Colorado > Ice Fishing Colorado

Gross 1-12-08


Greetings     I hit Gross today and 3 words come to mind.

Fished from 7:30 to noon, had 3 good bites and landed one 15 inch Mac.  First fish of the year.

Ice was 7 inches thick and had little to no snow cover, so walking was scary and dangerous.  I forgot my cleats at home... DOOOH!  Slick bottom Sorels and my bum knee made walking a slow process.

Saw about 40 people out on the ice today, more than I have seen in years past.  The word is out, dang it.  Gone are the days of 4 to 5 people on the ice.  Guess everyone got tired of Antero.

Used to live up that way, boy many scary incidences on that reservoir. Good luck!


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