Ice Fishing Tips -Check your local regulations! > Ice Fishing With Electronics

Marcum M5 sensitivity


Picked up a Marcum M5 last year but never got a chance to use it much until this season. I am really enjoying it, but notice that no matter what size of a lure or jig I use, it shows as 2 distinct lines. I am not sure if it is separating the knot on top with the hooks but it is odd. Are marcum  flashers  that sensitive to be able to pick up that much detail?  I was  using an ice 35 previously and never had this issue.

Adjust your gain until you can see just enough of the jig or lure and press the SFL button (Super Fine Line). It shouldn't show up as a big blob. I know the Marcum transducer is very sensitive. They have great target separation. It can pick up a small tungsten jig in 30 fow without having to adjust the gain too much. I know if I'm using a small spoon with a single hook tipped with bait it will show up as two lines.


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