Ice Fishing Tips -Check your local regulations! > Ice Fishing Live Baits and Plastics

Gulp Alive Minnow Head?


Need to stock up on some more plastics and I am looking for anybody's thoughts on the Gulp Alive Minnow Head. Is it really effective?

It seems to me a recently-deceased minnow head tipping a spoon's treble is a pretty unnatural presentation, and really just gets you the scent/taste of minnow to seal the deal. That said, I never thought a plastic imitating that unnatural look and using a synthetic taste would be effective. Wouldn't it be better to just add a liquid/gel scent to the spoon?

Also, while I'm on the subject of Gulp Alive, how are the 1" minnows? I know some swear by it, but I have had no luck with the TriggerX 1" minnow, which looks almost identical.

When I go to Canada I don't bother with live bait. I use gulp alive minnows and catch as many fish as I would fishing live bait. 


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