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Choosing the Correct Line for Ice Fishing


Thought this might be helpful to some.

Ten plus years ago...that information would've been useful...somewhat.  As since regurgitate marketing information often misleads consumers.  Example.  Monofilament = nylons, copolymers, fluorocarbon, perlon, ester material. 

Nowadays there are much more stuff and the actual lines have subtle differences that makes a difference for some people.

Gore fiber found in Sufix 832 Advance superbraid

Ester line used in some Monofiliments or Braids.

Braids with Fluororcarbon cores...

Fireline...which has always been a braid, thermal fused to a single line, but when worn out...will separate back into a loosely braided line.

The answer is not always so simple as which line is best, but which rod used on.  Much as the saying that braid on a noodle rod changes the effect of how one uses that noodle rod.

In my experience when ice fishing there is a big difference between thermal fused and woven braid, as he explained. Never really considered what a line was when it is worn out as all lines change when they are worn out and I change my line regularly.

I use sufix 832 for open and ice fishing, I havent run into any issues with it.

I really like the line and it's been good to me.

I use flouro or regular mono for leader. Flouro if I know there isn't s crazy structure around, mono for when a fish might take my line somewhere I dont want it to go.

Flouro primarily for ice though, weight depends on what fish I'm targeting


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