Canada > Ice Fishing Ontario

Need help making a bait can


Does anyone have any instructions on how to make a chumming can that you drop down your spreader line ...once ther you give it a shake and it empties its contents ....thanks in advance.

U can do it quite easily. Take a soup can. Drill a couple small holes on the side near the bottom. Just enough to loop thru a Cooper wire or wire of some sort..Then CLip a fishing clasp onto that the clasp can attach to your line. You can also wire it so you can wire a bell sinker to the bottom for weight(Inside the can.) Drill a Hole in the bottom  of the can (small enough for the wire) Put the wire thru the bell sinker top part then Slide thru the bottom hole and make a knot or something to that effect so that the Bell sinker stays inplace inside the can.. ANyhow So once that is all done just DRop the can and contents clipped to your line down to the bottom. Ones its there gives it some shakes and pull her up. She will tip sideways becasue she is attached near the bottom of the Can make it topple quite easily. Really inexspensive and can be DOne in like 10 mins :> Good luck if your not sure what i mean please PM me. Tight lines!

Had one years ago and just couldn't picture it in my head ....building one now


--- Quote from: sudsy2 on Mar 04, 2005, 09:07 PM ---Does anyone have any instructions on how to make a chumming can that you drop down your spreader line ...once ther you give it a shake and it empties its contents ....thanks in advance.

--- End quote ---
Sudsy, go to this sight and look through the articles there. The bottom baiter is what you are looking for. Good instructions and a hand drawn pic, looks real easy. 


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