Montana > Ice Fishing Montana

Brown's Lake Report


Fished Brown's Lake on Sat. Ice is about 13" With 8" snow. At 12' just off the bottom with chartreuse glow jigheads, maggot-tipped, we had a few bites and fewer fish, but they were worth the wait! Check out the pic and fish on!


i c:
 :-*nice fish. ive been there two times this winter and havent caught anything except 1 sucker.fished from light till about 4 oclock, tried different depths, i just have bad luck at browns. ???

Great fish!  I lost the biggest fish I've had hooked all winter at Browns in December.  Rainbow that definitely topped 10 lbs., but I blew it gettin' him through the hole. 

Fished there twice this year with the same sort of luck. Back in Dec. lost a giant rainbow at the top of the hole, prolly the biggest fish of my 20 young years and the second time no luck. I dont mind not catchin alot of fish there though, after hookin that one and seein it at the hole i'll fish there again. NICE FISH!!!


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