sure the people commenting will understand.

Un résumé en bref! Une morue (ca commence bien), 3 Turbo (pourquoi pas,) 2 Sébaste (super), une Limace ou jello fish (j’en veux pas), tout a coups mon partenaire ca mords il commence à remonter et moi aussi ca mords. Je ferre et commence à remonter tout un coup oh non ma ligne viens tout molle toute a casser. Mon partenaire sort une autre morue.
Une heure âpres je suis tout réinstaller et je remets a l’eau mes j’ai perdu pour 20$ d’équipement. Ont pèche une autre 1 :30 et décidons de partir. Je remonte et sert ma canne. A sont tour il commence à remonter et aux bout de 25 pieds il me dits qu’il sent des coups et ca ce mets à tirer. Ont monte et ont monte mes rien sur ca ligne, rendu a sont poison nageur ont remarque un corde jaune tout emmêler âpres ca linge. Je commence donc à remonter et que je ne vois pas sortir tout mes gréements et sur mon poison nageur un beau et gros turbo. Yes fish on !!!!   Je saute de joie. Photo de preuve a l’appui à venir demain !

Je retourne demain ces sur!!!!!!     :o

Damm il a effacer la photo! dommage.
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: bestoned on Feb 23, 2012, 09:55 AM
dabluz  last picture was just for you!!!   lolll    Just kidding but my taught at the moment was Tabarnak!!!!
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: dabluz on Feb 23, 2012, 09:17 PM
Ça me tente en maudit d'aller faire un tour à Anse St-Jean.  Probablement samedi (après demain).

Est-ce qu'on peut embarquer avec nos véhicules?  Avez-vous besoin des petits éperlans comme appât?  J'en ai en masse que je peut vous donner.  Les éperlans sont entre 3 à 4 1/2 pouces de long.  Ok....les 3 pouces, je les garde pour  J'ai de la misère a attraper les très petits éperlans cette année.  Ceux qui mange les éperlans s'en plaint pas.

Est-ce qu'il y a beaucoup de trous libres ou des vieux trous que je pourrait ré-ouvrir avec une tranche.  Je ne suis pas bien équipé pour percer des nouveaux trous.
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: bestoned on Feb 24, 2012, 01:48 AM
Dabluz Samedi ces parfait en plus il y'as un tournoi aux coups de 5$ avec de beau prix. En char ca ce rends mes moi personnellement je laisse mon auto sur le bord du chemin car ils sont Ruff et je n’ai pas envie de rester pris la!  Oui ont pèche a l’éperlan ont coupe en deux ou trois selon la grosseur aux pire j'ai un sac de 320 et un autre de 200 a peu prés je peux t'en donner. Pour les trous aucun problème ont viens d'en faire 4 dehors à coter de nous et ont peut même en faire pour toi si tu pèche dans notre secteur a la tranche a gaz!
As-tu un abri portative car il a souvent du vent et ca deviens froids. Aujourd’hui seulement rester une heure dehors et geler de partout.

Oublie pas pour garantir beaucoup de capture ca te prends 6 de ceci ( ils les vendent chez 21 déjà monter sur hameçon, de plus cette couleur et très bonne. Et un poison nageur comme ceci ( 2 onces
Dernièrement 6 très petit émerillon pour fixe a la ligne.

Finalement voici une prise de ce soir attrapé sur ma canne par mon ami juste pour te donner encore plus envie de venir!
Si tu vien suis mes instruction plus haut pour etre pres de nous.
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: steven girard on Feb 24, 2012, 07:11 PM
Si les sacs de 320 et 200 sont des sacs d'éperlans,,fait gaffe et efface ça..tu as le droit d'en avoir seulement 120 en ta possession en mème temps chez toi ou ailleur! ;)
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: dabluz on Feb 24, 2012, 08:15 PM
Ok....demain je sera là.  J'ai une grosse question....c'est quoi la profondeur?  Je n'ai pas de problème pour pêcher jusqu'à 300 pieds de profond....à partir de là, il se peut que j'ai des problèmes.  Je vais apporter une bobine de mono de 20 lbs test pour mettre au bout de ma ligne tressée en cas.  J'ai 4 cannes.  J'ai aussi une trentaine de petits éperlans que j'ai attrapé cette après midi.  Je ne les fait même pas geler.

Oui....j'ai une hutte portative et tout le tra la la.  Juste ma perceuse qui ne va pas bien.

