Indiana > Ice Fishing Indiana

Potato Creek


Fished at potato Creek Wednesday and bite was slow. Thursday I got out just as snow was starting,caught a few dinks. Today I did keep a few but it is really sloppy out there. 4 inches of ice 2 inches water and 5 or 6 inches snow. But the ice seems to be holdig well where I was at. It was 4 inches yesterday also.  Be very careful out there.

crappie rob:
Resophonic, which part of the lake were you fishing. We used to do really well straight across from the boat rental in the standing timber!! C-ya Crappie Rob

Last 3 days been East of the nature center. 5 guys in front of nature center yesterday they didn't do well. Was on the west end wednesday but ice was not to good there are alot of springs back there and now to much snow for my liking . It's a long walk back there with all this snow. The sticks across fom the beach has not produced much last several years but I will Head over there before long. When you get right down to it there are no good places on the lake anymore but I still Like to fish it as it is close to home and I do know the lake. Just a few dink perch and bass this morning. I was the only one out there.


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