New Jersey > Ice Fishing New Jersey

Round Valley


Just to reminisce:
I remember around ©1982 the ice was there. (GOD I'm getting old!) I drove there without any ice fishing stuff at all, and that includes experience. The entire lake, and every engine block within 100 miles, was frozen. I saw some comotion out in the middle of the lake and decided to walk out there. After about 1.5 miles I got to the International Ice Boat Race. There were at least two 14 wheel trucks filled with television camera crews and equipment, and 20 ice boats, and it was a whole city out there. After a few minutes I decided to run back to the west, at full speed. What a wild feeling, so free, so frozen, but I was fine, just running without friction, or age, for more than a mile, then AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!, a Skidding Halt!   I stopped within 6 inches of a wide open crack about 3-4 feet wide. I was only about 2 feet wide back then, so it was extreme danger. But I survived to get a few small Lakers through the ice some years later and maybe I'll get some nice Browns some day. I just think of all those people who call me fat now and think about that crack. I will not fall through now, I can venture safely!!!


I have heard that at the reservoirs (RVR and Spruce Run), if they draw the water down during the winter, it can create air pockets under the ice that are weak spots.

Is that true?

I do well at RVR in open water and would like to give it a try in the winter.



That is very true RJP.  The main reason Round Valley is so dangerous is that you may have safe ice but when they drain it there is space beneath it. 

Again on the really cold winters you can ice fish there ... but id be careful and watch to see if there are other peeps there too. 


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