Colorado > Ice Fishing Colorado



manual auger:
anyone catching any walleye or smallies at chatfield?

walleye wackin:
I was out there twice this weekend.  Fished off the dam, east of the outlet structure.  I watched one of the local guides catch some fish Saturday.  Tried those holes today and caught a few smallies, until we kind of got pushed out when he brought a new batch of clients out.  Didn't see them catch very much today, just glad I didn't pay $400 to go out and sit in a snow storm.  Caught a couple of small walleye of the road bed a few weeks ago, I think I should have tried there this weekend.

Good luck

manual auger:
How far east of the outlet structure/ how far out from the dam? what were you using? I was there the weekend before last and was fishing right in front of the tower and didnt have much luck. A couple trout.


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