Author Topic: First fish of 2024  (Read 3349 times)

Offline zcm_82

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Re: First fish of 2024
« Reply #30 on: Jan 26, 2024, 08:57 AM »
I got out again yesterday... fished the same pond, same holes since they were still wide open from Wednesday  ;D The fishing was slow and 1/3 of the shoreline had open water. Sheet was about 6" with standing water puddles all over.

I'm gonna see if I can push my luck one last time this afternoon, but doubt I'll find a solid enough spot to walk out onto thicker ice. It rained quite a bit here last night.

Offline zcm_82

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Re: First fish of 2024
« Reply #31 on: Jan 27, 2024, 08:23 AM »
Got my feet wet, but I did make it on for one last hurrah yesterday after work. Open water about 75% of the way round the shoreline and mush the other 25%. The ice was about 4.5-5" and soft... all the water had drained off the top. You'd be swimming out there today, because it rained some more last night.

I sat about 90 minutes and ended up catching about 10 gills, pretty much all dinks but one. They were stuck tight to the bottom, never even got a single bite more than 6" or so off it.

Got all my stuff put back in the garage when I got home, but still close to the door, just in case we get a February 2nd round freeze up.

Offline Finaddict59

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Re: First fish of 2024
« Reply #32 on: Jan 31, 2024, 04:13 PM »
Got out twice locally, did quite poorly, first day, 2nd day did considerably better, which isnt saying much but better, then the rains came, and relentless they were, they closed the launch here in Morris , boil order in Kankakee, caught a break in the rain went back to the local spot, about 1 to 2”of water and slush on top, wasn’t having any thing to do with that mess talked with a guy, well talked to him after he tried going out, he bailed, said it was really spongy under him, I stuck it out cause I honestly thought I’d be tossing this dude my rope, but he didn’t venture very far🤣 maybe will catch a cold snap but it’s unlikely and the deeper we get into February it just won’t happen. Feb, March, wet months snowy and rainy, never have really been cold producing months, have some time left once again there’s always the road north and west who knows.

Offline zcm_82

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Re: First fish of 2024
« Reply #33 on: Feb 06, 2024, 07:47 AM »
Yeah, I got out 8 days last month, and it's not looking good this month at all.

That's 2 crappy seasons in a row; hopefully next year will be better  :'(

Offline MysidEaters

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Re: First fish of 2024
« Reply #34 on: Feb 08, 2024, 12:29 PM »
Yep - supper short season.  At least I got my son out with me and he had a blast just chipping holes and scooping ice and jigging rods (no bites).  But a few days later he said let's go ice fishing again, dad!  I'll take that as a win.  Unfortunately, the ice was already off so we couldn't.  Next year I said - and I think he's planning on it!

Offline zcm_82

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Re: First fish of 2024
« Reply #35 on: Feb 20, 2024, 05:44 AM »
Yeah, I'm gonna finally pack away all my ice gear today or tomorrow. I'd been hoping for a second round February freeze, but there is nothing even close to ice making weather in the 10 day forecast, so it's definitely over for the season here  :-\


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