Comment je vais faire pour reconaitre votre cabane?
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: dabluz on Feb 24, 2012, 11:39 PM
Pas besoin de répondre aux questions, j'ai relu tous les messages et tout est bien expliqué.
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: bestoned on Feb 25, 2012, 02:49 AM
Fais toi en pas ces du poisson appat! (pas pour la consomation) J'oserais meme pas i gouter et J'en traine jamais ce montant la! Et la ou je reste bonne chance de me trouver (chu en plien milieu du bois) de plus je ne les garde jamais chez moi ou dans un de mes batiments!

245 pieds d'eau exactement aux sonar. 
Par contre il ce peut que j'arrive un petit peu plus tard car avec cette niege je vais devoir souffler demain matin. (Deja 2 pieds 1/2 dans ma cour) J'ai sortie de la glace a 2:30 du mat et yavais de la niege en maudits et ils sont pas fort fort sur le grattage cette annee a l'anse.
Si Je ne suis pas encore arriver tu parleras a Jerome (il couche la ce soir) dis lui que ces Steve qui t'as envoyer. Je lui ai deja mentioner que tu venais! Je lui ai dits que tu et une connaisance du net!
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: dabluz on Feb 25, 2012, 11:16 PM
Désolé ne me suis pas rendu à ta cabane.  Je me suis stationné près de quai et j'ai pris le sentier qui ménait aux cabanes a louer.  Ensuite, je me suis rendu à la droite vers 2 cabanes bleu qui se trouvaient au bout du village.  Je jetté un coup d'oeil aux alentours et complètement à l'autre bout, j'ai vue une cabane bleu qui était probablement la tienne.  En fait, il y avait personne je crois.  J'ai monté ma petite hutte portative noir.  Il y avait 3 trous qui m'ont pris que 2 minutes a réouvrir.  Des grands de 10 pouces.  J'ai quitté ce soir vers 6:30 avec une belle morue, un sébaste.  J'ai aussi capturé 2 raie épineuses, une petite lycode et un  gros crabe des neiges.  J'ai eu de la misère a le passer dans le trou qui était en fait 2 trous de 8 pouces reliés ensembles.
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: bestoned on Feb 26, 2012, 01:03 AM
Dabluz j'ai bien vue ou tu etais!  Non tu n'etais pas dans le bon secteur du tout Fallait prendre la fourche vers la gauche (mi chemin apres la descente) et cetait la cabane le plus aux large vers la droite!  Ma faute j'avais fais une erreur javais dits a droite et cetait a gauche mes j'avais specifier dans le milieu de la baie. Nous etions 6 assise dehors toute l'apres midi. Je t'ai meme vue te tenir debout devant ta petite hutte portative noir. avant la fermeture du concours un couple d'amie ont attraper 2 turbo, un sebaste, une oggac, et une saida. Ils ont meme remporte 125$ pour plus gros turbot et plus petit turbo. Moi par contre c'est quands je suis entre en dedans que j'ai attraper celui si.
4 lbs plus gros que celui du plus gros turbo de mes amie! Mes que veut tu concours terminer!
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: steven girard on Feb 26, 2012, 06:07 AM
Nice Fish!  :tipup:
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: bestoned on Feb 26, 2012, 02:02 PM
Thanks Steven!  My biggest Halibut this year.
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: steven girard on Feb 26, 2012, 02:40 PM
I got a entire smoked one here in my freezer! Gonna see what it taste!  ;)
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: dabluz on Feb 26, 2012, 08:52 PM
Thanks Steven!  My biggest Halibut this year.

My Atlantic cod was maybe large enough to win a prize but I caught it after the tournament ended.  Maybe the snow crab would have won something for being the weirdest fish caught that day.

Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: bestoned on Feb 26, 2012, 09:24 PM
Dabluz snow crab is ilegal to catch!   ;D
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: dabluz on Feb 27, 2012, 11:29 PM
I know....I put it back.  But it sure showed me how sensitive Fireline can be.  I could feel it nibbling on my bait and when I struck hard, I could feel the extra weight on the line.
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: bestoned on Mar 01, 2012, 06:29 PM
Well guys season is over in Anse st jean the association does not want to plow anymore so everybody get off the ice!!!!  Why am i not supprised?   :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: The Cod Father on Mar 08, 2012, 11:07 AM
Wow that is very cool
we don't have anything like that out west here
I might have to consider a trip out there
What are your guys season dates and licence fees for Non residents
Or does anybody have a link to your Regs
And where would the closest lodging be
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: steven girard on Mar 08, 2012, 06:19 PM
Hi! , You're able to have a 1day or three days  non-resident liscence (around 13-20$)

The season always depend of the ice(security) so never open or close at the same dates.

