Iowa > Ice Fishing Iowa

How the ice holding up aorund the Clinton Iowa area?


 I was back home icefishing with my son the week of the 21st. of last month. We had plenty of good ice in the backwaters then and did well considering the weather then. 
 I was just wondering hows the ice holding up the last couple of weeks?
I'm now living in West Virginia along the ohio river but have to travel 2hrs. north to find any safe fishable ice, I'm thinking about about making the long trip back in 2 weeks again because even in the central to southern part of ohio it's looking like our icefishing out this way might be done for the year. Any information would be greatly appreciated.   
 If you were wondering the icefishing for Saugeyes and Walleyes has been very spotty and generally poor because of excessive rains the 1st. part of the year, then muddy water in some lakes and falling water  levels, now more mild weather patterns again......What a poor year its been out this year compared to years past.

Iowa ice:
As far as I know the ice is terrible. The water came up alot with the thawwhich in turn pulled the ice away from the bank. If you can get onto the ice it's all right, but the water is really muddy. Water every where on top of the ice.

 Thanks a bunch for the reply Iowa ice.
 Muddy falling water usually means slow icefishing. As far as the ice pulling away from shore that's when I have had my best luck is during the ice out period in march. I just use a plank or a ladder from shore to good ice.
 I'm even feeling a little braver this year, because my wife got me a Mustang Survival suit for christmas, also carry the picks of life with me on shakey ice.
 If by any wild chance the water clears up or you get a refreeze do me a favor and post something about the ice and water clarity.
Again Thanks much.   


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