Illinois > Ice Fishing Illinois

January weather predictions?

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Crystal lake had about 4-5 inches today.  27-28 people out there today.

Iceman Cometh:
Did you guys see the weather for next week?!!!!!-Finally-ICE!

Beleive it or not there were people out on Cystal lake a today!  But yes, next week looks like the first good week of temps!!!!!!!!

Woooooooooohoooooooooo ooo :o

Its about dam time for the ice lets all have a safe time out on the ice next week. Please remember if you are not going to eat it let it go. The fish you might not like to catch some little kid would love to catch. Just remember the smiles on their faces.

Iceman Cometh:
well put on both counts,blugill-one of my biggest pet peeves is fish left on the ice! One day last winter my father and I went behind HIS FRIENDS and picked up close to 80 blugill left on the ice! He was amazed and appalled at their behavior- I'd recently educated him on the fallacy of the old ways of "thinning" a lake out, so that fish won't become stunted in size- so he attempted to lay this line of reasoning on his friends and he heard the same old comments of "too many dinks in the lake". It's a very sad situation here in central il. I can speak from first hand experience- four of the six private lakes I have had permission to since I was 18(I'm now 37), have been cleaned competely out!


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