Ice Fishing Tips -Check your local regulations! > Trout

tips for catching large trout and salmon


dan moore:
What is the key for catching large winter trout and salmon?What hook size?What types of bait?Where on the lake?depth?time?

I already know about pike fishing,but I need to know about trout and salmon.I live in MASSACHUSETTS.

Dan  the next post(New England trout tips) will give you some excellent reference points,here are a couple I use:

Fish very shallow along the shore-2ft or less-using small shiners just off the bottom or jigging a small swedwish pimple or little cleo always using Light Line!

Drill a number of holes along the shoreline-2ft or less-deposit 4-5 salmon egg in each hole. Wait 20 -30 min and check (QUIETLY) the holes to see if any of the eggs are missing; if so - set trap baited with eggs or set up jig stick with eggs in that(!) hole.

Salmon-Massachusetts(excess salmon stocked by F&G in selected lakes) I've caught a few of these -Forest Lake,Comet pond,Whites pond,Baddacook- using a 3-4 in. shiner set 1/3 down over the water your fishing(ex: 12ft set at 4ft.) and a #1 chart spinner attached 6-8 in. up from the hook. Keep away from your salmon holes, they seem to be very noise sensitive

I hope these ideas help  -  See you ON THE ICE!


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