New York > Ice Fishing New York

circle hooks?

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Has anyone tried circle hooks for icefishing? I was thinking of rigging some up this year with steel leads for the pike. Bad or good idea what do you think?

ive seen pics with circle hook for pike rigs bc it hold the bait well. it was in an infisherman mag

I started using circle hooks for perch last year....a higher percentage of hook-ups with them for sure and never swallowed the hook.  Hardest part is not setting the hook.  I also caught numerous pickeral and 3 northerns (biggest went almost 8 pounds) on my perch rigs with 4 pound leaders and circle hooks....only got bit off once.

Jack Hunter:
Funny you should ask...I just picked some up at Gander today.  I've had good luck with circle hooks fishing for trout.  When you put a bit of tension on the line during a run the hook goes right to the corner of the mouth and the fish all but sets the hook itself.  In short, I like 'em.


I used a few on my tip ups last year and they do tend to shallow them alot less . I like them alot ;D


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