Here's a link for lodging!
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: dabluz on Mar 08, 2012, 10:01 PM
Wow that is very cool
we don't have anything like that out west here
I might have to consider a trip out there
What are your guys season dates and licence fees for Non residents
Or does anybody have a link to your Regs
And where would the closest lodging be

If you do come, send me a message and I will be there too, to show you the ropes.  It's always nice to be able to do something different or go somewhere a bit exotic but often the first trip turns into a disaster because of unforeseen circumstances like; equipment, bait, not getting exactly what you expect, language, where to go, what to do, etc etc.
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: The Cod Father on Mar 08, 2012, 10:52 PM
That would be great
Whats a safe time to book out there Mid January to Mid Febuary
Pending I guess if its a normal winter?
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: bestoned on Mar 09, 2012, 04:32 PM
This information is for both Steven and The Cod Father. First there is no license needed federal rules apply for salt water fishing (not provincial regulation!)
The Cod Father:
Best time to come is anywhere from mid January (as long as ice is at least 12 inches thick), to end of Febuary (official closing date is march 6th but depending on association dates change).
And when you do decide to come contact me it will be a pleasure for me to lodge you and show you the ropes shanty included. Dabluz sorry but my pictures speak my results for them selves( I limit out almost every day)!!!   ;D   just bugging you!
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: steven girard on Mar 09, 2012, 07:20 PM
Bestoned,,this information is for resident, not for no-resident!
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: bestoned on Mar 10, 2012, 12:37 AM
Steven The act says :Ice fishing in shallow water on the Saguenay or on other lakes and rivers in Québec is regulated by the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune du Québec.
245 feet is not shallow water.(Shallow water:Water of such a depth that bottom topography affects surface waves.) I have been a diver for 15 years now and after a 10 foot depth waves are not felt so anything below that will not interfear with waves.

Then it says:
Ice fishing for groundfish is a winter recreational fishery that is practiced without a licence. You must, however, comply with the regulations in force regarding not only the number of fish caught and the permitted species but also the authorized fishing techniques.

Quota: Each person may catch and keep 5 fish per day, all species combined. Atlantic halibut, Greenland sharks, northern wolffish, Atlantic wolffish, spotted wolffish, molluscs and crustaceans must immediately be returned to the water. 

Where does it say a license is needed?

I have been fishing in the sageunay, summer as well as winter for over 29 years now and never once have i been asked for a license and Dabluz can probably confirm this as well (this only applies to ground fish and capelin).

This year the was an agent from Fisheries and Oceans Canada  there almost every day because a fisherman in La Baie area was caught with around 50 redfish in his possesion
and not once was i asked for a license! I was of coarse asked to show my fish every time to make sure i was not over limit and also was told that if we did them in fillets we had to do them butterfly style and leave all the skin not like the old rule of skin the size of a quarter which i already knew.

Here is a little video of an agent doing a summer intervention (limits not the same) you will clearly notice he never asks for a license.

If you are still not sure call this number they will also confirm what i am saying: 1-855-812-3255
And to close discussion read page 19 of this doccument it is this years association booklet rules are clear no permit needed and they don't say resident or none resident and let me explain why! It would kill the touriste economy!!!
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: steven girard on Mar 10, 2012, 04:43 PM
All i know it's  in zone 21... So in St-Laurent river, part of zone 21 all Quebec residents dont need a liscence but every non-resident need's regulated by the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune du Québec. I'm guiding here and they advised us about non-residents....maybe they're a special law for your place....maybe!
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: bestoned on Mar 10, 2012, 05:05 PM
Yes Steven it is different it is salt water fishing. Salt water in the st lawrence stops between la malbaie a montmagny approximatly them becomes fresh water. Anywhere from st simeon to baiecommeau on north side and rivier du loup all the way around la gaspesie  on south side no permit is needed in salt waters.
Oh and forgot to mention here it is zone 27 est but that still does not matter.  ;D

By the way if you watched the video of the officer take a good look at these pictures from about 10 years ago taken in st anne des monts look familliar?

I sure do think so  lolllllllllllllllll   :tipup:
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: steven girard on Mar 10, 2012, 06:01 PM
Thank cause i was not knowing about in 21 we dont need licence..but non resident have to get one..
Title: Re: Fishing at Anse St Jean in Sageunay fjord
Post by: bestoned on Mar 10, 2012, 06:19 PM
Steven: However, this licence is not required when fishing in a park managed by Parks Canada. We are fishing in the park marin du sageunay. :)   But still that has no incedence on ice fishing since it is still of canadian jurisdiction since it is salt water.