Ice Fishing Tips -Check your local regulations! > Bluegill

Any info for bluegill fishin.

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When bluegill and perch fishing do they stay in supended water rather then on the bottom generally?  if u are fishing in 20 ft of water are they at 19ft or 15ft during mid-ice fishing season?  Or does it determine on the lake.

I have to agree with fish247. It would all depend upon the body of water you are fishing. Shallow water is a broad term. In my home lakes in Braidwood Il, I fish old strip mines. These lakes will drop off almost immediately. Shallow water would be considered 10-15' of water. The weeds will extend to the deep edge of 15'. Bluegills will relate to some sort of structure. Find structure & you will find fish. I fish alot of fallen timber all year & will normally produce. If no fish in timber weed edges, sunken humps or islands or deep points are worth a look. Sometimes finding the deepest water will produce. My point is,after all this, I try to go out with a game plan. Knowing the body of water you are fishing is always ideal, but that is not always the case. If you find something that works, stick to it.    


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