Maryland > Ice Fishing Maryland and West Virginia

Fishing Reports in Md


Fat Boy:
Since Maryland doesn't have a reports and conditions forum, I thought that we could at least follow the format that the other states are using, i.e. PA.  That way, when we do get our own forum with enough posts, it will look and work like the others...we can simply move the old lake posts to that forum!  I started by adding Deep Creek.

If anyone wants other lakes added, either PM or e-mail me which ones you'd like to see or perhaps you can add them yourself.

These can be useful over time to see trends, etc.  Here's some feedback from a post on the PA forum on the same subject:;action=display;threadid=5644


Kevin, I can make a reports and conditions forum for ma if you would like to take care of it. ;D


--- Quote from: Fat Boy on Dec 29, 2003, 04:19 PM ---Since Maryland doesn't have a reports and conditions forum, I thought that we could at least follow the format that the other states are using, i.e. PA.  That way, when we do get our own forum with enough posts, it will look and work like the others...we can simply move the old lake posts to that forum!  I started by adding Deep Creek.

If anyone wants other lakes added, either PM or e-mail me which ones you'd like to see or perhaps you can add them yourself.

These can be useful over time to see trends, etc.  Here's some feedback from a post on the PA forum on the same subject:;action=display;threadid=5644


--- End quote ---

Fat Boy:
Sure, I'll do it!   :)

Fat Boy:
Please post fishing reports and conditions on the Maryland Reports and Conditions page.

Thanks everyone! :D


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