Maine > Ice Fishing Maine

Moosehead Lake Trip North

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--- Quote from: Moosekill on Mar 19, 2024, 06:38 AM ---Probably you knew this, and it matters very little to me, but only 1 togue 18" or longer per person is allowed on Moosehead.  Not saying you did anything wrong, just making sure you didn't get in trouble.

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Of course I know it, 5 fish 17"-17 3/4" and 2 fish over 18", one at 18 1/2" and one at 19". We each caught one fish a piece over 18". 


--- Quote from: nbourque on Mar 18, 2024, 02:28 AM ---Good report, Mark. Too bad you didn’t catch any brookies but sounds like the togue kept you busy. Def been a crazy winter.

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You know we were looking for that big brook trout money fish, just wasn't in the hand of cards we were dealt.

Good to hear from you nbourqe!

Fish Wayniac:
Sounds like a good Moosehead trip other than the first day. It was good that you went when you did. It was a short season . Thank you for your service and I know what you mean by being on foot lugging gear. I’m 58 and prefer my ATV or Skidoo if conditions are safe . I have been to Moosehead 4 times and have caught Togue, Salmon and Cusk. The Native Brook trout I have not been able to find. Maybe next year I can get my 5 buddies up there for a 3 day weekend . 🥶


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